The Doctor and the Millionair...

By eternalwriter500

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A woman of virtue and independence. A member of one of the richest families in California. A multi-million do... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty

889 28 5
By eternalwriter500

It has been two weeks since Christians accident and Christian was still in the hospital with the hopes of being discharged today. His injuries had been healing very well and he was off pain medication. Although it had been a few weeks since the accident I was still sleeping every night at the hospital next to Christian's bedside. I had made it a routine after my twelve-hour shift to have my driver drive me home. During that time I took it myself to relax, bathe, and return to the hospital to be with Christian. Throughout the past week, detectives had been interviewing I, Christian, and our family.  Every question they asked pointed to foul play, and they were coming again tonight. The stressors from the case and Christian to working had significantly taken a toll on my body.  I and Christian wanted so badly for this situation to be handled and done, but from the looks of things, this was going to be an ongoing case. 

It was 10:00 am and Katherine and I were on our way to discharge and bring Christian home. Saying that the car was overly full would have been an understatement. Our fathers had insisted that I and Katherine have our bodyguards transport us from place to place, but I had three bodyguards as did Katherine which resulted in all eight of us crammed into one car. We pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and made our way inside. The short walk from the parking lot to the elevator to reach the ICU Floor was so long that it had me out of breath. I reached the elevator and I was breathing as if I had never walked a day in my life. 

" Milan are you alright? you look pale?" Katherine asked worriedly 

" I'm...fine...just out of shape" I breathed heavily 

We took the elevator to the ICU floor and proceeded to Christian's room. 

" Good morning babe" I smiled kissing him 

" Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asked 

" I should be asking you that question," I said reading his chart file 

" Seriously how are you Milan?" He asked again more seriously this time 

" I'm fine" I smiled 

" Brother your wife here has been sick," Katherine says smirking at me 

" Oh come on I was out of breath from walking" 

" Babe your an ex-boxer, and you attend the gym how are you out of breath?" Christian asked

" Remember I told you I was getting plump," I said rolling my eyes 

" Or maybe your pregnant" Katherine smirked 

" I'm not pregnant, I'm just extremely out of shape and hormonal" I tried to reason 

" So pregnant" Christian furrows his brows  

" Anyways, we're going to discharge you today and the neurologist is going to give you all the medications you need to take, and we'll sign the papers and go home," I told him 

" Great! because I have a meeting at noon that I need to attend so the faster we do this the faster I can get to my meeting" Christian said swinging his leg to the side of the bed 

"You're not going to work," I told him 

"You're going home and you're going to rest for a month, and I don't want to hear you bitch and moan about it," I said shutting him up before he could challenge me 

Soon enough the neurologist walked in the room and prescribed Christian with his medications giving us the go-ahead to discharge him. Katherine held Christian's duffel bag while I held his hand holding him up steady. The short distance from the room to the front desk to hand over the papers had me out of breath, making my chest beat rapidly. I stopped at the nurses' desk waiting for the palpitations to pass, but they didn't. 

" Milan? Babe? Are you alright?" Christian asked 

"Mmhm" I nod holding my hand to my chest 

" Milan? Are you ok?" He asked again 

" Yes...I'm fine" 

I stand for a minute waiting to both catch my breath and let the palpitations pass, but they wouldn't subside. I continued standing, and soon my surrounding felt like they were spinning and before I knew it darkness had consumed me. 


I fluttered my eyes opened and found myself in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm. My head was aching and my chest was still sore. I opened my eyes to see Christian and Katherine speaking to the doctors outside the room. Soon they both walked in with Katherine following behind. 

" Hello Milan, I'm Dr. White and I'm the Obstetrician-gynecologist on this floor how are you feeling?" She asked 

" I'm feeling fine... did you say obstetrician-gynecologist?" I asked confused 

" Yes, you were brought here by your Fiance and a group of doctors because you fainted," She said 

" If I fainted why am I on this floor and not the ER floor or ICU floor?" I asked again 

" You fainted because you're three months pregnant," She informed  

" I'm what?" I asked dumbfounded 

" We're having babies" Christian beamed 


" Your having twins!" Katherine squealed 


" Our babies" Christian smiled placing his hand on my belly 

" Christian you got me pregnant!" I began crying 

"You're not happy?" He asked worried 

" Of course I I have to push two big-headed babies out of my vagina because of you" I sobbed  

" Would you all like to see a sonogram?" Dr. White asks 

" Yes" I whispered 

She lifted my shirt and deposited the ultrasound fluid on my belly and began the ultrasound. She moved the device in circular motions and after fifteen minutes, a picture of the twins had shown up on the screen. They were well developed. I could see their heads and tiny little buttocks. At this point, Christian, myself, and Katherine were all crying and beaming like children. They were beautiful, and even though I had just been told I was pregnant I already felt an instant motherly bond. 

" Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" The doctor asks 

" Yes!" We said in unison 

She zoomed in on the screen and turned on the volume. The heart of my two babies was like music to my ears. Their heartbeats were mighty strong and filled with harmony, and it instantly brought me to tears. 

" Christian" I called wiping my tears 

"They're so beautiful, we made that" He cried kissing my lips 

" So beautiful" I agreed 

" Can we see the gender?" Katherine asks

" We sure can" Dr. White smiled 

She again zoomed into the computer, and both babies had their legs wide open with little penises protruding out. 

" Congratulations you're having two boys" Dr. White confirmed 

" Boys!" Katherine squealed 

We cried and we sobbed and we laughed just over the fact that in six short months we were going to having two babies. This pregnancy by no means was planned. My plans were to wait at least five months to a year before thinking about trying for a family, but Christian was one step ahead of me and ultimately everything wasn't up to us. I had been pregnant for three full months and hadn't realized it. The chest pains and the shortness of breath were due to me not taking in an adequate amount of nutrients to feed the babies. At this time I couldn't be happier despite the fact that other things weren't great.  

We sat in the doctor's office talking about our plans and the next steps that we needed to take, and after we were finished talking to Dr. White I was prescribed my prenatal medications and all three of us made our way home. I knew that once we had gotten home it was going to be hard to keep this news a secret, especially with the symptoms I had. Before arriving home we picked up balloons and blue confetti poppers for the announcement. I knew that the detectives were coming tonight to question us about the accident, but I wasn't going to let this change our mood for the night. 


It was 6:00 pm in the evening, I and Katherine were decorating Christians penthouse backyard with the decor for the announcement. The backyard wasn't a great place to decorate considering the fact that it was on the last and top floor. Our parents and Giovanni were still not home yet which gave us the opportunity to decorate and finish before they could arrive home. We had gold balloons tied to the balcony railing that said the words PREGNANT  and on the table in front of the pool were five confetti poppers for our parents and Giovanni and in a small album the photos of the sonogram. Once we finished we closed all the shades for the windows to keep the announcement a secret. 

By the time we finished the sun was already setting. We lit the bonfire and retreated inside to relax before our parents and Giovanni arrived home. This day had been a long and happy one, but I knew that in just a few hours it would be disturbed by the detective. I walked into the bedroom to find Christian watching television. 

" Hey, how did the decorating go?" Christian asked 

" Good, we're finished and we closed the shades to keep it a secret until they arrive," I  said 

" Can you believe we're having twins in just six more months?" I asked laying next to him 

" Two whole boys, I think we had better start looking to buy our house," Christian said 

" There are so many things going on with the wedding, the galas, I'm pregnant, and now your accident case I don't want to open another can of worms," I said 

" Everythings going to be ok, I promise," He said 

" But you don't know that Christian, what if it was Abraham that did this to you, what if something happens to the babies because I'm too stressed...I want everything to be ok...end ok, but it isn't like that" I spoke sadly 

"It's not all in our hands, but I do know that we can get justice on this case and that our babies will be healthy" He assured me 

We sat in silence for a while, and eventually, we had fallen asleep. By the time we had woken up, it was already 7:45 in the evening and our family was already having dinner. 

" So no one thought to wake us up for dinner?" I asked 

" Well we figured since you've been working night shifts and Christians been in the hospital we'd leave you two to get some sleep, but next time I'll be sure to wake you, up," Giovanni laughed 

" Mi Ami stavano were fixing our plates come and serve your selves" My mother spoke 

I grabbed a plate and began serving my self to dinner, but then an idea crossed my mind. Why not have dinner outside. The fire was already burning outside what not a better way than to ease the announcement to the family. 

" Why don't we have dinner outside" Katherine suggested 

one step ahead of me 

" Don't you think it's too cold for that Katherine it's winter" Giovanni said 

" No, we have blankets and a fire burning" Katherine sassed walking outside 

I and Christian walked out to the yard on the balcony with the rest of the family following behind. I sat on the couch snuggled to Christian observing the faces of each of our family members. No one had gotten the memo despite the fact that the balloons were big. I continued eating my food, and suddenly the conversation died and it was dead quiet. I looked up and everyone was dumbfounded staring at the balloons on the balcony railing.  

" who is pregnant?" Christians mom squealed 

" Katherine are you pregnant?" Giovanni asked 

" Nope!" 

" Mi amour" My mother cried jumping for joy 

" We're having babies" I cried hugging my parents 

" Babies!" Christians parents said in unison 

" Twin boys" Christians smiled 

We cried and cheered with excitement. I was happy that everyone was happy and thrilled about the announcement about our boys. It only made it so real, we were going to have two boys and they were going to be loved by our whole family including Aaron and Julia. 

" When did you find out?" Lauren Christians mother asked 

" Today, when we discharged Christian from the hospital" I smiled wiping my tears 

" How many months?" Giovanni asked 

" Three months and their perfectly healthy" I smiled 

We sat and we talked about the babies, the wedding, and our future now that the babies were on their way. In just the short few hours that our family had found out, we were expecting they had already decided that they were moving across the country to Boston to be closer to us and especially the babies. I loved being on the other side of the country from our family because it meant that when got to see them it was like we were with them the day before, but considering the fact that it was just me and Christian, having them here would make caring for the twins a lot easier. 

" We're definitely moving across the country," Giovanni said 

" We were already planning on it, to be honest, Giovanni was working on a new project here, and hasn't established a home base for his business," Katherine said 

" I'm ready to take a step back from work to be with my grandchildren so we're making this official, we're moving two months before the birth" John Christians father says 

Our conversation was cut short by one of the security guards bringing detective Carter and our lawyer Mr. Malone. 

" I don't mean to interrupt your family convo, but Mr. Malone and detective Carter are here to see you all," the security guard said 

Our conversations died down, and the ambiance around us changed from happy to unsettling 

" Mr. Malone please have a seat" Christian said 

We made some room for the detective and Mr. Malone and poured them drinks

" I don't mean to intrude on your family time, but we have some serious things to discuss" The detective spoke 

" We'll start with the fact that your accident Christian was not something that happened on accident it was intentional," Mr. Malone said 

" From the evidence and the way your car ended up during your accident we believe it was not only intentional but we believe that Abraham and his people did it, and maybe Abraham himself," He explained

" Why would he do that knowing he's going to prison this week?" I asked 

" That we do not know, but we do know that we have enough evidence to bring him in for questioning, and possibly take him into custody" The detective spoke 

" So if you all have probable cause to take him into custody and charge him will we have to go through another trial?" I asked 

" If he doesn't plead guilty then we will have to go through another trial," They both said 

We sighed in disappointment, but I for one was not having it. I was done wasting my time and my families time with trials and speaking to law enforcement. I was thankful for the help that they were providing us, but I was done. I'm three months pregnant and have no time to waste dealing with trials. 

" No we are not going through another trial. I just closed that chapter with Abraham, I'm three months pregnant with twin boys, I have a wedding coming up, My husband just came out of surgery, and we are all very busy with our lives. If he chooses to plead guilty then fine but we will not be attending any trial at all, I am being the spokesperson of this family and I am telling you both that none of us will be attending any trail" I spoke sternly 

" We respect your families decision, and we will keep you all updated on the trail," Mr. Malone said 

" My daughter is right, she is expecting, and her husband is still recovering we don't want to be a part of this process again. We are politely, declining," My father said 


It was 8:00 am and I was preparing for the day ahead of me. Last night didn't end on a positive note. We had become aware that we would have to go through another trial, but I quickly shot down the proposal. Our family had been through so much, and I wasn't going to add another thing to the list. Although Christian had a full month off from work due to his injury I was still working. I kissed his forehead and rolled out of bed and made my way to my bathroom to perform my morning rituals. I took a shower did my hair, and dressed in my green scrubs for work. 

Because my colleagues and my boss knew about my situation I was going to start work at 10:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm, but now that I was pregnant my workload in the emergency room would be dropped to decrease the amount of stress on myself and the babies. One thing I was excited about was telling Aaron and Julia about the twins. 

I packed my bag and made my way downstairs to make my way to work. Just like every morning since our family has been here, breakfast was ready and everyone was sitting at the island serving themselves to breakfast. I knew I was hungry but I had several things to finish this morning. 

" Good morning !" I greeted

" Good morning darling, commo stanno I miei nipoti?" My father asks 

" They're fine" I smiled attempting to put on my shoes 

I sat at the island trying to slip on my shoes but to no avail. I didn't have any issues putting on shoes before I had found out but the moment I had found out it was like I was unable to do anything on my own. I stood up to put my shoes on, I sat to put my shoes on, and kneeled to put my shoes on but again to no avail. 

" Babe do you need any help?" Christian asked in a gruff voice 

" Yes, I've been trying to put it on but I'm to fat" I sighed 

"You're not fat, your three months pregnant with twins," Christian says tying my shoes 

" Anyways I'm finished with work at 6:00 pm I'll be home in time to take care of you," I said 

" Oh No!" Katherine shouted 

" What?" I said 

" We're going wedding dress shopping today, I scheduled for us to go after you finish work so meet me there?" She said 

" What about Christian?" I asked 

" Don't worry your hubby will be fine" 


I arrived to work, and just like I expected it was running slow and my workload for the day was significantly low from what it would be compared to what it normally was. I locked my belongings in the locker and made my way to Dr. Nelson's office to inform her of my pregnancy. 

" How are you Dr. Robinson is there anything I can help you with?" She asked 

" Yes there are actually a few things I would like to inform you about," I told her  

" Well have a seat, what would you like to tell me?" 

" Well I'll start with the fact that I and my fiance are expecting our first child...well twin baby boys," I smiled 

" Wow, congratulations! how many months are you?" She asked 

" Three months and I would also like to talk about work and maternity leave within the next few months," I said 

" What do you propose?" 

" Well since my fiance's accident I am now working shifts from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm in the evening, but I think that once he has recovered I should resume my normal twelve-hour shifts...I also think that once my pregnancy progresses that I should slowly take a step back because I'm not just carrying one baby I'm carrying two which makes the stress risk higher, so by month seven I would like to do shifts from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and take maternity leave a month before birth" I finished 

" I think that your plan is a good one, but due to the fact that you are pregnant with twin boys I don't want you working any night shifts due to the high-stress levels of the Emergency room and traumas, so I want you to work from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm take the weekends off and take the maternity leave a month before birth," 

" Thank you so much" I smiled 

" I'll have your schedule ready by the end of this week," She said leading me out 

The next thing on my agenda was telling Aaron and Julia about the babies. I didn't have any elaborate plans, but I did have a copy of the sonogram on my badge. I walked to our desks and taped the sonogram to Aaron's computer with a note, and waited for him to arrive with Julia. At this point, I had memorized their schedule. Aaron and Julia would come in together, set up their desks, talk for a while, and begin work.

I sat and waited for a while, and at 9:30 they had finally arrived. 

" Milan good morning, how is Christian doing?" Julia asked 

" He's doing well, he's feeling a lot better" I smiled 

" So have you decided a date for your wedding?" She asked batting her lashes 

" I have, February 14th, here in Boston," 

" Don't worry babe were going together" Aaron winked 

I and Julia continued talking about the wedding, my dress, the guest list, and ultimately we decided that she was going to help us with some of the planning for the wedding. 

" Who put twin sonograms on my computer screen?" Aaron asked confused 

" Maybe it's the nurses pulling a prank on you" Julia smirked 

" The only nurse pulling pranks on me is you" He retorted 

" What does the note say?" Julia asked 

" Robinson Lloyd due in six months" He read

Julia gasped 

" Are you pregnant?" She squealed  

" Your joking!" Aaron shouted 

" Three months" I smiled rubbing my belly 

" Oh my goodness congrats!" They said in unison hugging me 

" They're twins?" Julia asked 

" Twin boys" I smiled again 

" How does lover boy feel about this?" Aaron asked 

" He found out before I did, he was more than thrilled" 

" I'm sure he was!" Aaron laughed 


Just like every morning, I worked in the emergency room I and Aaron went through rounds with our residents, held meetings with our fellow emergency physicians, updated charts, and examined and admitted patients. The emergency room wasn't all that glamorous. There were days where it was full of trauma patients and days when they weren't, and that happened to be today. 

 " Dr. Robinson there is a patient in room 204 Mr. Benson that just came in with a dry cough and headache the nurse gave him a dose of Zithromax to ease his cough, but it hasn't subsided do you mind taking a look?" My resident asked 

I grabbed my stethoscope and made my way to the patient's room for further examination. 

"Hello I'm Dr. Robinson, I heard from my resident that you weren't feeling so well can you tell me what's going on?" 

" Well my throat seems to be swelling, soar, and breathing hurts my chest," He explained 

" Lift up your shirt, let me check your breathing" 

I placed the head of my stethoscope on his back and began listening. From listening to his lungs I could assess that he had bronchial breath sounds, just from the high pitch of his lungs to the gaps between the inspiratory and expiratory phases I could tell that was the cause of his shortness of breath.  

" On a scale of one to ten, how bad does your chest hurt?" I asked 

" A solid seven, it feels as if there is a person sitting on my chest," 

" I'm going to take a look at your mouth for strep and swab it for testing, it's going to be a bit uncomfortable but I'll try to make it quick and painless," I told him 

" Open wide for me" 

I placed the wooden stick into his mouth to move his tongue and I could clearly see that his tonsils were inflamed and filled with pus from an infection.  I took a sample using the swab and placed it into the test tube to be taken to the laboratory.  I massaged and examined his throat and neck, and sure enough, it was swollen 

" Mr. Benson from what I've examined your tonsils are inflamed, and your lungs are for sure constricted so I would like to run some more tests on you to find out what is wrong" I smiled 

" That sounds good thank you" 

We exited his room, updated his charts, and resumed work. It was still early morning to midday, and I was already hungry. The sad thing was I didn't have my lunch break until much later, and being pregnant wasn't making it any better. I still had patients to attend to, and tests to run.  I sighed and returned my focus to my computer. 

" Let me guess you're hungry?" Aaron said

" Yes, very it's your nephews' faults" I whined 

" Don't blame them" He laughed 

" Can you please just go, and get me like a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup from the cafeteria, please?" I asked 

" If it wasn't for you carrying my nephews, I would have left you hungry" He laughed walking off 

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to answer the incoming call 

" Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Room Dr. Robinson how can I help you? " 

" This is engine 3240 EMT Lana coming in with a seventeen-year-old  girl with an open fracture penetrating the skin from skateboarding on her radial bone, she stabilized and  under morphine to ease the pain, we're ten minutes out," She informed me 

"  ER and Ortho will be prepped," I told her hanging up the phone 

I paged orthopedics and my residents and had the room prepped for the patient.  Since this was a teenager with a fracture and no life-threatening injuries it was just I, two residents, and two fellow nurses. 

" We have a seventeen-year-old girl coming in with skin-penetrating open fracture of her radius, she is on morphine to ease her pain, lucky for her there are no life-threatening injuries at this time," I said, soon the patient came in 

" Sarah Adams, seventeen with a radial open fracture penetrating the skin, and she was given three milliliters of morphine to ease the pain," The paramedic said 

" Sarah, I'm Dr. Robinson an emergency physician, and that is Dr. Nina the orthopedic physician, and this is Dr. Victor and Dr. Mark, we are here to take care of you," I said 

We moved her from the gurney to the bed and began treating her arm and examining the rest of her body for injuries 

" Sarah, do you mind telling me how you ended up with a broken arm?" Dr. Nina asks 

" I was skating on the ramp but thought I'd try to skate on the ramp with ice, and when I did I slipped I broke my arm" She explained

" Abdomen is intact, no injuries Dr. Robinson" 

" What's our course of action now?" I ask the residents

" Take an X-Ray of her arm to find how she fractured her arm then we cast her arm," Victor answered  

" What medication will we use in order to cast her arm?" Dr. Nina asked 

" lidocaine" He responded again 

" Great transport her to another room for her X-Ray and do her charts," I said walking out  

 I return to my desk and resumed my work on the computer, but soon I was going to have to run Mr. Benson in room 204 to the MRI for testing because from what I observed it seemed as if he had a combination of Bronchiolitis and strep throat. I needed to call the lab with his strep results so that I could start treatment immediately. 

" Hey, Aaron did you bring me my grilled cheese sandwich?" I asked 

He nods and points to a bowl of fruit which was everything but what I asked for

" That's a bowl of fruit where is the soup and sandwich?" I asked looking around the desk 

" There is no sandwich and soup, you are carrying twin boys Christian boys and my nephews and I am under strict orders from your husband to make sure you eat only healthy foods and avoid things like burgers and chocolates" He smirked 

" Aaron are you kidding me I'm starving you can't possibly expect me to be full from a bowl full of fruit" I whined 

" Don't worry, I also got you chicken soup" He said handing me the hot bowl 

" Screw you and Christian," 


"Hello Mr. Benson, it's Dr. Robinson and my resident Dr. Flora again and we're here to take you for an MRI," I told him 

" Mr. Benson this will help us see inside your lungs to better diagnose you, in addition to that we will be doing a small test to measure your oxygen levels," She said 

" Did my strep results come from the lab?" He asked 

" They did, and you do have strep throat, so as soon as we return from your MRI screening we will administer a dose of amoxicillin and ibuprofen for the pain and strep throat," She said 

I placed a call to the radiologist to reserve the MRI room and had my resident detach his bed and place the machines in his bed. The hall was cleared and we rolled him to the elevator for testing on the MRI floor. 

" Dr. Whise we have Mr. Benson from room 204 here for an MRI scanning of his lungs," I said 

" Place him on the machine, Mr. Benson before we begin I advise that all metals be removed from your body, and when we begin testing you need to remain extra still so the MRI machine gets a clear picture of your lungs it'll take about thirty minutes" Dr. Whise explained 

We moved him from the bed to the machine and exited the room to begin the test.  To get accurate imaging of Mr. Benson's lungs meant I was going to have to wait thirty minutes, and it was thirty minutes too long.  I wasn't too concerned with Mr. Benson and his illness so the job was left to my resident to handle. When he returned I wanted all the results from both his MRI and blood gas test to find the next course of action because I am convinced that by the end of this day Mr. Benson was going to be in the intensive care unit. 

I returned to the emergency room, and I was greeted by yet another big group of doctors and residents surround Aaron who I assume was briefing them on the incoming trauma. I suited up in my gear slipped on my gloves and made my way to the surrounding group. 

" Rodger Garson forty-three was released from the ICU three days ago with pneumonia and was found in his car at five- o'clock this evening overdosed on heroin patient is tachycardic and is in and out of consciousness patient's pulse rate is at thirty and decreasing; the respiratory rate is at twenty-five breaths per minutes and decreasing, the patient is arriving soon" Aaron explained 

As soon as he finished in came the paramedics and the patient rushing through the emergency room doors. 

" Rodger Garson overdosed in a vehicle is tachycardic respiratory rate coming in at below twenty-five, a pulse at thirty and also decreasing," The paramedic stated 

"We're moving him in One, Two, Three..." The cardiologist spoke 

" Arterial line going into the arm, BP 140/90 systolic!" a nurse said 

" Arterial blood gas in, the patient is sixty mm hypoxic, place an oxygen tub " I said 

" someone please hand me the oxygen nose piece to put on Mr. Garson" Aaron said 

" Rodger this is Dr. Smith can you hear!" 

" Rodger I need you to wake up!"  

" Administering twelve-milliliters of Narcan" 

" Rodger this is Dr. Aaron Ropper can you hear me!" Aaron shouted 

" Patient is still unresponsive," a resident stated 

" Administering twenty-milliliters of Narcan!" Dr. Smith says 

" Flatline patient is coding!" I said 

I began chest compressions as the nurses raced to place the defibrillator pads onto his chest

" Patient is still flatlining," a nurse says

" Milan you're pregnant let me take over" Aaron said pushing me aside  

" Push one of epinephrine," Aaron ordered  

" Paddles" I said 

"Charge to 200 clear" 

" Flatline" 

"Charge to 250 clear" 

"Charge to 300 CLEAR" 

" Call it Dr. Robinson," Dr. Smith spoke  

I rub my forehead remove my gloves glanced at the clock and called it. 

" Time of death 6:27 pm"  

Myself, Aaron, and the rest of the doctors and nurses in the room removed our gear and exited the room for the cleaning crew and the transportation team to clean the room and pick up the body. Being a doctor wasn't easy especially when you lost patients. Losing a patient even one never ceased to affect me in any way, but I knew that whatever pent up feelings I had, had to be left behind in order to do my job. 

" I'll do his charts and work-ups," Aaron said 

While Aaron began Mr. Garson's workups, I decided to page my resident Flora and Mr. Benson to check up on his MRI results even though it was thirty minutes over my shift. 

" Dr. Robinson, you paged for me?" 

" Yes I did, what are the results of Mr. Benson's MRI and blood gas test?" I asked 

" His results are back he has bronchitis and his oxygen levels are low due to the inflammation of his alveoles and mucus in his lungs not being able to produce enough oxygen for his lungs, so we transported him to the intensive care unit and put him on oxygen," She explained 

" Now that he is taking in oxygen what is our next course of action?" I ask her 

" We perform a bronchoscopy to remove the mucus, then begin anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs for the inflammation and pain" She finished 

" Very good, I want his charts updated and a full workup by tomorrow morning," I instructed  

" Alright" 

" And Dr. Flora" I called 

" Yeah?" 

" Great job today" 

" Thank you" She smiled 


It was already 7:15 pm when I walked out of the emergency room doors to make my way home to Christian.  This day had been a long and draining day, and I still had things to do later on. Katherine was adamant about going wedding dress shopping, and I honestly didn't know how we were going to do because most bridal shops closed at 6:00 pm. I entered my car and made my way home to Christian and our family. Thankfully for me, the drive home wasn't too long. 

" I'm home!"I shouted 

" In the kitchen!" Christian shouted back 

" Hey babe, how was work?" Christian asks  

" Stressful I had a patient die today" I sighed 

" Do you want to talk about it?" He asked 

" No, I can't" I told him

" Anyway, how was your day? Did you take your meds today?" I ask him pouring myself a drink 

" I did take my meds, and my day was good  I got a lot of work done, I even went to look at some houses" 

" Christian you're supposed to be resting" I scolded

" I did babe, I just thought that with the extra time on my hands I should visit some open houses, and see what our options are, " He reasoned

" Were they nice at least?" I asked rummaging through the pantry 

" They were, I looked at two today the first house was secluded and it had eight beds, six baths,   three living space, two dining areas, three office spaces, and a basement" He told me 

" What about the yard?" 

" Both the front and the back yards were spacious with a pool "  

" The second house?" I asked  

" The second house had the same amount of living spaces, but it had more amenities," 

" Like what?" 

" It had a pool, theater room, bowling room, and a gym" 

" Sign the contract, we're getting it," I said walking up the stairs 

" Wait that quick! don't you want to come and see it for yourself?" He asks following me up the stairs 

" I trust you, sign the contract I'll write the check we buy the house and we move in" 

" I'm writing the check," He said kissing me 

" Christian both of us own the house, it's the house we'll be raising our children in therefore we both sign the check"  

" If you insist Mrs. Lloyd

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