Love Contract - A Love Sick f...

By DaniAurie21

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I have always wondered what life would be like after Phun and Noh's book ended. Here I can create a future fo... More

The Intro to my version of Phun and Noh
Plans for a Reunion
Old Friends
Words and Actions
P'Noh in Person
Some Doubts and Concerns
Hidden Thoughts in the Open
The Semi-Finals
The Time In Between
The Act of Facing Reality
The Greatest Love
Mick's New Job
The Pain and the Hope
Fi's Revelations
The Contract
Another Kind of Reunion
Separate Yet Together
Family Ties
A Glimpse Into The Past
A Time of Coming Together
The Confrontation
Lies and Manipulations
We're Famous Here Too?
The Hindrance and The Help
Trust, Guilt and Forgiveness
Full Disclosure
Games of Cats vs Mice
Love Oasis
The Accident
Gulf, the Highrisers, and a New Leap Forward
P'Tear Variety Show Revelations
Tearing It Up
The Night Before...
Live Stream Antics
Kirisat Ngonkomdhon
Fian Charoenpakdee
Stating My Intentions
The Date
5 Million Views in Just One Day
Baby Shower
The Passage Of A Term
The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 1
Secret Time
Noh Steals A Slogan? Elevation Is The Revolution?
Phun's First Work Trip
Unwavering Love
Midnight Meeting
Ending On A Sour Note
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
Visiting Jack And Getting Back On Track
Reuniting With Ohm
Self Discoveries
Catharsis And Carry On
Catching Up (A Time Skip?)
Addressing Some Allegations
Welcome Home My Star
Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom

The Interview With Sempai Mel Pt 2

591 36 17
By DaniAurie21

"It's been a couple of years Noh. How's the ankle?"

"Much better thanks. How have you been?"

"Great actually. I just had my checkup and my doc says I'm good to go. So... You know I can't help wondering...? Will Secret make it?"

"He'll try. He at least knows that you wish he would be able to join. That's why we had things scheduled for this time. If he has to work over time then he does and that's that but if he can come, he will. That's the best he can give you. "

"I'll take it. This time things are going to be different. I have questions ranging from the normal to the absurd. They are pouring in live from Twitter and I'll read them out as I go. We have an hour. Let's see how many we can answer. Good?"

"Great." They all gave her a thumbs up.

Ohm, are you and your lover still together?

Ohm: Yep. Still going strong. He's in University now and he's really taken off. I'm proud of him.

Do any of you have plans for solo tracks?

They all looked around at each other.

Noh: Not I said the cat.

Ohm: In other words, no, from all of us.

Where do you plan to promote your album?

Noh: The information is going out in the following weeks but currently a short tour in India, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, California and Florida, England, Spain. That's the names I heard. We made inquiries in China but the feedback hasn't been positive.

Any large venues?

Ohm: Small ones for now I heard.

Some ladies from Myanmar want you to know they love you and are you ever going to come there?

Ex: We love you too and we have no idea at the moment. Mr. Sou?

Mr. Sou: I'll put out some feelers.

Mel: They will look into it and that's better than a no.

She scrolled. The door opened and her head shot up. Someone signaled Mr. Sou and he walked out.

Mel: Mr. Sou has left us everyone. Ok next.

Will you be making an English album?

Noh, Ohm, Dye: No thank you.

Flex: I am a musician from Thailand who listens to English music and no offence but I don't see famous musicians learning Thai and making music just for us. If I can listen to English music, why can't they listen to Thai music?

Ex: We already incorporate English words in our songs and add captions. We bridge the barrier where we can. This is actually a really interesting topic. It just depends on the musician.

Mel: Would you do it Ex?

Ex: if I'm doing a cover, sure. Otherwise, no. Sorry. You have to take me as I am loves. He blew kisses into the camera.

Are the three of you still single?

Dye: I have someone I'm interested in at the moment.

Ex: Yep. Not for lack of trying.

Flex: I am single again.

Mel: Dye. Would you like to tell us more about this person?

Dye: No, not yet. I'm still nurturing my feelings. 

Mel: I see. I understand. Lets continue then.

Are you willing to date fans?

Ex: Fans are still people. I date girls and to me your a girl before you are anything else. If I dated guys it would be the same thing.

If a guy asked any of you Ex twins out, would you date him?

Flex: it depends. Is he my type? Being around these guys has taught me one thing for sure. Love doesn't give a shit about what I think as long as I'm open to it. If a guy comes by and he's my type and we hit it off, I'll give it a try.

Ex: I've dated a guy. It was actually for a charity auction and we had a great time. Circumstances are that we just didn't have a spark. We're still buddies thought and he makes a mean shrimp stirfry.

Noh: The one you brought home for me a week ago? 

Ex: Yeah buddy.

Ohm: We fought for that shit. For real! It was so fucking tasty. Noh had me in a headlock and then Flex took us both down and Secret walked away with the rest and ate it all by himself.

Noh: We almost broke up. For real. That stirfry almost put an end to our relationship, it was that good.

Mel: You heard it here first folks. Now I'm hungry. Hey guy with the stirfry. Order for 8. Thanks. Ok next.

What's your favorite sexual position?

There was a sudden silence.

Noh: Well that was sudden and abrupt. I like to took at my partner so any position that makes that happen.

Ohm: It's not a position but I like making out.

Dye: Yeah. Kissing does it for me. 

Flex: Hummmm. Cuddling on the couch and making out. Also I agree with Noh too. 

Ex: I've never had a relationship that lasted but one. We were really tumultuous. But I remember the things I enjoyed the most was actually the little things like holding hands and stealing kisses and so on. You know, long looks over an ice-cream cone. I love being in a relationship but I have shit luck.

Noh: That's because you never listen to me. Next time, listen to me. I know what I'm telling you. 

Ex: Ok fine. You heard it here first again. I'll listen to Noh next time and I'll be sure to tell you if he had it right all along.

Noh: And that's a deal.

Secret: He has good instincts.

They all turned to the door, surprised. Phun had a mask and cap on. He was still in a suit thought different from what he wore this morning. It wasn't his style and Noh felt awkward watching him. There was something that muffled his voice so you couldn't quite make it out too. All the members had wondered who the hell just walked in.

Mel: Well hello. Glad to see you made it.

Secret: Hi. Hey everyone.

He sat down in the seat next to Flex and behind Noh who winked at him. Up close it was clear he wore contacts since his eyes were grey.

Mel: You wear contacts?"

Secret: I change them often to match my suit.

She nodded and looked down

Secret, where do you work?

Secret: Family company. I wouldn't tell you what we do but I will tell you it involves having clients.

What is your favorite colour, food, drink, and sexual position?

Secret: BBQ, I drink a lot of iced coffee but I wouldn't say it's a favorite, white, any position that involves this one. I'm not particular as long as he's involved.

How do you feel about Noh's decision to be in a band?

Secret: I worry of course. I hurt when he gets a loss. I celebrate when he achieves his goal. Music has always been the thing that Noh connects with. I knew that when we were casual friends, I knew that when we became real friends, and I know that now. To change that would change him and then he wouldn't be Noh.

Do you have any plans to be a band husband?

Secret: No thank you. I'll visit him when I have time but he has to come home eventually and when he does, I'll be waiting. I have my own plans too anyways. 

To the rest of the band, how do you feel about Secret's involvement in the band?

Dye: Involvement? That's not the word I would use. Noh and Secret came as a twosome. Well with Ohm it was more like a threesome. 

Ohm: Ewwwwww! Gross.

Dye rolled his eyes and smacked Ohm: Anyway as I was saying. We knew he was the driving force behind every decision Noh made from the start. We knew everything about the guy before he ever knew we existed. I honestly don't think they are two people. I think they are 1 person in 2 bodies. For real. There is no Secret without Noh and vice versa.  

Flex: You can say what you want but Secret is in every lyric of every song. He is the theme. He will always be the master theme. We knew and accepted that going in.

You decided to name you new album Love Chronicles Pt 2. How long is this chronicle going to be?

Ohm: Finally! Something about the actual album! Ok so we haven't decided that yet. I'm thinking one or two more before we move on to another story.

Ex: I'm feeling one more. We just did Dark Love. I think I want something about romantic love next. Then we can move on.

When are you going to release the tracks? We would like to know what's on the album Please.

Noh: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! We were actually waiting for these kinds of questions. So we already released the album cover. Here are the tracks.

Mel: There are 12 in all including Rising. Reading down we have, Paradise, Tempest, Loving/Hurting. Oh. Is this like Looking/Stalking part 2?

Ohm: Hummmmmmm. I wonder...

Mel rolls her eyes at Ohm who winks at her: Then we have Will You Be Mine, Longing, The Song of P and N

There was a long pause. 

Mel: P and N?

Noh: You have to listen to the song to get it.

Mel: So the N isn't for Noh?

Noh: It could also be my name. Listen, the P came from someone's name but the idea is to substitute it. It's the song of us as in you and I, whoever You and I are. In this case I picked P and N.

Flex: Ok I'll tell you the truth since he doesn't want to. The original title was The Song Of Us. Now. One day we had an interview with this chick for her personal reasons. She said there was a poll and that people were voting for who Secret really is.

Mel: Ohhhhh! We did that poll.

Flex: Well there was a night in which a lot of liqueur was involved and we bet Noh that he couldn't land a dive into the pool. Don't ask me how we got there and what happened after. The outcome was simple, if he failed, the initial of the winner or the person leading the poll at the time would have to go on the song.

Noh: All I prayed was that it wouldn't be M. Ok I don't know who put Mez on that poll but I despise you. How could you? Like really?

Mel covered her mouth as she slowly raised her hand. Her eyes were twinkling and her shoulders were shaking.

Noh: You! How could you? I thought we were friends! I thought you understood me! I can't believe this. Noh faked outrage as Secret rubbed his shoulders in comfort.

One of the girls who came with Mel stepped behind her and showed her a video on her phone. She turned it to the band and Secret.

Mel: Is this the dive in question? Which you failed spectacularly by the way. Noh, you belly flopped. Oh my gosh! Didn't it hurt?

Noh: Fuck yes it did. I puked my guts out afterwards. Like you have no idea what I went through that night. I actually avoid drinking but that was the night after the last final and everything just looked rosy and perfect. I thought why the hell not. I was so wrong.

Mel: This person and I are thinking the same thing...

Who's came up with the bet?

There was no hesitation. They all pointed to Ohm. His eyes crinkled as his grin grew wider and wider. He looked a bit like the Grinch if one was honest. Noh shuddered when he saw that smile.

Flex: Listen ok. Ohm lives for situations like this. Noh gets super boastful when he's drunk. He annoys even himself, he admits it openly. Ohm is a predator. He looks for the perfect situation, then strikes.

Secret nodded as Flex spoke: And he knows everything. Back in school, nothing got past him.

Flex: Even worse, he knows all the things to do and say that will get you going. He worked Noh like a pro and when he got him in the right position, he threw in the bet. 

Dye: Noh never saw it coming and we weren't kosher enough to warn him. So Ohm filmed it all. Noh couldn't back out even if he wanted to. When we did the album, Mez was in the lead and Noh was dying inside. I don't know who he called but Phun was so close, all he needed was about three votes to pass Mez. The day we submitted the names and the songs, Phun was in the lead and Noh was very pleased with himself.

Mel tried to cover her laughter but couldn't. After she let it all out she went back to the track list: Let me finish this. Ok, we have Torrid, Silk Sheets, Cold Shoulders, Empty Bed and Bad Girl/Bad Boy

Can you pick a song and tell us about it in detail? Not the three that make up FTSS.

Dye: Bad Girl/Bad Boy is a song about revenge. It's the slashing tires song. The one where (s)he busted the windows of your car or drove it through your side piece front door. Do you know, statistically, there is no longer a marked difference between which gender cheats more? It seems everyone is doing it. 

Noh: And actually this is the song I ghost wrote for my ex. We still talk and I asked her what would you have loved to do to me if you could. I told her I would put it in a song. She had a hell of a lot to say suddenly. I actually asked her if she was holding it inside this entire time.

Mel: Wait. You still speak to your ex? Secret did you know this?

Secret: Yes I do. 

Mel blinked in shock but decided not to pursue it. She sensed she was going to get stonewalled before she even started.

What's your favorite song each off the album?

Noh: Bad Girl/Bad Boy

Ohm: Loving/Hurting. It's got a soul vibe and get's you in the feels.

Dye: Silk Sheets. I think this one will be a fan favorite.

Flex: Tempest or Empty Bed. EB is a great sad song. I don't know why but I love sad songs.

Mel: Why the hell would you love sad songs?

Flex: Not much makes me feel sad. Hungry children, kittens and sad songs do it for me every time. I can depend on those three for sure.

Ex: Bad Girl/Bad Boy or Torrid.

Can you do impersonations?

Ohm: I'm great with accents. 

He astounded everyone with a British, French, Bostonian, Jamaican, and Indian accent as he spoke some of the song lyrics.

Noh: He has a perfect ear. Don't be fooled. 

Mel: Really?

Dye: Ohm tunes all our instruments. He does it by ear. The rest of us would need equipment. I do facial impressions. This is Ex president Trump. This is Elvis Presley. This one is my favorite. V from BTS has a boxy smile. Here.

He got it down almost perfect of a moment in a clip of V with a beanie on, letting loose that smile.

Flex: Noh and I do scenes in dramas. SOTUS. Come on.

Noh: The wife scene? Hell yeah! That's one of my all time favorites.

They jumped up, Noh as Kongpob, Flex as Arthit, re-enacting the moment were Kong told Arthit he would make him his wife so he could get the gear.

Mel applauded when they were finished. She had to admit, they did an awesome job.

If you could film a drama, what would you do differently from other dramas?

Secret: Have real kisses. 

The band roared in delight and high-fived him. 

Secret: Or at least make them look authentic. I mean who lip touches in real life? Pree and Rambo in What the Duck were awesome. They were a couple. Max and Tul are also authentic. I wish they would just get together already.

Mel: OMG Secret. You and I will be great friends. Ok we have 10 minutes left of the hour. 

Can You Imitate these three dances from these girl groups?

Mel: We have Black Pink's Ddududu, Twice's Dance The Night Away and Peek A Boo by Red Velvet.

Noh: Oh God. I can't dance. Like for real.

But he got up and took to the floor. They lined up when suddenly Ohm looked back.

Ohm: Don't even think your getting out of this. Get up here.

Secret gave Ohm a long stare: I'm going to hold this against you. Just so you know.

Ohm only cackled and made room for Secret. The music started. Flex threw down. He made no joke. Secret also knew the dances but lacked the enthusiasm. Noh was two left feet but he has fun. Ohm seemed to be doing the dances but he had your mind so confused, you couldn't confirm or deny. Ex was surprisingly good too. Dye was precise but had zero passion.

Mel: I declare Flex the winner by a landslide. Noh you weren't kidding when you said you couldn't dance. I don't know what you were doing the entire time. Ohm, I can't even figure out if you danced or not.

Ohm cackled like a hyena. 

Mel: Ok that ate up the time.

Noh: You can get five more questions in. Make them count.

Is there ever going to be a face reveal?

Secret: Yes. One day.

Have we ever correctly guessed who you are Secret?

Secret: All the time.

Are you nervous about the album and everything tomorrow?

Dye: Fuck yes. I think I've turned into Noh. I'm pretty sure I am constipated.

Noh: You too? I sat on the toilet for like an hour this morning.

Mel: Moving on!

Do you think it's ok to put yourself so out there? Aren't you afraid of judgment?

Noh: I'm not that great at lying. I blush and give myself away. I can also be as dense as Ohm and I have serious trust issues. For me, it just works to not hold anything back. You want to use it against me, fine. Everyone already knows. The only secret is Secret and that's mostly because he wants to remain a secret for the time being. 

Dye: If you may have noticed, Noh is the one with all his stuff out there, and like he says, it works for him. I can't be him. I like to keep some things to myself.

Ohm: I like to keep people in the dark. It's my specialty and I think it's also the reason why Noh has such insane trust issues. I taught him to distrust people just by being myself and pulling all the shit I do on him. I would also dig into his secrets and pull them apart for my own pleasure. No, I wouldn't expose them, but for my personal pleasure. Noh has learned that if I don't have ammunition, I can't use it against him. The best way to do that it to expose it himself. With Secret it was different. There were too many people involved and I don't think the two of them really understood what they were to each other until they had to take one for the team. It was like watching love get found then lost before ones very eyes. I was looking the entire time. It was heartbreaking and instead of helping, I pushed and pulled, and dug.

Noh: Actually by doing that, you were helping. So thanks. Because otherwise I would have been messed up and unhappy by now. You did good Ohm.

Ohm: I did? Oh wow.

Secret: Yeah but don't let it get to your head. You also fucked up more than enough.

Ohm winced as he remembered leading Yuri to her doom. There was no denying, he had.

Ex: The rest of us just don't have anything to put out there. I need to actually be seeing someone for this full transparency Noh is going for to actually work. Besides. All the big shit is in Noh's past mistakes as a high school student. The Noh of right now is actually kind of boring.

Dye: Kind of? No kidding.

Noh: All I do is eat, sleep, shit, make music, and talk to this guy. Like, thank god for this album drop tomorrow. Finally something is happening around here.

Can you one day act out one of Sempai Mel's fan fics and post it online?

Ohm: Look out for the random video one day on our channel.

Mel: And last but not least...

Where would you like to have your fantasy performance?

Dye: Australia and I just want it animal free, you know. Nothing deadly this way comes.

Ohm: Ireland or Scotland and everyone in kilts. I think I would look great in a kilt.

Ex: Hawaii because I just want to go there.

Flex: Antarctica because I want to cover every continent. And maybe somewhere in the Caribbean. Different kind of Island vibe you know.

Noh: I was going to say the Caribbean or Mediterranean but I think since this is a fantasy I want to do it in my back yard to my high school self and tell him he did ok and made the best choices he could. That he needs to follow his heart better and don't always listen to fracking Ohm. Yeah. I think that's my fantasy performance.

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