The Match: Defense

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Hereford Base
Team Rainbow Vs. The guys from (y,c)
(Y,N) PoV

"DUDE! Change that shitty name!" Dean yelled at Lance as we were walking to the place where all operators get ready before going on a mission

"Do You have a better name?!" Lance yelled back

"Actually I do have a better name" Dean proudly said
"What about Team rainbow Vs The Destroyers" he proudly added

"No! That sucks" Kira laughed

"What about..." everyone stared at me

"The guys from (y,c) and Kira, you know because you are not a guy" I said, tried to make a joke but she just gave me a long sigh

"Well any suggestions Miss I know how to pick up names for the team" Lance sarcastically said

"What about...The best friends!" Kira said embarrassed, but we just looked at her surprised, Lance quickly placed his hand on her forehead

"No she doesn't have fever" he said

I like that one!

"THANK YOU DOKKI!" Kira said

Why the name have to be badass, look the other team, they are Team rainbow

"THATS...a fair point..." Dean said

"Well actually seems that what the first time Kira said something really, really, really nice that will be our name" Lance said as he looked at me

"Well seems she is in a good mod, let's take it" I said.

We finally arrived to the place and Team rainbow was already there and I mean every operator was there, staring at us

"Hi..." Dean awkwardly waved and smiled

"Are we fighting all of them?" Lance said

"What's up with that Whore?" Kira touches my shoulder and she pointed at Caveira

"Kira..." Lance said

"Ughh Fine...whats up with that lady who let men use her body for Sexual purposes" Kira said

"Well...I didn't expect that, I guess"  Lance began to process what Kira told him

"That's Caveira, She is a informant and Kira try to be nicer" I answered as she just sighed and nodded, we turned to see Caveira who was painting her face while looking at her knife, she noticed we were looking at her and she showed us her middle finger

"Well that's mean...I'll break her" Kira smiled

"Hey dude!" Dean pushes me
"There's your girlfriend" he added, I looked at her and blushed

"Dude, keep it together" Lance said
"She is your girlfriend and all but we need you and Dokki at your best" Lance said as we noticed Grace was looking at me and then smiled, she is so cute

"NO!" Kira covered my eyes
"Did you see that? She is playing with you man...she knows her smile is your weakness" Dean said

"I think you are exaggerating" Lance giggles.

Six joined us and explained us we were playing hostage, told us to pick up the weapons we wanted and get ready within 10 min.

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