Proving A Point

By KaylaSue321

30.6K 884 18

Erika Mayfair is the cheerleading captain at her high school. She isn't your average preppy girl though, she'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three

711 18 0
By KaylaSue321

Hello my lovelies! I am sad to say that these last few chapters are going to wrap up this story! I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me! I enjoyed every late night spent working on this baby! Not to worry though I have more books in the making! I am nowhere near a professional, I make mistakes and typos but I enjoy every bit of it. Here is your update!<3

Things were good. No they were great actually. It's been three months since the night I found out about the bet. Three months since I completely forgave Dakota. I know I forgave him quickly but my heart couldn't help it.

We spend almost everyday together just watching movies and cuddling or just talking. Chelsea had forgiven him as well and even got Matt too also. Matt and Dakota sparked a new friendship even though it was for our sake they had slowly became friends and hung out without us around which was scary at first but it became normal.


"Can you please let me see your car?" I asked lowly as we were laying in his bed.

"No, that doesn't matter anymore." He gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and rubbed my cheek with the pad of his palm.

"Please." I whispered again and he looked torn like he was having an inner battle with himself but he nodded slowly and got out of bed.

I climbed out beside him and slipped into some yoga pants and his T-shirt making him have to get a new one. He grabbed my hand and led us to the downstairs of The Lanes.

"Oh my God." I whispered and tears started to fill my eyes. It is way worse than I thought even though I was the one who caused the damage.

"Erika please-"' He begged and tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away and started to walk towards the car that was parked in the middle of the shop.

"I'm going to pay to have it fixed." I mumbled as I drug my fingers along the hood of the car, guilt withering inside of me and it was eating me alive.

"No you're not." He shuffled calmly offering me a look of disbelief.

"Yes I am Dakota. This is my fault." I wiped a few tears that had fallen and he closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest and tightened his grip on me.

"No it's not. This is all my fault. Everything is my fault. Don't you dare blame yourself. Please." He begged sadness taking over his voice.

"I want to pay for the repairs." I rubbed my runny nose on his shirt and he didn't even seem to mind.

"No baby. That's my punishment for hurting you, well part of it. I deserved it." He took my face in between both of his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"I'm so sorry Dakota." I blubbered in between my cries.

"Don't be. Please. Plus it was kind of hot watching you let your anger out. I'm proud of you. Hell I'll even let you burn that car to the ground if that makes you feel better. I don't want it. It's just a reminder of what I did, to you." He placed his forehead against mine and I leaned into his touch, welcoming it.

"I'm not burning that car and neither are you, you love that car too much. Besides I love that car too. You should get it fixed whether you let me play for it or not."

"Okay, I'll get it fixed but you're not paying for it. I won't change my mind on that." He smirked knowing damn good and well I wouldn't win this argument I gave in.

**End of Flashback**

It was hard for me to be around Christian at first, knowing he was part of the bet made it harder. Even though I forgave Dakota so easily I couldn't do the same with Christian especially since he is so crude and an asshole but Dakota made him stop his sarcastic remarks and he actually was somewhat decent underneath all that smart mouth of his not that I would ever admit it to him.

"Hey Erika!" Christian threw his arms around my neck and pulled me into a bone crushing hug and Dakota just stood back and smiled leaning against the lockers.

"Hey Christian, where is your girlfriend?" I asked looking around for her.

"That bitch-I mean girl is so infuriating!" He corrected his choice of words as he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed exhaustedly. He started dating Jessica from class who put him in his place which was hilarious to me watching him squirm.

"What's up asshole?" Jessica poked him in the side, her tone serious but the smile that danced on her face showed she was kidding. His eyes melted when he pulled her against his body. They are a weird couple but hey opposites attract right? He didn't say anything he just nuzzled closer against her. It was nice seeing a softer more charming side of Christian.

"Ready to get going Barbie? My dad is expecting us for that board meeting in less than an hour." Dakota grabbed my hand and led us out to his car.

"Yeah." I smiled at him as he drove but kept stealing glances as he looked at me here and there while he drove. Dakotas dad started training me and I caught on very quickly and already knew just about everything that the job would entail. Rick announced that when Dakota and I graduate in just three more short months we will take over the company as partners and that in the meantime we will sit in on meetings and conferences.

He parked his car out front of his dads huge thirty story building and put the car in park. We got out and made our way inside of the elevator and pushed the button and waited as it carried us up to our floor.

"I need to put my stuff in my office I'll meet you in the conference room in a few?" I suggested and he turned to follow me.

"Go get us some coffee and I'll meet you there." I grabbed his collar and placed my lips on his. He nodded and turned to go towards the coffee stand and started to make us each a cup of coffee and I turned and walked down the hall to my office. My very own office! It was huge with a big bay window that captured all of the downtown lights. I walked into my office and walked straight to my desk without turning on the lights.

"About time you showed up bitch!" My blood ran cold throughout my veins at the sound of his voice. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Steve. I felt hands wrap around my neck. I gasped and dropped my purse hearing all of its contents spill onto the floor.

"What do you want Steve?" I asked ignoring his tightening grip on my neck.

"You took my job from me! On purpose, that's the only reason why you are involved with that boy." He spat and flipped me around so I was facing him. The sun had started to set but was still up enough that I could see Steve's anger swimming throughout his eyes. He was angrier than I had ever seen him and that terrified me.

"I didn't take the job from you! It was offered to me!" I screamed trying to get someone to hear me but he clamped his big hand over my mouth muffling my voice.

"You stole it from me! I've worked my ass off for this company for fifteen years and you waltz in and whore yourself around and now here you are still in high school taking my job!" He roared and released his hand from my mouth.

"Whore myself around? When Rick found out what you had done to me he didn't want you to run his company." I spat venom floating through my veins.

"He fired me because of you! You bitch!" I felt the back of his hand collide with the side of my face. I let out an ear piercing scream and did something I had never done before, I lunged at him. I caught him off guard knocking him backwards before he fell on the ground. I straddled him and pinned his arms down to the ground with my legs.

"Don't you blame this on me! You fucking burned me, scarred me repeatedly for years!" I cried and felt hot tears trailing down my cheeks. His eyes turned black with anger and he shoved upwards with all of his weight sending me flying backwards. I landed on my butt with a loud wack and scooted backwards as he started to crawl towards me, the look in his eyes scared me to my very core.

"You deserved it! Every single thing I've ever did to you, you deserved it. I told you that I wouldn't let you get away with this, you think what I did to you was bad before? You're about to see just what I'm capable of." He sneered and grabbed me by my wrist and yanked me off of the ground making me yelp when I heard my wrist pop from his force.

He backed us against the wall and inched his face closer to mine, my breath was caught in my throat and my heart was racing so fast I'm pretty sure he could hear it beating outside of my body. He trailed his fingertips along my jaw as he pinned me against the wall, I felt bile rise in my throat just from him touching me. He raised his hand to slap me once more but I pulled my knee up and used all the force I could muster to hit him in the crotch. He toppled over in pain and I used that as an advantage. I pulled my leg back and sent it flying forward and kicked him in the ribs making him fall over on his side.

He wasn't down long before he was back up on his feet and started circling me like a lion preying waiting to make his move. He lunged forward and grabbed a huge fistful of my hair and yanked my head backwards making me scream in pain. I grabbed the first thing I could grab and was thankful when I felt it and realized it was a pair of scissors. I tucked them behind my back waiting for the right moment to use them. He wrapped his other hand around my neck and squeezed so hard I felt him crushing the cords in my throat. I tried to cry out again but nothing would come out.

I pulled the scissors from behind my back and pulled them back to gain force and I slammed my hand down stabbing him in the middle of the hand. He immediately let his grip of me go as blood starting pouring out of his hand.

"You bitch!" He lunched at me again and grabbed the front of my shirt smearing blood all over it before he yanked me to him and raised his bloody hand and smacked me across the face. I shivered in disgust when I felt his warm blood sliding down my face.

"Barbie? Is everything okay? The meeting is starting..." Dakotas calm voice boomed as he neared my office. Steve clamped his bloody hand over my mouth to stop me from answering but thankfully Dakota entered my office and flicked on the light. Within seconds he threw himself at Steve.

"What the fuck are you doing here Steve?!" Dakotas voice was full of venom and so much hatred it sent chills down my spine. Dakota swung and let his fist collide with Steve's jaw. I scurried away and slid down the wall in the corner. My face felt like it was on fire from his slaps and my throat was burning but other than that I was fine, just terrified.

"I came to make that bitch pay for what she did to me!" Steve roared and thrashed underneath Dakotas weight but it was no use, Dakota was stronger, angrier.

"Don't talk about her that way! Make her pay? You're the one who needs to pay for the shit you've put her through!" Something snapped in Dakota. It's like he went into a blind rage and took it all out on Steve. He lifted his fist and sent punch after punch on Steve's face, who was within seconds of passing out.

"Police!" A swarm of cops flooded my office and Dakota put his hands in the air climbing off of Steve.

"Steve Daniels you're under arrest....." Dakotas eyes scanned the room and found me huddled up in the corner. I watched as the cops pulled Steve to his feet and started to arrest Steve.

"Don't sorry mam he won't be bothering you again. We found evidence that he hacked the software here and wired millions of dollars to an offshore bank account. With that, the abuse, and his attack here today he will be put away for a long long time." A cop offered me a soft smile and relief swam through my veins.

"If you ever and I mean ever come near her again I'll kill you with my bare hands, consider that a threat I don't give a shit but mark my words. Am I clear?" Dakota spat in Steve's face who looked defeated. He looked at me and tears filled his eyes but he looked back at Dakota and nodded slowly before the cops hauled him away.

"Are you okay?" Dakota knelt down in front of me and lifted me to my feet.

"Yes I am okay." I nodded and moved my wrist thankful that it wasn't broken just sore.

"You're bleeding." His voice angry but soft, he was breathing out in pants.

"It's not my blood." I whispered with shaky hands I lifted my hand to my face to wipe some blood off and showed him it wasn't mine and that calmed him a little.

"Let's go back to my apartment and get you cleaned up, okay?" He whispered and I just nodded unable to really say much else. He saved me, in more ways than one and I could never express my thankfulness.

"I'm taking her home to get her cleaned up. Sorry we will miss the meeting but she comes first and she always will." Dakota rubbed a hand up and down my spine in hopes of comforting me and surprisingly it worked.

"You won't be missing much. Take care of your girl." Rick smiled as he looked between us with a soft knowing smile on his face.

"Erika, I'm glad you're okay. I'm so sorry he did that to you." Rick pulled me into a warm embrace and whispered into my ear.

"It's all over now." I whispered and for the first time in years I felt at ease knowing that Steve would no longer be an issue. Dakota drove us to his apartment and helped me upstairs. He turned on the water in his shower and let it heat up. I shakily unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off of my body and let it fall to the floor. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down and kicked them to the side. Dakotas eyes raked over my body. I slipped my hands under his shirt and laid my palms flat on his hard stomach and then lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.

He looked at me in concern but I shook my head. I needed him, badly. I needed to be whole with him inside of me in a way that only he can be.

I unbuttoned his pants and in one swift motion he yanked them down along with his underwear. I reached a hand behind my back and unclasped my bra and peeled it off of my body and then did the same with my underwear. I climbed into the shower and pulled him inside with me. I let the hot water cascade over my body, it turned red as Steve's blood was sliding down my body. I grabbed some shampoo and lathered it into my wet hair and then rinsed it out before I did the same with conditioner.

Dakota grabbed my loofa from its hook and poured some of my body wash on it and started to scrub my body keeping his eyes locked with mine the whole time. He scrubbed my body twice before he hung my loofa back up.

"All clean." His voice husky as his fingertips trailed up and down my arms leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. I placed my lips on his hungrily needing him more than ever. As if he sensed it he lifted me up and sat me on the built in seat in the shower and pulled me forward so I was on the edge of the seat before he lined his member up with my entrance and slid inside filling me up completely. He slid in and almost all the way out before slamming himself all the way in making me scream in pleasure. His thrusts were slow and deep as one of his hands wrapped itself in my hair and pulled my face towards his so gently. He placed his lips on mine and kept his pace pumping slow and deep with so much love and hunger I felt my climax coming soon.

He slid one of his hands down and started to rub my clit and that's all it took to send me over the edge while my eyes rolled to the back of my head. He yanked himself out of me and came on the floor in the shower but the water quickly washed it away. He placed his forehead on mine and rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks so tenderly. I grabbed his hand and looked at his busted knuckles and brought them up to my lips and placed a light kiss on each one.

"I love you." I connected my eyes with his while he watched me kiss his knuckles with raw emotions swimming in his eyes.

"I love you Erika, so damn much."

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