Already Gone

By MCR_lives_forever

69.7K 1.8K 964

Olivia has had a wild four years at Hogwarts. But her forth year Voldemort rose from the dead. Olivia was lef... More

Hair Color and there meaning
Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
Hair Color and there meaning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

2.3K 71 56
By MCR_lives_forever

Mrs. Weasley, Harry, Olivia, Draco, Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione, Moody, and Tonks walked into the entry hall of Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley looked at Harry with concern. 

"Are you alright, Harry dear? You look like you're going to be sick." He didn't answer, but marched up the stairs and shut himself in his room. 

Harry began to pack his trunk determinedly. "Running away, are we?" He turned to the portrait of Phineas.

"I have to." Harry told him as he kept packing up his trunk. 

"You know, I thought Gryffindors had to be brave." Harry gritted his teeth as the portrait taunted him. 

"I won't hurt anybody else." Phineas laughed at Harry as Olivia stood outside the door.

"I see. You are running away out of nobility. You know, thats why I hated teaching. Young people always thinks they know whats best, as if no one else could possibly understand things better." Olivia rolled her eyes at the man, but understood what he was saying. 

Harry walked over to the window and opened it. He leaned out of it to see how far down it went. "I've brought a message from Dumbledore." Harry stepped away from the window and looked over to the portrait. 

"What is it?" He asked as Olivia walked into the room and sat down on her bed.

"Dumbledore says, stay where you are." Harry huffed out of anger and looked over to Olivia. She nodded and kissed her brothers cheek before walking out of the room, only to stay behind the closed door listening in to the conversation. 

"That's it? Stay where there while the grown-ups sort things out?" Olivia was pissed at the Headmaster. He was always pushing them into danger, dangling their lives. 

"When in all your life has listening to Dumbledore ever led you into trouble? Whatever his reasons, he has your best interests at heart, Potter." Olivia snorted at that as all the things filled her head. Merlin, there are so many things that he had led them into danger.

Phineas moved off the portrait and vanished from sight. "Fine! Go! And tell Dumbledore thanks for nothing!" Harry tipped his trunk over in anger and his stuff spilled out. Harry sat down on his bed with his head in his hands. 

Olivia was about to go in when Ginny walked up the stairs. "Don't even think about going in to Harry's room." Olivia looked at the small girl with a look of confusion. "You need to stay away from him. He isn't dangerous, you are!" She sent a binding charm at Olivia and she gritted her teeth.

"You little-" 

"Its your fault that Cedric died. You really should just die already." Ginny smiled as the girl she knew was closer to death. "I mean, we can all tell that Harry doesn't love you, he just puts up with you. Draco will never love you. You're pathetic really." 

"I can't believe that your father hasn't sent you to You-Know-Who yet. Merlin, I wish Umbridge had done more damage than she did." Ginny then walked into Harry's room.

"Get out!" Harry yelled at the girl and from a minute she thought he had heard her conversation with his 'sister'.

"No." Olivia wanted to kill that girl. Liv heard the stairs creak as someone started their way up.

"Did you forget that I've been possessed by You-Know-Who?" Harry fell silent and Olivia rolled her eyes. He would not be talking to that bitch if he knew what she had down to Olivia. 

"I forgot." Good, you should forget you ever met the little- Olivia cut her own thought off.

"Lucky you. Anyway, thats what I wanted to talk to you about." Draco looked over at Olivia who couldn't move.

"Help me." Draco undid the binding spell and Olivia rubbed her leg. She had fire in her eyes as she stormed into the room. 

"You shouldn't be near that Witch." Olivia told her brother, who looked confused. "She put a binding spell on me! She called me Dangerous!" Harry looked over to Ginny who had a shocked face.

"I would never!" Something clicked inside Liv and her shoulders sagged.

"Liv, sis, she would never." Olivia bite the inside her cheek as some tears spilled over Olivia cheeks. 

"I see." Olivia walked out off the room.

 "Anyway, can you remember everything you've done this year? There aren't any blank spots in your memory?" Harry thought about what had just happened. 

Olivia never lied to him, so why did she do it now? "No, I don't think so."

"Then You-Know-Who has never possessed you, Harry." Ginny sat down on the bed next to Harry. "I don't know what's going on with you right now, but possession's not one of them. You're not dangerous." Ginny told him. "Unlike your sister." She muttered quietly so Harry didn't hear her.

"Thank, Ginny." Harry mumbled and she smiled over to him.

"Don't mention it." She hopped off the bed and left the room.


Olivia sat on Draco's bed and looked down at her wrists that spilt her own blood. "Am I dangerous?" Liv asked Draco as she just stared down at her wrists.

Draco stopped what he was doing and just stared at her for a spilt second. "Why would you think that?"

"I mean, Cedric died because of me! I couldn't save him. I don't want anyone else to die because of me." 

"Olivia, you are dangerous, not because of what she said." He when back to wrapping her wrists. "You are wicked smart and a master at many things, you have defeated the Dark Lord twice and have lived to tell the tale."

"You are one of the most talented people at Hogwarts and everyone knows it. You are dangerous, not because of what she said, but because you can outsmart even the smartest of people." Olivia wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Thanks Dray."

"Anything for you." Draco could feel her ribs and he hated it. "Let's get something to eat love." 

Olivia and Draco walked into the kitchen as Harry rummaged through the fridge. Olivia sat at the table, her hunger long gone, replaced by sadness. "Harry, Olivia have you seen Kreacher? I haven't seen him for days now." 

"I haven't seen him." Harry told him and Olivia shook her head.

"Oh well. Maybe he's crawled up into the air ducts and died... mustn't get my hopes up though." Draco sat next to Olivia and tried to get her to eat. All she did was push his hand away.

The back door was shoved open and Snape walked in. "Potter, excellent. I'd like a word." Snape stopped once he saw his daughter. She kept pushing Draco's hand away. 

"I'm not hungry." She muttered to him and Draco sighed.

"Love, its been two days." Olivia sighed and stood up from the table. 

"I'm don't care." She walked out of the kitchen and Draco ran after her. 

"Sit, Potter." Snape was going to talk to Sirius once he was down with Potter.

"You know, I don't like people giving orders in my house." Snape shrugged at the man.

"How unfortunate for you. Now kindly get out. My instructions from Dumbledore are to talk to Potter alone." Sirius shook his head and crossed his arms.

"I'm his godfather. I think I'll stay." Snape lip curled in anger but he kept quiet.

"Very well, then. I know how you like to pretend you're useful." Sirius stiffened at the jab, but ignored him.

"It is the Headmasters wish that I teach you Occlumency, Potter." Harry didn't know what that was at all.

"What's that?" Harry asked and Snape took a deep breath.

"Occlumency. It is an ancient form of magic that allows you to defund your mind from external intrusion." He paused as everyone heard a bang from upstairs."We begin at 6 o'clock on Monday, Potter." Snape stood up from the table.

"Well, unlike Sirius here, I don't have unlimited leisure time." 

"Just a second, Snape. If I hear that you're using this to give Harry heard time. You'll have me to answer to." Snape sneered at the man.

"How touching. Yet Potter is incredibly like his father. Criticism simply bounces off of him." Sirius stood up and grabbed Snape by the shoulder and roughly shoved him into the wall. He glared at Snape. 

"I've warned you, Snivellus. Dumbledore may think you've reformed, but I know better..." A screamed echoed in the house and the three raced up the stairs. 

In Olivia's room Ginny was on the floor crying as Olivia was in a corner. Her body was shaking and her hairs was switching colors.

"What happened!" Sirius demanded as he looked at the down girls.

"She attacked me and broke my wrist!" Ginny cried and glared over to Olivia.

Olivia didn't look up, she kept her head down. "Olivia?" Olivia finally looked up, her eyes was black and her lip was bleeding. Her face showed on of fear and pain.

When she stood up she had a gash down her side and she kept her weight off her her left leg. "I didn't touch her." Olivia's voice wavered as she looked at the younger girl. 

Draco rushed over to her as she fell and he caught her. "She's lying!" Ginny yelled but no one believed her.

Olivia looked Snape right in the eyes, letting her emotions take over. "I just wanna go home." She mumbled, feeling numb on the inside, to sad to cry.


Harry and Olivia made there way along the hallway of the school. Harry was carrying his and Olivia books. 

Suddenly Cho came around the corner. She skied to an abrupt halt and she blushed slightly. "Hi, Harry." Cho waved at Harry who also blushed slightly. 

Olivia smiled at her brother as she learned on the wall. Her left leg in a cast. "Hi." There was an awkward silence as the two just looked at each other.

"Er, bye then." She started walking away and Olivia nudged her brothers arm.

"Ask." She mouthed and he took a deep breath.

"Hey Cho!" She turned back around to him and Liv smiled at her brother. "Well, uh, Valentine's Day is the same day as our next Hogsmead visit." Cho blushed harder and Olivia giggled at the two. "Well, uh, would you like to, you know, go with me?"

"Sure!" They two smiled at each other.

"Cool." She smiled at him before turning back around and walked away. 

Harry dropped Olivia off at the Slytherin common room. "I'll see you later." Olivia smiled over to him and nodded.

"See you soon." Olivia walked into the common room and flopped onto the couch. 

"You look tired." Liv looked up at Pansy who sat down in one of the arm chairs. 

"I am. Ginny been trying to kill me for the past month. I have to be walked to my classes." Pansy nodded and the Italian boy moved his legs so Liv could sit down. 

Blaise growled at what he heard. "I hate that Weasley." Olivia nodded her head.

"Me too."


Harry entered Snape's office. Snape was sitting behind his desk, next to a Pensive. "Sit, Potter." Harry walked over to a chair and sat down.

"As you are well aware, I will be teaching you Occlumency. The headmaster feels you should learn this form of magic to defend yourself against the Dark Lord, who is skilled at Legilimency." That sent a shiver down Harry's spine.


Olivia sighed as she waited for her boyfriend. "Where is he?" Olivia asked her two friends, who shrugged and went back to their conversation. 

Olivia rolled her eyes as Draco raced down the steps of the boys dorms. "Sorry, for the wait love." Olivia smiled up to him as he sat on her left. 

"How was your day Draco?" Pansy asked him and he shrugged.

"Not bad." Olivia yawned as he answered he's friend. 

"Cool." Olivia laid her head on Draco's shoulder and slowly start to fall asleep after a long day at school.


"Eye contact is normally required for Legilimency to work. In your case, however, things are somewhat different. Your scar has forged a connection between you and the Dark Lord." Harry nodded as he's mind drifted to his sister. 

"When your mind is most relaxed, such as during sleep, you receive the Dark Lord's thoughts and feelings. The Headmaster believes that it is inadvisable for this to continue." 

Why is this happening to me and not Olivia? Harry thought as he soaked up the information. Even thought he'd never want Liv to go through this, he wanted his sister as safe as posable.

"But hasn't it helped so far? I mean, it saved Mr. Weasley's life, didn't it?" Harry didn't really understand why having his mind connected to Voldemort's was bad.

"Yes, it did, but at what expense of our advantage. The connection between you was so powerful during your vision of the snake that the Dark Lord became aware of it. The Headmaster fears that he may try to use this to his advantage, to manipulate you through false visions." That made sense. Harry thought.

Snape stood up and pulled out his wand. Harry flinched ever so slightly. But Snape merely put it to his head and draws a glowing string of memory from his head and dropped it into the Pensive. "Wand out, Potter." Harry draws his wand.

"You may use any spell you can think of to try and repel me." Harry's face grew hot with anxiety. 

"What are you going to do?" Harry asked his sisters father. 

"I'm going to break into your mind." Snape didn't want to do any of this, but he had to make sure that this boy doesn't get hurt. Snape never wanted to show his fears. Not sense the Olivia was born. 

If he showed his fears, people would try to take the girl away from him. "Ligimens!" The spell hit Harry, who staggered backwards and grimaced.

Harry clung to a tree branch as the dog, Ripper, barked at him from the ground. The Dursleys laughed as the stood in the drive way.

Harry sat under the Sorting Hat.

Harry stood over Sirius and Olivia, a Patronus hovered over him as hundreds of Dementors swarmed overhead. 

Harry's face contorted with rage. "No!" A spell fired his wand. Snape dodged it with no problem. Gasping, Harry fell to his knees.

"Well, you stopped me eventually. Ideally, you should repel me with your mind." Harry climbed to his feet."Clear your mind, Potter. Abandon you emotions. Legilimens!" Harry staggered again.


Olivia opened her eyes and groaned. "I've got homework." Draco smiled down at his girlfriend.

Olivia pulled up one of her books and started to work on the homework.


Uncle Vernon nailed the letterbox closed.

Harry skidded to a stop and looked down at dar hallway. Mr. Weasley stopped as well, and glanced back at Harry. "Come on, Harry!"

"I've been there before." Mr. Weasley looked nervous, then grabbed Harry's robes and drag him along.

"Now, Harry, I found that highly unlikely." 

Snape lowered his wand, breaking the spell."What was that?" Harry looked stunned.

"I've just realized." Snape was starring at him, agitated. 

"Realized what, Potter?" Harry looked at Snape suddenly.

"What's in the Department of Mysteries, sir?" There was a stunned silence. Snape regarded Harry with a suspicion.

"What did you say?" 


"What is this one?" Liv asked Draco as she went over to homework.

"Liv, you know this." Olivia pouted and Draco gave her a kiss. "If you wanted some attention you should of just told me." Olivia blushed a deep red, her hair changing to a rainbow.

"Well I didn't want to bother you."

"Liv you could never bother me." She smiled and kissed his cheek before laying her head on his shoulder. 


"The corridor, I've been dreaming about for months. It leads to the Department of Mysteries, I'm sure of it." Snape came around the desk. He was deathly quiet, always a bad sign.

"There are many thing in the Department of Mysteries, Potter, none of which concern you." There was a horrifying scream that echos through the castle. 

The scream reminded Snape of the Tri Wizard Torment. Snape and Harry stared at the ceiling. Snape glanced at Harry, then hefted his wand and swept from the office. Harry followed.

Olivia and Draco raced out of the Slytherin common room. Well, more like Draco did with Olivia on his back.

There is a huge crowd of student standing at the top of the stairs leading down the entry hall. There was another unearthly wail. 

Harry pushed his way through the crowd until he can see. He looked over to see Draco and Olivia next to him.

Trelawney stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking crazed and trying in circles, she was looking for a way out. "You cannot sack me!" She shrieked causing Olivia to put her hands over her sensitive ears.

That was one thing she learned about being a Animagus, her sense were really sensitive.

"I can do whatever I want!" Umbitch yelled at the teacher. Olivia was almost ready to slap a bitch. 

"This is my home!" Umbridge was grinding evilly at her.

"Not anymore." She pointed at the door with one of her stubby fingers. "Now remove yourself from this castle!" 

"She will not be leaving." Behind Umbridge, the crowd parted slowly, and Dumbledore moved down the steps.

"I have the authority, Headmaster!" She yelled out in anger. 

"Oh, I agree with you, Professor Umbridge. You have to the power to dismiss my teachers. However." He looked at Trelawney, who stood alone in the entry hall, smiling at Dumbledore through her tears. "You cannot send them from this castle. That is still my decision. Professor Trelawney will remain here." Umbridge turned to him, furious.

"And what of her quarters when I appoint a new teacher." 

"Happily, that will not be necessary. I have found a successor for good Professor Trelawney already. As you know," Umbridge was looking mutinous, " the Ministry can only appoint new teachers if I cannot find one. I think you will find him suitable enough." 

The great oaken doors leading into the grounds swung open, revealing an ebony skinned Centaur. It was Firenze, who saved Harry and Olivia in their first year.

"This is Firenze." Umbridge was thunderstruck.


Harry, Olivia, Draco, Hermione, and Ron were huddled around a table. "So you're saying this weapon You-Know-Who's after is in the Department of Mysteries?" Ron asked the two siblings who nod.

"It's go to be." 

"That's got to be that Surgis Podmore was doing in the Ministry when he was arrested." Olivia told the group as she rubbed her left leg that now was cast free. 

"Probably. Mr. Weasley was probably there when he was attacked, too. That must be what the Order's guarding!" Olivia smacked her brother as he's voice raised to were other people could hear them.

"Ow!" Harry rubbed his shoulder as Draco laughed. Olivia looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow and he stopped laughing. 

"But why the Department of Mysteries?" Ron asked and Olivia took a second to think.

"It makes perfect sense, Ron. It's got to be something the Ministry's been developing. Something top secret." Harry nodded in agreement at what Hermione said.

Hermione picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet grimly. "Look at this. There's been a mass escape from Azkaban." 

"Bloody hell!" Harry and Olivia stared at the from page picture of ten witches and wizards.

"They're all Death Eaters!" Draco told the group as he eyed the picture.

"Yes." Harry grit his teeth.

"Voldemort." The siblings said together scaring the rest of the group.


The sun was raising over Hogwarts as the five strolled down the Main Street of Hogsmead. 

Cho quickly found Harry. "Hi, Harry!" Harry grinned sheepishly at her, avoiding looking at Ron and Olivia.

"Have fun, Harry. Meet me in The Three Broomsticks after. There's something you need to do." Hermione told Harry who nodded.

"Ok." He goes over to Cho and they leave together. 

Olivia looked over to the other two. "See you in The Three Broomsticks." Draco took Olivia's hand and they walk away from the two, leaving them together. 


Outside, it started to rain. Harry and Cho sat awkwardly opposite of each other at a small table. Valentine's Day decorations accost the eyes at every turn.

"You know, Cedric and I came here last year. Before..." Harry looked away, and saw several couple kissing. He looked away from them.

"I--I've been meaning to ask you for ages, but, I mean." Harry looked at her. She was beginning to tear up.

"What?" Harry asked softly not wanting her to start crying.

"Did--did Cedric say anything about me before he, he died?" Cho asked and Harry took a deep breath. This was not going good.

"Oh. Uh, no, there wasn't really much time." Cho bursted into tears and Harry tried to console her. 

"Look, maybe we should talk about something else." Cho looked at him with large eyes.

"I thought you'd want to talk about it! I thought you'd understand!" She stood up so suddenly that the table rattled. The teashop had gone deathly still. Everyone was watching. 

"See you around, Harry." She walked out. Harry sighed and rested his head on the table for a second.


Draco spun Olivia as they danced in the ran. Olivia was smiling up to the boy. Draco pulled Olivia to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you so much, Liv." Draco smiled down at Olivia who was blushing like mad.

"I love you too Dray." Draco bend down and kissed Olivia. 


Harry staggered out into the rain, looking around frantically, but Cho had disappeared. 

Getting wetter by the minute, he gave up and slowly made his way over to The Three Broomsticks. As he walked alone and soaked, he passed his sister. He stopped and watched as she laughed and smiled.

He was happy that Draco kept her happy. He was also glad he gave Draco a second chance, the male was one of his good friends now. 

Harry entered The Three Broomsticks and his whole body was dry. He looked around and found Hermione. She was sitting in a booth with Luna and Rita Skeeter. 

Olivia and Draco walked into The Three Broomsticks both smiling. They walked over to the booth that Harry, Hermione, and Luna where.

"What is this all about?" Harry asked as the two walked over and sat down. 

"That's what Little Miss Perfect was about to tell us." Harry glanced at Hermione. 

"Right, well, I figured that with all fo the negative press out about Harry, and Olivia, they should have a chance to defend themselves." Hermione paused and looked around at the others.

"All of the details. What happened last summer. The truth about Sirius Black and Voldemort, not to mention all the Death Eaters still on the loose." Rita leaned across the table.

"The Prophet will never publish that. Goes against the public mood." Luna smiled over to Olivia and Draco.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We've found a publisher for the article." Rita looked at Hermione with a confused look. 

"Who?" Luna looked away from the window. 

"My father. He's the editor of The Quibbler." Rita laughed out loud. 

"The Quibbler?" Rita turned her head over to Hermione. "You think people will take Harry Potter and Olivia Snape seriously if they're published in the Quibbler? It's nothing but a conspiracy theory, cock-and-bull story tabloid!" 

Olivia smirked at the reporter. "Some won't believe us, that's true. But every person we do convince is one more ally." Rita shrugged and pulled out her quill from her bag. "So, Harry. Ready to teak the public the truth?" Olivia asked her brother.

Harry smiled over to her. "Yeah, I guess so." Hermione sat back and sipped on her drink.

"Fire away, Rita." 

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