One Night

By RandomGabs

703K 22.4K 756

One night with her girl friends, one earth shattering kiss and off to a new job, where her boss is the guy sh... More

One Night
Fate Sucks
The Meetings
Pushed too Far
Battle of Words
Touching Submission
Climbing out of the Rabbit Hole
The Truth in the Lies
And The World Goes Boom!
A Past
Dinner ;)
Anniversary Surprise
Anniversary Weekend
Dinner for Four before we split.
Alexander's Turn
1 door shuts, 3 more open
A Night In
Blasts from the Past
A Phone Call
A Week Apart
A Week Apart (Pt. 2)
The Night Back
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
He Came Back
After (pt 1)
After (pt 2)
After (pt 3)
After (pt. 4)
Coming for You
A Piece here, A Memory There
How The Grinch (Almost) Stole Christmas
Thinking Out Loud
AnnieMireya Theophilia James

Me and My Broken Heart

8.8K 377 13
By RandomGabs

*Savanna's POV* 

Honestly, when I walked out of my apartment, I didn't know what to do with myself. I walked towards the elevator and hit the down button. There was a stinging heat in my eyes and I bit my lip to keep myself form crying. No, Sav, not here, not where he could come out and see you like this, with those thoughts in mind, I got on the elevator and rode it down to the lobby, where I exited.

I took a deep breath and looked up and down the street. Now what? I sighed and realized I should probably go to Sam, so that's what I did. I trudged my way to my old apartmnent, fighting tears the entire time. I was surprised I made it back to my apartment without crying, but I made it. My luck ran south when I got to Sam's place and they weren't home. I sighed and sat against the wall, pulling my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and I just broke down. 

The pain in my chest was like hot iron pokers stabbing and prodding the most sensitive parts of my heart. My lungs felt like they were filled with ashes as I wheezed in and out, trying to catch my breath. My ears were ringing and my lips were dry. I cried with everything I had. He just left me. He let me walk away. I cried harder, my entire body rocking from the sobs that were comming from my mouth. I felt lik emy eyes were going to come out of my skull and the pressure behind them built and built until I literally thought they would. My nose was clogged up. I just cried, in the hallway, all a lone. 

Sam was more than pissed to see me like this when she got back. When she first saw me, she just gave Alexander the keyes and reached down to scoop me into her arms, hauling me up  and taking me inside the apartment. She guided me to the couch, where she gave me a pillow and a blanket before going to talk to Alexander for a moment. I didnt hear what they were saying over my sobs, but I gathered from her expression that it probably wans't that great. Alexander left as soon as the conversation ended and she came back to me. She plopped herself down on the couch, pulled me into her arms and just let me cry on her.

And cry I fucking did.

And I blabbered too. The usual cliches:

"why would he do this to me? I thought he loved me."

"I fucking hate him!"

"i wish i never met him."

"he ruined my life."

"why did i have to love him?"

"i wish i was dead!"

I went on like this for quiet sometime until I fell asleep from exhustion.

When I came too, Sam was talking to Alexander in the kitchen, their hushed voices barely audible from where I was. Sam's back was to me and Alexander was leaning against the counter, his eyes on her. 

"Did you talk to him?" Sam asked. He shook his head. 

"No, Chris was packing when I got there and refused to talk to me." 

Sam sighed angrily. "He better be glad I sent you instead of going myself. He would be fucking dead right now!" she snapped. Alexander nodded. 

"I know Sam." 

She shook her head. "No, you don't understand; that man promised me that he wouldn't hurt her, he promised me that he was going to love the hell out of her after what he did to her in the first place and then he goes and pulls this shit! He should be diead right now. I should have gone and tore his balls off before burning his small puny dick off. Or what should be there!" 

Alexander reached for her. "Calm down love," he said softly. She sighed and let him pull her to him. She ranted for a bit longer before she finally piped down. I stretched, yawning and feeling dehydrated. I got up and made my way to them. 

"Can I have some water?" I asked. Sam jumped and turned before getting me that drink. I sat down as she sat cup in front of me. I drank it eagerly, the headache I had slightly receeding. She leaned towards me, resting her elbows on the table. 

"What are you going to do?" she murmured. I sighed and looked at my hands. 

"I have to get my stuff. I can't stay there anymore," I said, defeatedly. It was really over, i thought mournfully causing tears to come to my eyes again but I fought them off, not without some difficulty. Sam nodded. "Let's go. I need to get this over with."  Sam looked surprised but I got off the stool and went to the door. Sam grabbed her keys. 

"We'll be back," she said to her boyfriend before she followed me out the door. The ride over to Chris's was silent. I got out before she went to go park the car. I went up to the apartment and unlocked the door, biting my lip as tears formed. I wandered through the kitchen, my eye landing on a note on the island. With shaky hands, I picked it up and read it: 

My dearest Savanna, 

As much as it breaks my heart, I know that this is nothing compared to what you must feel and for that I'm so dreadfully sorry. It was never my intention to have to leave you. I fight myself every moment I'm packing not to go to you, scoop you in my arms and tell you I'll stay, because that it was I so desperately want to do. But I cannot do that to you. I've made my decision and I have to stick with it. A new CEO/CFO will be reinstated and if you want to change jobs, I understand and will have an excellent recommendation letter written for you. I know that this is hurting the both of us, but just please understand that this is better for both of us. 

Please don't go drink. Please don't do that to yourself because you are so much stronger than you think you are. Stay strong. 

With much love and a heavy heart, always yours, 


I let the letter fall from my hands and it drifted off somewhere as tears filled my eyes. FUCK YOU Chris! God damn it. Why the hell did you have to write that! I fucking hate you! I let the tears flow as I feel to the groun again. Strong? me ? ha. Sam came in a few moments later and saw me. Her eyes found the letter and she read it before sighing. She dissapeared into the apartment and she stayed gone for a long time. Finally she came back with two suitcases and a box. 

"Let's go," she said, setting them down and reaching for me. She pulled me to my feet and into a hug. "It's going to be ok, Sav, I promise." She squeezed me tightly before she let me go. 

She grabbed the letter, folded it up and put it in her pocket before she handed me a suitcase and the box. She took my keys and the other suitcases and we left, leaving behind the place that had been the only thing tying me to him until now. 

I walked away, with my head held high, tears running down my face, with my best friend next to me. I loved you Christopher James, I thought as I stepped into the elevator. And you just walked away.  

AN: Honestly, I feel proud of myself for having up dated 2x this week. :3 Schools a pain in the butt and I hate it right now. Please comment and let me know how bad I'm messing you up. lol. Have a good weekend guys! 

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