The Internship -Justin Bieber-

By escapehemmings

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Ivory Bell moved all the way to New York for one thing only. To get an internship at Pattie Mallette's fashio... More

Chapter 1: The internship
Chapter 2: Douchebag alert
Chapter 3: The photoshoot
Chapter 4: The run in
Chapter 5: Infuriating models
Chapter 6: Common ground
Chapter 7: The big surprise
Chapter 8: Mother and son
Chapter 9: Lashing out
Chapter 10: Trapped together
Chapter 11: An absurd idea
Chapter 12: Last minute request
Chapter 13: Fashion launch disaster
Chapter 14: Drunk acts
Chapter 15: The ticket
Chapter 16: 2 AM kiss
Chapter 17: More than a pretty face
Chapter 18: The surprise party
Chapter 19: Night at the Pig's Pen
Chapter 20: Family Relationships
Chapter 21: Mother and Daughter
Long time no update!
Chapter 22: The Gig and the Special Surprise
Chapter 23: The Aftermath
Chapter 24: Blue Blazers and Blue Eyes
Chapter 25: Gentle Touches and Unspoken Promises
Chapter 27: It's A Date
Chapter 28: One On One
Chapter 29: The Love Spot
Chapter 30: Summer Heat
2019 Watty Nominations!
Chapter 31: Looking Out For You
Chapter 32: Out Of Reach
Chapter 33: Teary Eyed
Chapter 34: The Last Touch

Chapter 26: A Flame In The Heart

2.3K 107 20
By escapehemmings

Ivy Bell: 

"Thanks for coming by." I say to Rose Mallory, one of the models who would be wearing my designs for the internship fashion show. 

"Oh, it's not a problem!" The bubbly girl sips the tea which I set out for her on the coffee table. 

This week, I've been trying to meet up with the models so I can get my measurements, fit them and then make any necessary alterations to the pieces. 

I flick through my little notebook that contained all the names, contact information and filled in measurements of the models which I take when they visit. The box for Rose's name is unmarked, but in about half an hour I should be good to go. 

Placing the notebook on the coffee table, I grab the outfit that Rose would be walking in from off the portable rack. It was a two piece dress I made with a very intricate abstract pattern I found in a material shop in the depths of the city.

It was too pretty not to use so with the help of my sewing machine, I was able to create the skirt and finish the extra details of the two set piece by hand. Originally, the top was supposed to be a strapless top, but I ended up adding off the shoulder, flouncy sleeves which completed the look.

"All your pieces are gorgeous!" Rose compliments as she takes in the many pieces on the rack and I beam at her with pride.

After Rose changes, I inspect the full look. She's decked out in some white strappy high heels that I owned and I nod. "Everything looks good, I just need to make some adjustments to the length of the skirt." 

I start to pull out my equipment and Rose stands still as I work on fixing the ends of the flowing material. 

"This is so great, you know," She starts to babble, "I was really sad when Vivi didn't want me to walk for her, but I'm so glad I'm walking for you now!" 

I stop mid adjustment. "Vivi?" 

"Yeah, my cousin Vivi Mallory? You might know her as Viviane, she's an intern at Mallette Designs." 

Vivi Mallory is one of Savannah's lesser known cronies. After Zoe, she was probably the next up in line to being Savannah's right hand woman. 

"How come Vivi didn't want you to model for her?" 

The usually bright girl huffs, waving a hand in dismay. "She doesn't trust me. She wanted to hire a bunch of professionals," She uses air quotation marks at the end, her face pulling into a grimace.

"I thought you said you've been modelling since you were 7?"

"I have!" Rose's arms lift and fall exasperatedly by her sides, "She never listens." She shakes her head. 

Her smile is genuine. "But no worries, I promise I know what I'm doing." 

I try to dissolve the uneasiness that bubbles inside of me. Rose is no harm, especially considering she'll be in here for thirty minutes max for a fitting and she's already shown me some of her professional modelling work from over the years. An angry knock on my door makes Rose jump and pulls me out of my thoughts in the process. 

"Are you expecting anyone else?" The brunette questions.

"My friend," I explain hastily, "I promise this will only take a few seconds, I must have forgotten to unlock the door." 

I make my way to the entrance and unlock the door to see Marco's natural unamused expression on his face. 

Without a second thought, I reach up to squeeze his cheeks between my fingers, enjoying how his lips pucker up under my grip. "Smile!" 

Marco bats at my hands. "Ivy," His voice comes out less threatening and much cuter than he means to as I squish his cheeks. 

With a laugh, I step back and let my best friend in. He's trying to be extra grumpy, but my pleasant mood puts a damper in his plans. Marco nudges my shoulder with his own as I continue to chuckle down the hall. 

"Enough of you." He groans, dropping his hideous orange cap over my head so it covers most of my face. I just keep laughing at him.


"Where's the handbag?" One of the senior supervisors, Donny, questions as Catalina poses in front of the camera.

"Oh shoot," Savannah mutters.

I cut in when I notice Justin enter the set. "I'll get it." 

"Hold on Bieber, we need the purse and then we can do group shots." Donny instructs as I head back to Catalina's dressing room. 

After Elliot drove me home three nights ago, Justin and I haven't talked again. It wasn't necessarily that I was avoiding him, rather that whenever I saw him we were both working. He knows better than to approach me on set in front of his girlfriend and while I'm here at the internship. I know better than to let what happened that night ever happen again. 

It was a stupid and selfish act. I shouldn't have allowed it and now I'm desperate to move on from the memory. From him. 

Inside, I find the new leather purse sample resting on the glossy table in the corner of the room. 

A knock on the door signals the arrival of someone new. "Ivy, hey." Elliot's lean figure stands in the doorway.

He leans casually against the doorframe dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a simple white t shirt. His hair looks a little damp as if he just got out of the shower and he runs a pale hand through the waves, pushing it all to one side instead of its usual part.

"Hey," I smile, "thanks again for the ride on Tuesday." I randomly add.

Elliot chuckles, his blue eyes shining. "You need to stop thanking me, it was seriously no biggie." 

I could not stop thanking Elliot for taking the time to drive me that night and I mentioned it the other day when he stopped by on set. I just felt bad because he had to go out of the way to drop me off that night.

I anxiously run a hand over the light material of my blouse. "I'll try to."

He straightens up, a natural smile on his lips. "Good." 

We both stand there for a moment before I excuse myself, lifting the bag in explanation and Elliot steps out of my way.

Back on set, everyone is waiting and Catalina notices Elliot behind me because she squeals in excitement. 

The shoot goes on. Savannah and I watch from the side lines as Catalina poses closely with Justin on the set.

Savannah huffs and mutters in disapproval each time Catalina or Justin touch each other. It takes all my strength to not laugh at the situation. Instead, I try to focus on aiding the photographer with changing the backdrops of the set and put myself to work as a distraction from the scene in front of me.

I can sense Elliot's eyes on me as I focus ahead on the shoot until I feel his presence slowly inch to my side.

His voice is barely above a low whisper. "You okay?" 

I freeze for a moment, watching Justin grip the smooth skin of Catalina's leg as she clings to his lap. The position is very intimate and I don't know how they have that much courage to showcase it to a roomful of watching eyes and a camera. It's impressive, really. 

My head tilts to meet the blue of Elliot's eyes looking back at me. I find myself getting distracted by the colour of bright ocean waters that reflects around his pupils. 

Justin Bieber:

My jaw clenches when I notice Elliot and Ivy's close proximity. 

He's close, too close. 

Damn it, I sigh as I try to focus on the photographer's words. "Yes, keep that look!" He shouts enthusiastically. 

Don't need to tell me twice. 

I watch the sight in front of me as he leans in closer to her so he can really look at her. I feel my heart almost stop when she brings her attention away from the set to listen to whatever shit he's whispering into her ear.

The sight brings out the worst in me and it takes everything within me to not storm over there and break them apart. 

Catalina's cold hands reach out to tilt my chin back to her green eyes. "Focus on me," She murmurs, "not whatever's in the distance." 

Her words go to deaf ears as I put my concentration back onto the other two. I shouldn't be looking, I know that. I just can't help it.

After that night in the car when I let the urges of my desolate heart take over, I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, Ivy felt it too.

The swell that grew within me the moment my finger brushed against hers, the way her finger grazed mine back in response was enough to send me over the edge.

It took all my power that night to not kiss her in the car. To not pull her into my arms and hold her close to my heart and apologize a million times over for all the stupid shit I caused her. 

She was angry with me and I knew it, but when she didn't pull away that night it made me think that maybe she missed me too.

Or you imagined the whole fucking thing, the crude voice in my head spits at me. 

No, I didn't imagine it. I bite back, remembering how she let me wrap my pink finger around hers. 

Ivy doesn't know it, but despite all the fucking crap I dropped on her, she has my whole heart. 

Or whatever was left of it. The moment I let her go was the last true heartfelt beat it had. Now it beats with no true meaning, but I don't care. I don't want that feeling back until she's in my arms, the only place that gives my heart any sense of belonging. 

"Justin," Catalina is titling my head again. She smiles graciously at me, but its forced as she attempts to maintain her composure. 

From the corner of my eye, I notice Ivy cracking the rarest of smiles at Elliot. The action makes my heart surge and ache all at once. 

I long to see Ivy's smile. I want her to smile at me again. I want her to tell me how annoying I am. I want her to swat my arm as I tease her. I want her to look at me with meaning instead of avoiding my eyes, keeping me out with the walls she's built around her heart. 

The walls I made her put up.

I sound like a fucking fool, but I don't give a shit. Seeing Elliot with her only adds more anger to the lit match that continues to burn my insides, slowly yet surely spreading all the way to my heart and my thoughts. 

"Absolutely fantastic!" Donny yells from the side lines, breaking me from my overwhelming thoughts. "Let's wrap it up!"


"And where are you going?" Catalina calls out to Elliot when he passes us in the hall with what looks like take out food in his hands.

My brows are furrowed and I don't bother to hide my displeasure when he grins. "Ivy and I have a dinner date," He jokes, "bringing her some food so we can talk more about Oregon. Did you know she only moved here a couple years ago?"

My insides feel like they're on fire again. I have to remind myself to calm down when Catalina locks her fingers through mine.

"You two seem to have really hit it off." My voice is dull and my throat feels as if it's closing up.

Catalina rests her head on my shoulder, "I think it's sweet. She's such a nice girl."

She's so much more than that. Nice isn't enough to describe the passion and unfeigned love that Ivy has. The voice in my head screams. 

"Have fun," She sing songs, "but not too much fun, Elliot." 

I feel my mind finally go up into flames when I hear Ivy's sweet voice welcome Elliot into the intern room. The simple sound of her inviting tone and the smile in her voice are enough to grow the scorching fire within me. 

All that's left is the coal black ashes. I deserve it.  



Sorry about all jump to Justin's POV, I just wanted to give you guys a little insight on how he was feeling in this chapter (he's so dramatic in this lmao sorry guys)

Hope you're all doing well!


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