My mommy ❤️

De Jerriesgirl

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Perrie is need of a mommy. Jade is in of a Little. Read to see how their paths cross Mais

Hello baby.
Phone calls
I miss woo
You're so precious
First night
Meeting Leigh!
Movies and Dinner
Night time torubles
Time for bed
House tour....
You're not going anywhere
Long day
Over emotional
The next tuesday
Why... just why?
Silent cuddles.
Baby shower
Meeting for the first time.
Just the two!
All okay?
Glitter notes
Adventures! Part 1
Adventures! Part 2
Princess' Day Out
Home Time
Long Drive
Hotel shenanigans
Sleepy time
Home sweet home
Play time
A long time coming
Unexpected Guest
Bye mommy.
Run down.
Doctor visit
Lazy afternoon
Will you marry me?
Cuddles and sex
Christmas Eve
Talking it out
Christmas morning ❤️
Nana Norma's house
What a lovely day
New Years Eve
Grumpy baby
Mummy snuggles
It's your fault!
Jade's idea
Burn to the eyes
Shopping trip
Not getting on
Hurtful words
Together again
Hotel nights
Getting ready
Pirate Perrie!
Had a good day
Chats and decisions
Finally home

Poor Pezza

2.9K 59 1
De Jerriesgirl

Written by littlemixlove22 
Yet again so thank youuuuuu x


"Oooh good morning," I cooed to Perrie as she began to stretch out and groan all the while looking very sweet, she let out a small smile from behind her pacifier when her eyes met mine and instantly reached her hands forward which I knew mean't she wanted a nice big cuddle. I opened my arms up and allowed my baby girl to crawl up and cuddle me. I kissed her head and I smelt the baby shampoo that Jade had used on her last night, it smelt like strawberry's and it was just a really sweet and nice scent.

"I think someone is feeling a little better aren't they?" I smiled rubbing her back, this was the first morning where her nappy isn't in desperate need of changing and it's also the first morning where Perrie has given me a smile. "Mama?" Perrie says softly "yes munchkin?" I smiled grabbing a hair brush so I could do her hair in a second, I was already showered and dressed, Brooklyn was dressed and fed and sleeping so it was only Pez who I needed to get ready now. I wasn't too sure what I was going to do today, but I definitely wanted to get out the house with the girls, I suppose I could drive them to the shops and have a wander around, maybe buy Perrie a treat, or we could go for lunch, that's what I will do actually; get Pez ready and head off to the shops. I knew if I was taking Pez seeing as she's little I will have to do quite a few potty stops but we should be okay. "Where mommy?" Perrie said curiously looking up at me. "Mommy and I told you yesterday pumpkin, mommy has to go on a very special work trip but she will be back in a week!" I smiled and she looked at me confused. "Mommy go go?" Perrie said sweetly. "She has baba but she's on a very special mission!" I smiled and Perrie's eye lit up. "You see mommy has set out on a very special mission to find you some yummy chocolate, so she has had to fly all the way to Germany to find you some!" I smiled and started to laugh as Perrie looked ever so excited. "Mommy on super duper important wisson!" Perrie giggled and clapped her hands! I nodded and smiled. I felt I had done a pretty good job of turning Jades departure into a little game for Pez, that way when she starts to miss Jade I can add a little bit to the story and hopefully distract Pez a little bit.

"What do you want to wear today baby?" I smiled sitting her up, she shook her head and folded her arms. "What's the matter baby?" I sighed  as I took out her messy bun with the scrunchie on her head. "I no wear nothing," Perrie giggled and I smiled. " I cant take a naked baby out!" I giggled tickling her, she began to laugh and wiggle around a little bit and I smiled finally getting my happy baby girl back. "Mama will have to find you something soon baby, I'm going to do some pretty braids in your hair and then we can look at your clothes," I smiled and began to do her hair.

After I had finished doing Perrie's hair, she was just shuffling around on her bottom with just her nappy on, she was happily playing with some crinkle toys on the fluffy rug in our bedroom. I had just popped into her room to try and find an outfit, I grabbed a baby grow, a black denim dress with dungarees straps on the shoulders, a nice lacey white long sleeve t-shirt to go underneath, some tights and some cute little black boots. She was going to look very cute. Well, correction even cuter than usual.

"Sweetheart come lay on the changing mat please," I smiled tapping it and she shook her head. She was obviously in a rather 'I'm not going to do anything you say today mood', which I knew would be a little testing as the day goes on, but she might stop soon. "Oh so you don't want mama changing your wet nappy?" I questioned and she nodded her head and continued to play. "Oh well Perrie can't have any breakfast until she's all clean and dressed," I sighed fiddling with the baby wipes and she just looks at me from the rug. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her shuffling on her bottom over to me, she plonked her bottom on the changing mat and laid down. "hmm I think someone is hungry!" I giggled tickling her tummy and she nodded her head sucking her pacifier gently, she didn't really need her pacifier anymore today until nap time or bedtime, I didn't like her having it all day but I guess I have to pick my battles and removing her pacifier now would more than likely cause a meltdown so I decided to just leave her alone and let her have it until breakfast. Plus she looked cute with it in and she was happy so I might as well just allow it for now!

After getting Perrie changed, she then decided she didn't want her clothes on, shuffling away from me and giggling as I asked her to come back I knew I needed a firmer tone and a stricter approach, "Perrie come here now or you be in time out!" I said firmly having enough of her behaviour now, she was defiantly feeling better now, she was back to her cheeky stubborn self. I think Perrie understands my tone and knows she needs to listen, she shuffles on her padded bottom over to me looking rather sheepish. "I swoe" She says softly "it's okay baby but you must listen to mama" I sighed and kissed her head and she nodded and allowed me to dress her.


After Being out shopping for quite some time and going for a stroll around the town park because I felt Perrie needed some outdoor time to calm her down, I decided I might as well make a day of it and take Pez out to dinner. She was lagging a little bit and was rather grumpy, she hadn't ate much at lunch which was unusual but then she still is recovering from her sickness bug, I think she was also sulking at lunch because she wanted Mcdonald's but I had pre made the lunches, but she had a yummy chicken sandwich, some cut up apples and grapes, a handful of crisps and a yummy summer fruits drink. She only ate the fruit and half her sandwich but it's better than nothing I guess.

I hadn't told her we were going for dinner yet, but I'm sure she will be a very happy girl, I hoped anyways. Pez hadn't had her nap today either, to be honest the more I thought about the day I really realised I hadn't planned it too well. It would have been better if I stayed in all morning, Pez had her nap, then in the afternoon come shopping and then gone for dinner, I felt doing an all day trip was far too optimistic especially with Brooklyn as well, although she hasn't been much trouble and will most likely, well hopefully stay content for a couple of hours since she's only just be changed and fed, she was sleeping peacefully in her pram. I felt a bit bad for Pez she hasn't been well and I've made her walk around all day.

"Mama?" Perrie said,  I could tell she was getting upset just from her tone. "What's up baby girl?" I cooed seeing as nobody else was really outside on the path. "I twied and I sleepy," She sniffled "Aren't you hungry though munchkin?" I sighed, looking at my once again pale baby girl, she shook her head in response to my question. "Would it make you happier if I told you we could go out for dinner?" I questioned and she thought about it but shook her head, "princess you need to eat!" I sighed kissing her head and she began to cry. "Oooh baby girl what's the matter?" I cooed and she let out a sweet little sniffle and rubbed her eyes. "I need potty," She cracked out looking at me with pleading eyes. "Baby girl were going to have to walk super duper fast to get inside okay and find you a potty!" I said softly and she nodded her head and placed her hand on top of mine as I pushed the pram quickly trying to find a way inside to the toilets.

She really wasn't herself, maybe this morning the medicine was still in effect and that's why she was back to her usual cheeky self, but I hadn't given her any medicine today and she didn't look well anymore and her attitude has totally changed, she's clingy, she's upset and she is just not very well I don't think. As we were quickly walking I could see the signs for the toilet but I knew Pez was no longer desperate just from her face and that would be because she's gone in her nappy. I eventually got to the baby/ disabled changing room and I locked the door behind us.

"I wet mama," Perrie said softly. "That's okay princess, mama just needs to check how wet though," I smiled softly and she nodded and allowed me to check. "Sweetheart you've only done a little tinkle it will be okay, do you still need to use the potty though?" I questioned making sure before we left and she nodded her head, I obviously allowed her and helped her with her nappy and she sat on the potty. I checked on Brooklyn quickly and she was still sound asleep which was good.


After eating out at pizza hut, I decided to just take Perrie home and put her to bed, if she would let me go that is, she was fussy and clingy earlier but now this is a whole new level all together. I know she's probably tired but I can honestly say I've never seen her like this before, she wants me and me only, she doesn't want to let go of my hand, she got insanely jealous when I breastfed Brooklyn at the restaurant to the point where she wouldn't talk or look at me until I gave her a kiss and a cuddle and reassured her that I loved her! It was rather draining I will not lie, but I had to just keep reminding myself, she hasn't been well, she's tired and most likely missing her mommy as well! Usually Jade and I spilt the attention, one of us has attention on Brooklyn and the other on Pez but unfortunately for the next week Pez is going to have to learn that she has to share.

As we left the restaurant and slowly walked past the shops and other restaurants in the shopping centre, I noticed a sign in a cafe saying help wanted, as I got closer and read more into it it said part time work, which would be perfect for my little Pez, I decided I would go in quickly to ask and hopefully help Pez get a job. No way would I be discussing this with her now seeing as she's in her sweet little happy perrie world, well usually happy little world, that's sort of pending today, but regardless Jade had told me Pez wanted a job and I feel a nice little cafe job would suit her well, especially since she wouldn't be working too late and it's not too stressful for her. I would obviously have to tell Jade about this, she didn't seem to keen when Pez mentioned it or when I spoke to her about it, but Pez has expressed she wants one and even if it lasts only a little while then at least she would have had some independence. Pez could earn some pocket money I guess and that way could buy herself some sweets or teddy's or toys when she's little and when she's big she could buy some clothes and anything she wanted really, although Jade and I are very guilty of spoiling our little princess so I doubt she would even need to buy anything at all.

"Baby girl wait here for two seconds and hold onto Brooklyn's pram," I smiled and she pouted clearly not happy, I quickly asked the lady on the counter and she handed me an application form. I thanked her and left as I put it in my bag. I will fill it out later for her when Perrie's in bed most probably. "Good girl," I smiled taking Perrie's hand again and pushing Brooklyn's pram.

We reached our car and I sorted Pez out first seeing as she was easier, well usually easier, I strapped her into the back seat with a little resistance, she didn't want her belt on. I sit her in the backseat when she's little and tired so she can have her paci, her teddies and her blankie knowing it will be private because of the blacked out windows, it didn't matter what I did today though, I knew it would upset her and make her grumpy. "Sweetheart you need your belt on!" I sighed trying to click it into place, she was really testing my patience now; wiggling around and squirming on her seat, she was making herself get all worked up for no reason. "Perrie you stop this now, you are behaving very silly, the quicker you let me put your seatbelt on the quicker we can get home and ring mommy!" I said trying to remain firm with her, she looked at me but she stills continued to wiggle and starts crying, this time, my patience is seriously tested as she begins to kick the seats in front of her. Jade and I work hard to afford this car and I do not want her foot marks on the leather seats in front and she knows this! It was a deliberate act of defiance, more like a message from her if I have to wear my belt, I'll do something to you!

"If you do that again mama will take your shoes off and you'll get cold feet!" I said firmly and she didn't stop, nor did I expect her to! She whacked her feet against the seat so I instantly grabbed them, I removed her boots and took them round to the boot, she instantly began to cry and beg for them back as if they were the most important thing in the world to her right now! "Don't be so silly, Mama warned you didn't she?" I sighed feeling bad looking at the state of her, I felt like I was too strict with her now, god her blue eyes and sweet dimple hold such power over me, was I too strict? I had no one to ask since Jade wasn't here, Perrie hasn't been well and now I feel like I've been too strict and mean. Her feet wouldn't be getting cold, she had tights on and she has everything else, I had to remind myself that I hadn't taken her comfort objects away, she still had her teddies, blankie, paicifer ,sippie cup, anything she needed you name it she had it, accept her shoes.

"You will get them back baby, but mama doesn't like it when you leave dirty marks on mamas car with your shoes!" I sighed and she looked up at me with her sad teary eyes. "I swory," She sniffed and destroyed me, I felt awful, no wonder Jade never tells her off. "It's okay sweetheart mama forgives you!" I smiled and kissed her head, while I was doing this I slipped my hand into her bag and got her pacifier out, she desperately needed that right now. With a few tears still falling, I slipped it into her mouth and held it in until she began to suckle on it instantly soothing herself. I kissed her head and put her belt on finally and closed the door.

Once she was all sorted I set Brooklyn into her carseat and I got into the car myself. It wouldn't be a long drive home, only around 20 minutes sometimes shorter if there isn't much traffic, I planned on getting miss grumpy pants in the bath and into bed as soon as possible. She needed to sleep and she was still recovering from being ill so the more catch up on sleep the better!


Okay so this was written like the start of last week so my apologies for not getting it edited and posted! Though I hoped you liked it xx

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