Edition #4 Meet The Authors (...

By BooksbyLwordpress

3.5K 505 225

Enjoy interviews from a wide range of Wattpad writers. Locate some similarities or differences, that you migh... More

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may 2019
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interview #2 @abald0204
interview #3 @Wimbug
interview #4 @JesskyaBradbury
interview #5 @TheMidnightBreeze
May 2019 mystery interview
interview #6 @MysticLady09
interview #7 @gracemark11
interview #8 @Amara_Rose
Interview #9 @josie321
interview #10 @AngelSanyal
interview #11 @Luna_Vaethenee
interview #12 @HereticWriters
interview #13 @Sardonicoptimist
interview #14 @nightravenxx
interview #15 @thornkat001
interview #16 @BookNerd1324
interview #17 @Aria_Blossom
interview #18 @SomethingLikeAGreen
interview #19 @MeAndI63
interview #20 @purplejeans
interview #21 @Haadiiiyah
interview #22 @molly_grace_s
interview #23 @ViolaMusaraj
interview #24 @BookGirlHP
interview #25 @LuckyandTheDoctor
interview #26 @Antionicha
interview #27 @BEHaynes
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interview #33 @_Rose63_
interview #34 @---Free---
interview #35 @Alegna2017
interview #36 @ManeetSurana
interview #37 @adelaroses
interview #38 @KlumsyKittyCat
interview #39 @KritiBhareja
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interview #43 @indirys
interview #44 @Galaxy_RP
interview #45 @Index_Writer
interview #46 @AfrathNawaz
Interview #47 @GMTSchuiling
summer 2019 issue
June 2019 issue
interview #1 @TiffanieFields
interview #2 @Gea105
interview #3 @Chido_10bell
interview #4 @aureliaheaven
interview #5 @ArieannaLeno
interview #6 @liveChic792
interview #7 @bestdora
interview #8 @Gabs604
interview #9 @FantasyBluejay
interview #10 @hottiesoftie
June Mystery 2019
interview #11 @almostpretentious
interview #12 @RachelChurcher
interview #13 @Cumberstone
interview #14 @QueenRed1021
interview #15 @WyPark02
interview #16 @Loyalbooklover
interview #18 @Sarahbeth552002
interview #19 @samxo93
interview #20 @Ashley_Camilla
interview #21 @rosavet
interview #22 @DarrenDean1
interview #23 @MayceeMouse
interview #24 @jazzabell_xox
interview #25 @_WordDreamer101
summer promotions and check ins
July 2019 issue
interview #1 @Cs3ng3
interview #2 @xmolz1497x
interview #3 @Aylentbeing0l
interview #4 @_caitlinemma
Interview #5 @alexandramar1e
Interview #6 @Fan_girl_07
interview #7 @ChelcieRayne
interview #8 @Emmyclair
interview #9 @KaitlinJackisch
interview #10 @Ellipsis167
interview #11 @darkwatersabove
interview 12 @blosscmqueen
interview 13 @ZebaAlmas
July 2019 mystery interview
interview 14 @EncryptedWriting
interview #15 @KatelynPersonRandom
interview #16 @littlemissgrey
interview #17 @SloSloth
interview #18 @angelapoppe
interview #19 @KyanaKnight
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interview #21 @ihavenowheretobe
interview #22 @UnderMySkin
interview #23 @MadelineCantRead
interview #24 @ShaunaMc
interview #25 @Gr3y_Mirror
interview #26 @FateofReckoning
interview #27 @thatwriterforbooks
interview #28 @CarrieFricke
interview #29 @Hashtagqueen9
Summer 2019 Q
August 2019
interview #1 @KimberlyTanithMarie
interview #2 @christian-h
interview #3 @Pizzaloverdude
interview #4 @Peachspit
interview #5 @biffyclyro82
interview #6 @buNNY4ever7
interview #7 @imawildflower-
interview #8 @EsraxBedir
interview #9 @Candlekitten
interview #10 @Nyhterides
August 2019 Mystery interview
interview #11 @MyImaginaryLove
interview #12 @WriterOnTheIsland
interview #13 @TillyB789
interview #14 @Traveler_lilly
interview #15 @sweetbabymix
interview #16 @ChisomVGC
interview #17 @jonnybionic
interview #18 @Katalinalitana
interview #19 @KeeperSquadWrites
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interview #24 @MitraMitra2
interview #25 @Spidersage
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interview #38 @lilgompas
interview #39 @Laliguptha
interview #40 @AKAButtercup
interview #41 @Ella_Wisteria
interview #42 @xxMarygoldxx
interview #43 @AnnanymousFangirl
interview #44 @skylarwoods319
interview #45 @WritingPromptQueen
interview #46 @shayla_x_lipyeat
interview #47 @EliasSpears7
interview #48 @aWriterWithDreamzz
interview #49 @cynthiahaddix2
interview #50 @thatblondreader
interview #51 @MyFairLady02
interview #52 @augie4realz
interview #53 @Myrrh_aa
interview #54 @sampitaa
interview #55 @GemaWrites
interview #56 @Hubrism
interview #57 @deadbeatValentines
September 2019
interview #1 @your_awkward_niqabi
interview #2 @AmyMarieZ
interview #3 @miramallows
interview #4 @FireAlwaysReturns
September mystery interview
interview #5 @Adventuregirl07
interview #6 @Fallensmiles
interview #7 @Cate5736
interview #8 @staymelanated
interview #9 @Mendes_Forever23
interview #10 @makayla_ED
interview #12 @kristelwrites
interview #13 @elusive_6788
interview #14 @Why_bother_1
interview #15 @autummmnnn
interview #16 @ragexian
Meet The Authors edition #4 is complete

interview #11 @TaylorBryant787

5 1 0
By BooksbyLwordpress

1 what inspired you to write?

I had gone through a pretty bad ordeal in high school, dealing with anxiety and depression, and I never gave thought to if these things happened to anyone else; I was too consumed with playing doctor and trying to fix it myself. That was wildly dangerous and irresponsible of me. So, I guess what really inspired me to write was finding out my younger cousin was going through the same issues and headed down the same road I was, so I had to stop her. That gave me this want to save every child, preteen, teenager (or even adult but children are more vulnerable) from these disorders. I wanted to get them to stop being embarrassed and talk about it, get proper help and end the stigma or it can in tragic circumstances if handled carelessly. I was always told I had a natural talent for writing and I thought it was fun escape to let loose and be creative, so I thought that was my best bet.

 2 what's the best way to handle a bully?

I, unbelievably, was never bullied in school; so I can't speak to that from experience. Although, I was once laughed at by a group of girl for my "punk rocker" clothes in eighth grade. They weren't my friends, so I wasn't really affected by it, but I just did not care what anyone thought. I loved my clothes, I thought I looked super cute and I knew those girls had their own personal issues, to be concerned with someone that we didn't even associate with each other, so I just absolutely did not feel any type of way about it...but I know that's easier said than done for most people. Plus, they're boyfriends liked it, which they told me on the playground, so maybe those girls should've tried it. I've never been one to care if people like me or not. BUT I have run into my fair share of bullies in adulthood. I'm pretty introverted, so I hate confrontation and my first instinct used to be to go tell on them and let someone else deal with it. But, within the past 2 years, I've really gotten better at defending myself and putting people in their place. People bully you when they think you're weaker than them and they can get away with it. You just have to let them know that you're not weak, don't tolerate that behavior and you are not the one. You'll see how fast they change their tune. I've actually become friends with some of my bullies because I put them in their place and we get that mutual respect going on. I feel like running to someone to protect you, unless the situation gets violent or something like that, is detrimental to your growth as a person.

 3 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

The messages or comments I get from people who are touched by my story, which I know sounds cheesy, but they get me pretty choked up sometimes. It makes all my work worth it because that's why I do it.

4 how would you spend a rainy day?

On the couch, under a pile of blankets, watching horrible lifetime movies...possibly with a bottle wine. That's my worst guilty pleasure, which my boyfriend always makes fun of me for, but he'll be the first one to freak out it if turn it off because he needs to know what happens.

 5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

That's a tough one because I'm really not into the whole "celeb" culture thing. They're just people. They don't have super powers, they aren't paying my bills, they aren't better than you or me. No different than hanging out with the mailman or the garbage man for the day, if you ask me. If I had to pick, I'd say Brendon Urie, from Panic! At the Disco. Everyone compares my boyfriend to him and he gets mistaken for him in public a lot, so I'd want to see how alike they really are. What we'd do? Get drunk and play Monopoly. That always shows a person's true colors.

6 what's your dream vacation?

This is hard! Either Bora Bora, in one of those cute ocean huts, or a month in France or Italy and making sure I hit every beach. European beaches are insanely beautiful.

 7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

J.D. Salinger has been my favorite author since I was 14/15. We were made to read The Catcher In the Rye in high school and I fell in love with his writing style. It's so natural, no filter, no thought held back. There was no "proper writing style", it was just like a conversation with a friend and I thought it was genius. You either love or hate the characters for the blunt honesty, no in between. That either brings in open minded people or shuts out people who like a traditional style. It's more personal in my case, because my characters are real people; so it's potentially people not liking me...but telling this very embarrassing story and putting myself and all my true thoughts out there the way I have, I came prepared for that. I don't think I'd ask him for a specific piece of advice, but I'd ask him to read my work and get his honest opinion and any criticisms. 

8 what's your favorite movie?

This one is hard too! The Nightmare before Christmas probably has to take the cake. The plot is so original and creative.

 9 what's one Wattpad goal?

Probably to get noticed by a Wattpad account and have my book made into a movie. I'd love to see what a train wreck that would look like to actually watch.

 10 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

Wilson(Expensive Mistakes)-Fall Out Boy. That song pretty much sums up my feelings about life in general and always makes me feel better when I'm angry. 

11 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

How can I put this nicely...First, I'd say don't come here to play around. Wattpad is the American Idol of authors. You know how they always say, "I swear I can sing! Listen!" Then everyone evacuates and the S.W.A.T team shows up and they whisk the women and children into lifeboats to get away...that's how some people are with their writing. Also, I'd say be ready to put in work. If you want any kind of attention or success from this, it's very time consuming and stressful at times. But if you're passionate about writing, it's fun. 

 Request time!

My book is Killer Queen: A Disasterpiece. I put my whole heart, soul and literal tears into getting this story out there and making sure it not only gets my message across but it hits you emotionally in the dark times, makes you laugh in light-hearted times and just makes you think. The best stories are the ones that make you reexamine something you thought you knew everything about and use your brain. If you're dealing with anxiety or depression, this could change you're whole way of dealing with it and possibly save a life. And if you aren't dealing with any of those things, it's just a good time. All the verbatim conversations between my ridiculous friends and family are just straight up entertaining.

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