Already Gone

By MCR_lives_forever

69.7K 1.8K 964

Olivia has had a wild four years at Hogwarts. But her forth year Voldemort rose from the dead. Olivia was lef... More

Hair Color and there meaning
Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
Hair Color and there meaning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

1.9K 60 58
By MCR_lives_forever

Dumbledore smiled faintly and shook his head. "I was merely curious." He rose from his chair. "In any event, I'm sure you're wondering why I've summoned you here tonight. The answer lies here." Dumbledore swung open a cabinet where dozens of dozens of glittering vials stood like tiny soldiers.

"What you see before you are memories. In this case pertaining to one individual: Voldemort. Or as he was known then... Tom Riddle." Dumbledore reached down with his damaged hand and removed a stoppered vial. It was dusty and veined with age. "This vial contains a most particular memory of the day I first met him. I'd like you to see it. If you would."

Dumbledore extended his ashen hand. Olivia and Harry rose gingerly and took the vial and removes the cork. 

He tipped the contents into the Pensieve. Dumbledore nodded at Harry and Olivia. They leaned into the iridescent liquid their faces broke the surface of the water.

A horse-drawn milk cart rattled across a rain-swept London street. A young Dumbledore appeared in a plum velvet suit. He walked down the street as him eye a lovely lass appreciatively. He reached a grim building surrounded by iron gates. 

It looked like a prison to Olivia.

As Dumbledore passed through, a skinny, sharp-featured woman, lead Dumbledore down a drab corridor. Children's voiced carried from an unseen courtyard they were splashing and shrieking, in the midst of some game.

"I must confess to a bit of confusion upon receiving your letter, Mr. Dumbledore. In all the years Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor. Frankly, I was stunned to find that someone knew of his existence." Mrs. Cole told Dumbledore and Olivia looked over to Harry. 

"I am not family. But his name has been known to me since birth." Mrs. Cole did not understand what he meant by that.

"I see." But she didn't really. She stopped and frowned. "I think I should tell you. He's a funny boy, Tom. Odd. There have been incidents with the other children. Nasty things."

"Perhaps you could give me an example." Mrs. Cole started to speak but shook her head. She moved off and to a door.

As Dumbledore made to follow, his eyes happened upon a framed photograph on the wall. It was old and yellowing. It depicting a seaside scene of a sharp rock outcropping and a cave. 

He left the picture and Olivia looked at it more.

Mrs. Cole's hand appeared and knocked in a door. She turned the knob and walked in.

It was a small room, grim and shadowy. Tom Riddles a 11 years old, sat atop a bed his hands in his lap. The walls crawled with reflected rain and it oozed like oil down a grimy window. Just looking at it made Olivia's stomach turn.

"You've got a visitor, Tom." Dumbledore stepped forward and extended his hand.

"How do you do, Tom." Riddle eyed Dumbledore briefly before looking away.

"Well, I'll leave you two to yourselves." Mrs. Cole exited and closed the door behind her. Dumbledore studied Riddle and  began to tour the room. 

Carefully placed upon a low shelf were some odd souvenirs. A grouping of seven stones, a book containing seven matches, and seven brass keys. Something clicked in Olivia's mind, but she kept silent.

Dumbledore passed a tall cabinet and traced his finger over it's surface. Almost as if the wood's grain were Braille and as if somehow "seeing" what lied within.

Dumbledore paused. Strewn on a small table were a grouping of seven dark drawing. A boy and girl their faces were anguished. A sea-swept cave, the same cave from the photograph. Dumbledore began to reach out for them.

"Don't." Dumbledore stopped and turned. He found Riddle's level gaze on him.

"As you wish." Riddle looked away and Dumbledore and for the first time, noticed his hands. They were splayed and utterly still, and interlaced with a silky web. Where a spider knitted back and forth.

"You're the doctor, aren't you?" Olivia looked at the young boy, he was thin and had this look on his face. 

"No. I am a Professor." Tom looked at Dumbledore, before looking behind him. It was almost like he could see the two siblings.

"I don't believe you. I hear Mrs. Cole talking, her and the rest of the staff. They want me looked at. They think I'm different."

"Perhaps they're right." Dumbledore told the young boy, but he took it the wrong way then what was meant.

"I'm not mad."

"Hogwarts is not a place for mad people." Riddle looked up and cocked his head ever-so-slightly."It's a school. A school of magic." Riddle stayed looking, but said nothing. "You can do things, can't you, Tom? Things the other children can't." Riddle eyed Dumbledore intensely and unblinking.

"Yes." He said shortly and Dumbledore nodded.

"Tell me some of the things you can do, Tom." Olivia took a deep breath as her head started to spin.

He didn't look up from the spider in his hand. "I can make things move, without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt, if I want." Dumbledore studied Riddle and the boy looked up.

"Who are you?" Riddle's asked Dumbledore.

"I'm like you, Tom. Different." Riddle closed his hands and the web collapsed.

"Prove it." It was not a request. Without breaking his gaze, Dumbledore's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. The wardrobe bursted into flames. Riddle looked at it with wide eyes.

Slowly Riddles smiled. Dumbledore studied him and abruptly, the wardrobe began to shake. Riddle's smile faded. "I think there is something trying to get out of your wardrobe, Tom. Open it. Open. It." Terrified, Riddle stepped to the burning wardrobe and threw open the door.

On the topmost shelf, above a rail of threadbare clothes, a small box shook violently.

"Take it out." As Riddle's fingers touched the box and the flames engulfing the wardrobe vanished. The box continued to shake and soon became the only sound in the room.

"Is there anything in that box you ought not to have?" Riddle eyed Dumbledore a trifle fearfully this time. He spilled the box onto the bed, a yo-yo, a silver thimble, and a tarnished mouth organ. 

Olivia looked away from it and Harry eyed her. "Why did you want these things, Tom?" Dumbledore asked the little boy.

Tom looked off. "I like having things that belonged to other people. It makes me feel ... close to them." Dumbledore studied Riddle's profile and pondered this.

"Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, you will be taught not only how to use magic, but to control it. Understood?" Riddle's nodded silently. "I'll be going now, Tom. Leave your window open tonight. An owl will bring you a message. Read it carefully."

Dumbledore started to exit when Tom spoke. "I can speak to snakes too." Dumbledore stopped his back to Riddle. "They find me. Whisper things. Is that normal. For someone like me?"

"It is unusual. But not unheard of." Dumbledore exited without a backward glance. Leaving 11-year-old Tom Riddle alone. 

Harry, Olivia and Dumbledore reappeared. The room had grown dim in their absence. Dumbledore gestured and a lamp blazed to life. 

"Did you know, sir? Then?" Olivia asked him and Dumbledore shook his head.

"Did I know that I had just met the most dangerous Dark Wizard of all time? No. Had I." Olivia eyed him softly.

Dumbledore faltered and his expression was troubled. Harry looked up from the Pensieve where young Tom Riddle's fragmented face floats on the surface. "Over time, while here at Tom Riddle grew close to particular teacher. Can which teacher that might Hogwarts, one you guess be?" The two siblings looked at each other.

"You didn't bring Professor Slughorn back simply to teach Potions, did you, sir?" Harry asked as he grabbed Olivia's hand.

"No. I did not. You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly. And he will not part with it easily." He eyed the two knowingly. "I'd rather not divulge any more just yet, Harry, Olivia. But I promise. In time you will know everything."

"You said Professor Slughorn would try to collect me." Olivia looked at Dumbledore with confusion and almost affined.

"I did. Olivia, he will try that with you also, not only because you are Harry sister. He wants to get on Snape's good side." Olivia nodded her head.

"Do you want me to let him?" Dumbledore trailed his ashen fingers in the surface of the Pensieve. Vanquishing young Tom Riddle's face.



Harry tried, with little success, to get the attention of the throng of aspiring Quidditch players assembled on the pitch. "All right! Queue up! Excuse me."

"Shut it!" Instant silence. Harry frowned, but nodded to Ginny nevertheless.

"Thanks. All right. This morning I'll be putting you all through a few drills to assess your strengths. But know this: Just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?"

Ron looked unnerved at this, sweating so much he was attracted a pesky fly. Cormac McLaggen, the huge boy from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, sidled up. "No hard feelings, Weasley, alright?"

Ron looked at him with a confused face. "Hard feelings?" He asked as Olivia watched from the sidelines.  

"I'll be going out for Keeper as well. Nothing personal."

"Really? Strapping guy like you, you've got a Beater's build, don't you think? Keeper needs to be agile, quick-" Cormac nabbed the fly between two fingers. He killed the buzz.

"You like Ron." Hermione looked over at Olivia with wide eyes. Olivia smiled to her.

"What! No! I, mean-" Liv cut her off with a laugh.

"I like my chances. Say... think you could introduce me to your friend Granger? Wouldn't mind getting on a first name basis, know what I mean?" Cormac gave a lewd wink and sauntered off. Ron glanced up to the stands and Hermione smiled and waves.

"You do like him." Hermione looked over to her and sighed.

"Fine, yes. I do like him, but whats it to you?" Olivia looked at Hermione and caught the jealousy in her eyes.

"I'm going to go after him." Olivia said as she let the sun hit her pale face. "I've got Draco and god I love him with all my heart." Hermione smiled over to Olivia as her hair changed to the rainbow. 

Ginny flow swiftly, handling the Quaffle with ease. Two second years collided in mid-air. Olivia made a face as the two years fell to the ground. Cormac made a brilliant save and Ron made a shaky save.

Hermione looked on, nervous for him. Olivia watched Cormac, every time he made a save he would look over to Hermione. "Cormac got his eyes on you." Olivia told Hermione without taking her eyes off the pitch.

Katie Bell snatched a Quaffle with one hand and split two defenders beautifully and made a slick blind pass to Dean. Dean jetted high in the air and lets the Quaffle roll off his fingers. It landed right into Ginny's hands as she raced below.

Seamus send a Bludger rocketing into the stands and scattered a group of onlookers. Leaving only Neville who jumped away from the Bludger. 

Olivia's humming stopped as two third years collide in mid-air. Cormac made another brilliant save. "Are you sure its me he's looking at?" Hermione asked Olivia as Draco walked over and sat down.

"I'm sure that guy is looking at you not me." Draco pulled Olivia into his side and kissed her forehead.

Ron turned the wrong way, but made the save anyway as the Quaffle caromed off the tail of his broom. Hermione looked on more nervously. "Someone's got a crush." Draco joked and Hermione glared at him. 

Demelza Robins bent low over her stick. She pined the Quaffle under her chin and split two Bludgers and a pair of Beaters. 

"Oh." Draco muttered as two forth years collided in mid-air. "That must of hurt." Olivia nodded next to him.

Two aspiring Beaters whiff on a pair of Bludgers. But they whacked each other instead and plummet to the pitch. Olivia sniffled a laugh.

The Bludgers ricocheted off one another and went flying into the stands. Scattering onlookers yet again and leaving, as before, only Neville. This time, he sidled delicately to the left. Cormac made another brilliant save."He's totally looking at you 'Mione." She waved Olivia off as she kept an eyes on the pitch.

The Quaffle bounced off Ron's head an Hermione looked on extremely nervously. Two fifth years collided in mid-air."Poor Harry is going to have a hard time this year." Olivia muttered and Hermione hummed in agreement.

The survivors pressed ice packs to their heads and ran tape round twisted fingers. "Don't even think about it." Olivia looked up at Draco and he looked down at her. "No Quidditch this year." Olivia huffed, but nodded.

"I know. I'm just going to miss it." Draco kissed her forehead as she leaned into him.

"I know you will love." 

Only Ron, hovered at the west goal and Cormac hovered at the east. Luna, Spectrespecs in place, eyed Cormac cool, confident, clear. Then eyed Ron, sweaty, nervous, swarmed in Wrackdpurts.

"All right. Cormac. Ron. It's down to you two for Keeper. We'll decide it with a shootout. Demelza, you'll bring the Quaffle up against Cormac. Ginny, you'll take on Ron." Ginny nodded but Cormac looked on with rage.

"Hang on. She's his sister. How do I know she won't toss him a floater?" He asked Harry and Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Piss off, Cormac. How 'bout I toss you a floater?"

"Quiet! I'm Captain. We do it my way. Now line up. On three. One. Two... Three!" Demelza and Ginny rocketed forth. Ron weaved nervously while Cormac hovered in place, a confident sneer on his face.

"C'mon, Ron." Harry muttered under his breath. Demelza hunkered over her broom once again. Like a flying arrow and she went into a wide, sweeping slide.

Ginny blasted over the pitch, ginger hair streaming like flames. She rolled recklessly to the side. As one, they both let fly, Hermione, face buried in her fingers, muttered something. "Having fun with that spell?" Olivia asked as she looked over to Hermione. Draco smirked as Olivia said that. 

"I'm starving." Liv muttered and Draco pulled a green apple out of his robes. Olivia took it from him and bite into it.

Cormac at the last moment, inexplicably rolled his broom to the right and the Quaffle sailed over his shoulder.

Ron, zig-zagging crazily and nearly fell off. He righted himself in a panic and deflected Ginny's Quaffle with his forehead. As a few partisan cheer erupt from the stands and Harry grinned, but had to restrain himself. Hermione opened her eyes slowly. "Isn't he brilliant?" Lavender asked the two girls and Olivia glowered at her.

Hermione stared balefully at Lavender, before noticing Cormac eyeing his broom incredulously. She got up and slipped away.


Harry scanned his Potions book. Hermione perused the Prophet. Ron cracked walnuts and pitched the pieces into the fire. "Have to admit, thought I was going to miss that last one. Hope Cormac's not taking it too hard." Behind her paper, Hermione rolled her eyes. "Has a bit of a thing for you, Hermione. Cormac. He's vile."

Hermione set the papers down and looked at Ron. "Ron considers this, then glances across the room at Lavender." She looked away from him and to Harry.

"Ever heard of this spell?" Harry pointed to a notation in the margin underlined three times: "Sectumsempra. For Enemies." Hermione looked at the spell and frowned.


"Did those Weasley twins finish the candies?" Draco asked Olivia as she looked in the mirror. She put her shirt down and turned back to him.

"Yeah, we'll see if they work in the morning." Draco nodded and walked over to her. Olivia pulled her shirt up and they both looked in the mirror. She had a small bump that she hide with the shirts the Fred and George made her.

Draco walked over to her and placed his hands on either side of the small bump. She placed her hands over his and smiled. "I think we can do this?" Olivia mumbled and as she looked at her little bump. She had been keeping her and Draco's child a secret for four month.

Draco rested his chin on her head and smiled. "I know we can do this." He old her as the door opened. The two throw her shirt over her stomach as someone walked in. 

"I know it." Blaise said calmly as he saw the panic in their eyes. "I'm not going tell anyone." The two relaxed a little. "I'll leave you two alone." Blaise walked out and closed the door. Draco hexed the door.

"I love you." Draco murmured and Olivia smiled up to him.

"We love you too." 


"No I have not. And if you had a shred of self-respect you would turn that book in." Harry shook his head and Ron spoke up.

"Not bloody likely. He's top of the class. Even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius." Hermione casted Ron a withering glance and he just looked at her.

"What?" Ron asked and Hermione looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'd like to know just whose book that was. Let's take a look, shall we?" Hermione reached for the book, but Harry held it out of her reach.


"Why not?" Hermione asked suspiciously as he held the book up higher.

"It's... old. The binding is fragile." If Olivia was there she would have smacked Harry and grabbed the book with no problem.

"The binding is fragile?" She made another grab for it, but Harry held it clear. Ginny appeared and plucked it out of his hand.

"Who's the Half-Blood Prince?" She asked him and the other two looked over at her.

"The who?" Hermione and Ron asked.

"That's what it says. Right here. 'This Book is the Property of the Half-Blood Prince.'"

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