Stay By Me

By NobodySpecial97

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Taehyung is a cute hybrid omega with a dark history. He suffers depression,abuse,and eating disorder. He do... More

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2K 62 7
By NobodySpecial97

A/N: OMG IM SORRYYYY ITS BEEN FOREVER!! I suck at promises :( forgive me please :(  I really do try,i just forget or lose motivation to write. Thank you for dealing with it!💜 also,again,I apologize for grammar/spelling mistakes. I haven't proof read but you'll understand I'm sure. onwards to the story!!!!


*time skip to end of school{because Idek anymore*

3rd person POV


Graduation day came. Even though the three hybrids were homeschooled,they returned for finals one last time and graduated with everyone else. Namjoon and Jin came to watch. They cried tears of joy and sadness as they watched their "son" graduate and realized he's starting his own life. Tae walked first to grab his diploma with a wide box smile. The ceremony continued,Jungkook and Hoseok also earning their diplomas. Afterwards,the three met up for pictures.

"TaeTae Im so proud of you sweetie," Jin cried while hugging tae. Tae smiled and sighed. He hugged Namjoon,who said nothing but smiled. Tae felt so happy and loved. Jin and Namjoon then hugged Taes lovers,congratulating them as well.  Afterwards,they went to Taes house to change so they could go celebrate.

"I call shower first!" Yelled Taehyung,running to the bathroom after grabbing his tux. He showered and finished,reapplying a little makeup and putting on a black suit with a blue tie. Hoseok and Jungkook followed,Hoseok dressing in black suit with red tie,and Jungkook with a white tie. They were all ready and went to dinner. They five hybrids went to a very fancy restaurant and enjoyed their meals.

"Now,I believe there's something we need to discuss," Jin said seriously. They all got quiet and payed attention.

"First of all.As you are aware,you have all in fact graduated. Do you have a house? Not that there's a rush for you to leave,as you are welcome to stay as long as you like!" Jin said.

Jungkook nodded,wiping his mouth with a napkin. "We all will be at my house. I moved a little while ago because I knew I'd have Hobi and tae. So it's a surprise where we live now!" Jungkook smiled. Tae and Hoseok smiled excitedly,tae clapping with joy.

"That's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear!" Namjoon smiled.

"I'm glad. Second of all," Jin said lowering his voice, "as you know,Taes first heat will be coming soon." Tae turned bright red and hid his face. Jin continued,smiling apologetically. "I know how these things go. It's none of my business,but I need to know that you will be careful with him and be there. I know how these things work,and it's no fun. He'll be very... ... just please,let me know you'll be there for him," Jin finished worriedly. Hoseok coughed a little awkwardly and nodded.

"Jin you don't need to worry. Jungkook and I will take care of him," Hobi said embarressed. Jin nodded. Tae kept his face covered and playfully hit his arm. They give continued their meal and went home.

"I'd like to take Hoseok hyung  and Taehyungie hyung to our new home to show them tonight. We will be back soon!" Jungkook said. Namjoon and Jin nodded and went to bed.

"Come on guys! I can't wait to show you!" Jungkook said excitedly. They all got into Jungkooks new car. (He'd just bought it about a week ago). It was a slick and black Lamborghini Veneno. (Y'all Im telling you,Jungkook rich asfff) tae admired the car in awe before joining the others inside,buckling up and enjoying the ride. After about a half hour,jungkook parked in a drive way of a very nice house.

"We're here!!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly. They all climbed out,Hoseok and Taehyung's jaw dropping. It was amazing. Beautiful. Stunning. They couldn't believe they lived here.

It was a very beautiful house indeed.

"Come on! I'll show you Inside!!"

They boys all walked in. The house was fully furnished and ready. They really just needed to bring their personal belongings.

"This is the kitchen"

"This is the living room"

"This is the main bathroom"

"This is our backyard"

"And this is the bedroom we will use"

"J-jungkook this is insane! How do you have all this money?!" Tae said,shocked and in awe.

"My parents may have been assholes,but now that I've graduated,I can start work as CEO of my parents company. Plus,before they left,they did give me quite a bit for after graduation." He said simply,not wanting to talk too much of his parents.

"The rest of the house you can explore. There's a few more guest bedrooms and some more bathrooms. Welcome home you guys" he smiled proudly. They did a group hug and kissed.

"Come on. I'll drive us home. We can move in whenever you'd like," jungkook smiled. They all drove back home,exhausted from such a long day. They changed into their pajamas,mainly boxers and hoodies,and climbed into bed. Tae picked a show called On My Block for them to watch. (A/n: YALL THIS SHOW IS AMAZING IF YOU HAVENT SEEN I STRONGLY RECOMMEND!!! It's on Netflix hint hint. Js)

Hoseok fell asleep first,as he usually does. Jungkook and tae stayed awake a little while longer.

"K-kookie I wanted to say thank you. You didn't need to get such a big house. I do love it. Very much. I can't wait to move in and start our new life" tae smiled and jungkook fondly while playing with his ear.

"I'm glad you like it baby. And don't talk nonsense. I know we'll be happy. I'm excited too,love." Jungkook kissed tae sweetly.

"I've been thinking... I-i want you both to help me through my f-first heat,"tae stuttered embarressed. Jungkook just chuckled and smiled.

"Then we shall both be there baby boy," he smirked then kissed Tae softly. "Let's get some sleep then,yea?"

Tae nodded,pulling the covers up and snuggled into Jungkooks warm chest,sighing happily. Jungkook smiled brightly at his baby before pecking Taes head and falling asleep.

All was well until Taehyungs dream began..........

A/N: YOOOOOOOO!!!! 10K READS ARE YOU SERIOUS?! OMG GUYS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SMMMM!! I never thought my book would get this many. Tbh I don't think it's very good and was thinking of ending it,but you guys gave me motivation to keep going with it! Y'all are insane ily readers!! Lemme know if I'm doing ok,yea? Any recommendations? I take constructive criticism.


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