A Trial by Halves

By moosesforgooses

104K 4.7K 4.3K

What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... More

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A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
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When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
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The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory


1.1K 53 51
By moosesforgooses

Entering the cave, Di Jun looked around as Ci Hang quickly gathered Lian Song, Cheng Yu, Ye Hua and Su Su together in the main den.  His first impressions of Ye Huas abode, was comfort, despite the fact that the cave had only one entrance and was built into the side of a cliff.  It was still very cozy and it seemed as if he had owned the home for sometime, because it even felt lived in, rather than being a holiday home which he assumed it was.

In fact it was well lived in.  Ye Hua spent a lot of time in that cave when he needed space and being in the Mortal Realm, meant he could spent months there and only lose a morning in his own world, so he was always refreshed when he returned, which was one reason why he was able to keep up with his Grandfathers demands for more.

But the home wasn't on his mind for long as Cheng Yu entered first, followed by Lian Song who was now well healed and looking very nervous.  He and Di Jun had been friends as long as he could remember, and though he was free to speak his mind most of the time, and even make a joke at his expense if he knew he could get away with it, he never once forgot his place when it came to rank.  And going by the regal way he was standing in the centre of the main chamber, he entered respectfully and more than a little worried.

Ye Hua however dragged out their entrance, because he wanted his son with them and not being prepared, he assisted Su Su out of bed having fallen asleep.  Quickly rushing her into one of the new dresses he had purchased for her, he then bundled up the baby while she quickly did her hair the way he liked her to wear it.  

Personally, she preferred to wear it lightly pinned at the sides, but Ye Hua fancied her hair up in a loose bun with a few wispy bits sweeping down the sides of her face.  Though if she had asked why he liked her hair that way, he would have explained it by sweeping the wispy bits behind her ear, because it gave him a reason to reach out and touch her, when meant he was always reaching out to touch her.

Now dressed in a beautiful lavender silk dress with blossom pink tassels similar to the ones the Immortal Goddesses wore, she looked absolutely beautiful, which had him stalling a little longer just to look at her in wonder.  He knew Di Jun was not swayed by beauty, but then he wasn't normally either, and he silently hoped that her loveliness might help sway the man a little if not a lot.

Now entering the main den with his son in one arm and Su Su clinging to the other, they both bowed politely, though Su Sus eyes remained on the man who seemed to fill the entire chamber just with his presence.  For a very small woman who was used to seeing people close to her own height, this God, and she knew he was one, was so tall, she was already lifting her head the moment she walked through the door.

"Greetings Di Jun.  Please allow me to introduce my wife Su Su." Ye Hua said in his usual soft tone but filled with respect as his head first bowed before turning to Su Su to smile softly at her.

Releasing Ye Huas arm, her own raised to bow politely but not understanding the meaning of his title or rather a little fearful of it, she instead said nothing which Di Jun understood immediately before  turning to frown at the sudden rush of movement to the side of them.  Because not only had Cheng Yu moved to stand beside her, but Lian Song instantly moved to stand in front of all of them.

Having waited anxiously for their return, the long wait had been a very heavy burden on him and prepared to protect Cheng Yu and even Ye Hua and Su Su if he had to, the look he gave Di Jun suggested that he would not be returning if it meant their lives were in danger.

"Before you say anything Lord Di Jun, please allow me to speak first." he said, though it was more of plea rather than a statement which soon had Di Jun waving his hand at the plush sofas to sit down while Ci Hang returned to the kitchen to prepare tea having already said all he wanted to say and leaving Di Jun to make sense of whatever came next.

From the kitchen he could hear everything, and though he was not happy with the situation anymore than they were, he could not help but admire Lian Songs impassioned plea for mercy and leniency.  The man had never struck him as a fighter before, in fact he was far too vain and far too flimsy minded, a flower boy with a good vocabulary but nothing much to say.  But as he listened to his flowery words, the man himself was literally on bended knees and ready to kowtow if he had to and that alone raised his estimation of him, because the man did not bow that low to anyone least of all Di Jun.

"Cheng Yu is innocent.  She did not know it was my father in that vortex.  She was still in bee form and so small and afraid.  Everything had happened too quickly for her to understand what was happening, she would never have released her sting had she known my father was the one with her.  Please have mercy on her, she does not deserve punishment for something she had no control over." he whispered with tears in his eyes that were moments away from falling.  But as the last word left his mouth, his head did as he threw himself into full kowtow.

Ye Hua was also just as willing to kowtow for Su Su, even Grand Kowtow, but the sight of his Uncle on the floor and lowering himself to that of a mere maid, instantly had him thrusting their son into Su Sus arms to join him.

 And not only did Ye Hua and Cheng Yu join him, but Su Su sat transfixed to the scene as if she was actually in the Celestial Heavens watching exactly what she imagined took place there even though she had no experience of it.

"Lord Di Jun please believe me.  I would never have hurt His Majesty on purpose.  It was an accident ....." she started to stutter in earnest only to be silenced by Di Juns soft voice and raised hand.

"Get up, all three of you.  There is no need for that." he said as they all rose to look at him.

"Cheng Yu, I know you didn't mean to, however His Majesty is in a serious condition and one that unfortunately demands compensation.  However, it is not up to me to claim it, and nor do I have any intention of doing so." he said with a small twinkle of mirth in his eyes as if he found the entire scene before him funny, only the narrowing of Lian Songs eyes, soon brought him back to the main issue at hand and as his gaze wandered towards Su Su, Ye Hua quickly found his feet to move towards her.

"Ci Hang has filled me in on the situation regarding the seal over you and though he is correct in wanting it removed in order to find Mo Yuans body to bring him back, there is however one very big disadvantage in removing it." he said as his sight honed in on the small red dot in the middle of her forehead.

And it was then, that he informed them all of Qing Cangs Power Source.

"Unfortunately, such magic is exceptionally powerful.  I can of course destroy it, however, those who are attached to it will die." he said bluntly and forcing a sharp gasp from Ye Hua who immediately took hold of her hand.

"There is also the fact that you may have also come under its influence Ye Hua.  He may not have sealed you, but we cannot fully trust the knowledge we have on his magic, after all, what he has created should be physically, spiritually and magically impossible, therefore we must assume that you are also under its influence." he warned him which soon had the tears rolling down Su Sus face.

"Now.  You all have options, and I will give them to you, however I will also make it known now, that I do not intend to force you into returning against your will, this I feel is a fate that cannot be led.  So whatever you decide to do, decide quickly." he said before giving them their options, while Su Su sat there dumbfounded and confused as to what he meant by fate, but saying nothing, she along with the rest of them waited for him to speak.

"The first option of course is to return to the Celestial Heavens as one group and face the consequences of your individual actions." he said looking first at Cheng Yu.

"You already understand the seriousness of your actions and I will be honest.  You should expect to face harsh punishment, which will more than likely be the death penalty or at the very least lightening bolt punishment." he said bluntly and without an ounce of expression so as to ensure she fully understood, while Su Sus mouth dropped having yet to been explained what the actual punishments were.

And though she heard the words 'lightening bolt punishment' she still could not envisage being hurt by lightening, such a thought was incomprehensible to her, that the moment she raised her head to look at Cheng Yu, the way her face paled, sent a shiver of fear through her along with a glimpse as to why Ye Hua had gone to so much trouble to hide their marriage.   Of course he had explained that death was waiting if she were caught, but still, she had not fully understood exactly what that meant until then, it had really seemed real.  And suddenly finding herself facing a God of immense power, one not even the Mortals of her world could possibly conjure, she was finally understanding the seriousness of her own situation.

Noticing the sudden intake of breath from the Moral woman, Di Jun did not acknowledge it, instead he continued to speak while they listened.

"However, you Lian Song have been gone for less than a day, you are still safe enough to return because technically you have done nothing wrong.  However if you continue to remain at her side, then you too will face the same punishments." he said which broke the tears on Cheng Yus lashes and as she withdrew her hand from his, he just as quickly snatched it back as Di Jun continued as if nothing was amiss.  His voice was steady, firm and blunt.

"Ye Hua, returning will not lighten whatever punishments your Grandfather will deem fit for you, However, Lord Pua will also add his because you have broken a vow to Heaven itself when you accepted the title of Crown Prince.  You won't however die, but you will suffer." 

Slowly the tears began to rain down Su Sus face.  It was as if she had been living in some self induced dream, a life of pretence because she now had a child to take care of while ignoring the harsh realities of what was really in store for them all, and as Di Jun turned to her, something in her mind snapped.

"Su Sus situation however is unique and unfortunately for all of you...." he said addressing Ye Hua, Lian Song and Cheng Yu only... "should you decide to remain in hiding, the consequences will be far more dire." he said before then addressing Su Su directly.

"Your true identity has been made known to me, and unfortunately it may actually be you who decides for them all." he said keeping his tone soft but firm.

"Me?" she asked in a tone that was rather tight and looking less like a weak Mortal and more like the Shifu he wanted brought back which he noted with interest, because up until that moment, she had looked nothing more than a mere sealed High Immortal with not much else going for her.

"Should you decide to return with me to the Nine Heavens where I will have a much better chance at breaking that seal with the power source in attendance, then you as Si Yin may just find your own life saved if we can bring back Mo Yuan in time to save you." he said softly.

"Returning with me however will not save Cheng Yu, her life is forfeit as is Lian Songs if he remains at her side.  Nor will you save Ye Hua from lightening bolt punishment and public humiliation. This is something he will have to endure regardless, but you will save your son." he said to a shocked gasp from everyone present.

"If however, you choose to remain on the run with Ye Hua and Cheng Yu, there is no guarantee that your son will be allowed to live if you are caught because he is the product of our worlds most wanted fugitive." he said finishing it but keeping his eyes firmly on her face.

"I see.  So if I choose to go with you, then what?" she asked rising to her feet unsteadily and speaking in a tone that suddenly sent a chill down Ye Huas spine, because this was not Su Su speaking, and Di Jun knew it too.

 "You said if the seal is removed, then I will die.  If I return with you and keep the seal, then I will die.  If I remain here with my husband and child, then I will die. Am I correct?" she asked taking a few steps towards him and bringing Ye Hua to his feet.

"You are correct.  There is no real decision other than to return, however you will save your son and the War God, who is the only one who can save all of your lives.  Return with me and help resurrect your Shifu, and your life might be spared." he replied with a small smile, one she was not liking one bit, because to her mind and her ears, he was all but threatening her, threatening them all including her son.

"And who exactly decides who is guilty?  Is your world so strict that there can be no compromises or negotiation?" she asked as the anger began to rise and her voice rose above a whisper and all the while, closing the gap between them as if she herself was trying intimidate him.

"Su Su, that's enough!" Ye Huas voice snapped sharply as he too began to close the gap only to be stilled once again by Di Juns raised hand.

"It is written laws that govern both the Immortal and Mortal Realms, laws that all of you are bound to." Di Jun replied while allowing his thoughts to briefly go back in time.  It was obvious now, why this girl had won the War Gods heart, she was feisty and more than a little arrogant because no sooner had his hand raised to stop Ye Hua, then a smirk broke across her face.

"Bound?  But I am at present just a mere Mortal.  Weaker than a mere Celestial maid I am sure.  Yet here we are discussing a man who might actually be able to save all of our lives, and I am the only one that can make that happen.  Don't you think it is in your best interests to actually protect me if my Shifu is that highly revered?" she almost laughed at him before stopping directly in front of him

"Just because I am Mortal, that does not mean you and yours have a right to rule over me. Not when I answer to no one!" she suddenly screamed at him.

"INSOLENCE!" Di Juns normally soft voice snapped back at her.

"Insolence how?" she yelled back.

And suddenly, her eyes glazed over to a small whimper from their son.

"Whether I am Mortal or whether I am Immortal, there is no harmony in murder.  It is harmony that dictates any moral judgement passed on others regardless of the sin because restoration of balance is only achieved through beneficial influence for both sides.  And so far you, a God of immense standing have shown no such care for either side." she said and stunning them all including Ci Hang who had yet to hear these Taoist words from her lips and had he known better, he may have thought she was Mo Yuan incarnated because that was exactly what he would have said.

She heard Cheng Yu whispering to her to stop.  She saw Ye Hua edging closer to draw her back and she saw the smirk on Di Juns face at having seen and heard more than enough to know, that this was the fugitive speaking.

"What exactly will my Shifu do if you kill me?" she asked before losing her temper and her hold on the Mortal who seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Will he take vengeance on you all because I hid him away where no one would find him?  Will this War God, declare war on you and yours?  If so, then how is killing me a resolution to a crime that this War God may have actually wanted?" she asked now laughing lightly in his face while Ye Hua listened in horror as his wife, a gentle and soft woman changed before their eyes.

"Si Yin.  It is you who is talking isn't it?" Di Jun asked before suddenly rising to his feet to tower over her.

"Where is his body?" he asked seeing as she refused to reply.

"I don't know." she replied tilting her head to the side and beginning to frown as her mind tried to think about a man she was fast losing the memory of having momentarily felt as if he were there with her.

Di Jun knew she was very close to breaking that seal, he could actually feel Qing Cangs power coming off her in waves, but wanting to know where Mo Yuans body was before he lost her, which he could see was happening, he tried to keep her talking.

"Is he in the Peach Tree Grove?" he suddenly asked and making them all frown including Su Su, who suddenly began to pale.

"The Peach Tree Grove...?" she asked staring blankly at him.

"High God Zhe Yan took you to Kunlun Mountain to be a Disciple under the pretence of being a wild fox..." he said softly down at the upturned eyes that were beginning to falter as she lost control of the Immortal and Mortal began to return.

"High God Zhe Yan......?" she whispered as Su Su was back again and Si Yin forced into the recesses of her mind.

"I don't know any Zhe Yan....." she whispered before edging back towards Ye Hua and her son while wondering what on earth had just happened.

Watching as the now frail Mortal began to cry and cling to Ye Hua, Di Juns eyes fired as a understanding hit and one he decided the rest had not realized.  Su Su and Si Yin were in true balance with each other, when she was under pressure.  With a small smile, he turned to the kitchen and Ci Hang for a private word, while Ye Hua all but dragged her back to their chamber in anger and disbelief.

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