Proving A Point

By KaylaSue321

30.6K 884 18

Erika Mayfair is the cheerleading captain at her high school. She isn't your average preppy girl though, she'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three

Chapter Thirty Nine

597 18 0
By KaylaSue321

Dunn dunnn dunnn! ;)

I swiped my finger across the screen and opened the text message.

'Don't think you're going to get away with stealing my job, I know it was you. It always is. You'll pay for this bitch.' My heart started to race violently in my chest and I felt my body start to shake. He knew. I don't know how or why but somehow he found out.

"Erika? Erika!" Chelsea put her hands on each of my shoulders and started to shake me gently bringing me back to reality. The locker room had mostly cleared out except for a few of us.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice full of concern so I turned the phone around to show her and she gasped releasing her hand on me. I felt tears well up inside my eyes threatening to fall at any moment. I thought all of this was behind me, but apparently not. There is no way he is going to let me just get away with this. He would find me and when he does it's going to be bad, worse then any other time before. I slammed my locker shut trying to stop the tears from falling but they betrayed me and fell anyway.

"Oh my God, he told you didn't he?" Maria asked softly but didn't try to hide the spiteful look in her eyes.

"What?" I asked slowly, not understanding what she was asking. She never talks to me, why now? When I'm clearly upset already.

"Dakota, he told you. Didn't he?" She asks again this time I at least get the who she was asking about but still just as confused.

"Told me what?" I asked again, my heart picked up speed when she mentioned Dakotas name but nothing was making sense.

"The bet, of course. What else?"

"What bet?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together even more confused now than I was before.

"Ooooops, maybe not but you'll have to talk to him about that." She smirks and grabs her bag and throws it over her back and slammed her locker shut before she left the lockerroom.

I slam my locker shut and follow her hot on her heels pleading her with questions but not once did she give me an answer.

I shoved my phone into my bra and walked out to the parking lot spotting Dakota and all of his friends circled around their cars talking. Dakota who's eyes lit up whenever he noticed I was coming but the smile from his face faded fast whenever he saw my reaction.

"Erika whats wrong?" He asked, his voice full of concern as he stepped towards me but I stepped back and he frowned at my movements.

"What bet is Maria talking about?" I asked wiping a few tears that had fallen from the corner of my eyes. He froze in his tracks and all the color from his face drained. His eyes snapped to her and she just shrugged and smiled mischievously, clearly enjoying this.

"Let me explain, come on let's go talk somewhere private." He begs quietly and I shook my head vigorously. People had started to gather around us in a big circle to see what was going on.

"No you can tell me right here. Right now. What bet is she talking about?" I asked again this time much calmer now, too calm.

"Fine but please keep in mind that this happened before we got together." His eyes burned into mine begging me to understand and I knew deep down that I was not going to like where this was going. The look on his face let me know that this was bad.

"Two months ago, during the first day orientation pep rally I made a bet with Christian that I could get you to sleep with me by homecoming...." He blurts out straight to the point and all the air escaped my lungs. I felt my heart accelerate inside of my chest.

"For what? What did you bet?" I asked slowly, my eyes burned with unshed tears threatening to fall and I knew I couldn't stop them if I wanted to.

"Erika please! Dont- I'm so sorry!" He begs me not to ask but I have to. I have to know the whole truth.

"Tell me!" I yelled, catching him off guard. He had never seen me mad before, annoyed yes but mad no.

"My car. I bet that if I got you to sleep with me I get to keep my car and burn Christians bike but if I lose then Christian got to keep his bike and my car." He looks away, clenching his jaw which usually makes me go crazy but this time it didn't.

"You fucked me for a car?" I snapped laughing sadistically not sure if I should be laughing but the irony of this all way too much.

"Yeah-" he answered and looked at me with his begging grey eyes.

"Why? Why would you do that to me? How could you? After everything I told you about Steve?! You used me!" I use both hands and all of my strength to shove him in the chest but he didn't budge.

"Who is Steve?" I hear a few people whisper but I ignore them, I'm shaking at this point, angry.

"It was before I knew you! I swear. I didn't plan on falling for you Erika but I did. I know it was wrong but please forgive me. Let me make this up to you." He begged, his eyes started to gloss over and I almost caved, almost.

"Forgive you? I hate you!" I snapped venomously, I wanted to hurt him the way he hurt me. He used me as pawn in a bet for his fucking car! His precious little fancy camaro that earlier I loved but now I wanted nothing more than to see it ruined. I walked few spots over to my car and hit the button on the trunk and waited as it lifted open and reached in and grabbed a crowbar. I slammed my trunk shut and stalked back over to where he stood frozen watching my every move.

"Erika!" Chelsea gasped crying from the side, she ran up to me and grabbed my arm but I yanked it away.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and lifted the crowbar above my head and slammed it into his windshield. I felt victorious as it shattered into millions of tiny little pieces.

"Fuck Steve!" I yelled again as I broke the driver window. I didn't care that people were staring and even a few were recording this on their cell phones.

"Fuck your bet!" I broke the back windshield and went to the other side and broke those windows too until there was no glass standing, it was all scattered on the ground and laying in his seats. His jaw was clenched shut so tight I thought he was going to break his teeth, and part of me wished he would have.

"I trusted you and you hurt me! You are no better than Steve." I yelled and smashed the bar onto the hood of his car leaving dents and dings all over the hood.

"Don't say that! I would never lay a hand on you!" He growled, I hit a nerve and I felt victory in that so I kept going.

"But what you did was way worse. With him I knew what to expect but I never expected you'd be the one to hurt me. But you did. Stupid me right? Chelsea warned me about you, and I didn't listen so I guess I deserve this huh?" I snarled and tossed the crowbar onto the ground feeling completely drained.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't expect to fall in love with you, but I did. I know you hate me, I hate myself for what I've done to you but I am so sorry." He whispered deflated but I didn't care, okay maybe I did but I wasn't going to give in to him.

"Enjoy your car asshole!" I collapsed onto the ground and a sob from deep inside my chest rushed passed my lips. He stepped forward with sad eyes and Matt put his hand on Dakotas chest stopping him from coming any closer.

"I think you've done enough Tahlee!" He growled and shot daggers at him and bent down beside me.

"I'm going to pick you up okay?" Matt whispered and I just cried even harder. I felt numb and paralyzed, adrenaline kept me going minutes ago but now I felt nothing but hurt, sadness, anger, betrayal.

I nodded and he scooped me up bridal style and whispered soft words to calm me down.

"Shh it's okay, Erika. I've got you." I cried deeper into his chest grabbing his shirt and squeezing it tight in my hands.

"Way to go asshole! I warned her and look you proved to be exactly who I thought you were!" Chelsea stomped her way up to Dakota and smacked him across his face. His eyes were filled with anger as he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white.

"Alright that's enough! Clear out!" Mart gestured for everyone to leave loudly and the audience groaned and quickly left when Matt narrowed his eyes at them, the authority he has over people being the quarterback is almost comical but I'm too broken to laugh.

"Chelsea you're right. I'm a fuck up, I know I betrayed her but I have to make this right." He ran his fingers through his long curly hair, something that used to make me swoon but now it made me want to puke.

"Make it right? You've lost your fucking mind! You will stay away from her! She wants nothing to do with you now. Don't you get that? Stay away from her or you'll regret it!" She warmed him, her tone was scary but he seemed unfazed by it he just stared at her and then back at me helplessly.

I looked at his car and felt satisfied that it was ruined the way I was. Broken, shattered, dented, most of all it will never be the same.

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