Not with a Fizzle, But with a...

By Sara_Reed

67.2K 713 38

Christian Clark has made it his mission to stay away from Emerson Sinclair in the office of his company, Harv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 Part I
Chapter 61 Part II
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 35

1K 12 0
By Sara_Reed

By Tuesday things are almost normal. Except for my extra workload. The night before I had to do three different interviews. An early dinner, a later dinner, and then drinks. By the time I had been done I was exhausted.

As I'm typing up an email to send to everyone in the office I get the now familiar ping of an IM.

CClark: You're frowing...why?

ESinclair: Just thinking...

CClark: Meetings tonight?

ESinclair: Yes, I thought I told you that this morning in the elevator?

CClark: Hmm you did. I must have forgotten...I seem to remember something more from the elevator.

I roll my eyes, yes it had been something more. He had stopped the whole elevator just to pleasure me.

ESinclair: Oh yes how could I forget that?

CClark: Tease.

ESinclair: Me? Psssshhh no.

CClark: How long are you going to be in meetings tonight?

ESinclair: Until eleven. :(

CClark: Where at?

ESinclair: Drinks at some bar I think. Why?

CClark: Because I want to pick you up and bring you home with me. I actually miss having you in bed. :(

I frown at the idea of Christian missing me in bed.

ESinclair: Me?

CClark: Yes you.

ESinclair: Um you're going to hate me for saying this. I might not be in bed all weekend...

CClark: What? Why???

ESinclair: Two words. One place. New York.

CClark: This weekend?

ESinclair: Yes.

I stare at the computer for several minutes until I accept the fact that he's not going to answer.

When the phone rings I pick up immediately, "Harvey Inc."

Emerson? Christian isn't answering his phone.

I frown, "Oh well he's on the phone Mrs. Clark. Would you like me to tell him your on the line?"

No, no. It's just odd that he ignored my call. Um I hate to ask you this, but I spoke to Victoria about the party...she says you three have had some disagreements.

I'm surprised by this, "Well from what I know those were cleared up. It was only over the centerpiece."

Hmm...well Victoria over reacts a lot. I'll let you get back to work. I'll call Christian back myself. Bye Emerson.

"Goodbye Mrs. Clark." 

As soon as I hang up the phone buzzes, I have an interviewer coming in a few minutes. It's last minute, for a school newspaper. The girls name is Emma Wasson. Let her in when she gets here.


Twenty minutes later a girl walks in, blondish red hair, I guess almost strawberry blonde, blue eyes, her hair in a bun, and a simple 3/4 sleeve black dress on with a pair of grey heels. She smiles at me, "I'm here to see Mr. Clark."


"Emma Wasson, um Victoria Delwood set it up."

I bite my tongue, and stand up, leading her to his door. Opening it up he sits up and smiles slightly at me, then looks at the girl, "Mr. Clark, Miss. Wasson is here."

He nods his head, "Thank you Em."

I close the door behind me and sit at my computer for a moment debating whether to say anything yet.

A half hour later Christian opens the door, walking the girl out, "Thank you so much Mr. Clark."

He nods, "You're welcome Miss. Wasson. I hope it's enough for your article."

She nods, "Oh yes, pleanty. Thank you for taking the interview from Miss. Delwood at such short notice."

He nods stiffly, glancing at me, "Well of course, she's an old family friend."

Once the girl is on the elevator and the door is closed I feel Christian's eyes on me, "Emm-


"You're not acting surprised," he says quietly.

I look up at him for only a moment, "She mentioned it before I let her into your office."

He sighs, "I was on the phone with her discussing b-"

"Business? I hope so. You promised."

His gaze softens and walks around the desk, leaning over my chair, "I did promise. And I promise it was business. Until she asked if I had time for an interview. She's friends with her parents. The girl is your age, and she goes to a college I happen to donate a lot of money too. The exact same one I dropped out of. It was important I do it."

I nod slowly and he cups my cheek, "I feel like a jerk right now. I should have just told you."

I nod, "Yeah...your mom called while you were on the phone with her. She said you ignored her phone call, I had already guessed."

He frowns, "My mother called? Why didn't you tell me?"

"She asked me not to."

He frowns, "What did she say?"

"That Victoria told her we were disagreeing on the planning for the party."

He sighs and shakes his head, "Complaining to my mother. Nice touch," he pauses and cups my chin, "I have meetings all weekend. Meetings I probably can't get out of."

I shake my head, "You don't need to be there. It's only for a weekend."

He leans forward and kisses me gently, "You're still coming over tomorrow and taking Thursday off with me right?"

I nod, "Yes, although I'll probably work Thursday night before I leave Friday."

He groans and kisses me, "This isn't fair." 

I brush my nose against his, "Life isn't fair. You'll survive."

He sighs, "It's just been nice sleeping."

I frown, "We could Skype."

He grins and kisses me again, "I like that idea."

"It's a three hour time difference though."

He kisses my jaw, "I'll have the perfect excuse to leave my meetings then." 

I sigh and cup his cheeks, "Hmm midnight for me, nine for you?"

He nods nibbling on my bottom lip, "Sounds good."

I smile into the kiss and he chuckles as he breaks it, "Are you going to let me pick you up from the bar tonight?"

I smirk, "Do I have a choice?"

He frowns, "You always have a choice."

I kiss him, "I know that. And yes, you can pick me up. I'll text you where."

He grins and then pulls away as we hear someone clear their throat, we both see Jessica standing there with a very amused look on her face, "I knew this would happen."

I scowl at her and Christian rolls his eyes, "What do you want Jess?" I ask.

She then frowns, "It's about Will..."

Christian's jaw drops, "Will? You're actually...Will? Harwell? Seriously?"

She eyes him, "Yes. Seriously. I think he's very serious. I really need to talk to you know why."

I nod slightly, "Yeah I know."

Christian knows too, "Just talk in my office while I answer emails," he suggests.

I look at him, "Are you sure?"

He nods, pressing his lips to mine before murmuring, "I'm sure."

Jessica bites her lip as she sits across from me, "He took you on a date right?"

I shake my head, "That was not a date. It was like an interview."

She bites her lip and I frown, "Where did he take you?"

I frown, "Amour. He said it was where he takes everyone."

She shakes her head, "He didn't take me there."

I shift in my seat, "He doesn't take his Subs to bars either Jessica."

She nods and breathes in deeply before slowly letting it out, "Then why did he with me? It doesn't make sense. I've seen him around here pleantly of times. I even saw the two of you at Amour and I saw how he acted towards you and how he acts towards other woman."

"Like he doesn't even notice them?" I ask thinking of Christian.

She nods, "Yeah. They flirt with him and he doesn't even look at them. He just looks at me."

I bite my lip, "He acknowledged them when I was with him, but he never flirted with them if that's what you're wondering."

She shrugs, "I don't even know what I'm wondering. I'm just confused on how he's acting." 

I watch her for a moment and then say, "Have you guys talked about what either of you want out of this?"

She nods, "We did at first."

"At first?"

"When he first saw me at...well you know I took you there."

I hear Christians chair turn and I say, "That club? Wait...Will was at a club??"

She nods, "Yeah..."

My jaw drops and Christian says, "Why were you there Emerson?"

I turn to glare at him, "Answer your emails."

He frowns and looks at Jessica, "Has he shown you his room?"

She gulps, "Room?"

"His playroom," I say, "He showed it to me the first time so I knew what I was getting into."

She shakes her head, "No. Why? Is it bad?"

I shrug, "I thought it was bad...I don't really know though." 

"It's not as bad as it could be," Christian says lowly.

I look at him and realize he's frowning looking out the window, "Why wouldn't he show me his playroom?" she asks.

Christian sighs, "I'm not sure. I've known Will for a long time...that's odd of him. Out of character. But...we can find out."

He turns in his chair and picks up his phone, dialing Will.

"Yes I need to speak to Mr. Harwell, tell him it's Clark...Yes right now...I don't care."

He smirks as whoever is on the other line listens to him and he puts the phone on speaker.


"Hey Will...I have a question for you."


"You saw Jessica this weekend right?"

He sighs, Yeah I did. I have a few times actuallly. And you were at the bar with Victoria. Em saw you know.

Christian clenches his jaw, "I know Will. Now you know Jessica works for me right?"

Yes..., he says slowly.

"Then you know not to screw around with her? She's Em's friend Will. I just want to know what you're up too."

I'm not up to anything. I really like her.

Christian pauses glancing at me, "As a sub or more? Because from what I overheard you're acting...weird."

More...maybe I think. I don't now man. I like her a lot. I don't want to screw things up by scaring her with that though. I've never actually had a girlfriend. You know that better than anyone. You know I've never even wanted a real relationship but...I think it would be possible with her.

Christian frowns at the phone, "Did someone hit you over the head? You're not the usual uptight William Harwell I know so well."

Will chuckles, I guess some things change. I'm not made of ice like you.

Christian scowls, "I am not made of ice. Good fucking...why do you and my sister say that?!"

Well she says it because she's worried you're going to die alone with a hundred cats. I say it because I'm your friend and you can be a complete asshole. Even to your subs. I hope Em knows what she's getting into. She must have said yes right? I mean when I called yesterday Beth said you were with her.

Christian looks at me, "She hasn't said yes yet. And I'm not sure she will. In fact I told her to take her time. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Just remember, hurt Jessica and I'll be helping Em tie you up and we'll leave you there."

Uh huh. Sure. What a change of heart Christian. Later.

The line goes dead and Christian looks up at us, "Good enough?"

Jessica bites her lip, "Why would he change now?"

Christian chuckles, "Because he likes you. I've seen Will like a few girls, but I've been watching him stare at you for three years. And vice versa if I've been paying attention correctly. So maybe it's just a connection."

She nods and sighs looking at me, "Why did you say no to Will?"

I frown, "He wasn't right for me. Way too bossy and way too...Will. He's just Will to me."

She smirks, "I know what you mean."

I laugh lighlty, "Plus...he kind of scares the shit out of me when he's angry."

Jessica laughs and looks at the amused looking Christian, "And this one doesn't?"

I look at her surprised and then look at Christian, "Well...not entirely."

"Not entirely?" he asks.

I shrug, "No. You're just intimidating. Which we've discussed already."

He stands and walks over to us, pulling me to my feet, "Hmm I'll have to work on that," he chuckles.

I grin and stand on my tip toes to kiss him, his arms wrapping around my waist tightly.

Jessica clears her throat, "I'm going to disappear now." 

I stick my tongue out at her and Christian clears his throat, "Jessica?"

"Yes?" she asks turning back.

"Don't say yes to him yet. Wait awhile. It seems like Will might be changing his mind."

She bites her lip, "Thank you."

 As soon as the door is shut I say, "Hmm that was uncharacteristically sweet of you."

He eyes me, "You don't think I can be sweet?"

I roll my eyes, "Well maybe to certain people, but usually here you're...frigid."

He sighs and cups my chin, "Yeah, you mentioned that before. I thought I'd try to at least be nice. Plus I like Jessica."

I slip my arms around his neck, "I know."

He nips at my neck and nuzzles it as he holds me against him, "Hmm what time do you leave Friday?"

"At three."

He sighs, "And then you have a meeting right after you land right?"

I pull back to look at him, "Um yes. Stalker."

He only chuckles, "You do know Wes is following you out there right?"

I frown, "Christian please don't."

He sighs and cups my face, "I just want you safe."

"What makes you think I won't be safe?"

His eyes grow dark, "It's New York City Em. Do you have any idea how many creeps are around there? You're a beautiful young woman and that's their target."

I sigh and hold onto his wrist, "Christian I lived there. I won't be in any bad neighborhoods. I'll be fine. I'll take cabs to and from wherever I go." 

His eyes look troubled as he says, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be fine."

He leans down to kiss me and slips his arms around me waist, holding me to his chest tightly. I break the kiss and lay my head on his shoulder, "I'll be fine."

"What if something happens?"

I cup his cheek and shake my head, "Then the first person I call, after I call my mom, is you."

He gulps and cups my face again, bringing his lips down to my own. He brushes his lip against mine and sighs, "I better be the first. You were the first."

I laugh lightly and give him a small peck, "That's because you're afraid of your mom worrying about you."

He smiles sheepishly and holds me for a few moments until the phone at my desk rings. I pull away and head toward the door. He groans, "Just let it ring."

I shake my head at him and to my desk.

When I pick it up I say, "Harvey-"

Emerson Sinclair?

I'm startled by the woman's voice, "Um yes?"

I know who you are.

My eyes widen, "Excuse me, who is this?"

That's for me to know and you to not find out, the voice sing songs.

Christian comes up to me with a frown and I say, "Who is this?"


I pull the phone back and stare at it for a moment while Christian says, "Who was that?"

I set the phone down and look up at him, "I...I don't know. But they knew who I was."

His gaze hardens, "What did they say?"

"All she said was my name, and then that she knew who I was. And when I asked who is this, she said that was for her to know and for me to not find out. Then she hung up." 

I watch as his eyes darken, "She?"

I nod, "Her voice sounded raspy. Like she had been crying." 

He frowns, "That's odd."

He looks troubled though and turns away, pulling his phone out, "Who are you calling?" I ask.

He looks at me, "Davis. I want him to make sure no one is outside around your apartment."

I eye him, "You're lying. Wes is already doing that. I heard you tell him to this morning because you're here and the building already has security."

He clenches his jaw, "I'm still sending Davis."

I narrow my eyes, "Did you ever check on them?"

His eyes widen, "On who?"

I shake my head, "Don't you dare screw around with me Christian. You know who."

He walks into his office ignoring me and I follow right behind him, closing the door, "Did you ever check on them?"

He gulps, "Yes."

I clench my jaw, "And?"

He shrugs, "They're fine. None of them are unstable enough to do anything bad."

I snort, "Oh please."

He narrows his gaze, "What is that suppose to mean?"

I look at him, "Christian, even you have to know that most girls have to have a few loose screws up top to become a Submissive."

He gulps, "They're find Emerson."

I shake my head, "Did you see them personally? Or did you have Davis do it?"

He sighs, "I surprised all of them, at their lunch on Monday."

My eyes widen, "That's where you went??"

He nods stiffly, "Yes. I asked your sister when they usually met and I showed up. They're all fine. That's it. The end."

I narrow my eyes at them, "Did you tell them you were finding a new Submissive?"

He avoids my gaze as he picks up a folder from his desk, "No."

"Stop lying to me. I can see right through it," I snap.

He looks up, "Fine. I told them."

I shake my head, "How could you be so stupid? You do realize my sister probably told them all about me? And after those pictures, and the blogs, and I'm sure every single fucking google alert they get all about you they're going to know it's me."

His eyes widen, "They wouldn't do anything about it."

"How do you know? Did you actually take the time to know those girls Christian? They could be capable of anything depending on where they come from and who they know, and if they're even mentally stable!"

His gaze hardens, "They know that once the contract is over, everything is over. They know better."

I shake my head in disbelief and back up towards the door, "You've really disillusioned yourself Christian. If you think for one second that those girls didn't come out of it feeling something then you didn't pay attention to them at all."

My voice sounds raw and he looks at me wide eyed, "What does that mean? I told you not to-"

I shake my head, "I am NOT talking about me. I am talking about them! They get together every month to talk about you. They formed a group about you! How could you not think that you didn't mean something to them?"

He seems to look at me worriedly, "I didn't mean anything to them. That's why they walked away. But you know I don't want attachement Emerson."

I narrow my eyes at him, "I am not talking about me. God dammit Christian! Just listen."

He shakes his head, slamming the file down, "I am listening. Listen to youself!"

I bite my lip and shake my head opening the door, "I'm taking my lunch."

His face pales, "Em I-"

"Don't," I snap.

I pick up my purse and shut off my computer screen before I head to the elevator. When it opens up I step on, and immediately press the button for the first floor as the doors start to close someone stops them.

"Em come on, just talk to me."

I shake my head, "I don't want to talk to you right now. I need air."

He clenches his jaw, "We need to talk about this Emerson."

I narrow my eyes, "No. What we need to is to stop talking right now. I just need air and some space okay?"

He hesitates but finally steps back, letting the doors close. As the close, I see his eyes, and all I see is regret. But I didn't know what kind of regret I was truly seeing, and it scared me to death. 

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