Window to Window ➸ Ziall

By guardianzayngels

127K 7.1K 2.9K

[COMPLETE | AU] Zayn's life is turned upside down when a rugged chain-smoking and impertinent blonde moves ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Author's Note♡
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not An Update! Just An Announcement
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

3.6K 235 71
By guardianzayngels

Yay! An update! Sorry to keep u guys waiting:) Here ya go...


Even though Niall knew the kiss was coming, he was still shocked when Zayn pressed his lips to his.

Zayn sheepishly pulls away a little, their lips still brushing. "Hey, its okay. Just relax."

Niall nods and Zayn leans in again and captures his lips with Niall's. At first, Niall thought Zayn's lips were extremely soft. He thought kissing a guy would be rough but he was mistakened. Another thought was that Zayn's lip tasted good like strawberry Carmex. And the last thought was that he liked it. So he begins to move his lips with Zayn's and both boy's lips move in sync.

Zayn places his hand on the back of Niall's neck to deepen the kiss causing Niall to gasp. He then shyly pries Niall's mouth open and pushes his tongue in. Niall moans at the contact and begins to twirl his tongue around Zayn's for awhile.

"Okay, that's enough" Niall pulls away breathlessly causing Zayn to pout.

"We need to continue this tutoring session. It ends in thirty minutes" he continues. Zayn nods understandingly and picks up his book again to place on his lap. He can't help but think of the kiss and smile doing so.


"He told me to kiss him!" Zayn smiles.

"What?! Why?!" Harry yells through the phone.

Zayn shrugs, "I don't know. His girlfriend broke up with him and he was crying and stuff then he asked me to kiss him."

Harry tsks, "Zayn, I don't think this is good."

Zayn scrunches his brows. "How?"

"Oh, come on, don't you see? His girlfriend dumped him. He was feeling lonely and upset and he just needed someone."

"Are you trying to say that Niall only wanted me to kiss him to make him feel better from the breakup?"

Harry sighs, "Yes, genius."

"I...I don't think so."

"Oh, come on! He only wanted you because he was feeling desperate! Zayn, he's not gay! He doesn't want you!"

"W-what? H-how can you say that Harry?!"

"Because its the truth!"

"Fuck you" Zayn hangs up and throws his phone across the room. He begins pacing back and forth and tugging at his matted hair.

Is it true? Did Niall only want him because he was desperate and lonely?

I guess he'll find out tomorrow.


Zayn saw Niall at his locker the next morning. If Niall really only wanted him because of his breakup then he was gonna find out for sure.

So Zayn sneaks up behind Niall and wraps his arms around him. Niall jumps and turns to see Zayn smiling and then kiss his cheek. "Malik, what are you doing?" Niall says.

Zayn frowns and pull away but grabs Niall's hand and kisses his knuckles. "I missed you."

Niall pulls away his hand and scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "I um...I need to get to class. Seeya."

Zayn rolls his eyes, "We're going to the same class, silly" he walks beside Niall.

Niall glances at him, biting his lip. "Oh, yeah."

He feels Zayn hand grasp his and he pulls away once again. "Let's just walk, yeah?"

Zayn frowns but obliges. Maybe Harry was right.


Zayn walks to their lunch table with Harry and Louis by his side.

"Zayn, I'm sorry about yesterday" Harry apologizes.

Zayn sighs, "Its okay...I think you were right anyway."

Harry pats his shoulder for comfort as they take a seat. Zayn sees something out of the corner of his eye. He turns to see Liam sitting with Niall a few tables over. He scrunches his brows in confusion and looks at Harry and Louis.

"Why is Li sitting with Niall?" he asked.

Harry shrugs. Zayn turns to Louis who is staring at Liam and biting his lip. "Louis, what's going on?"

Louis shifts his eyes to Zayn. He has this worried look on his face. "Nothing."

Zayn rolls his eyes., "Bullshit. Why is Liam sitting over there? I didn't even know he knew Niall."

"I don't know. He just is..."

"Louis, what the hell happened between you two?" Zayn presses.

Louis gives him a hard look. "Nothing, okay? Stop asking."

Harry raises his brows, "Okaaayyy. Both of you are like really stressed and shit."

Zayn and Louis snap their heads in Harry's direction. "Shut up, Harry" they say in unison.

"How about we go out tonight, yeah? It'll be fun" Harry says.

"No, I kinda just wanna stay home tonight" Louis replies.

"I don't feel like it" Zayn says.

Harry rolls his eyes at his friends. "We're going out tonight and that's final. You both are dealing with boy troubles and me as your friend, I am here to help. This new club opened up last week."

Zayn sighs. He knows Harry will get his way. He always does.

"Okay, what's going on betwen you and that guy?" Niall asked.

Liam snaps his head back to Niall. "What do you mean?"

"You keep looking at that guy over there. He keeps looking at you and you both look miserable" Niall says.

Liam sighs and pushes his food around on his tray. "Its a long story. He likes me and I like him. He wants to be with me and I wanna be with him but my parents hate homosexuality so I turned him down. All I can do is think about him. Now that I lost him I...I miss him so much. I just wanna go up to him, apologize and kiss the shit out him. I just wanna be with him, ya know? But its hard. Its sad realizing how much you truly care for someone once they're gone" Liam says.

Niall takes in what Liam just said. He glances at Zayn and sighs. Honestly, he felt something when he kissed Zayn. All he can do is think about him and that kiss keeps replaying in his head. He thinks he likes him but he kinda regrets putting him down. He's fucking scared though. He's never been with a guy. He doesn't know how his family, friends, or peers will take it seeing him with Zayn in a relationship. His mum's already on his back and she doesn't necessarily agree with homosexuality so he feels she'll just hate him more. He's never been good at displaying his feelings either unless its anger.

He glances back at Liam. "Wanna hang out later?"

Liam shrugs, "Sure, where do you wanna go?"

"How about my house?"

Liam smiles, "Alright."


"Come on! Let's go!" Louis drags a groaning Zayn inside the club with Harry trailing behind.

"I'd rather be at home" Zayn says.

"Doing what? Watching Niall?" Louis smirks.

Zayn purses his lips and let's Louis drag him inside.

"Bar!" Louis shouts, running to the bar.

Zayn sighs and looks around the club. He feels a hand on his waist and he turns to a smiling Harry.

"Wanna dance?"

"Sure" Zayn says. Harry grabs his hand and leads him to the dancefloor. Once they're on the dancefloor, Harry places his bum against Zayn's groin and begins to grind. Zayn gulps but puts his hands on Harry's hips and sways with him. They dance to the beat for awhile.

Harry then turns around to Zayn and wraps his arms around his neck. He leans in and begins to place chaste kisses to Zayn's neck. Zayn shudders and tries to pull away but Harry's grip tightens.

"Harry, come on, quit it" Zayn squirms.

Harry leans back and smirks. "What?"


"Get the hell away from him" a voice snaps.

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