Georgia Austin - The unknown...

By JelinaxD

93.1K 1.8K 143

Hi I'm Georgia Austin, Louis Tomlinsons half sister on his Dad side. You may not know me because I'm not a To... More

1. Great news!
2. The Tomlinsons
3. Anticipation
4. A big surprise
5. The best moment of my life
6. The phone number
7. The first call
8. Meeting another Tomlinson
9. Lottie and Georgia met?
10. Between two chairs
11. Should Lottie know?
12. The secret meeting
13. Newspaper
15. Everything's fine?
1000 Reads ♥
16. An interview
17. A long day ends
18. At the Tomlinson's house
19. Same
20. Popular? Me?
21. I have to live in a dream!
22. My first interview
23. A bad accident
24. How to pass a concert
25. At the hospital
26. Important words
27. Not now!
28. Bad consequences?
Happy Birthday Louis ♥
29. A special visitor
30. Carrier in danger?
31. Inseparable
32. Shopping
33. The date
34. Happiness
35. Everything about Lucas
36. Great news!
37. Just the beginning of a great time
Happy Birthday Georgia
Thank you ♥
We miss you Jay <3

14. It's time

1.9K 47 2
By JelinaxD

Georgia p.o.v.

I stopped moving as I saw Celine running in my direction. My feets left my skateboard and I put it in my hands. I was practising a new difficult trick in my garden at home. I liked to practise things like this alone on my own. So Celine interrupped me. But it was ok.
"Hey Celine!", I said and smiled at her. "What's...", I wanted to know but she interuppted me by saying: "Read this!" She held a newspaper right in front of my face. I thought is was the new one. So what did she want from me?
I took my board away and took the paper. I saw the big photo with this very big headline.
I didn't know what I could think about it. I had no words for it.
Now the world knew about Louis and me - especially Johanna. This was a big disater!
I thoughed about Louis. What would happen next?
"", I wispered shocked. "This can't be true...""
I swallowed and starred at the newspaper.
"Johanna?", Celine wanted to know. My eyes met Celines as I nodded.
"This is the end. I don't know what happens when Johanna knows about it!"

Louis p.o.v.

Lottie and I kept on hugging.
Suddenly the door behind my sis opened again. Mum! Oh no...
"Is everything ok?", she wanted to know and looked at me a bit confused. Lottie turned around and looked at her like me. Harry kept on sitting at the chair.
"I heard you screaming, Lottie. What happened?", Mum asked.
Lotties eyes went back to me. I knew what she was thinking. Should we tell her the truth?
Before I could say a word, Lottie did it: "Nothing, Mum, everything is alright!" Mum smiled without doubts. She always trusted us. We never lied to eath other.
"Ok...when you say that...great!" Her eyes went in Harrys direction.
"Ah there's the new newspaper", she said and wanted to go to him. Harry stood up quickly. He would never give it to her. Lottie and my eyes met very fast again. Mum shouldn't get the paper!
Lotite reacted fast and got in Mums way to Harry. Mum raised an eyebrow as Lottie was standing right in front of her. " mum this old one", my sis said with a little laugher in her voice.
"We just searched for a special..." "Lottie, darling, this is the new one!", Mum interuppted her. "I can read the date on it!" Lottie sighed. She was thinking the same as me - typical brother and sister relationship.
"Why can't you just give it to me?", Mum wanted to know very confused and looked at me then. I sat on my bed like an 5 year old little boy who did something very bad. Her eyes stayed on me. Did she suspect something?
I sighed. I couldn't lie to my mum!  "Lottie, it's ok", I said and stood up again. It was enough.
"Louis, did something happened what you don't want to show it to me?" 
"Mum can we talk outside a minute?", I asked her. She nodded. "Hmm...ok..."
Lottie and Harry stayed at their places as Mum and I left the room.

Lottie p.o.v.

Harry and I stayed where we were as my brother and my mum left the room. Louis closed the door behind them. I sighed again and fell down on Louis' bed.
"I tried my best", I said sadly. "I'm a little big afraid of mums reaction..."
Harry sat down on Louis' bed, too, next to me.
"I don't know if it's the right moment to tell her", I said.
"But when will this right moment will be?", Harry asked and out eyes met. "I think it's Louis thing when he tells her." I nodded. "But what will happen if mum want Louis to left the house? I can't imagine it!" Yeah I was very said and afraid of my brother. "I mean...why does she hate Troy and Georgia? Does she hate Troy only for leaving her years ago?" Harrys shoulders moved quick up and down. "We will see. I hope it will end good. I hate family desasters!"
I nodded. "Yeah me, too."

Louis p.o.v.

"What do you want to tell me, darling?", Mum wanted to know again and again as we entered the living room. We were alone and I was afraid. I was afraid of this moment since the day I met Georgia at the concert. This was about only one month ago. Now this time had to end? Only because of my mum? No! Defenetly not!
"Mum...I...", I started and sat down on the sofa. "I don't know how to start...I'm afraid..."
"Afraid?" My Mum looked at me worried. "But why? What do you want to tell me what you're afraid of?" She didn't expect nothing bad. I looked in her beautiul brown eyes.
"I...em...first I have a question", I started another way. "You can ask me everything you want, honey", Mum said in a soft voice. "What do you want to know?"
"Why do you hate dad and his family?", I asked out loud.
First Mum was quiet. She only looked at me. I seemed like she didn't know what to say.
"Louis, I told you that..." " don't talk about it, yes I know! But I want to know that now! Do you hate him only for leaving us when I was 10 days old?"
Mum sat down next to me. She breathed in and out. Would she told me the story now?
"I was very angry when he left us", she told me. "This day he had gone without one single word and left me with a new born baby alone. I had hoped to have a great and lovely family with him. I really loved him but he doesn't that much..." She made a little break. I swore that she nearly was going to cry. "I wanted to forget him!", she continued. "I didn't want to see him again! I don't want you to meet your dad because I didn't want to see him again. It would have broken my heart."
"But you withhold my biological dad from me!", I fight against her.
"Louis, I know and I'm so sorry for this! But when I met Mark, my life went on! He was such a great father for you and I wanted that he was like your real dad. I never told him about Troy..."
A tear left one of her eyes. "So I saw Troy never again. I think it's ok how it is."
I couldn't see my mum like this. She was broken. But I had to tell her about Georgia.
"I'm happy to have a family like this now with you and my other great children with Mark and Dan.
I always wanted that!", Mum explained to me and smiled. "I'm a great mum, am I?"
I smiled at her. "Yeah you are! The best mum ever!" We laughed and hugged each other for one little moment. "Dad loved you, mum", I said then in my lovely voice. Mums was was sereous. "He really does!" I added. "But you two were so young and he wasn't ready to be a dad."
Did I said the right words to start with the truth? Mum starred at me.
"How do you know that? You never talked to him!" Now the moment has come.
"I did. I visited him and his family yesterday." "Behind my back?", Mum whispered angry.
"Louis William Tomlinson, how..." "Mum!", I interrupped her very fast and jumped from the sofa.
I hate it when someone called me with my full name. William - who's idea was that?
Mum stood up either. Now we were standing face to face.
"Why did you do that? What came to your mind?" She couldn't believe that. I could understand.
"Mum he's my dad!! You can't forbide me the contact to him! I'm 22 years old, nearly 23! I have to take my own desicions! You don't have to see him!"
"But he has a new family and you and me are his past...", she argued.
"No mum, he really loves us! He said that to me. Ok, he is happy but he would never forget us!"
She said nothing to what I said. "Mum, I...should tell you everything..." The only thing she did was looking at me quietly. "I met Georgia at the concert in London and we exchanged our numbers."
Mum put her hands on her hips. I could see that she remeber who Georgia was.
"What?", she asked breathless. I nodded slowly. My mum was a mixture of anger and sadness. "Since then...", I wanted to continue but she interuppted me: "Please don't tell me you have regular contact with her." I didn't want to behave like a baby. I really loved my mum but this time I had to be strong to tell her the truth. "Yes, mum, we have contact", I said streight in her face.

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