A Harry Potter Spin-Off - The...

By BellaMay940

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This is our story, my story of what is was like leading upto the war. There were dark times and light times b... More

A Harry Potter Spin-Off - The Dark days
Chapter 1- In the beginning
Chapter 2- Train ride
Chapter 3- The feast /Voice of Doom
Chapter 4- Reconciliation time??
Chapter 5-Reconciliation Part II
Chapter 6- Just Already guys?!?!
Chapter 7- Happy days?
Chapter 8 & 9- Yule Ball & Final Task
Chapter 10-The Darkness begins
Chapter 11: the Darkness Begins II
Chapter 12: We got these days of summer too...
Chapter 13: Where do I go from here?
Chapter 14: where do we go from here now guys?
Chapter 15: Baby your not alone
Chapter 16: Don't piss me off..you'll regret it
Chapter 17: Never not be afraid
Chapter 18: Into the Wild-lings Frey
Chapter 19: Truth be told...
Chapter 20: The world isn't safe anymore.....
Chapter 21: Unsaved he shall be.
Chapter 22: And with this storm I shall cloak thee in darkness....
Chapter 23: Snatched...
Chapter 24: Purgatory
Chapter 26: Catch the smoke
Chapter 27: Happiness can be found in the darkest of times..
Chapter 28: Ambushed
Chapter 29: Its prep time...

Chapter 25: Awake

57 0 0
By BellaMay940

It was dark, terribly so and I was alone in the darkness searching. "Whatever fight you got in you, you need to pull it out now.." i'm trying, I'm fighting it, I am..just show me away out. 

 "Is she gonna be ok?" "How longs it been?" "When will she wake?" "What if she doesnt? What if we lose her?" "Does her sister know? Has she seen her?" "Come on Jess, pull through-we need you-everyones waiting for you, please come back to us." "I never should of asked her to go-I sent her to her death -she greets it with open arms I'm sorry, so sorry." "Remus dont say that, you didnt know, Jessica would of done it whether you asked or not-she knew the risks to take-she fought hard and shes gonna pull through this-." "i know Dora but-" "No-we'd of taken the same risks she did-shes gonna pull through shes a fighter-be glad George Weasley even let you in-he'd of torn you limb from limb had Darren not been there to settle-" I didnt hear the rest as my senses shut down and drifted away. I dont know how long I was away laying on that table-times different when your dead or at least in a coma of sorts. I guess I could of gone on being trapped in a body with usuless functions. 

I wanted to scream, to cry, to move my arms and legs, to burp, to run, to fl, I'd had enough of this solitary  state where the burning beneath my skin flared from time to time. I wanted to live again, I wanted to feel my lungs burst and hear my pulse racing. I wanted out and i was gonna get it. Hearing a scrape of a chair and a sigh, I listened sensing who it was as a small voice answered; "I dont know if you can hear me, Jessica, but its me, Grace-Grace Matthews. Um, I'm sorry about your leg but its almost new now; you'd lost a lot of blood and it wasn't a pretty sight. But now your ok i guess. I miss you, and I'm scared I dont want you to die, please dont die, i dont want to lose you too. You said you wouldnt leave me in the darness alone. Please, please wake up, wake up, we need you dont leave us behind.." It pained me to hear those words, to hear her choked sobs. I was screaming inside, 'dont give up, dont ever stop looking for me.' Grace started crying hard making the table shake. I concentrated on twitching my fingers, it felt forgein to me after so long as a vegtable. Ever so slightly i lifted my fingers to stroke Graces head gently as my eyes slowly began to seep open as they adjusted to the darkness of the room. My sawdusted mouth spoke, " You are never alond in the darkness grace, I'll always find you." Graces head whipped up, tears glistening on her face and a smile broke into it whilst she clambered onto the table and hugged me. "You're ok?" "Well alittle stiff but-" "Hold that, I gotta wake up the others." 

Not long after feet were clagging down the stairs as I stood up leaning heavily on the chair for support as Grace came into view with Samantha, Sevgi,the elves, Susie, Darren and Finn. I saw them all, hugged them all before I saw Sevgi at the door, for the first time in a long time, she had grown up so much so than I remember, a twinge of guilt poked me in the ribs as she hugged me like a lifeline, letting me go I rushed to speak an apology as Winky, Hubert and Darren helped me walk a few steps to sit down on the sofa in the front room where they filled me in on what I'd missed, who'd been and any Order news. "And who do i thank for saving my leg?" I asked whilst taking a glass of water from Hubert thanking him for doing so.  "it was a team effort but mainly Sam, she'd done the grizzly stuff and directed us into the rest of it."Susie said. "Well then thank you, allof you exceptionally so.- Wheres George?" Everyone looked at each other before Darren spoke up, "He's alright if thats what you mean? but-" "I knew there was a but-" "but he went into a silent vigil-he stayed by your side holding onto your hand praying you'd show some life, hoping you'd wake up-you did-you froze half the table-my point is it wasnt good that he neglected his duties,so I said i'd tell him as soon as you woke- I sent fauna a few minutes ago." I nodded before Sam asked,"do you remember anything? Anything at all?" "I remember fragments of words, conversations spoken to me and a constant burning like i was set alite, i was in purgatory stuck between two planes but i'm here now and thats al that counts. How are the kids been doing? The house is still standing?" Wanting much to forget about the trauma i had just faced;Sevgi patted my hand explaining everything to me,how she knew it all now ending her part with; "I'm not mad,i'mjust-this is as much my home,our home now and i want to fight, i want to play my part so im helping them with schooling and i know youll send me back next year so when i'm there i'll be recruiting the DA members back with Neville,Ginny, Luna the others and no buts-." "but-" "but nothing Jess,i could of lost you by now and i want to help so let me please." With a exasperated sigh I agreed and the matter was put to rest. 

Looking at the clock I began to yawn and feel drousy again,seeing this the group covered me with a blanket and let me sleep-tomorrow was going to be hectic around here. Once the light went off I felt alittle pang of lonlieness as I laid there in the darkness listening to the house creak and groan of old age. i wondered how the kids had seeing me in that hospitalised state and how the order if they knew, if they'd finished the task i couldnt . Hearing whispers in the next room and a loud scrape of the chair along with heavy footfalls towards me. I turned my head to the side against the pillow and feigned sleep, when a figure stepped into my view i could sense him now, most wanting to rip his clothes off and snuggle with him. Hearing the door click shut,i waited for him to say something. "its ok my baby,your loved and alive darling." Opening my eyes I took George in, he looked tired, beyond tired and dishevelled a few worry here and there but he was here. "Hello Georgie" At the sound of my voice he hugged me tight-exceedingly so. "How are you feeling?" I asked plainly. "you really do have bad timing for this dont you?" George said a smile lacing his lips before saying, "but better now that you're awake-hows your leg?-I saw you, you know-saw them hold you down whilst sam fixed you up-you were thrashing around like-i went to touch your hand-you were burning up-really bad-I wanted to help you but i couldn't and that scared me." "I'm sorry George -sorry you had to see that-but i'm here now arent i? i'm alive." "I know but i still feel like i should of done something-i stayed with you every night-Fred was covering the shop til mum and dad got suspicious, he saw you and understood,thank god.-i talked to you tryna get you to remeber something-anything to let me know you were fighting this-(laugh) you did, froze half the table til you took the kitchen aswell. It gave me hope-gave me something to let me know you were still here." "Well,i'm just glad that ive beaten it-got another war wound to add to the collection." I joked wiggling my eyebrows making George laugh; "you nutter." "i know but i'm your nutter." Chuckling til my eyes felt alittle sore I reached out and yanked George to me hugging his waist til he pulled the blanket back and hopped in. 

Snuggling in the coccoon we made; our bodies pressed against the other my nose in line with Georges chest, I buried myself closer to him feeling his arms encircle me I let sleep take over me and take my mind away.

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