Awake || Chris Brown Story

By mixeddollrria

62.5K 3.8K 2.8K

They're high school sweethearts, who are soon to be married. They have two children and life just seems great... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
❗️New Story Out❗️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

2.5K 163 139
By mixeddollrria

I've been so busy w/ work and finals , forgive me y'all ♥️ enjoy.

Doing better and all out of my feelings.

....I lied, I'm more in my feelings than anything these days, but I am doing better. I'm about to go back into the working field as I did before my crash and coma, which was as a manager of a clothing store. I didn't create any of the clothes, and I didn't really need the job at first being Chris willingly carried everything, It was something to pass time by and keep some money in my pockets.

I was thinking about going back to my old store I used to work at, but I know they've moved on with management and everything, doesn't hurt to give it a try though. I'll go up there once I gain the strength to pull myself out of bed.

By the way, I seen Chris's text, and I chose to ignore it. What am I supposed to say, "I'm sorry for going into a coma and making you move on, causing you to get married and have another baby on me?" I'm hurt and I don't know what to do from here. I do know for a fact that I wanna get back onto my feet so I can get my own place and get my kids back. Fuck Chris, and his "wife."

"What do you have planned for today?" Lira asked, standing in my doorway.

"I didn't plan on doing anything, but if you wanted to do something can you do me a big favor and take me up to Judy's boutique?" I asked

"Isn't that your old job?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see could I start back working up there." I said

"Don't you think it's a bit too soon for you to—"

"Lira, I've been moping around and not doing anything with my life for about a month now, how long am I supposed to sit out while mom is gone taking care of business? Don't forget I was out on my own, own everything before this crash, I'm not used to relying on someone or sitting around all day, I'll be fine." I said

"Do you think you remember your tasks and stuff?" She asked

"Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't be attempting to go back up there. Everything has came back, except for probably a few things but that doesn't matter, can you take me or what?"

She sighed, "Sure, I'll be back in 10 minutes, that'll give you time to get ready. Let me run to the gas station." She said

"Go ahead." I said and pushed my comforter back

When she left I finally got up to do something to my hair and throw some clothes on.

I don't know why everyone thinks that I'm just incapable of caring for myself now. Yes, I've been in a coma for three years but if I think that I'm fine then they should trust that.

Lira came back within the 10 minutes she said she'd take.

I followed behind her into her car and sat in the passengers seat, allowing my mind to wander while she drove.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah, why'd you ask?"

"You've been silent the entire ride— I don't expect you to ramble on and have a lot to talk about, it just seems your mind is in another space." She said

I sighed, "I'm.. okay." I shrugged, though I truthfully wasn't. My heart was broken into a million pieces, the man that was once the love of my life had moved on before I could think of pursuing anyone else.

"Kyra, you can talk to me, tell me." She said

"It's Chris, he moved on." I said

She sighed while tapping the steering wheel, "I knew that, do you know with who?" She asked

"No, I don't. I could careless with who it's with, my questions is why? Could he not wait?" I asked, though I didn't expect an answer.

"You should care, and since we're sisters and I sort of understand your pain— I'd think he should've waited too, but thinking in another perspective and realistically, I could understand why he didn't. People get lonely, needs need to be met, I could see why."

"But, Lira, this man took 6 years to propose to me and 3 to actually marry me, but not even an entire two years before he up and married the woman he's with now. I can accept moving on I guess, but not marrying someone else, I don't care how many times you or anyone else tries to explain or validate his reasons." I said

"I understand your frustrations, Kyra. This dark cloud over your head will soon pass over and there'll be sun again, if he really knows what's best he'll gravitate back towards you— but please don't mope about it, it won't get anything done nor does it solve anything. When I first found out that he got into a relationship I tried to explain to him how stupid it was of him, but you can't tell him anything and you know that before I do. But, enough of him, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but we're pulling up to the boutique, you need to go in here with your head high and like you know what you're talking about— I'm sure they know you're recovering from a coma but don't disclose nothing further than that, as far as your memory loss and et cetera." She said

I nodded in agreement, "You're right, I'm about to go in here and get my old job back." I said and opened the door

"Goodluck, I'll be next door shopping." She said

"Cool." I said and got out

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. The bell above it dinged as the door opened.

A few customers looked and smiled and continued their shopping, I walked to the cashier desk and there was someone there.

She looked up, "Hi, can I— Kyra?!" She squealed

I squinted, frowning a bit, trying to recollect who she is, "Toy—" I slowly said

"Tonya." She said

She's an old co-worker, I'm surprised she's still here since she always complained about it.

"Right, right, how have you been?" I asked

"Girl I've been fine, question is how are you? I heard you went into a coma for three years after a nearly fatal car accident the day of your wedding." She said

"Oh, it got around, huh?"

"Tuh, did you expect it not to? You know everyone talks here in San Diego." She said

I nodded in agreement, "So is Megan here?" I asked

"She actually isn't in today, but I can give you her number, she definitely wouldn't mind, may I ask what you wanted to speak with her for?" She asked

I was about to tell her but lately it's like I've been really cautious of everyone, as far as trusting them and what not.

I shrugged, "Just wanted to see her." I shrugged

"Okay, well I hope to see you sometime soon, you be careful." She said and passed me a paper with Megan's number and email on it.

I smiled to myself, " You too." I said and walked towards the exit.

"Kyra?" I heard a female woman's voice say

I turned around and there was Megan, "Tonya said you weren't here today." I said

"What? She saw me this morning when we opened
I don't understand why she said I wasn't here." She lightly chuckled

"Yeah, but she gave me your number to reach you on, I was just gonna call you later."

"Yeah? Let me see." She said, I passed her the small card in my hand.

She laughed and shook her head, "My number has changed two times since I had this number— she has my new number." She said

"Hm, wonder why she gave me your old one."

"I figured she probably did, she's so shady, that's why I asked to see which number she gave you. Any-who, did you need me for anything?" She asked

"I actually did." I sighed

"Okay, did you wanna talk about it here or would you prefer to go in my office?" She asked

"Office is fine." I said

I followed after her to her office, I glanced at the cashier desk and caught Tonya mugging me, I gave a fake smile and kept walking, Tonya has always been very shady.

When we got to the office I sat down next to Megan.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" She asked

"Well Megan you know, before my coma I was one of the two managers that worked here—"

"And you want your position back?" She cut me off and asked

I slightly nodded, "Yeah, but if it isn't available I'll understand."

"You're right on time, actually. The other manager that works with me is actually moving in two weeks and I haven't even begin conducting interviews yet,
I'm so backed up. This will just make it easier, so in two weeks come back up here and you have a job." She said

I smiled to myself, this was easier than expected.

"Oh— but don't tell Tonya, just let her be surprised in two weeks. She really thought she was going to get the spot though I told her millions of times that she has to portray manager qualities before I promote her." She said

I chuckled, "Damn, I'm being messy, but you know you and I used to be so close, and Tonya knows that too, I just don't like how she tried to send you off." She said

"Yeah, I sort of expected it, Tonya has always been a mess. But, I will be back up here in two weeks exact." I said

"Great, but I'll need you to come up here a few days before hand so I can process your paper work. Here's my real number, text me so I can save yours." She said

I grabbed the slip of paper she passed me and said my goodbyes before leaving out.

When I got outside I went to the car to see that Lira wasn't inside, I forgot that she said she went to do a bit of shopping next door.

"Found you." I said, finding her at a rack near the wall.

"So, now did it go?!" She excitedly asked

"I was instructed to come back in two weeks and I'll have a job." I smiled

"I knew it!" She said and hugged me

We left the store after she paid for her items and went to grab something to eat. It felt good to get outside, opposed to being cooped up like usual. I should get out more.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning." Lira said and gave me a side hug. I hugged her back and locked the door before going upstairs to my old bedroom.  My mom won't be back until later on tonight, she with this guy she's been seeing, according to the note. It's cute because she still leaves notes on the refrigerator, in a bright red sharpie marker, like she did when I was in high school.

I wanna talk to my kids tonight, they haven't called me since I seen them and I think it's because Chris won't allow them to use his phone, but I'm going to talk to them regardless and if he's really not allowing them to use the phone, I'll make a personal visit just to see him.

I sighed and unlocked my phone, I was a bit nervous about calling. Not because of Chris, but I wonder if his lil wife is going to answer. I brushed my nervous feelings away and before I knew it I was dialing out.

It rang a few times before someone picked up,

He cleared his throat, "Hello?" He answered, I could tell he had just woken up.

"Let me talk to my kids." I said

He sucked his teeth, "Damn, hey to you too. And don't be calling my phone sounding like a ghetto ass baby-mama talking bout lemme talk to my kids." He said

I rolled my eyes and remained silent, I truly didn't have anything to say to him.

Moments later, I heard Milani's soft voice over the phone.

... stupid ending, I know. I'll try to update ASAP , bear w/ me y'all.  Excuse the mistakes.
Ria ✍🏽

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