Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.6K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
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|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
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|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: first love|

|extra: lovesick|

223 14 4
By prespoverty

There are some things Seokjoon struggles to comprehend. First and foremost must be why his appas seem to have a limp on Saturday mornings. He asks and he asks, but his papa just smirks and shrugs and his daddy just giggles and blushes. And, as much as he loves Harin, she can never seem to answer him either. She always just gurgles.


"They wrestle," His uncle Tae explained one morning, and for some reason his uncle Kookie kicked uncle Tae's back leg when he said that. Kookie had their own daughter, Eunjun, on his one hip and Harin on his other hip. Both girls were sound asleep on his shoulder. Jungkook was notorious for his excellent father skills, but then again, what isn't Jungkook good at?

The two were babysitting the Min siblings while Seokjoon's papa and daddy were away for their anniversary. Even though Seokjoon had cried to come with, he quickly shut up when his daddy promised to take him to the aquarium once they get back, because they were anyways going to a grown-up place that would be so super boring to an awesome kid like Joon (his daddy's words, not his).

When his papa and daddy picked them up two nights later, Seokjoon started fearing for his papa's life. Purple bruises were all over his neck, and he thinks his daddy's neck had them too. When his papa lifted his arms and his shirt rode up, he saw the same bruises on his papa's lower stomach.


"Hello, Yoongi?"

"No, wrong Min." A small giggle came through.


"Hello uncle Jin!" Seokjoon was crouched in the closet as he held the phone to his ear, whispering as much as he could. He technically wasn't allowed to use his papa's phone unless it was an emergency, and he felt like this was one of those cases.

"Uncle Jin, I think my appas are sick. They've been really weird lately! They look at each other all the time, they walk funny in the mornings, they're full of ouchies...It's been ever since Harin stopped crying all night long! I'm worried, uncle Jin, really really really really worried!"

There was a long pause before Jin's windshield wiper laugh came through. "Baby, that's a grownup illness. You'll understand when you get over. Even I sometimes get it. Well, me and your uncle Joon."

"Do uncle Tae and Kookie get it?"

"Yes, all the time. And uncle Hobi and aunt Armee. It's what happens between two people when they're in love. It's called the love sick."

Seokjoon gasped. "The love sick?"

"Yes, yes, but it's a pleasant sick. You know when you have a cold but you're all warm in your blankies and papa makes your favourite meals and your daddy cuddles with you and you watch your favourite movies?"


"Now, that's what lovesick is like. We have these weird feelings, but then other things make us feel better about them."

"Will I ever be lovesick?"

"Only when you're married."

"When can I get married?"

"...when you're sixty."

Just then, Yoongi opened the closet and saw his son crouched down on the floor. Seokjoon looked up at him with wide eyes. "Gotta go uncle Jin love you BYE." Seokjoon calmly handed the phone over to Yoongi before darting away. "SORRY PAPA I DIDN'T MEAN TO I KNOW I DID A BAD!"

But Seokjoon was running and running and getting nowhere, because Yoongi held the back of his collar. "No dessert for you tonight. Fruits instead of ice cream."

Seokjoon pouted, but he knew it was inevitable. Suddenly, Yoongi hoisted Seokjoon up over his shoulder and walked to the livingroom with him, where Harin was in her highchair and Jimin was on the couch, reading a book. Jimin smiled at his husband and son and held his arms wide open. "My two favourite men."

"This one's getting punished for using my phone without premission," Yoongi handed Seokjoon to Jimin, who immediately made himself comfortable on his lap. Yoongi plopped down next to Jimin and pulled him closer. Yoongi and Jimin curled up like puzzle pieces and Seokjoon nestled himself over their laps. "No dessert for him."

"Aish Seokjoon, when will you learn?" But Jimin was smiling, a twinkle in his eyes. Jimin kissed Seokjoon's head and laid back, letting Yoongi nuzzle his head in his husband's neck. Their hands found each other and their fingers intertwined. Jimin giggled, turning a certain shade of pink.

"I love you, little one..." Yoongi whispered sweetly, causing goosebumps to rise on Jimin's neck.

"I love you too, Yoongs," Jimin answered.

Seokjoon liked it when his appas were close like that. It made him feel happy that they made each other happy. Seokjoon laid back and his papa switched on the TV, letting go of Jimin's hand to play with Seokjoon's hair. Jimin continued reading his book, and Harin made small noises every now and then.

Everything was peaceful.

Until the Jeons knocked loudly on the door and called for a spontaneous beach trip.

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