
By hey_Jacyyyy

2.5M 69.7K 9.1K

2013-2014 "You don't know me, no one does," I said in a voice just above a whisper. "Then let me in, I want... More

1. Goodbyes.
2. Morning After.
3. Home.
4. Nobody's perfect.
5. The mall.
6. My baby.
7. The first race.
8. Apology breakfast.
9. Class Teachers & Students.
10. True colours.
11. Whats wrong with you?
12. Its only a Scratch.
13. I'm fine.
14. Meeting Constable Frey.
15. Insults.
16. Dad?
17. Revenge best served even.
18. Jake.
19. The Happy Text.
20. Date Cut Short.
21. The Bitch is Back.
22. Death Notes.
23. Stick to the roads.
24. Tampered.
25. The Feather Design.
26. To Sad to be Mean.
27. The tip off.
28. False Evidence.
29. The Explosion.
30. Jesse.
31. I hate Puzzles.
32. New Friends.
33. Important calls.
34. Sharpie Wars.
35. She's my Sister.
36. Confrontations.
37. Logan's Luxury.
38. June Second.
39. Problems & Solutions.
40. Nasty Rumours.
41. Bad Luck Birthdays.
42. Britty's Secrets.
43. Meeting Fay.
44. The Note.
45. The Boys.
46. Private Jets.
47. Tiara.
48. Relatives.
49. Just Keep Swimming.
50. Deals.
51. Cars, Cars & More Cars.
52. Riverstone.
53. Rest In Peace.
54. Global Threat Operative.
55. Another Note.
56. Birds Of The Rainbow.
57. The Funeral.
58. Light & Dark.
59. The Hux's.
60. Beautiful Endings.
61. 3 Months Later.
62. I'm Back.
63. Hatred & Hospitals.
64. Explain.
65. Just My Luck.
66. Party?
67. Her.
68. Code.
69. The Arrest.
71. Letting Go.
72. Was it Worth it?
73. Wasn't Your Fault.
74. Our Love.
75. In The End.

70. Snapping.

20.1K 711 67
By hey_Jacyyyy

"Your all good to go," Archie smiled at me as I signed the last of my forms.

I gave him the best smile I could offer and left without a word, slipping into the waiting town car I sighed when I realise who was in it.

I'll have to talk to Max about unwanted guests later.

"Where's my brother!? And my boyfriend!" Britty's eyes were narrowed into slits.

Ignoring her I looked at Max who had a guilty and slightly scared face, raising an eyebrow was all I needed to get my message through.

"I'm so sorry Miss Skye, she just got into the car and ambushed me. I'm so so sorry-" he kept apologising.

Holding up my hand I turned back to Britty and cleared my throat, "Get out."

The coldness of my words stunned her but only for a second, she was a determined brat.

Fire burned in her eyes and if looked could kill, I'd be dead ten times over, "Not until you tell me!"

Sighing annoyed, "driver, take me to the office building off fourth street."

He nodded and drove off, Britty was silent the whole ride and looked a little nervous, it was Monday morning and school would start in half an hour. The names of people that had been involved with Penny were being detained in a jail cell at the GTO head quarters.

There had been requests to see me but I had denied them, the betrayal overruled any pity I had for them.

I had dropped my charges against Kate because she had been the one that had stood up when she was most needed, the only one.

The town car pulled up and I got out gesturing for Britty to follow, "Max stay here, and find me the dates for the Tanya foundation charity ball."

He nodded and closed Britty's door, "Where are we?"

"Don't ask me questions, just feel lucky that I'm even showing you where they are."

Stepping through the security, a receptionist approached me, "right this way."

She lead us to the back elevator and shooed us in there before pressing the level two button. The doors rolled closed and I pulled out my phone texting Justin quickly just to give him a heads up.

When the doors opened I was met by bustling agents that were running around everywhere with either paperwork or boxes.

"Jackie," the detective smiled at me, "Your arm's looking good."

"I need to see Scott and Jordan."

He nodded dropping the friendliness and gestured for me to follow him. "They're kept in same gender cells, once you sign the paperwork they'll be moved to an interstate facility."

"Interstate?! What the hell is happening?" Britty snapped not being able to hold her tongue.

Justing looked over his shoulder frowning slightly, "She doesn't know?"

Shrugging slightly was my only answer.

He stood in front of a cage door and pressed buzzer. A guard looked through and opened the door. We were then faced with another cage door which the guard opened again with a key.

"Do you want to wait here?" Justin asked just as we were going to step through.


I side stepped him and led Britty over to the guys cell, I had been in here before when I got curious but it didn't have these people in it.

There were two cells one for the girls the other for the guys, they were placed opposite each other. They had about five bunk beds in them and a door which led to a toilet in each cell, that was a luxury they wouldn't have soon.

"Jackie?" I glanced over my shoulder to see the girls cell Kelly and Tilly were standing next to each other against the bars.

A soon as my name was mentioned the boys flocked as well.

"Britty wants to talk to Scott and Jordan," I said ignoring everyone's pleading faces to hear them out.

"What happen to you Scotty?" Britty whispered standing up against the bars looking at her brother first.

I rolled my eyes and stood against the wall beside the male cell, pulling out my phone I opened the message from Max.

The charity ball is in two weeks, would you like me to make arrangements for you to attend?

I was about to reply when I saw that I had no bars here, oh yeah.

"Jackie? What are we doing here?" Kain asked softly from the cell beside me.

"Waiting until I sign some paperwork, then going interstate for your trial," I said off handedly.

"I didn't want to hurt you but she threatened to take my family away, I'm so sorry Jackie," he apologised and I could hear the pain in his voice.

"She threatened to kill Kate's dad, yet she still spoke up. You know who I am Kain, you know what I could've done, you should've told me so I could help. But you didn't," I turned to glared at him, my voice was cold.

"But it's all over now, why are we still in a cell?"

"Just be thankful your in a cell, if I hadn't been persuaded by my family, you wouldn't be breathing right now," I hissed.

He looked taken back by my words, "your not Jackie your just a cold hearted bitch, like your grandma."

It wasn't Kain that responded though it was Zac, "your threats are empty and useless, I bet you won't even be able to sign the paper work for us to me charged an moved interstate."

Looking blandly at him I smirked cruelly, "I always loved bets, Zachary don't you know that I always keep my promises."

"You bitch, I won't let you take my brother or Jordan away from me! They'll never make it in jail!" Britty lunged at me, going for my arm.

She pushed on it hard and I felt the slight healing that the joint had made so far break, a scream escaped my lips and I glared at her as she stepped away, fear was in her eyes.

"Britty Love you are under arrest for assault towards a public figure, miss Conserntlia do you wish to press charges, if you do so she will be attained and brought fourth in front of a judge," the detective looked at me while pointing a gun at Britty.

I didn't realise that I had stumbled onto the cage until arms were around my neck, "put the gun down or I snap her neck."

Justin didn't move so Scott pushed on my arm making another scream come out. I glared at Britty who was still standing there frozen.

I noticed Justin starting to comply.

"Don't you dare lower your gun," I spat out, "you don't think his actually going to kill me?"

Scott's grip tightened.

"Scott stop it, just calm down," I heard Conner say.

"Don't do this man, we both love Britty, don't put her in danger," Jordan said.

"Your already going away, don't make it longer," I hissed so only he could hear.

"The way I see it, is my life's already over, so it doesn't matter what I do now," he spat.

"I wouldn't be worried about you life Scott, I would be worried about your family's."

He grabbed my shoulder with his free hand and held it out of place, whether I wanted to scream or not it just came out because of all the pain he was inflicting.

I started coughing and I noticed that was even starting to turn into blood. Black spots began to cloud my vision by the loss of blood and the pressure on my neck.

Get out of the freaking hospital and it seems like I'll need to go back.

But as fast as it had appeared the weight around my neck was gone and I dropped to the ground splattering out blood. I had lost all feeling in my arm again and my shoulder was still out of place.

I glanced behind me seeing what had happened to Scott, Jake stood over him his knuckles split and Scott was unconscious on the ground.

Justin had lowered his gun by this point and was telling the guard to unlock the gate and get an ambulance.

"You okay?"

My coughing had stopped and my breathing was coming back to normal.

I made the okay sign with my hand and stood up hugging my arm, Jesse had been the one to ask.

He studied my face with concern and I had to look away before I said something I would regret.

"Justin call off the ambulance, just find me a doctor," turning away from both the cells I began to walk towards Justin.

"What do you want me to do with Britty?"

"Show her the door," I waved off.

He nodded and the cage door opened letting us out, I followed him as he lead me to an empty conference room, "A doctor will be here shortly."

Nodding my head I sat down on one of the many chairs and waited alone.

The worst threat of my life is gone but there still seems to be so many issues that surround me.

If there was never a better time for a fml moment, it would be now.

<"You should really go to a hospital," the male doctor mumbled once he had finished popping my shoulder back in place.

I didn't answer him, I was going to go back later, but right now I wanted to talk to someone.

"Can you check out Scott Love, I know he was on antidepressants, but I want to know if his been taking them."

"I'll see to him now," he nodded and left the room.

Scott had been prescribed antidepressants around the time when I had left. He had been hit hard with his family problems and I had worsened it by leaving.

I wasn't sure if he was still taking it but he should be. It wasn't a known fact that he had been prescribed it as the doctors report had been non-excitant.

"You wanted to see me," the green eyed boy frowned as he entered the room cuffs bonding his hands.

I nodded gesturing for him to sit.

"What do you want Jackie? Obviously your not here to say you've changed your mind, seeing you speak to Kain made me realise that you've been through to much to be nice," he took the seat I offered and sighed.

"Your right, I'm not going to tell you I've changed my mind. And I doubt that I will, I'm hear to ask how she threatened you? How did she make you keep it a secret all this time?" Raising an eyebrow at him I waited.

He shook his head a sad smile playing on his lips, "That's where you were wrong, I tried so many times to tell you, but she always cut off my efforts. If you go into my room and lift up the floorboard near the window you'll see a box of letters, all written to you. There's about a dozen I sent or left for you to find, but they never reached you, they all came back with a bullet cap in them."

"No one could tell you, even if they tried to tell you they would be stopped, Penny was always one step ahead. Always."

"Jake, I want to know her threat to you, not how much you tried to tell me," narrowing my eyes at him. I didn't care that he had tried to tell me, I wanted to know the threat, that's all I wanted to know.

"Zoe, she threatened to kill Zoe, not my step mum, not my half brother, my little baby sister. The one person in the world that I would protect with my life, that I'd happily die for. She found the chip in my armour and just kept hacking at it until it killed me," burying his head in his hand.

"And in the end it did," I stood up opening the door, "Your not going to be charged with anything Jake, you never were, we already found the letters. In attempt to warn the victim your found not guilty and may leave."

He looked up and frowned at me, "What about the others?"

"Just be happy for yourself at the moment," I gave him a small smile then left the room.

"So you told him?" Justin asked.

"Yes, send the paperwork to Max and I'll sign it."

He followed me as I made my way to the exit, "Miss Skye there's something we found, more evidence at Penny's house, her diaries actually."

I stopped in my tracks turning to him, "What's in them?"

"Jackie, everything is in there, she wrote down everything, every detail, every thought, every psychotic rant."

"I want them, I want to read them," crossing my arms I looked at the detective when he was about to protest.

"I'll give them to Max later," he sighed and I smiled before turning around and stepping into the elevator.


It was Monday afternoon an I had just gotten out of surgery, they had to put metal plates in my shoulder because the joint had been that badly damaged.

I was in the middle of reading the diary that Max had given me only a few minutes ago, I knew I wouldn't be able to read to much of it before I passed out from the drugs.

It was love at first sight, he was the hottest guy in school, and I just had to have him. I didn't know his name yet but I will find out. I know it was meant to be.

Jesse, Jesse Frey, I had 'accidentally' gotten knocked over by him and introduced myself. His smile was beautiful, he was beautiful.

I'm throwing a party today, I invited everyone, hopefully I'll be able to have a conversation with him. His all I've been thinking about, his a distraction from my own thought of my mothers death that still haunts. If I ever see my cousin again, she better watch it.


The next few pages were angry rants that didn't make sense.

What made me freeze was the last words on the page.

At least I deflowered her precious Jesse.

But I shouldn't have yelled at him... He knows my hate for her now...

Unless he was to drunk to remember, have to wait and see.

He was thank god, my hate is safe.

I skipped a head a few pages and frowned.

I love toying with people, when they fall in love, and then I have all the power over them. Thank god I have a good follower like Kate.

I skipped to the dates that was the start of the first race I was in.

Skye? Jack Skye? That's just sad. What an unoriginal name, the bitch is back, time to ruin her life, like she did to mine.

I've arranged for her brother to teach this year, I'm going to love watching the show when her family slowly destroys itself.

Anger, so easy to control people.

I got my boy toys to follow her, hopefully they'll scare her away.

What's better then crushing someone's heart? Getting the love of their life to do it. Setting up breakfast was just to easy.

I introduced myself to her today, she didn't even realise, and with Kate snapping at me it looked like I was just a scared little girl. Good cover.

My mind flashed back to the first time I met Penny, I would've never guessed.

It's so easy for Kate to get under her skin. And so easy for me to become one of the victims, they'll never know what hit them in the end.

I saw her and Jesse kiss in the hallways, time to destroy her happiness.

Kate's such a good persuader, you should've seen Jackies face. Priceless.

It was too easy to get Tilly and Charles back here, all I had to do was pay for their flights. They had no idea that they were going to break Jackie.

Who let the dogs out. I did.

Replaying the memory of my second race in my head I remembered how Lola had gone missing.

Introducing Jordan, her next love interest. Jealousy is makes us hateful.

The first proper fight with Jesse.

Lesson one, never let Zac tell a sob story.

Leo his best friend.

Jordan fell for Britty, what an idiot. I didn't need him anyway, he never really know what was happening.

So Jordan was innocent?

Zacs been more distant. I know he won't say anything about my plan because I can easily tell Tabby the truth about her adoption issue.

I think it has something to do with that new girl Chloe, I saw her with Jackie, poor Zac has a crush. Doesn't he know crushes hurt.

Kate should consider becoming an actress, the show she put on in the canteen today was amazing. Stirring the pot with Jackie is way to easy. And that Chloe girl, Zac likes a cry baby. But I might have to do something about Britty, she's getting to confident.

Oh and lets not forget Jesse, sweet sweet Jesse, never remembered but still plays for the winning side.

The fight in the canteen where Kate was bullying my friends... And I ended up punching her.

Then almost dying again.

Note to self: apologise to Kate.

The next few pages were scribbled out and the words that I could make out didn't make much sense.

Scott you stupid idiot, people should really stop ears dropping.

A little hard to convince but my methods of persuasion are very good.

I just hate parties, so much can change after one night. Like Zac, completely gone, but I know he won't say anything, I could easily destroy him and his family.

And Jesse, I love his jealousy, he does everything in his power to make her his and she doesn't even realise.

I love when people have little sisters, so much easier to get to them. Jakey boy.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

When we saw Kate after my hang over from Jay's party.

I skipped ahead a few pages considering my head was beginning to lose focus and the drugs were kicking in.

Kain you idiot, always thinking about his pride. But that just makes him a good recruit.

Notes are a lovely way to scare people, rattle them up. But a threat is only good if you stick by it.

Jake you good little boy, an angry Jackie is a stupid Jackie.

... I couldn't deny that.

Cutting lines are to easy.

Running her off the road was just fun.

When I thought I saw someone after the races.


Maybe I can use this.

Skipping the next page because if was filled with scribbles my eyes dropped.

Sighing I decided that I couldn't read anymore and closed the book tucking it under my pillow.

The full affect of the drugs kicked in and I couldn't hold out.

I fell into a blank sleep.


Love you like always.


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