My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

The Truth And Fighting Each Other

156 13 16
By TarableTaralynn

 Seth's heart beat fast and so loud in his chest he was sure that the others would be able to hear it. Seconds later, the others rushed into the clearing, he knew he not only had to be careful about what he said to them, but also what he thought around them too knowing Keeper could read them. As they rushed to him and knelt beside them he quickly went into character, he needed to believe it really happened to make them believe it.

 "What the hell happened?" Roman asked scared, as he checked to make sure Dean was breathing and that's when he realized he was bleeding and began to panic. "He's...he's bleeding!"

 "We...we were talking about our fight and...and he began walking away, but he turned back to look at me and he tripped and fell hitting his head off the rock." Seth answered faking his panic.

 "Wait, he tripped?" Keeper questioned suspiciously. "On what? There isn't anything around that would have tripped him. It doesn't make any sense."

 "Are you calling him a liar?" Zander demanded angrily.

 "What is that ridiculous saying you mortals use in situations like this?" Keeper said, as he thought for a moment. "Oh yes, I believe it goes something like this, if the shoe fits wear it!" He said smiling smugly, the others looked at each other confused, before they all looked back at Keeper.

 "What?" Paige asked confused, as Zander gently moved Dean off of the rock and onto his back on the ground and began to examine his injury.

 "I guess I got it wrong, no matter all of your mortal sayings make no sense to me. What I'm saying though, is Dean tripping just doesn't make any sense. He's a Vamp, the Chosen One, he has the reflexes of a damn cat, there's no way he would have just tripped and fallen."

 "You son-of-a-bitch!" Roman said angrily, as he looked at him. "Seth isn't a damn liar, if he says that's what happened, then dammit that's what happened! Now, we're going to take Dean home and you're going to go back to Vassago and once Dean's able to train again he'll get a hold of you. Get the hell out of here!" He said angrily, as he took off his shirt and held it tightly to Dean's head to stop the bleeding.

 Seth stayed quiet, his eyes never leaving Dean, hearing his family defend him made like that made his guilt worse; at least if Keeper picked up on it he could make it seem that he felt guilty for causing Dean's accident. It took every ounce of willpower he had to not confess everything. As soon as Keeper left, Zander gently tied Roman's shirt around Dean's head, before he picked him up. He then led the way back to the monastery, when they arrived they didn't want to scare Rose, so Paige went inside first and sent her to her room. They then went inside and took him to the living room; Zander laid him on the couch. Jameson joined them and worried asked what happened. Zander took off the shirt and examined Dean's wound again; which had already stopped bleeding. He then stood up and turned to Seth, their eyes met briefly and without Zander saying anything, Seth knew that he knew the truth and he hung his head sadly.

 "Seth, he didn't really trip, did he?" Zander asked gently.

 "What?" Everyone said together shocked, as they looked at Seth.

 "Of course he did, right, Seth?" Roman asked. "Seth?"

 "No." Seth answered quietly.

 "What really happened then?" Paige asked.

 "I...I did that to him." Seth replied sadly, still not looking at them.

 "You?" Roman repeated confused, Seth shook his head yes.

 "What happened, Seth?" Zander questioned gently.

 "I...I followed him into the woods, we talked for a few minutes about our fight and he forgave us. We hugged, but pulled away when we heard you guys coming. Suddenly, he started mindlinking with Vassago, I...I tried to get him to fight it; not wanting Keeper to find out about it. He couldn't stop it though and passed out in my arms, you guys were so close and I...I panicked! I..."

 "You what, dammit?" Roman demanded angrily when Seth trailed off.

 "I...I saw a rock and I...I hit him in the head with it, before I made it look like he had tripped and fallen on it." Seth admitted sadly.

 "You hit him?" Roman said upset, as he went to move towards him, but Zander was quicker and stood between them, keeping Roman back.

 "I'm sorry, I...I panicked and..."

 "It's alright, Seth, we know you did it to keep his secret safe." Zander said, cutting him off; his words directed to Seth, but his eyes never left Roman.

 "What?" Roman asked shocked. "How can you guys be okay with what he did to Dean?" He demanded upset.

 "I...I'm sorry, dammit!" Seth yelled upset, tears in his eyes.

 "You're sorry, oh, that makes everything so much better, you bastard!" Roman yelled, as he tried to lunge at Seth, but Zander angrily pushed him back.

 "I'm sorry." Seth repeated looking at Dean, his tears falling, before he turned and left.

 "Roman!" Zander said upset. "That was uncalled for, he didn't do this to be malicious, he did it to keep Dean's secret safe! Go clean up and then please bring me some water and bandages so I can fix his wound."


 "Go!" Zander said firmly, cutting him off, before Roman angrily left the room without saying another word. "Paige, go check on Seth, he needs you." He added gently, she nodded and left.

 "You knew what really happened all along, didn't you?" Jameson asked.

 "I did, yes." Zander replied sighing. "Vamps don't just trip and when I checked him over I realized he was mindlinking." He explained.

 "Will...will he be okay?"

 "Yes, in a couple of days, he'll be back to full power."

 "So, what do we do now?" Jameson asked.

 "The only thing we can do...wait." Zander replied sighing.

 Meanwhile, Dean wasn't aware of anything that was happening with his family, he was back with Vassago. It had been a while since he had done this and was overwhelmed by the intense feelings he was getting from Vassago; this was the strongest they've ever been and it seemed like they got stronger and stronger every time he mindlinks. He listened, as Vassago paced the room, angrily talking to his Raven, he was agitated and he was beginning to become distrustful of everyone in the family; except Keeper. There was another intense emotion he felt that Vassago was trying to keep buried, that he was refusing to let free. Dean has felt this hidden emotion from Vassago before a few times now since started mindlinking with him, but it's never been this strong and he's never been able to tell what it was...until now!

 Even though Dean always knew that Vassago felt this way about him and he and his family have taunted Vassago about it, it still surprised him to actually learn it was true! Deep down, Vassago; the all-powerful King of the Vampires, was scared of Dean! He was scared of him, of the unknown powers he possessed and he was scared that the prophecy could come true. Of course, no one; except Vassago and now Dean, knew about it and he was going to do everything he could do to make sure it stayed that way. If his family found out about his fears they'd lose their faith in him and he'd lose the damn war for sure! Vassago stopped pacing when someone knocked on his door, he called out for them to enter and Keeper came in smiling. This was Dean's chance to find out for sure if Keeper could truly be trusted and if everything he had said was the truth. After greeting Vassago with his usual smile and bow, Vassago sat down on his throne, his Raven immediately went to the arm of the chair and perched there silently while Vassago pet it. After sitting he questioned Keeper about where he had been and without hesitation, he told Vassago that he had been in town searching for any leads on the Chosen One, but found none so he returned to the nest.

 Hearing that, Dean couldn't believe that everything that Keeper had told them was true and he also couldn't believe how he was able to lie to Vassago and be believed without question. Vassago then began to talk angrily about how he felt there was a traitor in the family, he could feel it, but didn't know who it was yet. Keeper then without showing any nerves or worry began to try and calm him, telling him there was no traitor, he was just being paranoid. Before he could find out if it worked the connection was lost and he was slammed back into his body. He took a deep breath, as he sat up and began coughing trying to catch his breath. Seconds later, he felt someone sit near him and begin talking, he couldn't make out who the person was or what they were saying at first; everything sounded like he was under water. Suddenly, everything returned to normal and he leaned back against the couch sighing, he ran his hands over his face wincing from the unknown pain in his head. His right temple hurt the worst, so he touched it and instantly regretted it, as pain shot through his head causing him to curse out loud.

 "Shit, what the hell?"

 "Easy, D." Zander said gently, as he sat on the coffee table in front of him.

 "What happened?" Dean questioned, as he closed his eyes tight trying to fight off the headache he had.

 "You mindlinked again."

 "What?" Dean said shocked. "Where the hell is Keeper? Why the hell can't I remember anything? More importantly, why does my damn head hurt?" He demanded, as he sat up quickly, instantly regretting it. "Bad idea!" He added, leaning back again.

 "Dean, you're awake." Jameson said smiling, as he came into the room, Dean smiled weakly at him.

 "Jameson, could you go get the others, please?" Zander asked.

 "Sure, I'm glad to see you're okay, Dean."

 "Thanks." Dean said smiling again, as Jameson left.

 "Here, brother, drink this, it'll take the pain and fogginess away." Zander said handing him a cup of blood, he sniffed it and immediately wanted to throw up it smelt so bad. "I know it smells horrible, but it's only blood with a few special herbs in it to heal you faster. It won't instantly heal you like magic, but it will speed up the healing time and don't worry it tastes better than it smells." He added smiling.

 "Thanks, Z." Dean replied, before he took a drink.

 "My own special recipe, it smells like a skunk's ass, but it helps and it tastes surprisingly good."

 As Dean took another drink of the blood; feeling a little better with each drink, Roman, Paige and Seth came into the room without Jameson. All of them were relieved to see him awake, he smiled and put the glass on the coffee table, as Roman and Paige rushed to the couch and hugged him. Roman hugged him first, before he kissed him, then Paige hugged him. A few seconds later, Dean realized that Seth hasn't hugged him yet, which confused him; especially after their talk earlier before he mindlinked. He stared at Seth, but he wouldn't meet Dean's eyes, the guilt he felt coming off of Seth worried him. Confused and worried, he looked at Zander for answers, but his brother just smiled sadly and nodded his head slightly in Seth's direction.

 "Rollins, aren't you going to give me a hug too, dude?" Dean questioned smiling.

 "Oh, uh, yeah, sure, of course I' am." Seth replied faking his smile, before he went to Dean and hugged him tightly.

 The guilt came off Seth in waves, it was overwhelming, but he was also feeling another emotion. It was just as intense and overwhelming, it was anger and it wasn't coming from Seth, it was coming from...Roman! Feeling it, he looked at Roman; who was oblivious to Dean knowing about his anger as he cuddled into Dean's side. He looked at Zander and his brother once again nodded slightly, the pain and fogginess in his head was gone, but now they were replaced by confusion and he needed to figure out what the hell was going on.

 "Alright, I can't take it anymore, dammit!" Dean said frustrated. "Someone and I don't care who it is, tell me what the hell is going on? Don't give me any of that nothing, crap either cause right now I'm being smothered by Seth's freaking guilt and Roman's freaking anger!"

 "It's time, Seth." Zander said gently. "It's alright, tell him." He encouraged.

 "Yeah, Seth, tell him." Dean said smiling.

 "Uh, okay." Seth said quietly. "Um...well, after our hug you began mindlinking with Vassago. I...I tried to get you to fight it, but you couldn't and you passed out. We were in the middle of the damn woods and Keeper was about to find us, I...I couldn't let him find out about your mindlinking, so I needed to find a way to explain why you were unconscious." He said, unable to look Dean in the eyes.

 "I'm guessing you found one, since we're all back here in one piece?" Dean said smiling, Seth nodded sadly.

 "I...I did." Seth replied quietly. "I found a large...rock near a tree and I...I hit you in the head with it, before I made it look like you had tripped and fallen on it. I..."

 "Wait, wait, wait a damn minute!" Dean said, shocked by what he heard, cutting him off, as he sat up and looked at Seth. " hit me in the head with a rock?" He added, Seth nodded guiltily. "That explains this and the damn guilt." He said touching his head.

 "I'm so sorry, Dean, I...I didn't want to, I...I panicked and..." Seth began upset, but he was cut off by Dean getting up and hugging him, Seth held onto him tightly.

 "It's alright, brother, you did what you had to, I understand and I'm not angry or anything." Dean said gently, instantly calming Seth. "I love you, Seth."

 "I love you too, Dean." Seth said softly, as the hug ended.

 "Okay, that explains the guilt, but not the damn anger, Reigns." Dean said sighing, as he turned to face him and crossed his arms. "What's going on, baby boy?" He asked, as Roman stood and glared angrily at Seth. "Oh for fuck's sake, seriously, Ro?" He questioned sighing again, as he suddenly realized what was going on. "Roman, you're not being fair to Seth, he..."

 "Hit you in the head with a damn rock, Dean!" Roman said angrily, cutting him off.

 "Yeah, so freaking what, Roman? He did it to keep my secret safe!" Dean said shocked by his anger. "You would have done the exact same damn thing!" He added angrily.

 "No, I wouldn't have!" Roman said. "I would have found a different way, dammit!"

 "Right, I forgot, you're physic now, so you know exactly what you'd do if you were put into that same situation!" Dean said sarcastically.

 "Of course not, but I wouldn't have done that!" Roman said bitterly, before he stormed out.

 Dean sighed frustrated, as he ran his hands over his face, he couldn't believe how Roman was acting; he was holding shit against Seth that was completely out of his control. Seth did what he felt was right, he already felt guilty enough, he didn't need Roman's crap on top of it, he was extremely disappointed in him. This bullshit ended now!

 "I'll go talk to..."

 "Nah, I got him, Z." Dean said sighing again, cutting Zander off. "Don't worry, Seth, I'll fix this, even if I have to kick his stubborn Samoan ass!" He added smiling, as he patted Seth on the back.

 Dean then went outside to find his stubborn Samoan boyfriend, he had no idea how he was going to fix this, but dammit he was going to try.


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