Wild Desperation

By Puppies59

385K 22.5K 1.8K

Have you ever wondered what happened to the world? How we few survivors still hold on today? How it all began... More

Deleting Account Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
The End

Chapter 40

4.6K 288 34
By Puppies59


Today was the big day, Charleston South Carolina here we come. We all ate a quick breakfast before starting the 12 mile trek to a little stopping point I'd agreed upon last night. The boys had been more than clear when making their point about not taking the goat herd into the main part of Charleston with us. I had been reluctant to agree but once they assured me the goats would be safe and unharmed, and I could take them back anytime I wanted, I reluctantly agreed. So while I waited at the Citadel Mall with North and Silas Owen and the rest of the group took the goats to a West Ashley park about 3 and a half miles away. 

I refused to let Nightmare or Arrow go with them but after giving the boys some grain to keep them there the goats were quick to follow their lead. I didn't like leaving them unattended but I knew enough that they were most likely safer at that unfamiliar park than in a town full of sick beasts and desperate humans. "You should have let them take the horse too." North grouched but I shook my head. "The stallion can take care of himself, he lived in town when I found him. He stays clear of beasts and people he doesn't know, he's even come to my rescue a few times." I smile to the handsome horse, affectionately scratching his neck as he leans into my touch with a snort.

 "I thought the mutt was the main rescuer?" North frowns to where Arrow is watching Nightmare cautiously. "He is in most cases, but there have been a few times when Nightmare helped, he can get very protective of me despite our occasional difference of opinion. I guess it could be because he views me as part of his herd perhaps, he has attacked men for me before." My words seem to surprise the two boys as they look between the stallion and I in question. 

"One time Arrow was feeling sick from something and I was taking care of him when a couple guys attacked us, I didn't even call him. One second Nightmare was off grazing somewhere and the next he was charging in and biting one guy on the arm that he held a knife with and he ended up trampling him to death. I got the upper hand with my own blade and took care of the second guy, the scar on his flank came from where the guy slashed at him before being turned into a human pancake." I shudder at the memory as I nod to the 6 inch scar that runs across Nightmare's flank. 

"I ended up having to nurse both of my boys back to full health but from that point on I've always had more respect for the stubborn stallion, even if he drives me mad sometimes. The wound doesn't even faze him, he was even worse off when I first found him fighting another stallion for some mares, poor guy was pretty bloody and hateful back then." I sigh as Nightmare nuzzles at my face in thanks for my scratches. "I don't know what's worse being mauled to death by the mutt or trampled to death by the horse." North grunted out. 

"From what I've seen the trampling is way worse, Arrow is quick with his kills by going for vitals Nightmare goes after anything he can reach and unless he hits your head first, let's just say it's a VERY slow painful death." I state grimly. "How you know that worries me Aggele mou." Silas mutters as I shrug back. "What can I say, I guess I just draw out the worst in everyone." I sigh as I take a seat beside Arrow while North continues frowning at me. "No Aggele, you bring out the worst in bad men but you bring out the best in us." Silas states on a murmur as he takes a seat at my side and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

I suddenly feel like I'm in one of those romantic books I'd read long ago and the openness he has with North standing just feet away is something alien to me. "That's one way of looking at it." I murmur and I know he hears the hitch in my breath at the wide grin on his handsome and smug face. "Do you want me to show you what you bring out in me Aggele Mou?" His words are a purr that sends my pulse racing along with my mind. "Um..." I'm starting to panic but I play it off as confusion with a hint of amusement. "Si, lay off." North warns lowly from where he stands but Silas still doesn't pull away. 

"What do you think Aggele, do you want me to stop?" His tone sends shivers up and down my spine as his thumb brushes gently against the side of my face. "How are you okay with this?" I find myself blurting the first clear thought my mind can process about the situation as I glance between the two boys and Silas let's his hand drop back to his lap. "Aggele, North and I have shared a bird before, and we certainly don't mind the thought of sharing you." Silas is serious. The direct fact that they're not virgins doesn't surprise me, but what is a little shocking is the bit of disappointment flaring in my chest at the knowledge.

 "If I did have romantic feelings for all of you someday how would that even work? I mean there are nine of you and nine to one odds just don't seem fair to any of you even if it was possible." I mutter on a frown. "Watching you walk away doesn't seem fair either." North growls out with a scowl. "Don't worry about us Aggele mou, we know how we feel, and even if you only like us as friends I'm still going to do everything in my power to keep you around and I won't be the only one." Silas smirked as I forced a small smile to my lips before wandering off to explore the mall more and escape the tension still hanging in the air.

 I found a quiet corner to relax in for another hour or so before the rest of the boys returned, and it was as if the conversation between Silas and I never happened. "I want everyone at the ready in case of trouble, keep an eye out, and stay close." Owen ordered as we started the last leg of our journey to the Charleston Research Institute. I was on high alert with my bow at the ready and a pistol in my waistband I was more than capable of warding of a slew of attackers if necessary. The town looked to still be in decent shape, we even saw a few people running about that kept their distance from our group. 

The moment we got within a two mile radius of the research building however it was a stark difference to the rest of town, everything was deserted and abandoned. The strange thing was that not even a stray dog or cat or any beasts were in the vicinity unlike every other town or place we'd passed by. "Something doesn't feel right about this place." Victor whispered out. "I know it's like there's no life in the area, like a complete dead zone, but that doesn't make any sense. This should be the spot where more beasts than ever are camped out, instead there's no other living creature in sight." I state just as soft, the whole thing is making me uneasy. 

I decide to turn Nightmare loose before continuing onward, Arrow even stands tense at my side, hackles raised nervously. When the large brick building of the institute came into view I was surprised by the crumbling rubble state it seemed to be in but yet it was still in better shape than the buildings around it that had turned into collapsing death traps. "Well we're here, now what the f*** do we do?" Gabe hissed out. "We go in and we search for answers." I state in determination as we carefully pick our way through the rubble at the entrance before staring off into the dimly lit branch of hallways. 

"Lead the way Cupcake, we're right behind you." Luke urged as I took the right hall that led us towards the research lab I had explored years ago. I was moving at a decent pace when Arrow suddenly whined and drew my attention which stopped me in my tracks, the boys moved ahead a few steps before pausing. "What's wrong big guy?" I knelt to his level carefully checking his paws for any debris that might have injured him, finding none I moved to stand only to have him stop me by clamping his jaws down on my arm with another whine. The action frightened me even though he was only gently holding my arm in his teeth but my mind raced back to that first time when he'd done the same actions to keep me from going to the diseased deer. 

"Hold on, something's wrong." I warn the boys as they ready their weapons. "There's nothing here though Pookie, just an empty hallway, I can't even see the nearest door." Sean whispered but I shook my head. "There's something here, Arrow knows it and I trust his judgement." I state warily as I scan the walls, do those bricks seem strange or have I finally lost my mind? "Oh for f***s sake Trouble the stupid dog is probably just hungry, like the doc said it's just an empty hallway!" Gabe shouted as he stepped forward with his arms wide and just as I heard the soft click Arrow released my arm and shot forward with a bark. 

"Get down!" I shouted as I hit the floor glancing up to see Arrow tackling Gabe to the floor as what appeared to be bright green paint ball pellets flew from the bricks in the wall and hit the other side of the hall. The sound of them firing finally cut off a few moments later as they emptied out, I rose cautiously to my feet to assess the damage. I could see the holes in the wall where the pellets had hit and went straight through the stone, the bright green substance was melting the small holes into gaping voids in the wall. I scanned the boys around me, glad that they seemed fine other than some slight shock, then turning my attention and worry to where Arrow was still sprawled on top of Gabe who had triggered this whole mess. 

"Meanie are you alright?" I called as I rushed forward and looked Arrow over glad to see he still didn't have a scratch on him as he wagged his tail at my approach, still firmly planted on top of Gabe protectively. I couldn't help but smile when Gabe groaned but gave me a shaky thumbs up as he struggled to sit up with Arrow laying on him. "So who's the stupid dog here?" I hummed as Gabe sent a sheepish glance my way. "Okay so I'm a f***ing idiot and the mutt is completely amazing. Thanks for saving my a** Arrow, I take back the stupid dog comment from earlier, I love you bud." Gabe puffed as he grabbed Arrow's head in his hands and kissed him directly on the nose. 

I laughed when Arrow stood up and shook off with a sneeze, I then turned a grin at Gabe who was blushing quite a bit. "So the place is f***ing booby trapped, watch out for that." Gabe muttered as I offered him a hand to help him up. We were a lot more careful about the hallways after that and I didn't miss how the guys were paying close attention to every move or sound that Arrow made, they all had more respect for him now. We found a few more traps with acid pellets and a few with mini mine fields but we easily avoided them with keen eyes and Arrow's warnings. I only stopped the boys once we reached the door to the research lab and just a few doors down I could see the genetics lab that had been the start of it all, but before going there I wanted to look into the research lab first. 

"Be watchful for anymore traps and call out if you find anything." I stated as I branched away from the group to go search through one of the many stacks of papers sitting on counters and desks throughout the room. I set aside ones that seemed to match my fathers notes and judging by the dates they were certainly of the right time period. The boys did the same and we added the new papers into our bags before I turned to leave. Arrow's warning growl stilled me but this time there would be no ducking, none of us were able to do anything about the gun pointed directly at my heart.

 The boys were quick to raise their weapons in my defense as I commanded Arrow to stay put at my side. "Shoot me and she dies!" The voice of the man standing in the doorway left no room for argument, his presence explained the placement of all the traps along our way. I took in the stained lab coat he wore and the balding grey hair on his head as something clicked in my mind, I remembered this man. 

"Wait you're one of the scientists that worked in the genetics lab, we're not here to cause trouble, we just want to help. My father used to work here and before he died he left some notes behind that might be essential to making a cure." I stated carefully as the wild eyed man shakes his head at me. "Little girl don't you get it, there is no cure. If that b******* hadn't stolen the d*** ingredients then maybe but with them gone and me unable to recreate them, there's no hope for a cure." The man lowered his gun hand at the floor shakily as he mumbled to himself. "What if we could find these ingredients, could there be a possibility of a cure?" Owen voiced in a commanding tone.

 "Maybe but I've been searching for them for years with no luck, Sorenson certainly was a sneaky b*******." The man mutters and I feel the guilt and anger at my fathers actions rising again. "Sang what's he talking about?" Kota asks from behind me. "Apparently my father was more of a b******* than I realized." I spit out as understanding crosses the scientists face. A moment later comes anger as he begins to raise his gun towards me once more, that's when the shot sounds out from behind me and he drops his gun at the red spot blossoming clearly from his chest. I swear out loudly as the man drops to the floor with a gasp, I rush forward to apply pressure trying to stop the bleeding. 

"What were you thinking!?" I hiss at the group of stunned boys. "He was going to shoot you Peanut!" Nate defends. "He's also our best shot at creating a cure, you could have aimed for a less vital area! Sean I would really appreciate some help over here!" I call over before turning my attention to the man bleeding to death beneath my hands, Sean is quickly by my side in full on doctor mode. "You mentioned the ingredients for a possible cure, what are they? We're trying to help you, if you care about a cure you have to tell us, please!" I demand, silently pleading for him to hold on. 

"There's three ingredients, one was a prototype prevention serum that everyone working here and their families were given, it wasn't fully proven but it worked in some cases on rats." He gasps out as Sean works to stop the bleeding. "The second I believe was a faster acting mutated version of the virus itself, it was supposed to be destroyed but it disappeared from the lab." He groans out his face getting pale. "What's the third?" I shake him gently as his consciousness starts fading. "A host, the right host, DNA has to be..." he mumbles before passing out entirely. I help Sean the best I can for the next few hours, but he'd lost too much blood. We couldn't save him in the end and with him went our best chance at a cure.

 "Your father created the virus, didn't he?" Victor voices into the silence. "Yeah, or at the very least he played a large role in its creation." I state bitterly, Arrow trying his best to comfort me. "Pookie don't look like that, what your father did was not your fault." Sean says firmly as I stare at my blood coated hands and clothes. "It certainly feels like it is." I spit back shakily. "Sang you had no control over this, you were just a kid, it's not your fault." Kota states gingerly, I realize I'm shaking but for some reason I can't seem to make it stop. 

"Cupcake your dad might have started it but he wasn't the guy who let it loose in the explosion, neither case is your fault." Luke says and suddenly I'm sandwiched between him and Gabe, they stay that way as everyone whispers encouragement my way until my shaking finally stops. When they release their hold on me I feel so much lighter than I've felt in a long time, even if I miss the comforting warmth of their arms around me. "Well it looks like we're staying here tonight since the sun's gone down." Owen states to the group. "We should get cleaned up before bed." I mutter as I send a glance towards Sean while the others dispose of the body in the room. 

I show Sean where the bathrooms are and after cleaning up and changing into fresh clothes I'm quick to rejoin the others. I know we've got a lot more notes now but without someone to make sense of them we're lost, even if we do find the ingredients needed for the cure. I'm puzzling over what to do when Luke's description of their community comes back to me, and even though I'm not fond of the idea I know it's our best chance to figure things out. 

"Your community has scientists and doctors, right?" I voice as they confirm my information with curious looks and nods. "Then we better get some sleep, if I have to deal with a bunch of captive strangers tomorrow it's best if I'm well rested. And don't go thinking just because they're your friends that I won't shoot them if they pose a threat to me or my charges!" I growled as they grinned back at me knowingly. I couldn't believe I had just agreed to willingly go into a community, but if it meant a chance for a cure then I could tolerate it with the boys at my back.

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