Awake || Chris Brown Story

By mixeddollrria

61.1K 3.8K 2.8K

They're high school sweethearts, who are soon to be married. They have two children and life just seems great... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
❗️New Story Out❗️
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 3

2.3K 162 123
By mixeddollrria

"Who's the daddy?" I asked

She sat there with her mouth partially opened, "Really, Chris?! Who else would be the father?" She asked

I shrugged, "I don't know, Rachel, but okay congratulations, thanks for telling me but now isn't the time. I have a lot on my mind."

"Okay, I'll leave you to what ever it is bothering you." She said and stood up

She walked towards the door then stopped and turned around, "I hope this isn't about Kyra. I'm not trying to sound heartless but, it is the right thing to do. The longer you hold on, the more she and everyone else is suffering. Just let her go." She said and left out.

I didn't wanna hear that, but I needed to. Rachel can be a bit of help at times.. not enough help though, she has too many dumb moments. I honestly don't know what possessed me into marrying her, I think I wanted to fill a void and it's truthfully still not fulfilled.

I sighed and got off of the bed and went to go take a hot shower, I need to clear my head.

2 week later


I sat in bed, awake. Not like my eyes were opened. but my brain was active.

My thigh itched, I hate moments like this because I can't reach it. Or move to scratch it for that matter. I always try but nothing happens. It's like sleep paralysis.

The itch was killing me, I attempted a movement anyway, though I figured I wouldn't, but I did!

I can move!

It was very slow and slight, but I did.

If I can move then what else can I do? Can I fly?

I attempted the eye opening thing again. I swear it felt as if a weight was lifted from my eye lids because they popped open, not popped literally but slowly.

The light was so sensitive to my eyes, I felt like the actual sun was over my eyes. Where am I? I'm assuming a hospital, but it could be my bedroom.
I'm confused.

I wasn't this confused asleep.

I attempted to sit up but now I'm just doing too much. I have to take it easy, I need to crawl before I can walk again.

I looked around after my eyes finally adjusted to the lighting. My vision was blurry but I could make out a few things. There were balloons everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Some looked deflated, but some appeared to be new. I seen colorful flowers, it was like a dream or something. But I gained the energy to pinch myself, so it wasn't.

I heard footsteps walking towards the door, I allowed my eyes to follow the sound until the person appeared. It was a doctor.

He walked in with his head in his clipboard, and another doctor followed behind.

"Tomorrow is the day we're pulling the plug. All payments will be finalized, and the last payment will be submitted." He said as he still walked towards my bed

"I need to get her final vitals and temperature and things." He added

Pull the plug? So who decided to let me go? They didn't wanna fight anymore? Why not when I held on just for them? Whoever them is.

"Doctor..." the other doctor behind him said while lightly tapping his shoulder, he stared at me with major confusion.

"Yeah?" He turned around and asked

The other doctor pointed at me repeatedly with his index finger, "She's.. she's awake." He said

The first doctor turned around so quick and stared at me in confusion.

"After three years, you're finally awake!" He said, astounded.

Three years? Someone has got to be lying, it hasn't been three years, maybe a few months or so but not three years. It feels like it has only been a day actually but whatever he says.

"I'll be right back." He said and left out

Shortly after another doctor came in. They checked my reflexes and still proceeded to do my vitals. I could move but it wasn't rapid movement. They tried to get me to talk but it was as if words wouldn't come out, did I lose my voice?

The doctor explained to me that I'd have to take physical therapy to gain the strength in my bones and muscles back, to gain the ability to walk again and anything else that my body would need physical repair on. He told me that he'd get me enrolled with a speech or vocal therapist. He said that my mouth has to get used to mobilizing itself again. Why do I need all of that though? Just give me and my body time, everything will gradually fall back into synch.

The doctor even explained how my memory will take a while to come back, if I lost any of it. My brain is just scrambled right now.

I lay there confused the entire time he explained. How old am I? And where is everyone that sent these balloons and flowers?

Days later, I still lay in the hospital bed. Every time I felt myself awake enough to hear noises, I'd pop my eyes open, I didn't wanna fall back into that sleep that I was in for so long ever again.

As the days had passed I slowly and gradually begin to recollect memories. A therapist comes in and talks to me and shows me pictures. I remembered on my own that I have two children though, Messiah and Milani. I can't wait to see them.

"Lira, I'm telling you that's what they said!" I heard a voice say before it got to my room.

When the person appeared, I seen it was my mother. How could I forget her distinctive voice?

"Oh my god!" She squealed once she seen me staring at her and Lira.

"My baby..." she said and ran to me and pulled me into a massive hug. I felt her wet tears on my shoulder as she held me and rocked me for what seemed like forever.

"My baby sister, I'm so glad you're back." Lira smiled

She hugged me as my mother stepped back and stared at me in astonishment.

"I never thought this day would come." She said

They both talked my ears off about the same thing. How they're so excited and happy that I'm awake and that I'm gradually getting my mobility back.

More days passed, but it had to had been a week or so and I've been doing therapy. Physical therapy to strengthen myself and speech therapy. My voice has also came back, it's a bit hoarse but it's back.

"Can I get some water?" I asked the nurse

"She talks!" The nurse teased

I squinted my eyes at her and looked back at the TV.

She came back in with my water, "When you sit up to drink this water you need to remain sitting up." She directed

I nodded as I took the cup from her, "Are you able to bring it to your mouth?" She asked

"I got it." I said

I'm a strong girl, I'm gaining my strength back easily.

I put the cup to my mouth and gulped down all of the water in it. I've been parched lately.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said and pushed the sheets back, "You need help getting up?" She asked

"No, I went on my own last night." I told her

I hate having someone over me, watching my every move as if I'm a child. I understand they're doing their job and trying to make sure that I'm stable enough but I've been cared for the entire time I was asleep. I felt them bathing me while I was in my coma, it was uncomfortable may I add.

I slowly got up and held onto the bed to gain my balance and slowly walked to the bathroom in my hospital room.

After I finished my business I washed my hands and glanced at myself in the mirror. I look crazy. My hair is a mess, but it has tons of new growth and I looked as if I've lost weight although I know they fed me through the tubes.

I walked out of the bathroom and slowly back to my bed, "Why the hell am I still paying hospital bills when I already directed y'all on what to do ?!" I heard an oddly familiar voice yell.

"Mr. Brown-" the doctor said, following after him.

I covered myself with my sheet as they both walked in.


Once our eyes met, it was as if all of our memories had swarmed back in. My husband, my children's father, the man I was going to marry. Though we didn't actually make it to the wedding, he's still my husband. I looked down at my finger and noticed the engagement ring was gone though. I know I wore it since the day he proposed so when did it come up missing? During the crash?

Chris stood there, he looked as if he had turned pale, his eyes were bulging out.

"K—" he started but his words were stuck.

He came closer and sat at the foot of the bed, "Is this real?" He asked and poked at my leg that was extended on the bed.

"Yes, baby. It's me." I smiled

I seen tears fill up in his eyes as he stared through my soul. He abruptly got up and left out.


I waited for him to come back but he never did.

My mom came up there hours later and sat with me and showed me pictures of the kids. I can't wait to see them. I've asked on numerous occasions for her to bring them up here but she never entertains it.

"When can I go home?" I asked

"Home?" My mom asked

"Yes, the one I shared with Chris and our children, when can I come home?" I asked

She looked down, "He's in the process you can come stay with me in 2 days when you're released." She said

"Where is he moving? Why didn't he tell me when he came up here?" I asked

She looked a bit confused, "He came up here?" She asked

"Yeah... he was hollering at a doctor asking why were they still taking payments from him when he already directed them on what to do, like what did he ask them to do? He seemed really upset about it. Then when he seen me, he cried and then left."

She sighed,"Don't worry, it was probably nothing. But, I'm glad he got to see you awake. He has a lot going on, so it's best that you come stay with me for a while anyway, it'll be easier for you to transition to and from therapy." She said

"I guess, but I would like to see him again." I said

She rubbed my leg and slowly nodded.

After my two days were up at the hospital I headed to her house. Once I seen it I remembered how much I loved it. It was always calm and peaceful energy there.

I settled into my old room and turned on the television.

"I'm about to prepare something to eat, are you hungry?" She asked

"A little bit." I replied

"Well I'll make something light then." She said

I nodded and laid back onto my bed.

She came back about 20 minutes later with some soup and toasted bread.

"Thanks, mom." I smiled

"My pleasure." She said and sat next to me, propping her feet on the bed as well.

"Where's my phone?" I asked

She swirled her soup around with the spoon, "It was destroyed during the accident, you'll have to get another one. But, don't worry about it, I'll take you to go get one in a few days." She said

I nodded and finished eating the soup she prepared.

"Excuse the amount of questions I flood you with, there's just so many that are unanswered.. my mind is scrambled.." I paused, "But why every time I ask you about seeing my kids you never give me a straight answer, is something wrong?" I asked

"No, it's just kind of hard to get them to sit down long enough, you know they're older now so.." she let out a nervous chuckle, "They're into some of everything." She finished

"But I'm sure what ever they're doing they can put a halt to it so they can see their mother. I know they want to see me just as much as I want to see them."

"I'll do my best to make it happen, Kyra, let's just finish eating." She said without looking to me.

I felt like she was hiding so much. There were so many secrets behind her words. I wish she'd just tell me whatever it is instead of trying to spare my feelings.

I'm strong, I can take it.

[Rest up Nip.♥️]
Ria ✍🏽

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