Sunflower ---Post Malone

By november_rain_1

61.1K 1.1K 198

"you're a sunflower"🌻 Arizona a tattoo artist from Ohio recently moved to Los Angeles is working her newer j... More

Death of Me (Chapter One)
Psycho (Chapter Two)
Rockstar? (Chapter Three)
The best of me (chapter Four)
Dive (Chapter Five)
Girl Like You (Chapter Six)
I like me better ( Chapter Seven)
One Call Away (Chapter Eight)
Sunflower (Chapter Nine)
Perfect (Chapter Ten)
Thinking Out Loud (Chapter Eleven)
Otherside (Chapter Twelve)
She knows (Chapter Thirteen)
From the Dining Table (Chapter Fourteen)
Happier (Chapter Fifteen)
Dangerous Woman (Chapter Sixteen)
Into you (Chapter Seventeen)
End of the Day (Chapter Nineteen)
Can't Help Falling In Love (Chapter twenty)
Sweet Creature (chapter Twenty One)
Only Angel (chapter Twenty Two)
Sucker (Chapter Twenty Three)
Lucky Ones (Chapter Twenty Four)
NFWMB (Chapter Twenty Five)
Mine (Chapter Twenty Six)
Adore you (Chapter Twenty Seven)
Close to me (Chapter Twenty Eight)
7 Rings (chapter Twenty Nine)
Congratulations (Chapter Thirty)
Wow (Chapter Thirty One)
Beautiful (Chapter Thirty Two)
Sweet but Psycho (Chapter Thirty Three)
Better Place (Chapter Thirty Four)
Fake Smile (Chapter Thirty-Five)
God is a Woman (Chapter Thirty Six )
Malibu (Chapter Thirty Seven)
Thank U Next (Chapter Thirty Eight)
A Little Too Much (Chapter Thirty Nine)
Fix You (Chapter Forty)
Flicker (Chapter Forty One)
Mirror (Chapter Forty Two)
Lights Down Low(Chapter forty Three)
Human (Chapter Forty Four)
One Last Time (Chapter Forty Five)
MONOPOLY (chapter Forty Six)
Cry Baby (Chapter Forty Seven)
Queen's Don't (Chapter Forty Eight)
New book
Lonely (chapter forty Nine)
Too Much To Ask (Chapter Fifty)
Sue Me (Chapter Fifty One)
I'm Out (chapter Fifty Two)
Better Now (Chapter Fifty Three)
Ghostin ( Chapter Fifty Four)
She Don't Love You (Chapter Fifty Five)
My Heart Can't Tell You No (Chapter Fifty Six)
Instagram feed
All These Years (Chapter Fifty Seven)
I Hope It Rains (Chapter Fifty Eight)
Another New book
Tell Me You Love Me (Chapter Fifty Nine)

Happily (Chapter Eighteen)

916 19 0
By november_rain_1

"That's It, I am the worst person alive!" I said throwing myself across Austin's bed while he was getting dressed. I had sex with Austin again, and once again it was the best sex that I think I have ever had. He is just a god when it comes to knowing how to work me up. "Baby break up with him, I need to love you and have you," Austin said plopping down on the bed next to me, covering me in kisses. "and what do I tell him? Oh, hey I've been sleeping with Austin, pretty much since we got together" I say throwing my hands in the air. "Maybe you don't tell him?" he looks at me with this face. "I feel so bad Austin, he's amazing he really is but he's not you." He already knew this, he knows he's got this hold on me, and at this point, I can't pull back anymore, nor do I want to pull back anymore. "I know you want to leave, so come on baby be with me so happily" he said kissing my nose.

"Well, it looks like you have another problem with your happily ever after on your hands" I hear come from the doorway of the bedroom, I look up and see Kylie standing in the frame of the door. Austin jumped up, "why is she here?" she asked looking at Austin just as confused as me. "Kylie you knew this wasn't going anywhere, you knew I was in love with Arizona and that this would happen. You were just something to do" he said causing me to sit straight up. "Austin are you sleeping with her?" I asked shocked. "well I- I-" he kept stuttering I knew he was trying to come up with a reason and an answer for my question. "I'm just going to go" I said standing up and grabbing my purse and walking out of his house hearing him follow me and call my name. I didn't turn around once.

"he's been sleeping with his ex, this whole DAMN time" I raised my voice telling Ariana and Tayla. "He's been sleeping with me, telling me to leave G, telling me I was the one and he wanted just me." I finally let a tear slip down my cheek. I've been holding it in. Ariana didn't say anything neither did Tayla, they just walked over to me and hugged me. After about 10 minutes I had myself a little bit more collected.

"Arizona you know we love you, but haven't you been doing the same thing to Austin? You've slept with G while sleeping with Austin." She's right, I've been doing the same damn thing, I wasn't this type of person, I don't do shit like this. "you're right, I just don't know what to do. I've never acted this way before, it's like I crave every single thing about Austin. I'm starting to lose myself and my values." I finished with another tear falling. "there's only one way to solve this problem, you need to decide who you want, who has your heart, you have to pick who you love." Tayla said rubbing my back. I was truly blessed to have these girls.

I left Ari's house hours ago, I needed to sit by myself in my apartment. I needed to make a decision. Is it G or is it Austin? I've moved about 100 times around my apartment, the bed, the couch, the chair in the kitchen, the kitchen counter, I've even sat in the tub. First thing I've figured out since sitting everywhere is I needed to pull myself together this person isn't Arizona Korrs. The second thing is, I need to talk to G, he needs to know everything. He's such a good man that I can't tell him, he deserves the truth. I pull out my laptop booking a flight to Indianapolis, where he has a show tomorrow night. I knew he was staying there, and I can't wait for him to come to LA I need to tell him in person and sooner rather than later. Kylie is a sneaky girl. I need to get to him before she does.

"Boom, Boom" I hear loud at my door while I'm packing my bag. It startled me for sure, I walked towards my door picking up the baseball bat that was by the door. I look through the peephole to see a tall tattooed man standing at my door. It was Austin. "what the hell? Did I piss you off the much?" he looks at me with wide eyes, I look over to see I still had the bat in my hand. "Oh no I didn't know who was knocking, and I got a little scared." "oh god I'm sorry baby" he said pulling me into a hug I wasn't prepared for. "I decided." I say as I pull away from him. "decided? Between me and G?" he asked looking worried. I shake my head yes. "well?" he said stepping back from me.

Before he knew it, I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around him. "You. Austin. I love you" I say as he grabs me, so I don't fall. He lifted me into the air "I love you a hell of a lot more Arizona" Bringing me back down so I can kiss him. "but before we celebrate, I need to catch my plane, I have to talk to G" I tell him walking towards my room where my bag is. "isn't he on tour?" "yea I booked a flight it leaves in 4 hours" I tell him putting clothes in my bag. "I'm going. You aren't going to a different city alone, especially since you now have a following being friends with Ariana." I don't have time to argue because he pulled out his phone booking the flight. "fine but I'm going to talk to G alone." I said as he shook his head and walked to the front room "I've got to make a call" he said putting the phone up to his ear.

I should be over the moon, I've fallen for an amazing person and perfect to me. But it's breaking my heart to know that I'm about to break G's heart at the same time as mine is taking off. I'm praying he doesn't get so mad that he tells the media that I slept with Austin while being with him. None of us want that in the media. I hope. Austin comes back into the room "ready buttercup?" he asks pulling me into his chest and kissing the top of my head. "don't you need to go get clothes?" I asked turning around to grab my bag when Austin grabs it from me. "I've already got that handled baby" he says pointing to his back "hope on" he bends down so I can get on his back. I swing my legs around his waist, he grabbed one leg while carrying my bag and purse in the other hand.

"are you ready for this?" he asks me as we drive to the airport. "this life it's crazy Austin, I never saw myself in this spot, to have you, Swae, Ariana and the girls. It's amazing. Also, it's terrifying. But I couldn't be more ready for this life, as long as you're in it." I say laying my head on his shoulder. "speaking of your girls what's up with that Diamond ring on your hand?" I see him nod his head. "oh, Ariana bought all of us one, to celebrate not getting married to Pete, I guess. I never asked It's a touchy subject." I say messing with the ring, it was so beautiful. It cemented our friendship one that I cherished.

We pull up to the airport and park the car. As we enter the building all I see is flashing lights, "God they know everywhere I go" Austin whispered to me "Arizona keep your head low and just keep walking, I've got you" he said putting his hand on my lower back to keep me in his sight. Right before we walked past the door frame, I feel another hand grab my hand. I look up to see Swae standing there. "Austin called me, said you might need a friend and back up, I've got your back." He said as we started to walk into the flashing lights. I was so blessed to have Swae at this moment. It's such a blessing that so many people have my back.

"who's the girl Austin? Swae Lee? Are you both dating her?" I hear a guy yell. What a creep. "what's her name? is it Arizona?" I hear I wasn't surprised they knew my name by now. I'm on G and Austin's Instagram. I just keep my head down as we keep walking. Finally, after everything we make it on the plan. Swae said he was coming too for emotional backup and support. God was I so happy to have this life, even when it's a mess sometimes. 

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