Rainbow Six Siege (Dokkaebi X...

By aegis1st

180K 1.8K 2.5K

You were a genius boy who spend most of his life thinking about yourself and nothing but yourself but everyt... More

Bank Siege
Team Rainbow
Just a normal Day
The mission
The interrogation
Why me?
Another Failure
The Meeting
Family Matters
Dokki Origins
Happy Birthday?
The Truth
Busy Day (Dokkaebi)
Back in Action
Rainbow New Leader
The Match: Defense
Pro League
The Match: Attack
Trip To South Korea
South Korea Most Wanted
A Plan Well Traced
Five Years Later
The Invader
New Purpose
The Strongest And The Angriest
The Fate Of The Angriest
The Strongest And The Worshipper
Guilty Man
The Strongest And The Very Strongest
The Fate Of The Very Strongest
Change of Plans
Operation: Queen's Fall
Operation: Rampage
Old Friends
Operation: King's Fall
The Big Day
Back To Work
Happy Birthday
New Story is out!

The Fate Of The Worshipper

1.4K 18 37
By aegis1st

Grace PoV

I woke up and stretched myself and immediately rolled hoping to find (y,n) next to me but he wasn't in bed, I got up of the bed, I was wearing a black tank top and green underwear. I wasn't wearing my beanie and my hair wasn't tied up just like I usually have, I rarely use my glasses now.

I know my glasses are fake but I feel like not using them sometimes. I brushed my teeth and went directly to the kitchen, hoping to find (y,n) but instead before I reached the kitchen, Axel came to me, he was scared, then I heard Skeith voice.

I took a peek at the kitchen and saw (y,n) he was different...I took a closer look and the veins on his face just like he used to have when he was in hades, my heart started to bed faster, how come he got infected...I'm sure I gave him the pills yesterday I double check if I gave it to him.

I decided to sneak in to the room again hoping to get in contact with the HQ... I took the phone and I was waiting for someone to answer, when someone finally pick up the phone, I saw (y,n) hand warping through mine taking the phone out of my hand.

"Sorry...wrong number" he said before hanging up the phone, he turned around, I saw his face, his veins were turning black and became like some kind of tattoo that surrounded his eyes, in an attempt of running away I tripped over my feet, I tried to stay away from him but he just picked me up, my eyes widened in fear and unconsciously a tear escaped from my eyes.

"don't hurt me..." that's the least I could say, but I knew he will so I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst...my death. Suddenly I felt he grabbed my neck and squeezed, my sight started to get blurred until little by little I stopped breathing...

I woke up again and found myself in my room...I was alone, I looked around and I was alright... it was a dream, I didn't see (y,n) on the room and I quickly rushed, grabbed Dokki and went to the kitchen...he wasn't there either, I found him at the couch sleeping. I scanned him and didn't see anything like in my dream...he was alright too, I sighed in relief.

He was just laying there in the couch so I went to wake him up, as his wife I should wake him up as gently as possible but I'm not his wife...I'm his girlfriend so I jumped on him and landed on his stomach, of course he let out a groan of pain.

"Grace...!" He said and I giggled

"in the flesh" I said, still sitting on his stomach

"Get off please!" He said

"No until you tell me why were you sleeping here and not with me" I said

"I couldn't sleep, and I came to the living room to watch TV and I fell asleep here" (y,n) said and I rolled my eyes, hoping to tease him a little

"why did you rolled your eyes?" He asked, so that means I succeeded, I smirked at him a then without getting up his stomach I kissed him

"Nothing!" I quickly said, then stood up, I turned to see him and he was rubbing his stomach
"Come on...I'm not that heavy, get up, we need to get to the HQ" I said

Time skip
Six Debriefing

Ok ladies and gentlemen...as you may know our next target is Fidel: The Prophet, he has been seen in Jerusalem, I got in contact with the authorities there and they said he is gathering an army on his personal church, our mission is to help any survivors and eliminate Fidel...we are getting (y,n) to face Fidel, until we can get him cure...then Dokkaebi along with the horsemen will step in and finish the job by killing and absorbing Fidel and it's owner, Rainbow will provide covering fire in case you need it...Fidel has the power to get in your mind people...don't trust anything you hear. Good luck and may our true god be with you.

Time skip
(Y,N) PoV

I was on the helicopter on the way to Fidel's church, Grace was here and Glaz too, Grace was just here making me company. She was wearing Dokki's armor but she changed her headgear.

"You look nice..." I shyly said

"Really? You think so?" She said smiling at me while fixed her hair

"Yes I really liked it...you added more White I see" I said, and she smiled more

"I'm glad you noticed it" Grace said then her face changed to a serious one
"You know you don't have to go alone..." she added

"I know" I said really calmed and smiling at her

"Then why don't you let me go with you" Grace said concerned

"Grace...your life and Dokki's are more important than mine and Skeith" I said

S: Excuse me what?

"What I'm trying to say is they don't need me, they need you" I said

"I don't care what they need, I need you so come back to me...promise me that" Grace said

"I..." to be honest I didn't know if I could promise her that

"Promise me!" She demanded, I still wasn't sure but I nodded

I activated my suit and mask and jumped out of the helicopter, and as soon when I landed I started to hear a voice...Fidel voice.

"welcome (y,n)...are you here to clean your Sins" Fidel laughed

"I think is the other way around" I said, I was looking around but he wasn't around

"why do you fight for them, they don't need you" Fidel said

S: hostiles incoming

I looked around and saw a group of infected coming to me, it doesn't matter how scary those things are at least they are predictable, I took my pistol out and quickly eliminated them.

"you are just a tool for them, as soon as you end here, they will kill you...do you really think they would let you go unpunished" Fidel said

Suddenly I heard something similar like chains coming to me, I warped and they slipped through me, until they hit a rock, someone stared to dragged them back, at the end of the chain saw two cruxes.

"finally fighting I see" I said then at the distance I saw a shape, that shape came closer revealing Fidel on his priest outfit

I saw Dean's camera flying around and also saw the helicopter flying around, Glaz was about to shot

S: What is is he doing? He will miss!

I saw the the bullet trajectory and wished towards the where the needle with the cure will hit, I managed to grab the needle and rushed to Fidel, he swings his chains at me but Dodged them and threw the cure at him. He started coughing then smiled

"well done Skeith, I know you need three shots to cure me...but." Fidel said when suddenly I felt a needle on my neck.

"How the fuck!?" I quickly took it out and looked at Fidel

"I JUST NEED ONE TO BRING YOU BACK TO GOD'S SIDE" he yelled, suddenly I kneeled, my breathing was getting heaving, I started coughing and looked at my arm, my veins started to grow up black, I could feel them going up.

"Promise me you will come back to me" I remembered Grace's words, I needed to come back to her, I need to stop this, but it was too late...I was infected again, I saw Glaz retreating and then I turned back to see Fidel.

"welcome back Skeith..." Fidel said again as he extended his hand to me, trying to help me to get up

Grace PoV

"NO!" I started walking towards the exit then Kira stopped me, I was struggling

"Stop thinking with your vagina Grace, we need a plan" Kira said I grind my teeth and stop struggling

"hey wait, come and take a look at this..." Dean said and I returned to the screen and saw that (y,n) wasn't moving, Fidel still was waiting for him to take his hand.

"Take me there..." I said, Kyle started to disagree with me but I looked at Kira
"I have a plan..." I said then Kira agree.

(Y,N) PoV

I'm infected...but I feel, calmed, I don't feel like killing anyone, I raised my head and saw Fidel hand...I smiled and my smile caused him to smiled too, he was distracted, I took the advantage and punched him in the face that sent him flying away from me

"I won't let you take me away from her...not again" I said then stood up, I began walking towards him then saw an helicopter coming

S: your girlfriend is coming...

I stopped then looked at the helicopter, Grace apparently ordered Glaz to shot me but it was useless, the needle slipped through me, I pointed at where I sent Fidel...but apparently they seemed confused, I asked Skeith to contact Dokki

"Dokkaebi, attack Fidel! Stop attacking me" I said

"I need to help you!" He said

"I'm fine, Just trust me!" I said then she agreed with me, suddenly I saw Fidel's chains heading to the helicopter, I reacted quickly, I took my pistol and with two bullets I stopped the chains.

"I don't know what you are doing but this is not god's will" Fidel said looking at me, then he smiled, he stared to take off his tunic, as soon as that tunic touched the ground, the Tunic cracked the floor beneath him and lifted a screen of dust that covered him.

I started walking towards Fidel while I put my hand on my hostler,

"Oh? Are you approaching me? Enough of being saint" Fidel said

"Of course, I cannot beat the shit out of you without getting closer" I said still walking towards him

"Come as close as you like then" he stared walking towards me.

As soon as I got him in range, I took my pistol but as soon as I took it out, the pistol let out a red smoke, I shot him and when he tried to block the bullet, the bullet slipped through his hand and impact his head, in that moment Glaz took another shot and then Grace landed in front of me.

"Finally! Grace Nam, I was eager to meet the one who took out brother to the sinner path" Fidel stood up again

"Are you still with me?" Grace asked me still focus on the enemy in front of us

"I am..." I said, then I saw Fidel's chain coming to Grace but she quickly dodged them and grabbed them, Grace shouted my name and brought Fidel closer to her, I took position behind Grace and as soon Fidel was at range, I slipped through Grace and grabbed Fidel's face and smashed it to the floor.

I warped again and Grace slipped through me and landed on Fidel stomach, I let out of Fidel and saw Grace mask, the drawings that were on her mask was glowing red, it was cool.

"Teamwork!" Grace said excited waiting for me to give her a high five, I smiled and gave her what he wanted, in that moment Glaz took the final shot.

"Forgive then god, because they don't know what they are doing" Fidel said coughing, I warped my hand through his chest, and grabbed his heart.

"Wait would you mind if I absorb his AI?" Grace asked me and I just nodded

"Why are you doing this Skeith, I know deep inside yourself, you know as soon as you become useless they'll kill you" Fidel said and cough
"she just took the power to absorb the rest of us. She claims to love you but just because she needs you to do the dirty work, but she is afraid...guess from who?" Fidel said

"Me..." I said

"Don't trust him (y,n) I'm not afraid of you! Grace said and I looked back at her

"it's that so? Why you don't tell her about your nightmare this morning..." I turned to see Grace and her eyes widened in surprise

"How do you know that!?" Grace said

"god shares everything with me..." Fidel said, then I ripped his heart out of his body, and he died immediately, I turned to face Grace

"Tell me About your dream..." I said

"It's nothing" she said

"tell me about your dream, I won't ask a third time" I said

"You killed me, in that exactly from you are right now..." Grace said and I let out a long sigh
"But I'm not afraid of you killing me, I'm afraid of not being able to save you, if you are in that form that means I failed..." Grace said, I could tell she was sad, I fell on my knees groaned in pain then I saw smoke coming out of my face, Grace rushes to me and kneel down in from of me asking me if I were ok.

"I'm fine..." I weakly smiled at her, then she hugs me

"I don't want to see you like that anymore" Grace rubbed her cheeks in mine, her cheeks are really soft

"I'm sorry Grace...but without the chimera virus I won't be able to protect you from the rest of hades" I hug her tightly and tears came down my cheeks.

I'm not really sure I'll be able to be in control if I ever use that again, but I won't stand a chance against the remaining Hades agents without it.

But for Grace I'm capable of going to hell and come back.

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