Chapter fifteen

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We all went up to the Café Musain after the rally, chatting, some of boys had a drink and one was playing a fiddle, giving the room some life.

"Do you care for a dance, my lady" Enjolras approached me, bowing slightly and offering me his hand.

"Why yes, monsieur" I took his hand and he led me to the makeshift dance floor we'd made by moving the chairs and tables to the side. The music was slower so I wrested my head on Enjolras' shoulder as we wrapped our arms around each other and gently swayed side to side.

"We need to tell the boys, your brother" Enjolras whispered in my ear.

"I know... but Courfeyrac kicked off when he found out we were together... imagine what he'd do if h-"

"Well if it's causing so many issues for you then why don't we just call-" Enjolras took a step back and crossed his arms.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" I practically growled, startling him. I put my hands back on his shoulders, hoping he would uncross his arms... he didn't.

"Genevieve, stop... we need to think this through" he shimmied out of my grasp.

"What is there to think about?" I snapped at him. Luckily the boys were all either swaying to music with a bottle in hand (Grantaire) and the rest were all chatting away. Enjolras grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side so no one could understand we weren't exactly lovey-dovey at this moment.

"Do you actually want to marry me, Genevieve?" He spoke in an odd way, not angry, not happy... sympathetic maybe?... or heartbroken...

"Of course I do! But you have to understand the complications that come with my hand in marriage!" I stressed to him. 

"I do understand! I knew fine what I was getting myself in for Gen the moment I fell in love with you!... the moment I met you I loved you" He looked so sad, I felt like it was my fault.

"You did?" I reached for his hand.

"Absolutely" Enjolras let me take his hand.

"But I'd never been in love before, so I denied it and focused on the revolution. I never knew what love was... until you, Genevieve" he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand.

"We'll tell the boys now" I looked up emotionally into his eyes, he could make me feel so loved in a matter of seconds.

"Ok" he nodded.

We asked Joly to stop playing and and everyone cleared the 'dance floor'. Courfeyrac sat with Combeferre, Lesgle and Grantaire while the others dotted themselves around the place in twos and threes. I put my hands behind my back so no one could see the ring before we told the big news.

"Boys, Gen and I have an announcement" Enjolras took a deep breath.

"We're engaged!" I brought my hand from behind my back and turned it so I had the back of my hand facing them... the ring facing them...

Some of the boys smiled, some of them awed... one of them didn't do anything... Courfeyrac didn't do anything.

"Well, well, well Enjy's got himself a wife! Cheers for the happy couple!" Grantaire stood up and teased Enjolras. I needed to have a chat with Grantaire as he really knew how to push Enjolras' buttons... useful information...

"Cheers! Cheers!" Erupted from the room, but Courf stayed silent, he wouldn't move an inch.

"Joly! Play the music!" Grantaire called and Joly began playing again.

"May I have this dance?" Marius approached me as Joly began a fast paced, up beat tune and bowed showing me a hand, I took it. I could feel Enjolras' icy stare on Marius but that only encouraged me to pull in close to him as we pranced around the room, laughing and smiling as the boys clapped and cheered from their seats, except Enjolras.

As Marius and I grew a bit tired Grantaire cut in, shoving Enjolras backwards before he could himself.

"M'lady" Grantaire bowed then we began dancing, slightly slower and more 'tango-esc'. He dipped me down and puckered his lips sarcastically sending Enjolras through the roof, but Marius held him back before he could pounce.

"That's quite enough of that Grantaire!" Enjolras called out as the room filled with laughter from the boys, even I gave a small giggle as Grantaire set me back on my feet again.

"I'm next" Courfeyrac got up, the room suddenly became quiet and I noticed Enjolras grow nervous as this was the first thing Courf had said since the news of engagement.

Joly began playing a much slower tune as I don't think the suspense let him pick up the pace any further.

"So you're engaged" Courfeyrac kept a straight face as we began to waltz around the room.

"Mm hm" I quickly mumbled, that was all I could manage.

"Wedding before the revolution?" His eyes softened, as we both knew that there was a possibility neither he, or the groom may survive...
'I don't know what I'll do if they- Stop thinking like that Genevieve. They'll live, you'll spend the rest of a long life with your best friends, your brother and the man who loves you and you love in return'
I had a conversation with myself in my head.

"Not sure yet..." I bit the inside of my lip.

"Well, I know he makes you happy... I just hope I'll be there to see my sister and my best friend's wedding" he smiled bittersweetly, and spun me around and off, into my fiancé's arms.

"Hello, you" Enjolras smiled in surprise as I landed with my hands pressed on his chest.

"Hello, Fireboy. Fancy a dance?" I smirked to him.

He led us to the open space, the slower music still playing and I noticed that Grantaire had asked Madame Houcheloup to dance. Then I saw Marius dancing with Eponine, bless her, how her face lit up as he waltzed her around the room, Courfeyrac was dancing with Gavroche carrying him around the room and Combeferre was dancing with one of the waitresses from the Café, everyone was so happy, how I wished we could all stay like this forever, together.

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