Fake Girlfriend to Real Girlf...

By ChrisEvansLavaLamp

165K 4.4K 4.1K

You go to a One Direction signing and Harry sees you from afar. He asks you to play along and be his fake gir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

7K 212 279
By ChrisEvansLavaLamp

(Y/N) P.O.V

Apparently being the ex girlfriend of Harry Styles had it's perks. The house had a bunch of people wanting to buy it. (BFF/N) knew that her stuff was in storage. I was happy for her and Liam. I really was. 

Plane 43 to Amsterdam is now boarding

That's my plane. I was going to live my life. I was going to travel Europe. Of course it would be even better if (BFF/N) was here going with me. But she had a life now. She was creating a family. She was doing something she swore she would never do, just like me. I thought I was going to make it big in the magazine industry. But things change.

I got on the plane with my backpack and picked my seat. I had a window seat which was perfect. It was a long flight but I should be fine because I was flying in business class. But that meant I was sitting next to someone. But they had dividers so that was ok. 

I had my head phones in and closed my eyes. Only to have them snap back open when someone tapped on my shoulder. It was a man, about twenty four, dark hair, blue eyes, and tattoo sleeve on his left arm. It was really intricate. 

"Hey Miss. Is anyone sitting here?" he asked.

I pulled off my head phones and said to him, "No. No ones sitting there."

He sighed in relief. 

"You excited for the flight?" he asked.

"Oh sure. I've always wanted to travel. I just never had time." I replied

"Oh I certainly am ready." he said smiling.

The plane started to move. It was heading towards the run way.

"You seem really excited to be flying." I asked.

"Yeah I am. I'm flying to Amsterdam because my sister lives there and she's having a baby. So I can't wait to see her. I'm Adam by the way." he stuck out his hand.

"I'm (Y/N)." I answered.

"It's so nice to meet you (Y/N). A pleasure really. It's nice to meet some one so nice." he babbled on.

"Adam. You seem really nervous about something. What's going on?" I really didn't want to be seated next to a criminal.

"Well. You see. It's... Uh... It's... Well." He kept looking out the window.

I looked outside then back to him.

"Have you... Have you ever flown on a plane before?" I asked.

He looked at me with those big blue eyes and shook his hand. 

"No this is my first time. I'm really. How do I put this. Scared, nervous." he replied.

"You know, nervous and excited are the same feeling. Just one is good and one is bad. So just say you're excited to be flying on this plane to Amsterdam!"

The plane started speeding up.

He still looked scared. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey I'm sitting right here next to you." He looked at me and nodded. 

As the plane started getting faster and faster, his hand gripped his seat so tight his knuckles turned white. Man this guy needed to loosen up. I grabbed his hand and raised it in the air.

I let out a big WOOHOO! as the plane started lifting off the ground. He started to smile and then laugh. We were holding each others hand and just acting like big five year olds. 

After we leveled out we started laughing and let go of each other.

"Oh thank you (Y/N). I don't know how much I would have freaked out with out that help. Ha Ha Ha. I think I can get through this now."

I just smiled and played with my hair.

"So why are you going to Amsterdam?" he asked.

"Well I've always wanted to travel. Even more so lately. So I sold my house and only took my essentials. Now here I go. Amsterdam is my first stop. Maybe Germany, or France, Spain, Italy. Wherever I want to go." I replied

"That sounds amazing. Hey you'll go far in life with an adventurous spirit." Adam said.

"Oh My Gosh it is her! Hey (Y/N). Can we have your autograph?" this annoying voiced girl asked me.

"Um. Why do you want her autograph?" Adam asked.

"That's Harry Styles ex girlfriend. Hey (Y/N) I routed for you and Harry to work out. I'm sorry it didn't." she said. 

So I signed her book and they left.

"Are you really Harry Styles ex girlfriend?" Adam asked.

"Unfortunately yes." I said looking out my window.

"Hey never regret a choice you once wanted. So are you traveling for fun or running away?"

"I'm not running!" I hissed.

"Okay Okay. I was just asking. I didn't know."

"Ever since we dated. Excuse me fake dated my life has been hell. I'm famous and I don't want to be. The world just knows me as the ex girlfriend. And you know what. We never dated. It was Harry's idea for a fake girlfriend. And he picked me. But then we "broke up". Then out of the blue he wanted to date me for real. I said yes and then I'm waiting for him to get back from tour and he's out smooching that perfect model Candice. And I knew. I knew it was time for me to move on and start over." I accidentally ranted to this total stranger, but it felt good to get that off my chest.

"(Y/N). It's ok to want to start over. I'd hate to go through what you went through. That sounds awful. Celebrities are such asses man." he joked.

I just laughed a little bit.

"Hey I've got 9 hours with you. Let's make the best of it (Y/N)." He said raising an imaginary glass.

"Okay Adam. Cheers." 


The whole plane ride was a blast. We watched a movie together. We told each other about our lives. We made each other laugh. And eventually he fell asleep. Before I drifted off I looked at Adam sleeping. Sure I had only known the guy for 5 hours. But there was something about him. He looked really hot when he was awake. But asleep he looked like a sleeping angel. I just wanted to reach out and brush the hair from his face. 

"Hey (Y/N) are you going to sleep or are you just going to keep staring at my beautiful face?" he asked. 

I was taken aback. I was in shock and I was so embarrassed. He had seen me staring at him.

"Hey I'm just joking. My face isn't that beautiful." He said opening his eyes and staring at me.

"Well your eyes are gorgeous." I said and then I realized what I just said.

Adam sat up looked closer at me. 

"Thank you. But they certainly aren't any where near as close to how beautiful you... are..." he placed his hand on my cheek and out of habit I leaned my head into his hand.

He pulled my face closer to his and he brushed his lips against mine. His eyes searched my face as if asking me if he could kiss me. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. I had no idea what I was thinking but I probably wasn't. I pressed my lips softly into Adam's. His lips were so soft and perfect. It was nothing like Harry's kiss.

But there was a divider between Adam and I, so I pulled away slowly but not fast enough, because he planted one more quick one on me. I pulled away and placed my fingers to my lips. He opened his eyes and started blushing.

"FINALLY! THERE WAS SO MUCH SEXUAL TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO YOUNGIN'S THAT I COULD FEEL IT!" an old voice yelled. Then all of a sudden there was cheering coming from the Business cabin.

When the flight attendant  came in and asked what was going on a young woman replied, "They kissed." 

"Fucking finally!" the flight attendant yelled and she ran to the pilots cabin and told him what had just happened.

"Fucking Finally." Came over the intercom and everyone laughed.

I looked over at Adam and started laughing. He started laughing too. It was a real laugh. Something I hadn't done in a while. Taking a trip was probably the best thing I had ever done.

Harry's P.O.V.

I landed in L.A. and quickly called a cab and gave him (Y/N)'s address. Once he dropped me off I ran to her door.

And knocked. And knocked and knocked and knocked.

Hoping, praying, she would open the door and I would fall into her arms. And I could kiss her and give her everything she ever deserved. Be her one and only. Be her's and she could be mine. I'd give her all the notes she could read. I'd take her on tour with me and I'd never let her out of my sight because I couldn't stand to lose her.

I banged on the door with one last attempt and fell to my knees. I started crying. I've never cried for some one before. Because I had never loved. I was the heartbreaker and the flirt. But I didn't want to be that any more. 

I loved her. I did. I cried harder when I remembered her face the night she ran away from me. The last time I saw her she was in the hospital. It pained me to see her like that. But this....

This felt like my heart was being ripped out of of my chest slowly. I banged on her door. 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please... Please... I'm sorry. You have to understand. Yeah I fucked up. But if you're here please let me talk to you." I called out loud.

"Please (Y/N)." I whispered on my knees.

And it began to rain.

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