Change of Plans

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Hans PoV

"Travis lost..." I said as I gave a long sigh

I was making my way to our main reactor room, when I entered the room I saw an hologram appear in front of me

"Hello...Hans" the hologram said, my ex-wife May she Rest In Peace, said

"You don't have any idea how much I miss you Laura...we could've been together, you just needed to take the chimera virus..." I said

"And become the monster you are now..." she said and I rolled my eyes, the main reactor is the one who gave power to hades A.I's that main reactor has its own A.I. That look like my wife

"you know what pains took Travis, lied to me that he was kidnapped and do your experiments on him then on (y,n) know they will stop you" she added again and I laughed

"How can you be so sure..." I said

"Because I raised them, something you didn't do" she said
"You also gave them the power to do it" she added

"I can change that" I said

"You put me here to do THAT not you...I won't let you" she said then I took my weapon and pointed it at her

"Oh yeah?" I was about to get closer when I got a headache, it was painful and brought me to me knees.

"You are afraid, of them...Travis almost killed you once when they tried to escape, you have an open wound in your chest that not even the chimera virus can heal..." Laura said

"SHUT UP!" I said, I took my weapon and unloaded on the main reactor.

"I'm not afraid of anyone...Rebirth status report" I said

R: system corrupted, restarting system... abilities are unavailable.

"She thinks she is clever...but jokes on her, I don't need powers to rule the world!" I said then I started to laugh.

One Month Later
(Y,N) PoV

One month has passed since we got back my brother, Grace has to tell him she wasn't really pregnant, I blushed when she told him she would like to be pregnant one day when this is over. We also went to the funeral of Capitaõ, I didn't know his name, we weren't really close. Travis ended up being under Kira's care and I was still under Grace's care, but Travis was taking the worst part of everything because he was with Kira. Kyle got suspended for a month so he was back already... a new man he said.

During this month we also lost our power, Travis couldn't take the power of the sun anymore and I couldn't teleport or Slip through things anymore...we were normal, the only thing was we were still immortal.

Time skip

"Hey...(y,n)?" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Grace laying on top of me with a big smile on her face.

"Really?" I said, she has been doing this a lot lately, I don't mind but she is kinda heavy.

"Well, this is what you get for being my boyfriend!" Grace said pinching my cheeks, I rolled and now I was on top then I started to tickle her. She began to laugh while trying to get me off of her. She grabbed my cheeks and kissed me making me stop, she warped her legs around my hips, then from kissing her on the lips I went to kiss her neck and she moaned in pleasure, then someone knocked at the door.

"Ugh! Fun is over" Grace said and I gave a long sigh

"Hey Bro! They called from the HQ...they need us" Travis said

"We are coming! Feed Axel, Travis!" I yelled and he told me that he will.

Time skip

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