A Trial by Halves

By moosesforgooses

105K 4.7K 4.3K

What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... More

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory


1.1K 52 79
By moosesforgooses

Seeing her tied to the bed and face down, Ye Huas eyes narrowed while a wide grin broke across his face as his robes were quickly discarded.  This was definitely Si Yin, and though this was what he definitely wanted from his wife, he was a little wary.  It seemed that since the arrival of Di Jun, this side of his wife was becoming more prominent and that bothered him.

Di Jun had suggested that the seal would break if Si Yin broke through completely and they all knew what that would mean, and for a moment he stood behind her naked and afraid.  Her legs were spread wide so he had a very good view of what she never allowed him to look at being a normally shy and chaste woman.  But to see her in this position was beyond exciting and the way her hips were lightly swaying from side to side was so highly erotic, he could barely breathe.

But still he hesitated.  He wanted her so badly, he wanted to do things to her that only a male mind could conjure and he wanted her hands free to fight back when he took her in more ways than the one she only ever allowed.  But as he stood there staring at her while trying to decide whether to take the risk or not, her soft voice soon had him throwing every thought out of his mind and his feet moving.

"I've been a very bad wife.  I need to be punished." she whispered huskily and sultrily over her shoulder.

In just two steps, he was at the bedside and crawling up between her open legs rock hard and more than happy to accommodate her.  There were so many different ways to make love, yet Su Su only ever allowed the one position because she was too embarrassed to let him see her body let along taste or feel every part of her without blushing, only now, his mind was dizzily trying to decide what he actually wanted to do first.

"Bend your knees up and keep your head down!" he ordered as he remained on his own knees directly behind her.

No sooner were her knees bent and her bottom in the air, then a short sharp slap stung the air which was followed by a harsh groan and a soft whimper.

"When I speak you answer..." he said with a voice filled with authority which was followed by another slap across the other cheek of her bottom which was now red on both sides.

"Yes." she whimpered softly.

"Yes what?" he asked as both hands then raised to slap both sides of her cheeks at once.

"Yes .........husband ......." she stammered to an even softer snort behind her.

Deciding he really liked this game they were playing, Ye Hua fully fell into his role with another resounding slap with one hand while the other delved between her legs to lightly trace that part of her she rarely allowed him to touch because she would get too embarrassed before pulling the sheets up to hide herself.

His fingertips were on fire as he slowly traced the soft glistening flesh that peaked out from the trembling walls that kept her most secret of places tightly hidden.  Until now.  With his eyes fully on her, he heard the soft moans and harsh panting as he slapped her bottom again, but mesmerized by her sheer beauty, he drank in everything as his fingertips slowly and sensuously aroused her with one hand while the other continued to spank her.

"You've been a very naughty wife Su Su, how should I really punish you?" he asked, his voice thick with lust and agony.  What he was doing was enough to undo him completely and having had a fair amount of wine to drink, he knew it wouldn't take much to tip him over the edge, but wanting the moment to last as long as she remained Si Yin, he forced his bulging rod away from her while continuing to explore her sex.

"Enter me!" she demanded sultrily back at him while her entire lower half rocked seductively against him.

"No!" he replied not liking her tone one bit, but definitely curious as to what she would do if he pushed her.  Both of her hands were tied to the bed, but from what he could see, she could easily pull her hands free if she wanted to.  If anything she had merely tied them that way for visual affect, and it was definitely working, his eyes were as dark as the night and his body trembling in anticipation.

A harsh groan erupted, but the fire in her eyes as she lifted her head to look back at him, had the smirk on his face rising, because he could sense Si Yin was about to let loose.  And it took less than a second.

"Whats the matter husband?  No Stamina?" she asked laughing at him.  "Is my poor husband lacking down there, is that why you're holding back?" she mocked him to a sudden grunt as her her head was forced upwards.  

Like lightening, Ye Hua flew to the top of the bed, and leaving her wet and moaning in indignation, then placing himself right up against her face, he tightened his grip on her hair.

"I think your mouth is a little too loose.  Let me tighten it for you." he sneered down at the eyes that were glaring back up at him.

Only the moment she opened her mouth to let loose again, then Ye Hua thrust himself into the gap.

Momentarily stunned, Su Sus eyes bulged at the thick throbbing intrusion, but as the taste of him began to seep into her consciousness, her eyes began to slowly flutter closed as her tongue rolled and swirled all over him as if she had taken him untold times before.

But she hadn't.  This was not the first time she had taken him into her mouth, only she gave him oral sex so infrequently, that it was all he thought about when they were making love.  She was far too placid and rigid and rarely did she move away from missionary position.  To finally be able to get this kind of sexual relief and by force, was not an opportunity he was going to pass up.   Only now, his enormous shaft was halfway into her mouth and being swallowed whole and the sight literally had his mouth gaping in ecstasy.

His entire mind folded in on itself as her mouth suckled and her tongue swirled.  The roughness of her tongue lapping at his pulsing hot rod was so heavenly, he had almost forgotten what it felt like to be in her mouth, it was hotter, wetter and tighter than her inner core and as her mouth gave him a visual he would always remember, his eyes traced the full length of her body which was writhing and trembling so seductively, he could barely stand it.

Leaning down, Ye Huas hand snatched a handful of her bottom and squeezed hard.  "Harder!" he ordered as his hand then raised to slap the bruise he had just made on her cheek.

Suckling him harder, the soft sounds of moisture and friction mingled with his low rumbling groan and as each slap to her her bottom rocked her lower half, his rigid and seeping staff, hit the back of her throat and making her gag, but the sight of her glazed eyes and small smile that was tightly wrapped around his full girth, gave him no concerns for her comfort, she was loving it just as much as he was.

Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined his beautiful Su Su, tied to a bed, with her bottom in the air and sucking him hard.  The vision was so steamy and arousing, that he knew if he didn't pull out soon, he would lose all control.

Pulling out, he had two definite positions he wanted from her and more than a little afraid she would return to Su Su or worse, not return to Si Yin ever again, he immediately moved in behind her to take the first one, while she licked her lips between large lungfuls of air.

From his vantage point, her bottom was not only red from the spanking, but it was trembling and rising higher.  Her face instantly lowered to the pillow and for a moment he thought she might remove her hands from the lightly tied ribbon, but she merely took hold of the bed post and hung on tightly.

Slapping both cheeks simultaneously, he thrust into her.  The sight of her body quivering below him and in such a raunchy position completely blew his mind.   His fingers pulled both cheeks apart to get a good look at his entry and as he thrust up again the way her body jerked and the sound of her guttural groans had his own deep throaty growl rumbling over her.

She was so tight and wet, but the friction was like silk on satin.  So beautiful and sexually kinky that Ye Hua could not hold back.  With long powerful strokes, he rammed into her while his hands continued to spank her.  Her red butt cheeks were now quivering, her hands were turning white from her tight grip on the bed posts and her head was swaying gently against the pillow and all the while her lower half ground and writhed against him.

It was pure ecstasy.  His dream come true.  This was the most base of all sexual positions because it followed the beastly desire to dominate.  And in that position, Ye Hua had full control of her and the depth which he took full advantage of.  He gave her everything, his rock hard shaft was seeping, the veins were popping and his mouth had completely slackened but he drew closer to his peak, he quickly withdrew one last time.

"Release your hands and turn over." he ordered.  He was so close to his limit and wanting the second position, one he had once tried to manoeuvre Su Su into before he gave up when she burst into tears, he was not going to take no for an answer this time.  Ye Huas mind was fully on the moment and what he wanted.  For far too long he had given her everything she wanted, now it was his turn and he was taking it.

But suddenly the spark of defiance in her eyes along with the refusal to move, soon had him leaning forward to take a handful of hair, before roughly pulling her head back.

"Don't make me repeat myself Su Su.  Turn over!" he ordered softly, while the heat inside him began to grow as she slipped her hands out of the ribbon.

He could feel the change in her demeanor which up until that point had relatively demure and accommodating, only now there was a definite edge of danger to the way she moved and though he was watching her carefully, he couldn't quite discern what exactly it was that had him tightening his hand on her hair as she slowly turned herself around.

The grin was all he saw and the only warning he got before she suddenly launched up off the bed and straight into him.  Her hair was still tangled in his fingers, but the way she moved so fluidly and without a hint of fear or any thoughts to her safely, had him quickly trying to disengage his fingers from her long tresses before he tore them out.

He was now on his back and barely on the bed, only a mere half a centimeter and they would both topple over the edge.  His chin was in a vice like grip, his head was forced back against the edge of the bed, and her entire body was straddling his chest.

With her face just a breath away, she tightened her grip while his hands automatically snatched at her hips.

"You've had your fun, now its my turn." she whispered before literally rolling them both over the edge and onto the floor.  

But Ye Hua was more prepared this time, and as they fell, he not only managed to get both legs around her waist, but with a little magic, he flew them straight across the room and in one fluid move, her back was not only up against the wall, but her legs were now around his waist and her hands pinned above her head.

He gave her no warning and no words.  He instead thrust up.  This was the second position he wanted from her and having almost got her into the position he was after, a short struggle ensued

"Get off me..." she screamed as her head flew forward to bite into the side of his face.  She knew there would be a bruise when they were done, but she no longer cared to play naughty wife, she was on fire and wanting her own form of pleasure which was on top and in control.

Roaring, but not giving an inch, Ye Huas ramrod shaft powered into her and hitting her core with such force, that her head flew back against the wall as a surge of pleasure took every ounce of fight out of her before it could begin.

Her mouth was open, her eyes were clenched shut and her entire body was trembling against the wall.  Releasing her hands now that he knew she was under his control, his hands lowered to take hold of her legs, then lifting them off his waist, her knees were forced in tightly against her body and outwards against the wall where he held them in place before he he thrust into her again.

In this position, there was no room for her to fight back and being in total command even though he knew that at any given moment she might fight to release herself, the thought of dominating this wild woman who could possibly match him in an actual fight only increased his immense pleasure and the more of himself he gave her, the more he knew he was taking from her.

Before he had entered their chamber, she had prepared herself for another battle, only this time Ye Hua completely took over and not only did Si Yin crumble in his arms with her body fully exposed to his wandering gaze, but she was loving it.  Finally, she had met her match and she was more than happy with the outcome because it meant that in Ye Hua, she would always have a champion, one she could rely on but also one who would not allow her to walk all over him because Si Yin had no time for weak men.

And as her eyes glazed over and the eruption of his veins popped inside of her, she felt the moment he gave way well before the roar that followed.  Si Yin was no cryer, but the tears of happiness began to well as the seal in the middle of her head began to throb painfully. 

And as her peak hit, the pain in the middle of her head grew stronger and more powerful.  It felt as if she were riding a soft billowy cloud in the centre of a tornado, the two contrasting sensations were both heaven and hell and there was nothing she could do to stop it.  

A scream reverberated about the both of them as her peak hit and not only did Ye Hua explode into her, but in horror he watched as the seal began to seep a steady stream of blood down the centre of her forehead.  He could not control his body, his movements or his mind, because his peak was in full force.  The rupture of his seed was powering into her inner core, the pleasure was soaring and his entire body was barely standing, but as the drift down began, he quickly took hold of her and yanked her off the wall and into his arms trembling and barely breathing.

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