Don't Need Them - John Lauren...

By xjazzybluebird

79.5K 2.5K 3.5K

{NOTE: NO FURTHER UPDATES. THANK YOU FOR READING <3} John Laurens and (Y/N) (L/N) once talked with none other... More

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u p d a t e ?
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New From Lady(Y/N): where i've been *TRIGGER WARNING*
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BREAKING NEWS: Hamilton and Partners' Verdict is IN!
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please read!!
AM ALIVE! important a/n!
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1K 34 37
By xjazzybluebird

~ five days later: Christmas morning ~

Your POV

I was hoping I wouldn't wake up Christmas feeling nauseous, but at least I wasn't getting sick... yet. The nauseous feeling and dizziness just seemed to be at its worse this past few days.

I had fallen asleep curled up in John's arms the night before, and his hold was still subconsciously secure.

I adjusted slightly, trying to get rid of the sick feeling. In doing so, I felt John shift from behind me.

"Are you awake, princesa?" I heard John ask quietly after a moment, voice groggy.

"Yes.." I mumbled in response.

I felt a kiss on the top of my head, making me smile a bit. "How're you feelin'?"

"Nauseous..." I answered.

John sat up, and I immediately missed his touch when his arm removed itself from my waist. "Can you sit up, chickadee? You have a water bottle right here; maybe that'll help."

I did as he suggested, sitting up. I reached for the bottle, unscrewing the cap and taking a couple sips.

Placing the bottle back on the bedside table, I looked over at John, who smiled lightly. "Merry Christmas, princesa."

"Merry Christmas, príncipe," I replied, letting John gently pull me against him.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until John suggested we get up, which I reluctantly agreed to. We both got changed before going downstairs, John saying he was going to make pancakes.

~ later ~

After we exchanged our presents for each other, John and I decided to go out. For it being late December, the air was surprisingly nice. Not aggressively cold.

We decided to go to Central Park, walking down the paths. I was glad to see we weren't the only ones with the idea, finding all sorts of people walking about.

While walking, I had felt fine. It actually helped quite a bit. Until I started to feel dizzy. I tried not to pay mind to it, at least before I almost fell, John catching me swiftly.

I was snapped out of my foggy thoughts as John steadied me. "Are you okay, princesa? That was sudden."

I nodded, taking a breath. "Just a dizzy spell... It should be gone in a bit.."

I was still slightly iffy on my feet, and John noticed. Carefully picking me up, he walked to the nearest bench, sitting down with me now on his lap.

"How is this only two months along? It's ridiculous.." I mumbled, resting my head on John's shoulder.

John grabbed my hand, tracing circles on the top with his thumb. "It's almost over, baby girl. Soon you won't be feeling nauseous any more."

"But I'll get dizzy, at least for a bit," I replied shortly, sighing.

He lifted my hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the top and making me smile. "You're a strong woman, (Y/N). You'll get through it, I promise."

"With your help?" I asked.

"Of course, princesa. Every day."

"Thank you, príncipe."


After reassuring John I could walk normally again, we continued. Our fingers were laced together and my free hand was tucked in my coat pocket.

Of course, it wasn't a park trip without seeing familiar faces. John and I had seen the trio often, but hadn't talked to them since before the wedding. But did they even know we were expecting? I would've been surprised if they didn't, as it was quite popular online for a while.

"John, look who spotted us," I spoke, nodding my head towards the three men who were indeed now looking at us.

John sighed, hazel eyes narrowing. "The fact that all our encounters are so casual is annoying enough, but they have another thing comin' if they believe they can be all casual now that you and I are married and expecting a--"

He was cut off by the sound of a dog whimpering somewhere. He looked around, eyes now filled with concern rather than anger. "That- Where?"

John had a soft spot for animals. Though turtles were his favorite, dogs were a close second. That was probably why he liked volunteering at the animal shelter so often.

I let go of John's hand, walking a few steps around. I heard it whimper again, and I whistled. "C'mere baby!"

It was silent, until from behind a tree emerged a small Australian Shepherd.

Its fur was had patches of dirt and some leaves in it, and it looked pretty damn scared.

I gasped, kneeling down and holding out my arms slightly. "It's okay," I whispered, "you can come here."

Hesitantly, the puppy crept over to me, letting me start petting it. I checked its fur for a name tag or collar, but was simply met with a piece of paper.

John noticed it too, stepping over and kneeling next to me. "What does the paper say?"

"Let's find out..." I answered, reaching for the slip of paper.

'Whoever finds this dog, take him. He proved to be too much for me, and while it is Christmas time, he's not my concern anymore.'

My eyes widened at the note. "So they just left him for dead out here?! It's been cold out here! He could've died!"

John carefully removed the note, crumpling it up and shoving it in his coat pocket. "Who the f*ck even has the nerve to leave a dog in the middle of December?!"

The puppy flinched, and John immediately calmed down. "Sorry bud.."

He looked at me. "Do you think it's safe to hold him?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, baby."

Carefully, John reached over, picking up the small dog. Surprisingly, it didn't try to struggle. Maybe because it sensed John was safe. I didn't know.

John looked back down, petting the puppy gently. After a moment, he looked up at me again. "What do we do with him? We can't just leave him here."

I paused a moment, thinking. "Well, we have two options. One, get him checked out and then put him in the shelter, or two, take him in ourselves."

"We're not even equipped for a dog... but what if he falls into the wrong hands again?" John muttered.

"John, you've worked with dogs for a while now. You know what they need. Sure, our house may be small, but we can always walk him."

"You're right..." He looked at the Aussie. "Hey boy, would you wanna come home with us? We'll take such good care of you.." he cooed, making me giggle.

The Aussie tilted his head before licking John's cheek.

John laughed before looking at me. "Are you sure you want to do this, chickadee?"

I nodded. "Like you said, he could end up in the wrong hands again. Besides... I've always wanted an Aussie.."

He chuckled. "I guess it's settled then. Let's get you taken care of, bud.."

John stood up, the puppy still in his arms. "Let's get goin', baby girl. I don't know if the vet's open but I sure hope it is."

I stood up, following John. Behind us, the guys were long forgotten, now watching us leave with sad expressions.

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