New Girl (Book no.1)

By HisGreenEyesxx

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Harry Styles and Chloe Spencer are two troublesome teenagers, who are very alike. They can't seem to meet eye... More

The New Girl (One Direction Fan Fiction)
1// So Out Of Your League
2// Meeting Your Match
3// We're all broken just some worse than others
4// Pleading Eyes
5// "Don't worry son, everything gets broken"
6// "Stop lying to yourself and go after what you really want."
7// Fall
8// One day
9// Chloe Spencer where have you been my whole life?
10// To Be Loved
11// Perfect Timing
12// The Truth
13// Fight
14// Date Night
15// Siblings and Cigarettes
16// November
17// Needed
18// Pizza for Breakfast
19// Interruptions
20// Cover Up
21// Boyfriend
22// Table for Five
24// The Plan
25// Christmas Eve
26// Fate
27// One Crazy Stupid, Drunken Night
28// Louis
29// Niall
30// Liam
31// Resolutions
32// Charlotte
34// Break Up
35// Run
36// Dad
37// Back For You
38// Perfect
39// Nutella
40// Fairy Lights
41// Strawberry Kisses
42// Grease
43// Apologies
44// Sweet Nothings
45// Scotch
47// Problems
48// Sealed With a Kiss
49// Together
50//Happily Ever After
Authors Note

33// Gone

5.3K 150 11
By HisGreenEyesxx

"Can you all please be quiet!?" The chitter chatter, and general noise of the classroom quietened down.

Mrs Foster was looking at all of us, arms crossed and tapping her foot. She did not look happy.

Everyone turns in their seats to face the front of the room as the board marker squeaks down the white surface. The sound stings my ears, as a red line is drawn down the board.

My phone buzzes in my lap and I pick it up making sure Miss won't see it.

From Louis: Mate what's going on between you, Liam and Chloe?

I looked over to Louis and he just shrugged his shoulders. All I could do is return the action as I looked over my shoulder to Liam who was leant against the classroom wall concentrating on whatever Mrs Foster was talking about.

He caught my eye and scowled and then looked to Chloe, who was taking notes and handing Lizzi tissues.

Since New Year, Liam or Chloe have hardly spoken to me and I don't think it’s been much different on their ends. What do we say and Liam still doesn't know about me and Chloe. I wish I was a bit more like Niall, but I guess the guilt and secrecy isn't eating me alive like it was doing to him.

Niall broke up with Lizzi a few days after New Year; he came to me crying over it. He couldn't live with the guilt and the lying so he just told her. I'm guessing she hasn't taken it to well; she hasn't stop crying since she saw him this morning in the front yard.

It wasn't just the first day back to school today but we were all finding out our university places. We've been told we are all getting them at the end of the day. I mean it’s probably so we concentrate on our work and the school don’t have to deal with stressed kids or crying teenagers because they didn’t get their first choice.

I've applied to a university in London, Liverpool and Manchester. I plan to study business management at university. I can really see myself managing a large company and being a successful team leader, I don’t want to be stuck in Holmes Chapel for the rest of my life. I want to see the world and experience everything it has to offer. That’s the 'dream' hopefully.


"Why is this queue so long?" Louis's slouched his body, letting his backpack fall off his shoulders.

"Mate there are 150 of us in the year." Louis huffed and crossed his arms, being the right diva he is.

I mean he had a point all they were doing was handing us a brown envelope and off we went to either celebrate or stress.

We were about half way from the front, and I could see Niall's and Zayn's quiff a little further in front of us at the table. They both turned away and stood together as they ripped there envelops open.

They both quickly scanned the words before looking back up to one another with huge smiles on their faces and embracing each other in a hug.

They saw me and Louis and came running over as we took a few more steps closer to the front.

"How did you do?" We looked between the two of them before Zayn nudged Niall to go first.

"I got Cardiff lads!" We congratulated him and then turned to Zayn.

"I got Leeds," All four of us hugged and patted each other’s back. "We'll wait for ya's, if youse get it we are going out tonight and I don't give a shit that it’s a Tuesday."

They laughed walking further down the corridor to the schools exists.

Me and Louis had finally reached the front desk were Mr Carter was sat handing us our envelops.

"Good luck Harry," I nodded to him before taking the envelope and walking to the side of the corridor with Louis.

Louis looked to me and then back to our envelops.

"Go on mate you go first." Louis nodded to me before ripping the envelope and taking out the piece of white paper. He read the sheet manically before his hand slapped down over his mouth, water filled his eyes and he looked to me.

"I got it …. I fucking got London mate!!!" He jumped into a hug with me, and he was crying happy tears.

"I'm so proud of you Lou." He pulled back and held me by my shoulders, he looked down to my envelope and then back to me.

"You going to open it mate?" I nodded and lifted the enveloped, placing my finger under the flap I ran it along the brown paper making it rip. I picked the white paper with the tips of my fingers pulling it out of the envelope and read:


Dear Mr Styles, we would like to congratulate you and offer you a place at the University of London for Business and Management.

I couldn't believe it. I got in.

"I got it." I looked to Louis he was on edge waiting for me. "Louis I got London!" We hugged again and I lifted him off the floor.

I swiftly put him down, and brushed myself off. Coughing deeply I looked to Louis and we pounded fists.

"Congrats man,"

"Yeah to you to." We quickly walked out down the corridor and towards the school exist before I was pulled back my backpack strap. I quickly spun round and bumped into someone much smaller than myself.

I turned my gaze downwards to a blushing Chloe who was rubbing her forehead.

"Why is your chest so hard? Ow." I laughed at her comment, and raised my eyebrow to her. "Oh shit no, I didn't mean that, you know what I meant." She shoved my chest but I didn't move. She ended up sticking her tongue out when I saw the envelope gripped in her hands.

"Where did you get?" She looked to her envelope and then to mine.

"I was going to ask you that," she crossed her arms over her chest smirking at me, "but if you must know, I got the University of London." She said it with a huge smile spreading across her face.

"Wow, congratulations." I pulled her into a hug and then she pulled away raising her eyebrow to me.

"What about you?" Liam walked over his envelope in his hand, as he threw his arm over Chloe's shoulder pulling her into his side. He kissed the side of her head and smiled smugly to me.

"What did you get Harry?" He eyed my envelope and then smiled to Chloe who moved awkwardly under his arm.

"I got the University of London," I coughed through my words.

Chloe's eyes lit up with happiness, but Liam's grip tightened on her shoulder. Chloe winced under her touch and I suddenly felt uncomfortable around the two of them.

"What did you get Liam?" I scratched the back of my neck, looking for one of the boys or someone who could make this any less uncomfortable for me.

"I haven't opened it yet." He played with the envelope in his hands looking at it.

"Go on then, open it Liam." Chloe stepped away from under his arm so he could take the envelope in both his hands.

He ripped the top and pulled out the letter, his eyes moved quickly across the page, before he dropped to his knees in the corridor.

Chloe was soon at his side reading over the letter from behind him. Her hand flew to her mouth and she shook her hand at me.

Shit, Liam didn't get Cambridge.

It’s all he's ever talked about since last year; he's had his heart set on studying law there.

I turn around running my hand down my face, at the end of the corridor are the rest of the boys and all I can do is shake my head.

"No Chloe." I quickly turn round and see Liam standing from the floor and Chloe taking a step back towards me. "It isn’t a mistake I'm not good enough! I'm never fucking good enough, not even for you!"

"Liam pleases," Chloe reached out for him but he just flipped her off.

"Just piss off Chloe please." With that he stormed down the corridor and out the doors. He walked right past the boys but all I could do was hug Chloe and look on to where he left.

"I'm so happy that you got London, Harry." I looked down to Chloe who was wrapped around my body.

"I am to Chloe," I kissed the top of her forehead and we walked towards the other boys who just comforted her in a hug.

"I can't believe he reacted like that, he just collapsed to the floor." Niall spoke for all of us.

Liam was the most held together and emotionally stable one out of us all. I was more shocked with the way he flipped Chloe off.

"I know Ni; he's just hurting he doesn't mean what he said." Zayn pulled Chloe to his side smiling sweetly at her but she didn't look convinced.

"He loves you Chloe, he doesn't mean it." Louis added, she held a brave face but I could tell she just wanted to cry.

"Thanks boys, I think I'm just going to go home." She smiled once more to all of us, before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor and out the school doors.

Liam was so lucky to have her and he's just pushed her even further away, I can't believe him. But I guess who don't realise what you have until it's gone.

A/N: Uh oh trouble in paradise!!! (I'm not the only one who says that am I??)

Hope ya'll like the update haha and please comment. vote and share it means so much and makes my day when I see you voting :)

Next update on Sunday the 5th of October, how fast as this year gone???

Love you all xxx

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