Reconciled hearts: a season9(...

By jdizzle500

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As Ninjago city fall into ruins in the hands of Emperor Garmadon, the resistance and the SOG would have to fo... More

Chapter1: captured
Chapter2: announcement
Chapter3: Sudden contact
Chapter4: What he deserves
Chapter5: the next morning
Chapter6: The mischievous notebook
Chapter 7: Beginning to forgiveness
Chapter 8: Help needed
Chapter9: Recovery
Chapter10: Ultimate Violet
Chapter11: meeting the star
Chapter 13: Preparations on the bounty
Chapter14: Chapter 14: What goes up always goes down
Chapter 15: A trick or two
Chapter 16: A sentimental talk
Chapter 17: Second morning
Chapter 18: Never again
Chapter19: The truth is all I want
End of arc1
Chapter 20: A rock colossus and a hard place
Chapter 21: One for all
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: Hospitality
Chapter 24: Final days
Chapter 25: All day's a bunch of fun
Chapter26: To wake up a master
Chapter 27: Clear weather after rain
Chapter 28: Independence
Chapter 29: Resistance against the inevitable
Chapter30: Trapped
Chapter31: Prison break
Chapter32 Conflicted minds
Chaptet33: back to good
Chapter 34: Fake faces hiding everywhere
Chapter35: Revelation
Chapter36: Time
Chapter37: Tea of truth
Chapter 38: Monarchy
Chapter 39: Royal reveal
Chapter40: Demons of the past
Chapter41: The darkness continues
Chapter 42: No, I'm not kidding
Chapter 43: Lloyd and Garmadon
Chapter 44: Shuttered silent one
Chapter 45: Oni masks acquired
Chapter 46: Break away
Chapter 47: The echoes in a memory
Chapter48: lloyd's storytime
Chapter 49: Oni mask plan activated
Chapter50: the party
Chapter51: party fowl
Chapter 52: Absence of the mind
Chapter53: The end of the resistance
Chapter54: hurricane
Chapter55: the resistance reuinted but not fully
Chapter 56: Clear skies and no sun
Chapter 57: The resistance never quits?
Chapter 58: The right path
Chapter59: leaving ninjago, and giving up
Chapter 60: Harumi's gratitude
Chapter61: an unhappy day
Important A/N New character plz read if you want a chance to name a character
Chapter 62: Winter Arriving
Chapter63: Bad decisions and getting captured
Chapter64: clouded christmas
Chapter65: Never gone, always there
Chapter 66: Eyes don't lie
Chapter67: Ninja rules broken
Chapter 68: Cold streams
Chapter 69: Being discovered
Chapter 70: Save the last battle to me
Chapter 71: Low point
Chapter72: In a strange young world
Chapter73: all hope lost again
Chapter74: The nightmare begins
Chapter75: Secrets revealed
Chapter76: Revisited childhood
Chapter77: saying goodbye to an old friend
End of hunted Arc2:
Chapter 78: Can't forgive the past
Chapter79: shattered relationships
Chapter:80 Friend or enemy?
Chapter 81: The choices appear
Chapter 82: what the heart wants
Chapter 83: Surrounded Confusion
Chapter: 84 The kiss
Chapter 85: Collision
Chapter 86: Bad night
Chapter 87: Hit the target
Blooper Reel #1: "The importance of a script"
Blooper reel#2: Lloyd messing up the shots
Chapter88: New threat
Chapter 89: Hiding from the mist
Chapter90: Does Lloyd have daddy issues?
Chapter 91: Outrunning trouble
Chapter92: overprotective pup
Chapter 93: The realm crystal
Chapter94: a plan to rescue a friend, and new love
Chapter 95: Dawnbreaker
chapter96: who's to blame?
Chapter97: Illusions are torn
Chapter 98: Special gift
Chapter 99: Respond to the call
Chapter100: Discovering the plans of the noodle truck
Chapter 101: Head in the clouds
Chapter 102: truth revealed
Chapter 103: You should (never) feel alone
Chapter104: A warlords search Part one: Investigation
Chapter105: Losing the sun's light
Chapter106: a warlord's search, part two: where could they have gone?
Chapter107: Zenith
Chapter108: Requiem
Chapter109: Origins of white lie๏ฟผ
Chapter110: the white haired girl's end?
Chapter111: Zackey's tower
Chapter112: childhood memory
Chapter113: Choice of the demon
Chapter114: it starts
Chapter115: Wild Ones
Chapter16: Framed
Chapter117: The Copycat is a Bad girl
Chapter118: Two harumi's= double the fun
Chapter119: An Oath to the Empress
Chapter120: Here in the garden
Chapter121: Let's play a game
Chapter122: The hunt for The Empress
Chapter123: All these voices in her head
Chapter124: A letter from me to you
Chapter125: Gambatte
Chapter 126: Mr. Spellcaster
Chapter127: The mischievous Cloud
Chapter128: Red Rum
Chapter129: Flicker
Chapter130: Racer's On Your Marks
Chapter131: Witch's farce
Chapter132: Tail game
Chapter133: Your nightmares are your only friends
Chapter134: Relinquish๏ฟผ
Chapter 135: Winner's prize
Chapter136: We're going on trip
Chapter 137: Your Blood
Chapter138: Stars, shining Bright above you
Chapter 139: Spellbounded
Bonus chapter: Lunacy
Chapter140: Choice's
Chapter141: Showdown up in flames
Chapter142: fierce competition
Chapter 143: Young blood's resurrection
Chapter144: Battle of wits
Chapter 145: A faint blue glimmer
Chapter146: Hopelessness
Recondiled Hearts, Ch. 147
Chapter148: Sadness
Chapter. 149: Crazy Old Women
Chapter 150: Debate
Chapter 151: Leap
Chapter 152: Squabbling
Chapter 153:
Chapter154: Father Vs Son part1
Chapter155: The dead's End
Chapter156: Words, Have the Biggest Impact Of all
Chapter157: Free
Chapter158: Guilt
Chapter159: The Search
Chapter160: She's Alive?!
Chapter 161: Promise
Chapter 162: All for Nothing
Chapter 163: Bad Liar
Chapter 164: Meeting Jade And Lilla
Chapter 165: Echo
Chapter166: Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 167: Vision
Chapter 168: Making a Plan
Chapter 169: Unforgotten
Chapter 170: Sorcerer's Just wanna Have Fun
Chapter 171: The Orginal
Chapter 172: rallying
Chapter 173: Warrior
Chapter 174: OutBursts
Chapter 175: Earthquake
Chapter176: Oni powers
Chapter 177: Archangel
Chapter 178: Secrets
Chapter 179: Secret- Part2
Chapter 180: object
Chapter 181: The Crystal
Chapter 182: Harumi's been turned into Seven versions Of herself!
Chapter 183: Night Changes
Chapter 184: The Search For child Harumi
Chapter 185: disbute
Chapter 186: Tha Bars Between Us
Chapter 187: Halloween Special: Part one: Zephry's Plan
Chapter 188: Halloween Special, Matias Finds Love?
Chapter 189: Saved by a girl
Chapter 190: Child
Chapter 191: I quit
Chapter 192: Christmastime (part one)
Chapter 193: Christmas Special Part Two
Final chapter of BOOK 1

Chapter12: Hide and run

472 13 9
By jdizzle500

Then it's agreed let's go." Lloyd said. "How are we going to get past Ultraviolet's fans?" Killow Inquired. Lloyd thought about it until an idea came up.
Before you say anything, I am not wearing a dress again!" Killow reminded Lloyd. Uv smirked. "You wore a dress?" Uv asked him. Killow nodded unwillingly. "I'm surprised they didn't recognize Harumi in her attire, I mean haven't they seen her like that?" Lloyd asked. "Like I said, besides these three, the SOG are idiots." harumi told him, cold-blooded. It was pretty surprising yet amusing how she was able to throw shade on her own organization like that. " So how are we gonna get out?" Killow asked. Everyone was silent, until Harumi spoke up.

"Lloyd before you found out about me, you told me more about how you and the other ninja would use disguises to get by." Harumi started. "Yes, but we already did that. What are the odds that it works again?" He asked. Harumi sighed. "It's a possibility." she responded shortly. "There is honestly no other option." she told Lloyd. Lloyd sighed. "I know we don't want to but I think we need to put the dresses back on." lloyd said to them. Killow groaned in frustration. "Oh come on Killow, you looked adorable in it." Harumi told him. Killow's face went red from embarrassment. Ultra Violet laughed, she was getting a kick out out of this. There is no way Killow wore a dress." ultra Violet cackled.

"It's true." Lloyd confirmed. "Ultra, do you have anything that you could use to disguise yourself? " Harumi asked. UV went over to her little closet, pulling out a little outfit(it's the picture above). Harumi was shocked that she had such a dress. Usually, Ultra Violet wasn't one to be fancy. She preferred the punk-like tomboy choices. "So now, make up again?" Harumi asked. "I guess." Lloyd told her. "I have some makeup in my drawers." she informed him. As she went over , she surprisingly had a lot of makeup. "Do you know how to do makeup?" Harumi asked. Ultra Violet shook her head. I am able but it looks really messy. I only know how to the facepaint for the Sog properly." she reminded Harumi. Harumi smiled. As she turned to Lloyd. "Maybe Lloyd could do it? " she suggested to UV. "Me?" Lloyd was surprised. Harumi nodded. "Well...Alright ." Lloyd said as he went over to ultra Violet. "Can you three get our stuff on while I do this?" He asked. They nodded heading out.
"Alright ready?" he asked with a smile. Uv nodded. "Say how do you know so much about makeup?" She questioned, slightly suspicious. "Nya, she taught me when the other ninja wouldn't let me go on missions with them. I hung out with her and she taught me a lot. Like makeup, engineering, inventing, cooking,and a lot more." Lloyd explained briefly to her. Ultra Violet was surprised, she didn't know that "water lily" taught the green ninja that sort of stuff. "Ready?"he asked again and held a wet wipe. Uv nodded. " I mean I did harumi's makeup and she looks like how I first met her." Lloyd gave her a small idea of his makeup skills. He wiped the facepaint off of her. "You did her makeup?" Ultra asked sounding skeptical. Once Lloyd finished with the wet wipe, he threw it in the garbage. "Yeah, you can even ask Killow or Harumi herself." he replied. He grabbed a tube of mascara and started with her eyelashes. When he was done, he turned to Violet. "You wear purple lipstick correct?" Lloyd asked.

She nodded and Lloyd carefully brushed the lip product on her lips. Once he was done: "You can look now!" he told her. She looked in the vanity's mirror and she saw: she looked normal well as normal as she could look. "Alright I'll be in the hall and let you get dressed." Lloyd told her. As he went out to the hall, Uv looked at the dress, after she put it on. She smiled, she looked normal. She put on a necklace then went over to the door and opened it to see everyone was dressed and ready. They nodded and they were off.

Unfortunately it didn't work, for one of Ultra's fans impressively recognized her despite her different look. "Run!" Lloyd exclaimed as they were surrounding them. Some of them being SOG guards who were attracted to the fan's cries. The four followed him. As killow,Uv,Mr.e, and Lloyd ran away from the SOG who were gaining on them, Lloyd saw an alleyway. "There!" he pointed out. They ran and ran but the SOG got close to them. "Well it's been fun guys.." killow mentioned lowly. "Yeah it was nice meeting you, all." Uv agreed, panting slightly. The SOG guards got even closer, smiles on their faces. However, all of the tension stopped when a dragon appeared with four heads. It bewildered the people as well as the former generals and Harumi herself. Lloyd recognized the creature right away. "ULTRA!" He exclaimed happily and relieved to see it. The other four looked at him strangely. "Ultra-sick huh?" Lloyd turned to them. The dragon raised its wings and he shot fire,ice,earth,and electricity at the sog who ran away in fear and pain after getting hit by one of those beams.

The small group cheered as Lloyd ran over to the ultra dragon. "Oh ultra! I've missed you so much! " Lloyd told him as he petted him. "So Lloyd, who is this?" Harumi requested an introduction. "Oh sorry." Lloyd apologized and began explaining: "This was my pet dragon Ultra." Lloyd explained. "You had a pet dragon?" Harumi inquired. Lloyd nodded. "I haven't seen him since I set him free so he could go home." Lloyd told her. The Ultra dragon then licked Lloyd, getting slobber puddles all over him. "Ew ultra gross!" Lloyd chuckled and wiped the excess drool away. Harumi tried to hold in her laughter but it was hard. "Anyway Ultra, these are my new friends." Lloyd started. "There's killow, Ultraviolet, Mr.E and finally Rumi." he told Ultra in which he got excited and shot electricity. The four jumped.

"Don't worry that just means he likes you." Lloyd assured them. The Ultra dragon then looked around. "What's wrong?" Lloyd questioned. "Lloyd we should get out of the open." harumi advised him. Lloyd agreed: "Ultra can we?" Lloyd started to ask. The dragon nodded going down. "Come on!" he told them. As Lloyd got into the driver's seat, the four followed and got on. "Ready?" Lloyd asked again, reigns in hand. The four nodded. "Alright then, hang on tight." Lloyd told them. Then the dragon took off up into the air. When up in the air, they noticed that the SOG couldn't find them anywhere. "We lost them." harumi informed them with a rosy tint on her cheeks. It was excitement. The former SOG members themselves all cheered.
" Man the city is so beautiful from up here!" Ultra Violet gazed at her surroundings. . Harumi nodded in agreement. "Remember when Lloyd still didn't know and I saw from above the bounty?" harumi stated. "I remember that." Lloyd responded shortly. "How can you fly the dragon so well?" Killow admired his skills. "I've been riding him since I was eight." Lloyd explained.
"Lloyd look out!" The white haired girl's piercing scream alarmed him. There in front of them was the the Colossi's giant hand swiping at the dragon as if it was some fly dancing through its web of chaos. "Hang on!" Lloyd warned as he did a barrel roll. "Everyone ok?" Lloyd asked them. The four nodded, slightly dazed. As the dragon dodged the hand over and over again: " How did he find us?" Ultra Violet Inquired, growling right after. "I don't know?" Lloyd told her. They continued to dodge but suddenly, the hand punched the ultra dragon into a building. "Ow!" they all groaned. "Ultra!" Lloyd cried. Before he hit the building and fell unconscious.After the four fell down, they groaned rubbing their heads. "You ok Violet?" Killow asked her. She nodded. "How about you Killow?" she asked him. The big man nodded. "Harumi, you? If you're hurting, don't stay silent about it." Killow asked. She nodded and chuckled. "I'm fine.". Then he turned to Mr. E, " Are you ok?" killow asked. The robot nodded. "Lloyd you ok?" Harumi asked and turned to him. It as the last person that didn't get the question asked to them.

As she didn't see him anywhere, she began to worry. "Lloyd?" She called out to him. "Lloyd!?" She continued. Then she looked up and saw the colossi had something green in his hand. One thought came to her mind: "Oh no.." Harumi sighed. "He's got Lloyd!" She alerted her friends, who responded with a gasp. "Uh, no Uh,no oh,no!" Harumi started to freak out. "How could we let this happen?" Killow places his massive palms on his forehead. Uv retorted aggressively. "I have no idea!" She yelled back. "How can we prove to be good people when we let Lloyd go into the hands of his father again?!" Killow's tone drastically changed. Harumi sighed again. "Whatever the risks, We are going need to go back and get him." Harumi instructed them, like the old team leader she was. The three of them nodded with worried smiles: "Roger that.". From there,they started to go but stopped as a sword was close to slicing the white haired girl. She shrieked and shrunk back. "You!" an angry tone called out to her. It was the water ninja into view. Angry as ever. "Nya I-I.." harumi stammered and tried to say something. "Where's Lloyd? I know you have him!" The black haired girl questioned in a hurry.

Meanwhile with Garmadon, He stood on top of the building, controlling the giant. When the giant returned to him, Garmadon smiled and the giant dumped the green ninja on the ground. Lloyd groaned. "I spotted you from a mile away. Good job staying hidden." he sarcastically said to Lloyd. The blonde groaned, still asleep, it seemed. Garmadon smiled. "How pathetic, he was supposed to be the great hero and he is just laying here." garmadon smirked and muttered. He then went down grabbing the young ninja by his neck. That made the blonde's eyes shot open and found himself staring at his father's red pupils. Lloyd saw a sword kicking his father in the thigh and he escaped and ran towards the blade.

The two blade wielders stood in the center of the roof. Eyes blinked with fire in each one. The two circled around; waiting to make a strike. Silence clung onto the air as the two kept circling around with hatred towards each other. Lloyd gripped his swords handles tightly and charged at his father. Garmadon charged at him with two blades skidding on the rocks and the other two were ready to strike. When the two blade wielders were face to face, Garmadon swung his upper arms at Lloyd and were blocked and then, the dark lord swung his lower arms at him. The ninja saw the blades and jumped back. But the tips caught his gi and felt a thin graze on his abdomen. Feeling adrenaline course his veins, Lloyd charged at the dark lord with his fury. Metal clanked against one another as the green ninja and dark lord fought against each other in rage. Lloyd parried his father's lower left sword and twirled his body and used his hidden strength to knock the sword out of his grasp and skid over to the ninja.

Garmadon growled through his teeth and continued to fight with the remaining swords. Lloyd kept blocking his father's words and parried another attack, swung his right leg as his fathers left unprotected side to make him grunt in pain. Next, he twirled his body to knock another sword away. Garmadon growled in rage and parried an attack, and swung his lower arms at Lloyd's face and made contacted. Lloyd let out a small gasp to a surprise attack and had his back turned from the momentum of the punch on his father. Garmadon held out his free hand and fired a purple bolt at Lloyd's back. Lloyd flew forward and grunted in pain as he made contact to the rocks and prompted himself into a crouch and spat blood from his mouth. "It's the future of this world not worth saving with your single shred of life." Garmadon said as he walked over to finish Lloyd off. "You'll never take over this world." Lloyd retorted and gripped his sword tightly. "I'll end this once and for all." and got back to his feet and charged at Garmadon. Lloyd felt his anger and adrenaline course through his body as he sent attacks at Garmadon while he blocked them.

The ninja swung a low kick to the dark lord's thigh again and stood on his hands to swing his legs to kick him in the chest. The dark lord stumbled back and charged
back at Lloyd and surrounded himself in a dark purple tornado; his spinjitzu. Lloyd saw the threat and but couldn't stop as they both collided. Garmadon stopped and sent a powerful kick to make Lloyd stop and flew him back. Lloyd slid on his back and friction stopped him and laid there motionless with his eyes closed. Garmadon grinned, knowing that he won and made his way to finish Lloyd off and hovered above him. He raised his remaining katanas above his head and brought them down as an executioner would. "I win." he muttered with a sadistic smile. Lloyd's eyes shot open and attempted to grab his swords. He got onto his knees and caught the blades with his side guards and twisted them to prevent Garmadon from retrieving them. The dark lord struggled to retrieve his swords. But he managed to keep them.

He grabbed the young ninja by his throat once again and was ready to end Lloyd's life. "Any last words?" He asked the blonde. Lloyd didn't answer for he was too weak. Garmadon smiled as he brought a ball of dark energy ready to fire it when something came up.
It was a few hours since misako gave birth to Lloyd and garmadon was so happy his son was here. He peered over his son's crib, to see the baby sleeping. He smiled at his only child he was so small, so innocent. The eyes of Lloyd where still close. Garmadon wondered: What colors will his eyes be? Brown like Misako's or dark green like his? Garmadon picked up his son gently and he cradled him gently in his arms when suddenly he started to whimper. Garmadon noticed that: "shhhhh....everything is okay." he whispered and leaned his forehead tenderly against the small child's. "Daddy is here....Daddy will protect you....". At those words, the baby opened his eyes and stared at garmadon with curiosity. The father stretched his finger in front of him and Lloyd wrapped his small ones around it. Garmadon kissed his forehead and Lloyd giggled. "Hello Lloyd." He whispered. "I will always love and protect you no matter what." Garmadon assured him.
The dark oni lord blinked as he started to stumble. As he did, he let go of Lloyd and he fell off of the tower entirely. He eventually fell into a deep unconsciousness. But as Lloyd was falling, he was going to hit the ground. But the bounty caught him at the last moment and his back fell onto the deck. "Looks like we got the catch of the day." Skylor said worriedly. Even though that phrase was suppose to be a cheery one. Nya looked at her, worried as well. The team all ran onto the deck. "Lloyd!" Harumi exclaimed as she ran towards him. It was silent until Dareth spoke: " Is he okay?" He asked harumi. Harumi held two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. She was relieved when she felt one. "He has a pulse." harumi confirmed to mit only Dareth but everyone as well. "Oh thank, FSM.". Everyone was relieved.

They didn't have the chance to talk much for a groan was heard. Everyone looked down to see Lloyd waking up. They all smiled. "I'll take him to his room." The white haired girl offered. "Harumi do you want to help me?" Nya asked, for once. It was one of their first proper and polite contacts in weeks. Harumi was surprised with her offer but accepted either way. The two girls helped the injured green ninja up and supported him in case he fell. "Come on lloyd let's get you to your room." Nya told him. As they walked to Lloyd's room, everyone else was on the deck. It was silent until: "Where is Master Lloyd?" Mistaké inquired as she came out of the shadows. "Nya,and harumi took him to his room so he could rest." Skylor explained. "Ah." she shortly said. The woman came closer, she was drinking tea. "So what are we gonna do now?" The big man questions. "For now we should rest for the battles ahead of us." Mistaké told him wisely.

With harumi and Nya, "Do you think he's okay?" Harumi asked as they got Lloyd onto his bed. He's been through worse. But I hope he will recover. He should." Nya admitted. "I'll be outside on the deck, if you need me." she told harumi and she left. Trusting her to keep watch. Though if the white haired girl did anything funny, a small katana with her name on it will execute her. Harumi looked at Lloyd, worriedly. She saw he kept a chair by his desk. She pulled it over to his bedside and sat down." Lloyd please be ok.." she begged quietly and held his hand. His fingers wrapped around her own.
Hiya guys Jdizzle here, I hope you enjoyed that chapter I had so much fun writing it, a lot happened. What did you guys think? About that memory of garmadon and baby Lloyd I thought that was adorable! To be honest I wrote this chapter on Thursday I was sick and I thought I would just do it, so then I'm not rushing to write it because then it would be sloppy, but anyway if you liked it make sure to leave a vote,comment, and share it with your friends and I will see you guys later! Bye! Jdizzle signing off PEACE!!!

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