Toddler Series

By lipstickstaiin

2.3M 31.3K 3.7K

Forth Book; One Direction Preference series about the life of the boys as fathers to Toddlers (12months to Pr... More

Toddler Series
#01 First Birthday
#02 First Steps
#03 Little Personalities
#04 Favourite toy
#05 Dinner Time
#06 Work with Daddy
#07 Autumn
#08 Learning
#09 Mummy Moment
#10 Escaping the crib
#11 Fan Encounter
#12 Daddy Moment
#13 First Crush
#14 Temper Tantrum
Easter Moment
#15 Playdate
Tour Series #01 Bye Daddy (he leaves for tour)
Tour Series #02 Missing Daddy
Mother's Day
Tour Series #03 Skyping Daddy
Tour Series #04 Visiting Daddy
Tour Series #05 He tweets of picture
Father's Day
Toddler wants a sibling
Toddler Series: First Day of Pre-school

Tour Series #06 On Tour with daddy

33.1K 966 68
By lipstickstaiin


"Stay with mummy," you smiled down at the little girl. Amelia nodded and looked around. The boys had a photoshoot for a magazine and you decided to tag along before spending the afternoon with Liam exploring the city. Amelia’s brown eyes lit up when she saw her father and looked up at you. "Daddy, plwease?" she whined. You knelt down and brushed her hair away from her face, "have to wait until daddy is finished. He is working right now sweetheart," you explained. She pouted and shook her head. "Photo with Emmy?" she whispered, looking over at Liam. He stood with the boys and posed for the camera. You sighed. "Maybe after daddy has photos with your uncles," you suggested, but Amelia didn’t like that idea. Her little lip trembled and eyes become glossy as she wanted to be with him. "No tears Emmy," you wiped her rosy cheeks. In that moment, Liam looked over to you and frowned. He wanted nothing more than to spend time with both of you, but he had to work. He got an idea and turned to the photographer. "I have an idea for an exclusive photo," he winked and quickly walked to you. "Y/N, Emmy," he smiled. Amelia looked up and squealed, clapping her little hands together happily. "Daddy," she giggled as he picked her up, sitting her on his hip. "Daddy wants a photo with his beautiful girl. Have to show your pretty smile," he cooed to his daughter. She nodded and smiled widely, "Photo daddy."


"Welcome back. One Direction are still with us," the interviewer said and looked at the boys sitting on the couch. Noah smiled and wiggled on Louis’ lap. You bit your lip and watched them carefully from the sideline. "Noah comfy?" Louis asked, keeping his hand on the little boy’s body. Noah nodded and looked around, his blue eyes widen as he noticed everyone watching him. He giggled, cheeks turning pink. "Daddy," he squealed and pointed to the audience. Louis chuckled and kissed his head. "Have to be quiet buddy, if not mummy will come get you," he whispered. Noah gasped and giggled cheekily. The interviewer and audience awed at the little Tomlinson. "So, tell me. What’s it like touring after all these years?" she asked. Before any of the boys could reply, Noah giggled and clapped his little hands. Everyone turned their attention back to him. "Do you like touring with daddy and your uncles?" she cooed. Noah looked up at Louis and then at you standing backstage. "Fun fun," he bounced on his father’s lap, "daddy play lots. Noah no like bus, no sleep," he added with a pout. The audience awed at his cuteness, as Louis smiled proudly. "What does Noah like?" she asked the little Tomlinson. Noah looked at his father and then at you. "Mummy," he giggled, making you blush, "mmm, cuddles, ookies." "That’s my boy," he whispered and rubbed his back, watching his little boy charm the audience.


"Mummy," Cora whispered, rubbing her blue eyes tiredly. You quickly looked up at doorway. "What are you doing up sweetheart? It’s bed time," you said. She pouted and played with the ears on her teddy bear. "Where daddy? Daddy cuddle night night," she whispered, missing her father. "Come here Cor," you opened your arms and your daughter climbed onto the bed beside you. "Daddy is singing on stage. He will be here soon," you said softly, as she snuggled into you. You brushed back her hair and looked out the window. Being on tour with Niall was great, but the toddlers wanted to be with him all the time. As you started to fall asleep with Cora, you felt the bed dip, making you snap awake. "Hey Dec, what’s wrong buddy?" you asked, reaching out for him. He pouted sadly. "Daddy story?" he asked. You frowned at his sad blue eyes; ones matching his twin sister and father. "Come cuddle with mummy and Cora," you said. A little later, Niall walked inside and froze. His smile widened at seeing you all together. You heard him and slowly opened your eyes, but before you could say anything, Declan woke up. "Daddy?" he whispered sleepily. He excitedly tapped his sister on the arm, "Cor-ra, daddy. Wake up." Cora quickly woke up and squealed. "Daddy. Daddy," she giggled and rolled onto Niall’s chest. He chuckled and hugged the twins. "I love tonight," he whispered, "this is the best." You smiled and snuggled closer to him; as much as he loved touring with the boys, he loved spending time as a family more.


"Spencer, come back," Lou called out. She sighed and looked at Lux sleeping on the couch backstage. Spencer heard Harry’s voice and ran faster on her little legs. Once she reached the stage, she froze; the arena was huge and empty. Her green eyes widen as she took it all in. Zayn smiled when he saw her, walking towards his little niece. "Hey Spence," he said and knelt down. "Zen Zen," she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, making him chuckle. "What you doing beautiful? Thought you were playing with Lux while mummy is out with Aunty Perrie and daddy practices for the show tonight," Zayn explained. The little toddler pouted at him. "No wanna," she whispered, pulling away. Suddenly Spencer spotted Harry and squealed. "Daddy," she paused, then squealed as her voice echoed through the arena. Zayn noticed his microphone was near her face. "Daddy," she giggled. Harry turned around and smiled at his daughter. "Guess who find us?" Zayn said, standing up. Spencer grabbed his finger and let him walk her towards Harry. "Does angel wanna sing with daddy?" Harry asked, picking her up. Spencer nodded and opened her month. "Ooohhhh, laaaa laa," she sung, little toddler voice loud and sweet. The boys started singing her favourite song, laughing when she joined in. "Got a little superstar on your hands, Harry," Liam joked, making Harry smile proudly.


"Kade, look over there," you cooed and bounced the toddler on your hip, "is that daddy?" Kaiden quickly looked towards the stage, smiling happily. "Daddy," he giggled. Suddenly, the music changed and Kaiden squealed excitedly; he recognised the song. "Is Kade going to song along?" you asked. He blushed, brown eyes not leaving Zayn as he sung his solo. Zayn spotted you in the crowd and waved, making fans go crazy. "Daddy, daddy," he giggled and waved back. You adjusted the earphones on his head, making sure they were covering his little ears. "Dance?" Kaiden asked, wiggling in your arms as he wanted to be put down. Your eyes widened and you tightened your arms around the little boy. "No baby boy. Mummy doesn’t want to lose you. And you can see here," you replied and rubbed his back. His smile dropped and he looked up at the stage. He started bopping his head along to the song, watching his father and uncles act silly. "Kaiden and mummy can dance together?" you suggested over the loud noise. Kaiden smiled and nodded quickly, before wiggling his body in your arms. You giggled and moved your body to the music, moving Kaiden with you. He squealed and clapped his little hands together. "Mummy dance," he looked at Zayn, "daddy sing." Kaiden’s brown eyes lit up; he was so happy watching his father’s concert. "Daddy is the best singer, isn’t he?" you whispered and kissed his head.

All writing/ideas is our original work. lipstickstaiin©

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