Protect ➳ Liam Dunbar {1} ✔️

By venpiter

351K 7K 1.1K

Alyssa is Derek's little sister. But she didnt get the gift of claws, fangs, super hearing, super speed, and... More

The Dark Moon (Part 1)
The Dark Moon (Part 2)
117 (Part 1)
117 (Part 2)
Muted (Part 1)
Muted (Part 2)
The Benefactor (Part 1)
I.E.D (Part 1)
I.E.D (Part 2)
I.E.D (Part 3)
Orphaned (Part 1)
Orphaned (Part 2)
Orphaned (Part 3)
Weaponized (Part 1)
Weaponized (Part 2)
Time of Death (Part 1)
Time of Death (Part 2)
Perishable (Part 1)
Perishable (Part 2)
Monstrous (Part 1)
Monstrous (Part 2)
A Promise to the Dead (Part 1)
A Promise to the Dead (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 1)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 3)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 4)
Sequel Is Out

The Benefactor (Part 2)

12.1K 267 84
By venpiter

The Benefactor (Part 2)


Alyssa's POV

"Werewolf." He pointed at Scott.

"Werecoyote." He pointed at Malia.

"Banshee." He pointed at Lydia.

"Fox?" He pointed at Kira, saying it more like a question.

"Kitsune. But fox works." Kira said.

"What are you?" He asked Stiles.

"For a while I was possessed by a evil spirit. Very evil." Stiles said.

"What are you know?" Liam asked Stiles.

"Better?" Stiles said more like a question.

He turned to me. "What are you?"

"Well my whole family is werewolves. But I turned out human so." I said.

"I thought you said you only had a brother and an uncle." He said.

"Well I have a sister too but had a big family until they burned to death in a fire six years ago." I said facing the floor.

"Oh." He said and turned back around and looked at the chains. "Those for me?"

"No they're for me." Malia said flashing him her electric blue eyes. He started getting nervous. "How'd you do that?"

"You'll learn. But you have to get through the full moon." Scott said.

"The moons already out." Liam said.

"And your starting to feel something, aren't you?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut jobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now and if any of you try and stop me I swear to god I'm gon--" he started covering his ears and screaming.

Scott got closer to him "What's wrong, Liam?"

"You guys don't hear that?" He asked.

When then saw headlights. "Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia asked.

"My friend Mason. You said it was a party." Liam said.

"And who did Mason invite?" Stiles asked.

Kira answered "Everyone."

Liam started scratching the floors.

"The floors. Get him off the floors." Lydia said walking closer to Liam. Liam roared at her. Causing her to back up.

"We need to get him to the boat house now." Scott said. We took him to the boat house and tried to chain him up but it was kinda hard. He kept lunging at me. Scott and me were holding him back while Kira tied his hands.

He pushed Scott out of the wall and crawled on top of me. Kira tried to get him off but he threw her onto the pole and when Scott tried to help he threw Scott outside. Scott stumbled and fell into the lake.

I'm dead. He gripped my arms so I couldn't grab anything to hit him with or to get him off me. The best choice now is to talk to him. "Liam. Liam, this isn't you. I know somewhere in there is the real Liam. The Liam that wouldn't hurt anyone. Liam it's me, Alyssa. The girl from school. The girl who saved you from the two crazy juniors." He dug his claws into my skin which caused me to scream. He sorta came back but then turned back to his crazy wolf side. "Liam! It's the girl from school that you have a crush on!" He stopped. "Alyssa?"

Then he fell to the ground. Unconscious. I looked over and saw Kira with a boat paddle. I sighed in relief. "Thank you." I said. She nodded. We then looked at Liam. "Oh god. I didn't kill him did I?"

"No he's out cold." She sighed.

"Where's Scott?" As soon as I said that a very wet and pissed off Scott walked over. "Right here." I laughed.

He sat down beside us. We tied him up and I sat next to him and tried to get some rest but I couldn't so I just closed my eyes to harness my energy.

"They looks so young." Kira said.

"They are. They're only 15." Scott said.

"What are we going to do with him?" Kira asked.

"We're going to help him." Scott said.

"What if he doesn't want our help?"

"He will." Scott said.

"What?" Kira asked.

"The music." He replied.

"What song are they playing?" Kira asked.

"Electronic." He said.

"I wish they still played slow songs at party's. At my old school. We always used to have a few." She said.

"Why do you like the slow ones?" Scott asked.

"I was always better at slow dancing." She said.

He said "Come here." Oh no what are they doing.

I looked up and saw that Scott put on a slow song. Aw.

I closed my eyes again. "What about them?" She asked.

"They can dance together when he learns to trust me and when it's not on a full moon, so he doesn't rip out her throat."

"So how are you so good at staying in control on a full moon?" She asked.

"It's about making sure my pulse doesn't get to high or to fast. My heart rate doesn't go up." He said.

"So. You've mastered it?" She asked.

"It still takes a lot of concentration." He said.

"So if something distracts you."
She said.

"I'm indistractable." He said.

It suddenly got quiet. Eww!

"Nothing." He said.

"Then why are you eyes glowing?"
She asked.

"Cheater." Then I heard growling. I looked over at Liam and saw he was awake. He looked at me. Glowing eyes and fangs. Yep he's awake.

"I honestly just heard you growl." Kira said.

"That wasn't me." Scott said.

"Um, guys?" I said getting up.

"Are those chains going to hold him." Kira asked.

"Yeah. I think. Definitely. He can't be that strong." As soon as Scott said that, Liam broke lose. He ran through the window and into the forest.

"Alyssa. Go into the woods and see if you can find him. If you do send me a text and stay hidden. Okay?" Scott said. I nodded. I ran after Liam.

I ran until I heard growling. I hid behind a tree and tried to stay calm. I sent Scott a text and made a run for it. I looked behind me to see Liam trailing behind me. And of course with his speed he jumped on me and we tumbled to the ground. He was on top of me, once again.

Speaking to him brought him back last time or was it that I was in pain. He put his hand on the side of my stomach and dug his claws in my skin. I screamed but it didn't bring him back.

"Liam. You need to find an anchor. Something that you wish to protect not harm. C'mon Liam." Then I thought of something. I removed the hand he had on my stomach and I put it on my chest right above my heart.

"Listen to my heart beat. Feel it beating." His eyes turned to their normal icy blue and his claws and fangs dulled. He got off me and his eyes turned to yellow again so he ran away.

I sighed. I got up and saw Mr. Argent.

"Mr. Argent?" I asked.

"Alyssa. You and Scott's Beta have some bond there. Hmm. That scene reminds me of Scott and Allison." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are someone anchor." He said.

"Who's?" I asked.


We found Scott. But Liam has cornered him to a tree.

"This is all your fault! This is your fault!" Liam screamed.

Mr. Argent shot and explosive arrow into the tree which blinded Liam. He screamed and ran away.

"How did you know?" Scott asked. "I got your text." Mr. Argent said.

"There's a clearing just north of here. All you have to do is corral him and the rests taken care of." Mr. Argent said.

"What are you gonna do?" Scott asked.

"He's your beta Scott, the better question is what are you gonna do?" Mr. Argent said.

"He won't listen to me." Scott said.

"He will if you start using your own words." Mr. Argent said.

Liam screamed. "Here." Mr. Argent handed Scott a little button with a antenna.

I followed Scott to a clearing with glowing sensors. Liam was in the middle of them. He was still screaming. Scott pressed the button and he stopped.

"What's happening to me?" Liam asked.

"The same thing that happened to me." Scott said.

Scott kneeled down so he was at the same level that Liam was.

Mr. Argent was beside me.

"They can't know about this. My mom, my stepdad. I cant do this stuff again." Liam said.

"What do you mean again?" Scott asked.

"I got kicked out of school and i deserved it. The way they looked at me, when they saw what i did to that car." Liam said.

"Liam, its okay." Scott comforted him.

"They can't see me like this. Like.... Like...." Liam said.

"Like a monster." Scott finished.

Liam nodded. Scott got up. "Your not a monster. Your a werewolf. Like me." Scott's eyes glowed red. Liam looked at him.

Word Count: 1495

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