The Hunters and the Hunted...

By FanficsForDayz

17.4K 860 371

*Discontinued* Oc x Sean , oc x Charles , oc x Arthur Bounty hunters, partners in crime, professional badasse... More

Alternate Playlist
X (+ A/N)
XXVII - Part I
Compilation of Pics: #1
Author's Note
Character Moodboards
XXXVII - Part 2
XXXIX - Part I
XLIII - Part I


274 15 11
By FanficsForDayz

Hey y'all, welcome back to the story. Super sunburnt that I can barely move so here I am, writing a chapter. 😎

This chapter is structured a bit different this go around. The story mission: Pouring Forth Oil, is occurring in the background of this chapter while Harley and Nyx go on another adventure which eventually crosses over. Hope you enjoy!

PS: Yes, Nyx and Harley are playing a real game we made up in Online mode and yes, it is very very entertaining.

PPS: It's kinda short don't hate me. 😬

Harley's POV

Night had fallen over the camp, the only noise being the hushed chatter throughout the various tents. Arthur, John and Charles had just left, probably to rack up some cash for the camp. I sat alone at the edge of camp, enjoying the peaceful evening.

My pencil danced around a worn journal page, creating an intricate sketch of some flowers I had picked nearby. The black jeans I wore were covered in dirt and dust from previous adventures, lightly coating the leather cover of the book. My signature ruby red blouse was slightly unbuttoned, allowing the breeze to tickle my collarbones. A sigh escaped my lips as I pulled my pencil back, admiring my work before closing my journal. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a pair of feet approaching me. Biting my lip, my brown eyes trailed up to meet his bright green ones.

"Hey, Harley..." He greeted with a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Sean. How can I help you?" I ask, stuffing my journal away into my bag. My tone was cold and distant. The redhead sighed, leaning against a tree timidly.

"I— I just wanted to apologise. Ever since that night, I've just been a jerk."

"Yes, I've noticed." I comment briefly, crossing my arms. Sean glanced at me sadly.

"It's just— everytime I see you and Arthur together... It hurts." He confesses, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Sean, we can't—"

"I know!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "But I can't help the fact that I fancy you, Harley."

"Keep your voice down, Macguire." I warn, looking around. "I can't continue seeing you, I'm sorry." I winced at the look of hurt that flashed across his face. "We can still be friends?" The cliche saying made me mentally slap myself.

"I don't know if I can do that just yet." Sean said, looking like a sad puppy. I sighed, nodding in understanding.

"That's alright. Take as much time as you need." He nods, wandering off. "And Sean?"

The redhead turned back to me with a raised brow. "Yes, Harley?"

"You weren't a mistake. Just remember that." I say softly, looking directly into his eyes with a ghost of a grin. The Irishman blinks, mumbling to himself as he continued back to camp. Leaning back against the log In info was propped up against, I study the stars that twinkled over head.

"Harls." A familiar voice made me jump. I lifted my head slightly, cocking a brow at the brunette girl that stood before me.

"Hey, Nyx." I greet with a grin. "What's up?"

"Well, the boys have ditched us so I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride?" She asked with a small smirk on her face, almost as if she knew what I was about to say.

"As long as we get to play the wagon game." I reply, pushing myself off the ground and heading to the hitching posts. Nyx chuckled, following my lead. Zaliver and Sterling nuzzled us when we reached them, receiving a good brushing and some snacks before we departed. "Alright, where do you reckon has the most wagons right now?"

"I say let's head up around Emerald Ranch and see what we can find." She responded, taking off. Sterling and I gallop close behind her, taking unnecessary shortcuts that almost crash us into trees and boulders. "Christ, are you drunk?!" Nyx hollered over her shoulder, cackling at my steering abilities. Okay, so I'm not the best rider ever.

"Not to my knowledge!" I shout back with a laugh, gaining speed to catch up to her. "Just making this more interesting!" Sterling grunted in agreement, or maybe it was annoyance.

We eventually reach an area around Emerald Ranch and venture around until we spot the target. Nyx nods to me, gesturing for me to go first. I crack my knuckles and stretch out my muscles, an intense moment of silence falls over us as the target approaches, coming towards us. My hand brushes Sterling mane calmly, knowing he's prepared for what is about to go down. I whisper the plan to him, just in case he had forgotten. Now, I was a little rusty but nevertheless I was excited as adrenaline shot through my veins. I fixed my blonde messy bun and looked to the brunette, who positioned herself off to the side. She held up a health cure, motioning that she was on standby for my future injuries. I let the world fade out and trained my eyes on the target before urging Sterling forward. We headed straight for the target, rushing it dead center. At the last moment, Sterling bucked me into the air and I launched dangerously towards the target.

"WAGON!!" I screamed, making it sound like an epic battle cry. Closing my eyes, my body crashed into the wagon at top speed, sending me tumbling all over the place like a ragdoll. The driver cursed me out aggressively as I rolled off the wagon into the mud, groaning in pain as I struggled to stand up. "Sorry, Mister! Didn't see ya there!" I apologized painfully, limping away as I flicked mud off on my hands. Nyx's loud laughter echoed around me as she tossed me the health cure. I downed it quickly before shooting her an amused smirk.

"I forgot how ridiculous this game makes us look!" She snorted. I giggled, stretching out my sore back. Sterling trotted over to me, completely unharmed as I had trained him to buck me off and then get out of harm's way.

"You're turn!" I announce, pointing to a wagon in the distance that was headed out way. Nyx retied her braid, making sure it kept her hair out of her face. She covered the bottom half of her face with a bandanna in order to avoid getting mud in her face. I wasn't that smart since I was still wiping off mud from my face. The brunette took off towards the wooden wagon, flying at it insanely fast once Zaliver bucked her off. Her foot clipped an edge on the wagon, sending her cartwheeling through the air and into the back of the wagon. I cheered as she stood up, looking a bit dazed.

"Did you see that?!" Nyx shouted from the back of the wagon, attempting to jump off. She lost balance and fell into the mud, causing some to splash onto my, already coated, boots.

"That was amazing!" I laughed, helping her up and handing her a health cure. The bounty hunter gulped it down quickly, sighing in content. "Alright, let's venture out a bit further, shall we?"

We continued down the path, creating a larger distance between us and Emerald Ranch. The wagon game continued for another 10 minutes until we charged at the wrong one...

As the two of us travelled further away from the ranch, we unknowingly neared the Cornwall Kerosene and Tar territory. Now, we weren't completely oblivious to the surrounding area, knowing we had to be careful as our gang tends to fuck over Cornwall a lot. However, for some odd reason neither of us processed that these wagons were, in fact, carrying oil. Not to mention there was an approaching sound of gunfire.

"Wagon!!" Nyx and I cried in unison, charging full speed. The sound of male's shouting caught us off guard as we were thrown into the air. My chocolate eyes lock on familiar baby blue ones just before I make a hard impact. A groan escaped my lips as two large hands wrapped around me firmly, holding me steady. Nyx lets out an awkward chuckle.

"Hello boys. Fancy meeting you here." She said. I glanced sideways at her as she sat up in Charles' lap.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Arthur lectured in disbelief, glaring at me sternly. I gulped, feeling heat rush to my face.

"Playing the wagon game..." I trail off.

"The what?" He responded in confusion, quickly pulling me into his chest to prevent any flying bullets from hitting me.

"The real question is, what the hell are you doing? With a Cornwall oil wagon no less!" Nyx fired back, giving me a ghost of a smirk. The boys explained briefly that Marston he thought of this brilliant plan to stop a train by blocking the tracks with an oil wagon.

"Sounds dangerous, let's do it." I comment, shifting in Arthur's lap. The brunette's breath hitched slightly, his grasp tightening on my waist.

"Don't do that." He warned quietly, his breath hitting my ear. I blushed, biting my lip silently. The four of us rode quietly while Charles took over steering the wagon, directing us to our destination. We eventually arrived, dropping the wagon off before whistling for our horses. Sterling, Alaska, Taima and Zaliver came charging through the trees, neighing happily as they approached.

"Hey, boy." I greet, chuckling as my silver stallion nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Arthur watching me with a small grin on his face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." The outlaw tensed for a moment before smirking, taking his camera out of Alaska's saddlebag.

"If you insist." I rolled my eyes, striking a pose. Arthur snickered, nodding to himself as he took my picture. "How's it look?"

"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." He complimented, causing me to look away in embarrassment.

"Ooo, I have an idea!" Nyx exclaimed suddenly, tugging Charles over to Arthur and I. "Group photo!" We all glanced at each other and shrugged, Arthur setting up the camera on a tripod. The four of us grouped together, Nyx and I in the middle with the boys on either side of us. Charles stood next to Nyx, wrapping his arm around her waist as I sling mine over her shoulders. Nyx, being the shortest of the crew, is unable to reach around my shoulders so she simply holds out her arms in front of us in a 'ta-da' pose. Arthur's arm slithered his arm around my waist, placing his hat upon my head. The image is captured 4 times, one for each of us. All of us smiling happily (yes, even Arthur).

And with that, we packed up and headed off back to camp with a little piece of memory to keep forever.

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