tom holland/peter parker and...

By marvelinsanity

281K 5.9K 3.2K

i wrote most of these @13-14 so they're v bad. (I've republished this purely for the cringe factor & so you c... More

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beach days are the best days- peter parker
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just friends?- peter parker
road trips be like- peter parker
regrets- peter parker
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one to remember- steve rogers
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side by side- steve rogers
a matter of trusting you- steve rogers
coming back- steve rogers
this isn't freedom, this is fear- steve rogers
forgiveness- steve rogers
good old days- steve rogers

soulmates- peter parker (part 3)

1.4K 46 5
By marvelinsanity

(a/n: warning this oneshot will be long too but don't worry i'll be making up with some steve imagines after)

Now you were beginning to wonder if stowing away on a jet to a mission which might end up in you dying was the best decision that you'd made.

Whatever. There wasn't anything you could really do to change that now.

The pounding of your feet jerked you out of your sleep, and you threw the door open to a bunch of surprised faces. "Y/N! You weren't supposed to come!" Tony scolded you. "You know what Buck said!"

"You can't just leave me behind like that. And anyways, I'm here, so it's kind of too late to turn back now," you scoffed, sliding your gun in your holster and retying your boots. Peter made eye-contact with you and grinned, which caused that ache in your chest to resurface.

This already seemed like it wasn't going to be easy for you.

Ignoring the pain, you stepped down the ramp and looked around at this city which was supposed to be Budapest. "Ah, the memories," Clint sighed, putting an arm around Natasha's shoulders.

"Budapest," she breathed out happily. "So romantic. We kicked ass and then he took me to the theater to watch a gory war movie. The best day ever."

"You guys got a really weird relationship going on," Peter noted. "I don't know what it is with grownups these days."

"Alright, guys," Steve's voice said into your all your comms, barking orders. "They're being held somewhere, we don't know, so we'll be splitting up into groups of twos and threes. Once you find them, give us the signal and we'll get over there ASAP. Understand?"

"Yep," everyone replied in unison.

"So if we see people shooting at us, that means they're bad, right, Cap?" Sam confirmed.


You teamed up with Natasha, creeping down the halls and knocking out guards that you came across. "Y/N, we're going to have to split up. You take the right side and I take the left," Natasha poked your shoulder. "That way we can cover more space in a shorter amount of time."

Nodding, you made your way down the corridor. Removing your gun from your holster, you held it downward, pressing your back against the wall, ready to fire at anyone else who deserved it. You pushed open the door to the labs, peeking behind curtains and corners, while keeping your eyes peeled for any unfamiliar movements.

Suddenly you started coughing, which made you come to the conclusion that Natasha had activated a smoke bomb. There were muffled shouts and cursing, and hands of which you figured out belonged to HYDRA guards, swatting away at the thick smoke.

Smirking at how genius your friend was, you continued to creep around the labs, also keeping a lookout for any signs of unfamiliar movement.

"Wanda! Pietro!" you whisper-shouted, seeing two figures bound to their chairs. "Here!"

You approached Wanda with a defensive stance, and she lifted her head to meet your eyes, a relieved and terrified look on her face. Tearing the gags off of both of them, you frantically dug out your knife and began sawing away at the ropes. "Guys, please stop thrashing around or the ropes are going to cut into your skin! Pietro, stay still for God's sake!"

(a/n: their powers had been temporarily disabled in case you're wondering why they didn't escape ok ok continue now ;p)

Quickly, you sent out the signal for everyone to come over before resuming your work. Pietro began to mutter something in Russian and you gave him a questioning look. "What?"

Wanda nodded behind you, causing you to snap your head around and duck in time to avoid a guard's punch. You only had a few seconds to get up and react, and you were about to pull out your gun again when a rapidly spinning shield forced you all to the ground.

"Thanks, Cap!" you shouted, and he shot you a thumbs-up. Behind him was the rest of the team, and they rushed over to help Pietro and Wanda, Vision quickly restoring their powers for them.

"Come on, come on!" Tony's voice carried across the wide room. "We need to hurry before this place blows up!" You held your hand up and sent an electric blast at a group of a dozen HYDRA guards, causing them to fly back and smack into the wall.

Peter, meanwhile, swung webs around, tying the rest of the guards together and overall appearing to not be afraid in the slightest. Of course, he wasn't aware of the whole soul marks thing, and you really wished that there was some way to cut out your mark.

Once you finished fighting off all the agents, you rushed down the halls in a large pack. "Tony?" you panted. "How much longer do we have before...this thing blows up..."

"Uh..." he paused for a second. "One minute...scratch that, now we have like, 50 something. We need to hurry the hell up and get out of here."

Peter grabbed your wrist and tugged you forward, which caused a slight burning sensation in your side. Again, you ignored the feeling and continued to focus on actually getting out of the building.

"Ten seconds!" Tony yelled. "Nine, eight, seven, six, five..."

Peter placed his hand on the small of your back, ushering you out of the building. Both of you jumped forward and you closed your eyes, bracing yourself to meet the end of your life, but instead, found yourself outside, with him on top of you. A cough forced its way from your throat and you glanced down to see both weird glows radiating from both your sides.

When you met his eyes, he let out a grunt, and rolled off of you. "S-sorry," he stuttered.

"Look," Natasha nudged Clint, tilting her head to the side. "Did you see that?"

"Yeah...that's kind of strange..."

"Did I hear my name?" Dr. Strange shouted from the ship.

"No, it's not that kind of Strange, Stephen," Clint chuckled, sliding his arrow back into his quiver.

The light died out as soon as you pushed yourself to your feet and stood up. You walked over to Wanda and pulled her onto her feet, helping her towards the Quinjet.

Natasha glanced over at Peter, who was watching you. "What?" the boy questioned, wondering why she was staring at him.

"Spidey, did you have a mark on your side of anything in particular?" she replied, and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It's just a birthmark, in the shape of an arrow which I first noticed when I turned sixteen...why do you ask?"



"Because, Y/N also has a specific mark on her side, shaped like a broken heart. Bruce and Thor said it was a soulmark. Soulspeople are the ones who bear this symbol."

Before approaching the Quinjet, Peter glanced down at his side, watching the light in it slowly fizz out. Could it be true, was that thing he only thought of as a birthmark really be a soulmark? Was he really a Soulsperson, like you?

You approached him and he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, causing the burning sensation in your side to return.

Without thinking about it, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, and both of your soul marks began to glow, filling you with a comforting warmth. "Good luck," you whispered and stepped onto the ship's ramp.

He wouldn't stop smiling for five minutes straight after that.

"Ew, we have to go to Keszthely now," Sam reminded you, slumping back in his seat and rolling his eyes as the Quinjet flew up above, a safe distance from the flames that consumed the building, destroying everything that was inside. "I'm so tired, and I really want to go home and eat cookies."

"We're pretty damn lucky that we can get to the next city in a matter of minutes," you turned over to the Falcon. "And that none of us got shot."

Inhaling deeply, you ran your hands over your guns attatched to your thighs, anxious about what was to come next. You were never scared about going on missions, but this one was terrifying you out of your mind. Keszthely could be where you, or Peter, met your demise, and you weren't exactly ready to experience that.

Nobody would be ready to hear the news of yours or Peter's deaths, either.

The lights in the Quinjet dimmed and flashed a dull red, signaling that you were about to land. You bit down on your lower lip nervously as you watched everyone stand up around you.

Following behind them, you walked over to the hatch, which was slowly opening. You turned your head over to Bucky, whom you gave a small smile before exiting the ship.

Steve's instructions were almost incomprehensible because you were so distracted by the vision since it could mean that now, you could be walking off into a fight that you might never come back from. That's what scared you the most.

And the thought alone of losing Peter was enough to make your heart ache.

Clenching your jaw as the pain from the soul mark radiated throughout your body, you leaped into action, sniper in hand. I will not go down without a fight, you thought. No regrets.

You began taking out as many enemies as humanly possible, whipping your sniper around back and forth like it was an aggressive match of Call of Duty: except for the fact that your life was actually on the line. Swift and sharp, with your precision on point, you watched as every shot you made killed its designated target.

You reloaded your gun before continuing to shoot at the soldiers, when thoughts of Bucky's vision clouded your mind again.

There was a ringing sound in your ears, and you narrowed your eyes, looking around for whatever was surrounding you.

Out of nowhere, Natasha appeared in your vision, and you were wondering whether this was all a dream or not, her mouth forming words you couldn't comprehend.

Your eyes then drifted down to see that there was a pool of blood surrounding you and just four feet away, was a figure in red, black, and blue. He noticed you on the ground, and rushed over to you when he fell down as well.

A scream threatened to escape your lips, but you just couldn't seem to let it out. "Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me?" Natasha's voice slowly drifted into your mind again, a small whisper.

You blinked, rubbing your eyes, and she let out a small sigh. "Thank god. Listen, you're severely injured and we need to get you to the jet, stat."

"Where's Peter?" you gasped. "I-I need to see---"

Natasha's face fell when blood began running across your rosy-pink lips, and spread like a fresh blossom across your ebony-black uniform. Breathing was beginning to become a struggle, as a single breath would feel as if you were being choked.

"Steve," you choked out as you were laid on the stretcher and carried onto the Quinjet.

The super solider was by your side in a matter of seconds. "What?"

"I-If I don't make it," you panted, fighting to stay awake and to breathe. "Tell Peter that I love him. I'll never stop,"

"Don't say that," he placed a hand on your shoulder. "You'll make it."

"But Bucky's vision---"

"He never said that it showed one of you dying. Peter is fine, and you will be too."

Several people began to hook you up to the IV as Tony began to restart the jet to fly you back to HQs. Once you arrived back at the HQs you were separated from everyone and whisked away to the infirmary, where you'd be operated on by Dr. Strange and his medical team.

You were under the knife for nearly four hours, and your heart rate had went down to close to 2 beats a minute. They all thought they lost you, and this news wasn't hitting anyone harder than Peter.

Peter was sitting outside, his head in his hands and his soul mark burning him. During the entire time you were in there, he didn't move a muscle, just waited anxiously and refusing to get up to go eat. Even Tony's persuading did nothing to get him to leave, and he always listened to Tony. He had to know whether you'd be okay or not if he was to go.

The gods from above watched the scene unfold berore them."We have made the right decision; these people were clearly meant to be. Destiny cannot ignore what these two mortals have for each other."

While you were being operated on, Thor informed him of your state and caught him up on the whole "soulmates" thing. Now that he thought about it, you were the one for him: you were his everything, and he was yours.

"She will be okay, Mr. Parker," the God reassured him. "There is an old saying that says: Love has the power to conquer death."

Your heart rate almost flatlined at one point, sending everyone into a state of panic. Dr. Strange and the team were extremely quick to save you, and they watched as you took a deep breath, coming back to life.

One by one, the Avengers went into your room to visit you. Saying that they were glad you made it was an understatement, they were more than overjoyed.

There were so many things that Peter wanted to tell you, too many to count. He requested to be the last person to visit so he could spend the longest time with you. He hovered in the hallways as he watched Bucky step out of your room before going in.


Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice. "Peter? I thought I---"

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here," he comforted you.

"I thought I lost you, Spidey, and...the mark, it---"

"I know. I felt you get shot."

"What if, this whole soulmates thing, what if we have to watch each other fall for other people?" A tear slipped down your face and you roughly wiped it away. "Are you sure you want this? I'm ripping you apart, and by doing this, you're---"

"Hey, hey, hey," He rushed to your bedside and gently brushed his thumb against your temple, caressing your cheek with his soft hand. "We were put together for a reason. I don't care about what I have to do if it all means that I'll be with you in the end."

You squeezed his hand and he smiled, intertwining his fingers with yours. "I bet now that we're together, we'll never hear the end of it from Bucky, since he did have a vision about this, you know."

"Well then, we're going to make the most out of this."

You both stared at each other for a few seconds before he leaned in to kiss you, placing his lips on yours.

The two of you were smiling like idiots when you pulled apart, looking down at your soul marks to see that they were glowing brightly again.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Pete," you grinned.

"YES! FATE HAS FINALLY BROUGHT THEM TOGETHER! YES!" The entire team burst into the room, cheering, clapping, and wolf-whistling.

"Oh, shut up," you and Peter said at the same time, even though it was true.

Three years later, you were engaged and then, happily married.

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