Even if the Barricade Should...

By boybandluva

19.2K 400 464

Genevieve is the step-sister of a secret revolutionary. She soon finds out his intentions for a better France... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four

Chapter one

1.4K 24 22
By boybandluva

I woke up, got dressed, descended the stairs, had breakfast, went back up the stairs and got ready... to go absolutely nowhere may I add. Just like every other day of my exceedingly boring experience of life. Someone lightly knocked twice on my door before entering.

"What is it Courf?" I question, brushing my hair and remaining my gaze on the mirror, I already knew it was my step-brother Courfeyrac is the only one with a shade of decency around this house. He was just as protective over me as a real brother and the bond was certainly there.

"Oh... it's you" I finally turn around, expecting to see Courfeyrac but instead am greeted by the presence of my stepfather, now also, my only parent as my dad left years ago and my mother had died only a short three weeks ago.

"Why do you sound so disappointed to see me?" He furrowed his brow, a glimpse of offence passing across his face.

"Sorry, no hard feelings..." I turn back to my mirror and continue brushing my long dark hair.

I didn't mean to be cold with my stepfather, he was more like a real dad to me than my biological father. I still addressed him as 'Father' and not stepfather but I can't help but wonder what life would've been like if my real dad was still around... he was just as rich as Courf's dad so money wouldn't been a problem for us. But now they're both gone, so doesn't matter.

"Listen Genevieve-"

"Please, father will you just call me Gen?" I plead, quickly interrupting his sentence. I didn't like it when people called me by my full name, it sounded simply too posh for my liking.

"Sorry, Gen, my dear. I've been thinking, and I feel it's finally time for your first venture into town." He walks behind me, gently resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Really?!" My head snaps round to face him in pure disbelief. Father never lets me leave the house alone, in fact, it's a rare occasion he lets me leave with courf!

"Yes, my child. I believe you are mature enough to go out by yourself, you are 20 years old Gen!... would now not be a reasonable time to begin searching for a suitor?"

My smile begins to fade at his question.

"Father, we've spoken about this-" I start.

"I know, I know we have. But you can't just stay single for the rest of your life-"

"And why not?" This time I was the one to cut him off.

"Oh dear... I see we're not quite going to agree on this matter are we?..." He waited for a reply, I stayed silent. My father may have the authority over me but that's no match for my stubbornness.

"No... ok dear. Well have a wander into town, I need you visit the bakery for me and get some bread" he claimed.

I found it slightly odd how he didn't just get one of the house maids to to get it but if I'm going into town  anyway then I guess it made sense, also I didn't want to protest to my father anymore than I already had today.

"Ok, father. I'll head off in five minutes" I turned back to face the mirror and set my hair a half up half down do, taking rather small sections of the front and twisting them until they met at the back of my head. I just let the rest of my long dark hair hang loose and applied minimal makeup.

"Bye father! Bye Courfeyrac!" I called on my way out the door, a shawl draped over my shoulders.

"Goodbye!" Father returned.

"See you later!" Courf called down to me.

It was a reasonably long walk into town but I longed for the peace and quiet. Especially now as I am on my own I don't have to say a word. Just take a slow stroll and enjoy the nature around me, there where no trees around the road, instead small bundles of white and baby pink flowers lined the way. Although I appreciated the privacy, I knew a party of me longed for someone to walk to town with. Not a brother or a father, maybe a mother... or maybe a plus one... but I didn't want to listen to father about finding me a suitor, although, maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...

I had finally arrived in town and headed towards a local... tavern? Bar? Anyway it was a place I could at least get a drink of water.

"Hello dearie! Let me take your shawl!" A rather dirty looking woman with crazy hair insisted, reaching for my shawl.

"Oh thank you, but I don't think that's necessary" I politely smiled, clinging the inner corners of my shawl to my chest.

"No! It'd be my pleasure! And take off your shoes! Have a rest! Was it a long journey?" The woman eyed up my shoes, a look of desire in her eyes.

"Oh dear! Silly me, I believe I've wandered down the wrong street... I'd better go" I tried to make an excuse to escape.

After my sorry attempt failed, a young girl came rushing down the stairs to my rescue.

"Uh... mother?" She tried her best to direct her mother's gaze away from me and focus on here. While her mother took her time to look at her, I noticed the girl wracking her brain for some kind of excuse, hopefully a better one than mine.

"What?!" The lady aggressively shouted at her daughter.

"Uh... someone! They Uh... broke into the kitchen!" She put on her best acting skills to try and cover her lie.

"AGH!!! They can't know what we're feeding them!!" The woman shouted as she scurried off in presumably the direction of the kitchen.

"Are you ok?" The girl asked.

"Yes, thank you by the way" I nervously smiled to smiled to her.

"Not a problem Miss, just please go, and don't come back. My parents are bad people Miss..?" She warned me, unsure of my name.

"Genevieve, but please, call me Gen. What's your name?" I reply.

"EPONINE!!!" Someone exclaimed from the kitchen, presumably her mother.

"Eponine" She giggled, knowing that I knew the voice was calling on her.

"Know, please go!" She snapped out of her giggle and ushered me out the door.

I wandered around town for an hour or so before heading to the bakery where a tall young man with dark hair and green eyes greeted me.

"Hello, and what can I get for the beautiful young Miss" he warmly smiled to me.

"Two baguettes please, monsieur" I shyly smiled back. Shortly after, he handed me two, still warm baguettes.

"Thank you, monsieur" I said handing the money.

"You're most welcome, Miss" he replied, making sure to hold onto my hand for a brief second while giving me my change.

"Will you be in town tomorrow Miss?" He stopped me just as I was leaving.

"It's a possibility" I considered tomorrow in my head, then proceeded to leave.

"Hold on, may I have your name?"


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