The Internship -Justin Bieber-

By escapehemmings

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Ivory Bell moved all the way to New York for one thing only. To get an internship at Pattie Mallette's fashio... More

Chapter 1: The internship
Chapter 2: Douchebag alert
Chapter 3: The photoshoot
Chapter 4: The run in
Chapter 5: Infuriating models
Chapter 6: Common ground
Chapter 7: The big surprise
Chapter 8: Mother and son
Chapter 9: Lashing out
Chapter 10: Trapped together
Chapter 11: An absurd idea
Chapter 12: Last minute request
Chapter 13: Fashion launch disaster
Chapter 14: Drunk acts
Chapter 15: The ticket
Chapter 16: 2 AM kiss
Chapter 17: More than a pretty face
Chapter 18: The surprise party
Chapter 19: Night at the Pig's Pen
Chapter 20: Family Relationships
Chapter 21: Mother and Daughter
Long time no update!
Chapter 22: The Gig and the Special Surprise
Chapter 24: Blue Blazers and Blue Eyes
Chapter 25: Gentle Touches and Unspoken Promises
Chapter 26: A Flame In The Heart
Chapter 27: It's A Date
Chapter 28: One On One
Chapter 29: The Love Spot
Chapter 30: Summer Heat
2019 Watty Nominations!
Chapter 31: Looking Out For You
Chapter 32: Out Of Reach
Chapter 33: Teary Eyed
Chapter 34: The Last Touch

Chapter 23: The Aftermath

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By escapehemmings

I updated earlier in the past week as well so make sure you've caught up with the previous chapter (Chapter 22) if you haven't already or else this one might be confusing aha :)


Ivy Bell: 

I feel the air practically get knocked out of me.

Catalina Serrano is kissing Justin. 

I feel sick as she pulls back and cups his cheeks in her hands. She's saying something to him, but I can't hear a word. In a sense, I'm glad that I can't.

Justin's eyes are still wide in shock. Catalina is speaking to him, but he seems to be out of focus as his eyes attempt to meet mine from over her shoulder. I look away.

Marco and Beckett slip over to my side. "Ivy," Marco shakes my shoulder, forcing me to meet his eyes. "Are you okay?" His voice is low and questioning.

"F-fine," I manage to muster as Gil, Maverick and Ronny slowly approach us. They all look completely confused as they glance between Catalina and Justin then back to me. 

"Don't," Marco warns and they keep their mouths shut.

From the sidelines, I notice people murmuring with their phones out. They've obviously recognized the two extremely well known women who've made a sudden appearance tonight, one of them happening to be all over Justin in that exact moment.

Beckett pulls me aside as Ms Mallette sweeps past us to the other two. "Look who wanted to come in surprise you when she found out about the show!" Ms Mallette exclaims happily to her son.

"I don't understand," Josephine whispers as she rushes to my side with Jonah right behind her.

"I don't either..." My voice trails off. I can't help but feel embarrassed. 

You're so stupid. My conscious reprimands me as Catalina runs her perfect manicured hand through Justin's hair. He's still not looking at her, but he hasn't moved away from her touch either. 

Of course I kissed a taken guy. Of course I was foolish enough to like the one guy that has a girlfriend and of course it's no-one else, but supermodel Catalina Serrano. 

I slip my arm out from Beckett's grip, "I need to go." 

"Wait, Ivy-" Beckett tries to pull me back, but I keep shaking my head.

"No, I really need to go." I'm still shaking my head as I try to grab my purse.

Everyone is still disconcerted as they try to get me to stay, but I manage to leave the pub with Marco in tow after bidding a quick goodbye to everyone. 

You're so stupid to think he didn't have a girlfriend. Why did this never cross your mind? He was never into you, he just needed a replacement until his girlfriend got back. You kissed someone's boyfriend. The voice in my head continues to shout at me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

Marco jogs from behind me, "Jesus, slow down, Ivy! When'd you get so fast?" He huffs as he grabs ahold of my arm and pulls me aside from the busy sidewalk.

I suddenly realize that I forgot my coat inside the pub as the cold air blows right to my exposed front. Marco sighs as he steps in front of me and gently pulls my forgotten coat from under his arm and places it around me. He then reaches to grab the ends of my coat and zips it up.

"Marco," I take in a deep breath, "was I crazy to run out of there like that?" Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, just maybe, a small part of me says. 

"Fuck no," Marco replies sternly, "did he ever mention her?"

I shake my head and he sighs. "You're fine. Do you still want to go home?" 

I don't know. "Yes." 

He nods, "I'll take you." 

Marco is unsurprisingly quiet throughout the car ride, but I can tell that it's killing him that I'm not talking. I stare out the window, a blank expression set on my features as we pass the endless stream of cars and traffic lights. 

Before I know it, we've arrived to my apartment. My phone has been going off the entire car ride home from my friends, but I haven't bothered to actually go through the texts.

I settle onto my bed and curl up onto the duvet, letting the sudden exhaustion take over my body. 

So stupid, my mind chants. So stupid, I agree. 

Marco stands by the doorway of my room, leaning against the wooden frame. "It's not your fault so stop beating yourself over it." 

I keep my eyes on the cushion in front of me. "I kissed him."

I can hear Marco walk towards the bed. He crouches down so we're eye to eye. "Again, not your fault. You didn't know." 

I sniff.  "I should have known." 

He shakes his head and removes his orange cap. It falls limply to the floor. "Scoot over," He demands in a soft tone and I do. 

Marco stiffly settles onto my bed, his long, black jean cladded legs stretched out in front of him. "Do you want me to make you some food? I'm told I make a mean bowl of cereal." 

I snort at his words, but shake my head again. My phone goes off and for a moment, I freeze up. Marco reaches to grab it and sighs when he turns the screen towards me.

It's not Justin. 

It's Jonah. "You want me to answer?" I grab the phone in response and answer the call, placing it on speaker.

"Ivy, thank God," Jonah's voice crackles from the other end of the line, "Are you okay? You just ran out of there!" 

"I'm fine," I manage to reply in a collected tone. "I really don't want to talk about it, but I'm okay guys. Seriously. I'm really sorry for not replying." I pick at the duvet, ashamed that I worried my friends. I didn't mean to, I was just taken back. Its crazy how quickly my mood lifted when Ms Mallette arrived and how quickly it all crumbled afterwards.

"Don't apologize," I hear Josephine call out from the other end. "You're not at fault here." Beckett adds. 

Yes, you are. You should have known better. The voice in my head hisses at me and I try to push it aside. 

Shortly later, the call ends. Marco paces around the room after he's convinced me to change into my pyjamas and go to bed. "You going to the internship tomorrow?"

I nod weakly. "I have to."

He huffs and runs a hand through his disheveled brown hair. "Want me to stay?" 

Marco has been nothing but kind and indulgent with me tonight. He isn't normally like this and I know he's going a little ballistic. This kind of stuff never happens. 

"You don't have to," I reply. He's always welcome here, he knows that, but I don't want to force him to stay.

All Marco needs is one look at my face to make a decision. "I'll be on the couch." He murmurs before shutting out the lights. 

I curl onto the other side of the bed and shut my eyes, hoping that when I wake up in the morning I can put this all behind me. You're gonna have to, the voice in my head says.

So so so stupid


"Good afternoon," Maia sips her coffee, not taking her eyes off the work in front of her.

"Good afternoon," I repeat back as I dump the contents in my arms onto my station. It's been nothing but a busy day and I'm thankful for that. I've been so busy that I haven't even had the chance to think of anything else besides work. 

This morning, I woke up conflicted, but sure enough last night wasn't a dreadful nightmare as I had hoped. However, the day will go on without me so whether or not I choose to go along with it is my choice.

I forced myself out of bed at 5AM and prepared myself for the long day ahead. After a quick shower, I made breakfast for myself and Marco who continued to sleep soundlessly on my couch. I didn't bother waking him, knowing how cranky he gets when he's awoken too early. 

I didn't get one call, not even a text from Justin after what happened last night. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Didn't I at least deserve an explanation? No, you don't. It's your fault. The voice in my head pushes.

When I entered the building early this morning, I had caught sight of Justin's figure by Josephine's desk. She looked less than happy to see him and when her grey eyes caught mine at the entrance, I silently pleaded for her to not say a word. 

Unfortunately, Justin is much more observing than I give credit because he instantly whips to the side as soon as I creep into the open elevator. 

He's instantly pushing himself away from the reception desk, his brown eyes softening, "Wait-" He calls out, but I don't give him a chance to approach me as I hit the close door button to the elevator, cutting him off completely. 

Savannah steps around my table, a knowing smile etches on her face as she takes in my appearance. "Rough night?" She asks in a sickeningly sweet voice, much too pleasant for her sour personality. 

I don't respond as I busy myself with the task at hand. I've been sent to deal with deal with alterations for an upcoming shoot, but luckily I did not have to even set foot near the set. 

It might be cowardly, but I was hoping to avoid the set today altogether. Not that I needed to, I highly doubt Justin would have returned to model for his mother's campaign after their argument and his promise to himself to focus on his music, but his presence in the lobby had shaken me.

From down the hall, I hear high heels clicking aggressively against the polished floors. "Savannah!" Zoe appears, slightly out of breath, "You'll never believe-"

Maia's head snaps up and she glares at the petite girl. Zoe cheek's flush pink and she lowers her voice. "Guess who I just saw in the lobby!"

I tune her out and focus on my alterations. The materials of silk glide blissfuly through my fingers as I lay out the soft blue material onto my desk. The touch of silk is almost calming to my nerves, that is until I hear Savannah's voice screech. "What?" 

Maia slaps her hand on the table. The older woman looks exasperated, "Oh for the love of Gucci-" Her voice falters.

The loud commotion on the intern floor dies down and I lift my head up to see the cause. 

Ms Mallette carries herself into the room with such grace, it's difficult not to take notice of her. Her presence demands attention. And right by her side is Catalina Serrano, standing tall and angelic as ever. 

Despite the sudden nerves that build within me from their sudden appearance, the expression on Savannah's face makes it totally worth it as her jaw unhinges. Maia glances at her disdainfully , "Close your mouth, honey. You'll catch flies." 

The other interns giggle, but I don't. My gaze is focused on my work, trying to avoid Catalina's figure.

"Everyone, I have someone very special for you to meet. Introductions are unnecessary as I'm sure you all know her, but just in case some of you have been stuck living under a rock for the past two years, this is Catalina Serrano." 

The rooms instantly bursts into hushed excitement. Spain's very own supermodel and sweetheart was standing in our building. 

Catalina smiles graciously at Ms Mallette, removing her hand over the pocket of her grey blazer. Underneath it, she's wearing a simple white top and jeans. She looks casual, but effortlessly beautiful none-the-less. Similar to Ms Mallette, her presence calls for attention, but it's much less forceful and much more welcoming. She draws you in, making you want to acknowledge her. 

She glances around the room, running a hand through her short, straight black hair. The motion reminds me too much of how she ran her fingers through Justin's hair last night and I have to look away.

Stop thinking about it, the voice in my head says and I try to dissipate the unwelcome memory. 

Then I feel Catalina's kind eyes place on me. Please don't be looking at me, I repeat in my head, keeping my eyes down. I was hoping she wouldn't notice me.

"I know you're all subjected to gossip so some of you may already know," Ms Mallette voices in a slightly amused tone, "that Catalina Serrano will be the new face of Mallette Designs! She and our other fellow star model, Justin, will be leading our summer and fall campaign this year." 

I feel my heart clench. The room is bubbling at Ms Mallette's words and I can't help but feel anxious. I don't even notice the clink of heels until I see dainty black boots right by the foot of my desk.

"Ivory, right?" A soft voice speaks and I force myself to look up.

Sure enough, Catalina is smiling down at me. She's already tall and her boots make her height even more astounding so I'm about half a head shorter than her in my own boots. I will myself to stand straighter.

My voice comes out surprisingly low, but firm. "It's Ivy,"

She's still smiling and I find myself wanting to hide away from the sudden place of attention on our interaction. "We met last night, right?" 

Savannah gasps, completely caught off guard. "Last night? What-" 

"Shhh," Maia hisses from the side.

I cringe, very much aware that everyone has stopped to watch us. Catalina doesn't pay any attention to anyone else. She opens her mouth to speak again, but Ms Mallette slides to her side and places a gentle hand onto her shoulder.

"Nice to finally be reunited," Her voice is light and airy, showing no signs of concern as she looks between us. "Catalina will be working extremely close with my best two interns so you should try your best to acquaint yourselves." Ms Mallette smiles between Savannah and I.

The blonde girl and I share a look. "What?" Our voices ring out in unison.

This can't be right. Justin is modelling again? With Catalina? My mind buzzes, trying to wrap itself around the new information as I try to piece together how he possibly could have agreed to this after everything he's been through to put an end to his modelling.

Ms Mallette's knowing look grows, "Ivory and Savannah, you two will be working specifically for Catalina and Justin's fittings. We need two interns at all times to ensure everything is set for their big debut!" 

Oh no. I feel my anxiety return as I look between Ms Mallette and Catalina. Savannah looks less than impressed as she opens and closes her mouth like a fish. "But-"

"Ah, ah, ahhh," Ms Mallette hums, "if you have an issue you can pack up your things and go. If not, then we're done here." Her blue eyes are hard and as cold as ice when they gaze over Savannah cooly.

The blonde intern shuts her jaw closed and a satisfied smile tugs at the ends of Ms Mallette's lipstick covered lips. "Perfect," She turns on her heel and Maia follows her retreating figure.

Catalina stays behind, her wide smile never once faltering as she looks between Savannah and I. "This is going to be so much fun!" 


Thankfully, the end of the day eventually rolls around. By closing time, I'm mentally and physically drained. 

My emotions have been all over the place since last night and I've tried my very best to suppress them today. From Catalina's appearance, the kiss, the news of the new campaign and Ms Mallette throwing Savannah and I into the mix of the campaign has messed with my head. I need to go home before the universe choses to hurl anything else my way.

I wait patiently by the elevator, checking the time on my phone. My stomach is growling in hunger as I haven't eaten since breakfast this morning. The elevator arrives and luckily, I'm greeted to an empty elevator. 

On the way down to the lobby, it makes a stop on the 14th floor. The elevator dings in arrival and the doors slowly slide open.


My head snaps up at the familiar voice. Justin stands in the elevator, his feet glued to the spot a few feet away from me.

"I'll take the stairs," I mutter, ready to push past him. There's no way I'm staying in an elevator with him again, especially not after last night. 

"Wait," Justin's arm shoots out to block the doors from closing him in. 

Unfortunately for me he manages to follow me out into the hallway. I try to keep my pace up, but Justin is much faster. His hand reaches out to my arm, pulling me back gently. "Ivy, please." 

I swivel on the spot, my eyes blazing from his touch. "Let me go, Justin." 

Justin's lips part, brown eyes conflicted, but his grip falls from my arm. I coil away from him and I don't miss the hurt that reflects in his eyes.

Despite being the only two people on the floor, he lowers his voice. "We need to talk," 

"There's nothing to talk about. You had your chance after your girlfriend came back." 

Something sparks in Justin's eyes, his forehead creasing as he sighs. "She's not my girlfriend." He states coldly. 

I arch an eyebrow at him and he sighs again, his shoulders slumping down. "It's more complicated than you think." 

"Spare me the details," My voice is cold and distant. I don't recognize it. "and modelling for your mother's campaign again?" A bitter laugh spills from my lips. 

Justin's jaw clenches, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. My mother and Catalina, they-"

"Oh, don't blame them for all of this. You have a choice in all this too, you know." 

The boy in front of me grips the ends of his hair, shaking his head. "No, you don't get it. I don't get a choice in all of this. If you would just listen to me I will try to explain everything, but-"

The elevator doors open again and Catalina and Ms Mallette step out from the elevator together. "There you are!" Catalina's smooth voice calls out pleasantly and Justin's muscles visibly tighten.

Ms Mallette stays a few metres away, waiting by the elevator. Catalina's tall figure appears by Justin's side and she places her manicured hand onto his shoulder, sliding it up and down his arm. His jaw clenches again, his burning gaze set on me. 

Catalina is oblivious to the suffocating tension in the hall as her eyes shift between me and her boyfriend innocently. 

"Everything... okay?"

Once again, Justin has gone mute under her touch. It's as if every time she's with him, he loses all senses of mobility and the ability to formulate his thoughts. 

My heart aches again and I force myself to muster a smile for her and Ms Mallette's intense gaze. "Everything is as it should be." 

I'm not surprised when Justin doesn't come after me. My heart feels defeated, but my mind is even more disappointed when a single tear strays down my cheek.

I brush it off with the back of my hand as I would with a stray dust particle, as I have with all of the stress that entails from this internship. 

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I could only hope. 

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