Even if the Barricade Should...

By boybandluva

19.2K 400 464

Genevieve is the step-sister of a secret revolutionary. She soon finds out his intentions for a better France... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four

Chapter twenty

404 10 3
By boybandluva

"Enjolras! Stop I can't see where I'm going!" I called, while being dragged by an excited Enjolras.

"That's the whole idea of a blindfold, Gen!" He called back to me, still towing me behind him as he lead me through... god knows where...

"I know! Ugh why do you have to be so-" I was cut if by a pair of lips pressing onto mines. I deepened the kiss to tease him as I knew he only kissed me to shut me up.

"Gen, we need to get moving" he said trying to pull away but I still kept him on me.

"You. Are the one. Who kissed. Me" I said in between kisses.

"I know... but it's only a little bit further"

"Ok" I whined and let him go, blindfold still on.

After what felt like hours of walking, we had arrived, I had no idea where.

"Ok... one... two..." he said slowly.

"Enjolras hurry up will y-" I started but was cut off.

"Three!" Enjolras announced and untied my blindfold. My eyes squinted for a moment as they adjusted to the sudden abundance of sunlight.

"Oh my" was all I could muster. Enjolras and I where standing on a short rock ledge, he was in his swimming bottoms, revealing his toned stomach and arms. I looked down seeing the rock was only a short drop from a peaceful pool of water, perfect for two.
A small picnic basket was to my left, lying on a checkered picnic blanket and we were surrounded by trees.

"What do you think then?" He lifted his arms and gestured to the bliss around us.

"It's beautiful" I smiled brightly to him.

"Aww, Gen, I meant the surroundings not me" he smirked.

"Get lost" I lightly hit his shoulder.

"You get lost" he picked me up.

"Put me down! Enjolras! Put me down!" I laughed uncontrollably and kicked my legs in the air to try and loosen his grip on me but it was an epic fail.

"Don't you dare" I scolded him, as he slowly approached the edge of the rock ledge. He smirked evilly and pretended to through me off the edge.

"Enjolras!" I yelled as I thought I was about to go over the edge.

"You're cute when you're mad" he turned me around and placed away from the ledge.

"Oh, my dear, that was a very poor choice of words" I  sarcastically shook my head pretending to be sympathetic.

I smiled a devilish smile and pushed Enjolras over the edge and sent him crashing into the water. I started laughing so hard, I swear, I had abs more defined than his by now with the stomach exercise I had given myself.

"You're gonna pay for that, Butterfly-girl" he said through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes, but it was shortly met with a smile he just couldn't hide anymore.

"I am?" I raised an eyebrow, as I looked at his now darkish-blonde hair that was slightly less curly but was still holding form, damn his perfect hair.

"Yes, you are. You won't see it coming though..." he smirked, treading water to keep himself afloat.

"I'm sure I won't" I sighed and started to undo my dress. I hadn't worn a corset as I knew I was going swimming so i had put on a dress that laced up at the back in a corset style.

"Would you like to paint a picture? It'll last longer" I rolled my eyes as I noticed Enjolras staring at me. Even through my words he just continued staring at me now in my swimming costume, I had to break his stare somehow...


I cannonballed into the water, right in front of his face, splashing him with an abundance of water.

"Hey!" Enjolras looked annoyed when I came up from under the water.

"Had to stop you staring somehow!" I raised my eyebrows. He laughed and scooped me up in his arms the began spinning me around, gliding through the crystal water.

"This really is gorgeous, Enjolras" I said while I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Not as gorgeous as you" He smiled and leaned in, just as we were about to kiss we heard voices. I unwrapped my legs and dragged him under the rock as a shelter.

"Gen, I doubt they're going to bother us" Enjolras said as I sunk under the water slightly.

"You don't know! They could be police! Or criminals! Or rapists! Or-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"You're brother?" Enjolras filled in the blank in disbelief as we saw him walking hand in hand with a dark haired girl.

I pulled Enjolras down with me so we looked like hippos with only our eyes above the water.

"Mi amor, we must tell your sister soon, it is not fair, she is my friend" none other than the Spanish accent of Anita rang in my ears, my jaw dropped in shock beneath the water.

"I know, Anita. But, what if she hates me for it? We have been friends for years... I don't want her to feel left out" he looked at the floor.

"I understand, but you see, I cannot lie to her anymore. She is like my sister, la hermana I never had" Anita looked to Courfeyrac.

I couldn't understand it! My brother and my 'sister', isn't that incest?! I understood she wasn't actually my relative, but she was like family... and now she's with Courfeyrac.

"Ok, we shall tell her tonight" he sighed and stopped walking, stopping right in front of the water Enjolras and I were submerged in, occasionally bobbing our heads up to take silent breaths.

"Te amo, Courfeyrac"

"Te amo, Anita"

I didn't know how to process what came next. Courfeyrac leaned down and kissed her, they're sides were facing us so we had a perfect view of their kiss. It looked passionate, yet still extremely gentle and full of love. 

"You have to admit, they're kind of cute" Enjolras whispered to me.

"I guess..." I said with a furrowed brow.

"Genevieve, I hope you're not angry" he whispered in a sing-song tone.

"No, I'm not" I tried hide any emotion.

"Gen, stop. Courfeyrac is one of my closest friends and-"

"And he kicked off when he found out we were together" I hissed, cutting him off.

"Yes, I know, but then he came around to the idea and I think it's only fair for you to do the same" he lectured me as the kissing couple broke apart.

"Let us go, I need to return before your father realises I am not there"Anita spoke with sorrow in her voice, I hadn't realised she was unhappy at home.

"Your right, my love. But if you're not happy at home-" Courfeyrac began.

"No! No! That is not true!... I have you and Genevieve, and Lilette. You have made your home mine also, thank you mi amor" she placed a sweet kiss to his cheek, then they linked arms and strolled away in the direction of the house. Shortly we got out of the water and sat on the picnic blanket, drying off in the sun as Enjolras opened up the basket.

"You hungry?" He offered.

"No, not particularly..." I looked off on the distance.

"Hey, you need to except it, Gen. Imagine if Courfeyrac didn't except us after all? We wouldn't get to be a proper couple" he placed a hand on my shoulder and began rubbing it.

"We would still be together" I fought back.

"I know, but it would be a life of forbidden love. We would have to sneak around. No doubt your father would have you set up and married to someone else. We couldn't be seen together" he hugged me from behind.

"We'd have to do exactly what Courf and Anita are doing right now..." I thought out loud, letting myself fall into his embrace.

"Let them be, my love" He spoke and kissed the top of my ear.

"I don't know what I'd do with out you, Fireboy"

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