Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]

By moonrisenth

222K 9.5K 7.3K

Your mom has finally had enough of your misconduct and pranks and finally decides to ship you off to live wit... More

A little bit of chocolate
goodbye trouble!
Kick start
A cup of Jay
Never again
Just chiillll
Action figures
Bread crumbs & mischief
Slumber party
Hangover mornings
Chicken little
New enemies
Be afraid, be very afraid
The Date
Behind the scenes
Get it?
You, me, counting sheep
The fight
The truth
Uh oh
Bird brain
The birds and the bees
Real Talk (Bonus)
For life

Bad Bitch

6.2K 280 123
By moonrisenth

Jerry had his hands on his hips, belly hanging off his pretty tight belt as he stared down the two young men before him. The two young men who he knew where idiots but didn't think they could possibly screw up something as simple as spending a night in a car.

But they did.

And Jerry, a man going into his late thirties wasn't happy, one bit.

Penny and Chang stood like little children who had been caught drawing on the wall under the older man's gaze. Heads down and eyes never leaving the ground and the only sound that could be heard was Jerry's heavy breathing and a few birds chirping away happily above them.

Jerry's eyes flickered from the males to the car next to them which was once a dark shade of green but now was covered in multiple coloured spray paint all in different words or sentences.

'Iphone and Android users must live in peace' one sentence was written on the backseat window.

'(¤) (¤)' Jerry wasn't sure what that meant and of course in a beautiful pink colour was a pair of genitals.

How artistic.

Jerry took in a harsh breath and Chang cringed, getting ready to have his ass whipped.

"How in the world did this happen?" He breathed each word out in an angered calmness, his nostrils flaring and that vein besides his eye that always looked like it was gonna pop whenever he was angry was pounding.

"We thought they were crazy cult hooligans." Penny said lowly his eyes not straying from the ground. The older man rubbed his temple and shut his eyes trying to make sense of the situation.

"You thought they were hooligans?!" The pair winced at the sudden change of their boss' tone flinching back as if his words were going to physically hurt him. Jerry gripped his head tightly, pacing back and forth. He felt like he was losing his mind. If he didn't get this done soon he'd lose his job and with that, a shit load of money too.

He started contemplating why the hell someone would even think of sabotaging a dumb construction site for guest houses. What enemies had Mr. Wuu made that made them even think of doing this? Or what kids are jobless enough to even plan and exploit these pranks and think they're funny? Because they're not and this definitely wasn't as harmless as the rest of they're little stunts.

Then, an idea hit Jerry. His face that was hard softened and he lifted up his head to look into air. Chang who had his head low picked up his eyes to glance at his boss and immediately a look of confusion took over his features. He nudged and Penny to look at Jerry and the pair stared in wonder at the man who was once ready to rip their heads off but now was smiling as he slowly nodded his head.

"Go home." Jerry said calmly before walking away and leaving the two males confused.

¤  ¤ ✏ ¤  ¤

Jacob was seated at the kitchen table, a bowl of fruit loopes in front of him. As a lover of cereal he should've been done with his meal thirty minutes ago but he couldn't even concentrate on eating, a million thoughts goibg through his mind and a tone of emotions he was trying to understand.

What happened last night wasn't Jacob. He knew that property damage was serious and you guys could've gotten into serious trouble if you got caught but instead of stopping you he was all for it which wasn't like him at all. And even after he's sobered up from last night's adrenaline, he still didn't find what you guys did so bad.

Once he'd stepped on a fly and the guilt of taking away it's life ate him up for a week. He still even sometimes has nightmares of being attacked by giant flies trying to avenge their friend so it didn't make sense why he felt so comfortable with spray painting someone's vehicle. Maybe it was the fact that he's doing it to protect those birds. Or maybe it's the fact it's an excuse to be with you and watch the playful glint in your eyes that appeared in your eyes whenever you looked up at him. Or maybe it was the growing pit in his stomach that always felt like he was falling off of the highest building whenever he was around you. Which reason was it? He also didn't know and frankly he was scared to find out.

Something else that was on the young men's mind was last night's conversation with Sunwoo.

"Go out with me"

"What?" You and Jacob both screeched in sync. You saw a flash of regret in his eyes but it was gone as fast as it came. The boy smirked, lifting his chin up.

"You heard me." He said, his brown hair falling into his eyes. Jacob wasn't happy and you honestly were just in shock. No boy has ever directly asked you out. Well no boy that you know of.
Felix had once said that you come of as threatening to some guys because of your enduring personality and your strong headedness. So it was sort of unbelievable that this attractive guy would even think of you in that way.

Or so you thought.

"No." Jacob said taking both you and Sunwoo offguard. "I don't think I was asking you." Sunwoo said behind clenched teeth making the dirt blonde haired boy go quiet but sending him a glare as earned.

"Wait, hol' up. Are you joking or?" You asked still not believing it and the boy furrowed his eyes at you.
"Why would I joke about that?" He asked and you shook your head trying to think.


"Just give me an answer." He said submissivly. You started thinking. Do you really want to go out with Sunwoo? He is good looking and all but you aren't attracted to him. But then again, maybe he meant it in a friendly way, as in, "let's go out and get to know each other so we can be better friends" Yep. That seems about fitting enough.

"Okay." You said nonchalantly and both boys felt like they were gonna explode. One with excitement and curiosity and the other with a horrible feeling of pure hatred towards the other male.

Jacob wasn't stupid, he knew that he felt jealous, although he really wishes  he didn't. He didn't like the thought of you with Sunwoo at some restaurant, laughing to his jokes, calling him a silly nickname, him caressing your cheek as he slowly leans in for a-

"Good morning Bae." You chirped happily as you slid into a seat next to the said boy who looked up at you, a half smile gracing his lips. "Good morning."
You looked at Jacob, a confused look on your face as your eyes darted from his barely touched breakfast to his gloomy face.

"Yeesh are you on your period or something?" You said in a sardonic tone and the boy rolled his eyes playfully shaking his head and sighing out a whatever.
A silent moment passed with you digging into your toasted sandwich before Jacob finally spoke the words that have been on his mind.

"Are you sure you wanna go out with Sunwoo?" His soft voice filled the room and you gulped down some orange juice before turning to Jacob, who was waiting impatiently, hopping that you'd changed your mind.

"I thought we already discussed this." You sighed and the boy immediately nodded his head as of expecting you to say that.

"I know but you do realize you don't have to right?" He said and you lowered your voice so only he could hear.

"You do realize that Sunwoo might have seen everything we did right? That means he could tell Juyeon so for now he sort of owns my soul." You said sitting back in your chair as you looked at Jacob.

"But he obviously likes you and would you snitch on someone you like?" He asked and you took a second thinking before nodding your head in triumphant.

"Yes I would. Especially if i asked them out and they said no." You said and Jacob sighed in both frustration and hurt. There was no changing your mind now.

"Plus I don't get what the big deal is, there's a good chance that this is just a friendly get together." You said more of trying to convice your half-self more than Jacob. In that moment your brother walked in wearing navy blue trousers and a white dress shirt. Simple enough for work.

"You off to work?" You asked Juyeon but the room remained silent as he took a spot at his usual seat, placing down his cup of hot cocoa and flipping through a newspaper. You thought that he'd answer you soon but he didn't even look up at you.

"Good morning Jacob." Juyeon said coolly and Jacob nervously answered back, feeling a bit awkward due to the situation.
You stared intently at your half-brother wondering why he was giving you the silent treatment.

"Are you mad at me or something?" You asked but the young man continued to pretend that your existence was as bogus as the wisp of steam that came from his warm drink. It made him a little annoyed that you sounded confused by his actions. As if the previous night hadn't happened and you hadn't insulted his lover and everything was just fine and dandy.

The awkwardness was starting to become unbearable for Jacob so without a word he slipped away from the table, leaving you two to deal with your issues.

"Juyeon??? Hello? In coming Lee Juyeon? Juyeonnie??" You tried everything to get his attention but all you got was a blank glimpse before he got up from his seat and left you all alone. You blinked twice, making sure that that really just happened. Juyeon just walked out on you and he's giving you the silent treatment?

'It's Juyeon, it won't last long."

You thought to yourself.

After finishing off your meal you walked out into the TV room. Of course you were almost knocked Dow to your bum when someone rushed past you and it made you wonder why the house so unchaotic this morning.

"Oh Trouble thank god!" The boy said, almost put of breath. His usually pale cheeks matching his red lips now and his bleached hair falling down to curtain over his eyes. "What's up Chanhee?" You asked looking at the boy confused and he smiled, showing his tiny teeth.

"I need a ride to the mall." He said in a sickly sweet tone that you used often but unfortunately the game he was playing at was on the wrong person. "Sorry can't drive, no license." You shrugged the boy's shoulders slumped and he hung his head low.

"Why not ask some of the guys here?" You asked and the boy looked up at you as of you were the dumbest person ever. "Lets just say no one here exactly wants to go shopping with me." He said a little shyly and you immediately felt bad for him. The usually quiet boy grabbed your arm as he led you across the room.

"Well, looks like we'll have to take the...bus." Chanhee shuddered at the thought of taking public transport and you froze in your steps making the boy almost fall over as he had a tight grub on your arm.

"Wait, first of all what do you mean we and second are busses even allowed in this neighbourhood?" You asked in legit shock and the boy rolled his eyes, pulling you away once more.

"First, I mean as in you and I and second, of course there isn't silly. But there is one outside the neighbourhood a few minutes away, where the paupers live." He said and you gasped smacking his arm for his last comment.

"What?" He asked innocently making you roll your eyes.
"I'm kidding, we don't have to take a bus. There's a good reason why uber was created." The boy said coyly, waving his phone in the air.

After getting ready, you and Chanhee both waited for your uber, learning a few things about each other along the way. You learnt that the young boy who looks so innocent has a tattoo on his left pinky and has had way too many jobs. The more your learnt about the boy, the more curious you grew. His looks didn't contrast with his personality. Well almost. He still had a sort of snoopyness about him but it was the fun kind.

Two hours.

Two hours later and you had bought enough stuff by now to the point to where the bags were getting heavy and your feet were hurting but the boy in front of you was still hyper and wanted to do more shopping. Probably because you were carrying most of his stuff. You without a doubt loved getting new clothes but you despised the process of it. You'd thought that when Chanhee said that he wanted to buy a few things he meant just that, not a bunch of stores!

"Chan! I'm tired." You whinned as the boy went through racks of coats. Finally he turned to look at you and he gave you sympathetic smile. "Fine. Let's go." He said and you immediately jumped up in excitement.

"Home?" You asked almost out of breath as you followed him out the Gucci shop. "No." He snorted making you silently cry behind him.

"Ahhhh." The bleach blonde boy let out a satisfied sigh as his temples were getting massaged. Cool sliced cucumbers on top of both of your eyelids, a weird black mask smoothed on your faces and in each of your hands, a glass of lemon water with ice cubes.

You were finally resting.

Chanhee might be a bitch sometimes but he sure does know what's needed at the right time. Your feet were laying lazily in a cubed bucket of water that you saw one of the women at the spa pour in some other stuff that you didn't know but Chanhee had said it was to make your feet smell nice. The said boy picked up a cucumber slice from his eyes once he felt someone taking his foot out the water. He saw that I was one of the workers, starting to gently pat his foot with a white fluffy towel, similar to the one wrapped around both your heads. Chanhee moved his eye to where another woman was working on your feet the same and his pretty face scrunched up in disgust.

"Ewww!" He gasped making you jerk up, almost kicking the lady who had kneeld down and making a cucumber slice fall from your left eye.

"What? What happened?" You immediately got into defense mode. Your dad always taught you to keep one eye open but because of luxury, you didn't.

"Your feet! What are you an athlete or something? Oh my gosh look at your little toe!" He gasped again and you rolled your eyes at his overdramatic reaction.

Your feet weren't that gross. Are they?

"I play soccer." You answered his question and his eyes went wide with shock for a moment before his expression turned blank.
"Explains a few things." He simply said laying back in his chair and putting back his cucumber slice on his eye.

"What is that supposed to mean?" You asked in an offended tone and he got comfy in his seat and white robe before answering you.

"It explains the way you act sometimes. Your appetite number one," he said cooly and although he couldn't see you, you continued to stare daggers into his reflexes form. "Your competitiveness and your feet." He said coyly, a playful smirk gracing his round pink lips.

"Whatever." You waved him off.
"You're also pretty thick. It's no wonder Sunwoo finds you attractive." He said nonchalantly and you jerked to the edge of your seat, again almost kicking the woman who sent you glare.

"What?" You said a little too loudly but you didn't care. You had to make sure that you didn't imagine the words that Chanhee just said.

"Oh right, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Whoops." He snorted, not sounding apologetic at all. You grabbed the hem of his robe making him lift off one of the slices off his eyelid as he gave you a lazy look.

"How do you know that?" You asked wanting to know. You were so confused. Boys like Sunwoo didn't like you so it was weird and it made you realize that maybe his 'date' is an actual DATE.

"Guys talk, and I listen." He simply said, stretching a smile and you let go of his robe and he set back in his chair once again putting back the slice. "You're lying."

'Please be lying

Please be lying'

"I don't lie Trouble. But it doesn't matter what I say cause you're gonna think what you want. Let's just forget I said anything."

But you couldn't forget because little did Chanhee know, you actually agreed to going our with him even though you have no feelings towards him which is pretty messed up to you.

"You know it's funny when you're being bitchy to other people, not me." You huffed, leaning back into your seat and crossing your arms over your chest childishly as you glared at the air as of it were your problem.

"Stop sulking you'll get wrinkles." The boy said without even glancing at you and you groaned but definitely did relax your face because, who wants wrinkles?


A/n: Look an update! And it's actually long-ish! Sigh, my apologies for the transitions in Chanhee's scenes, I just didn't want it to be super long. Anyway thanks for the love, please leave a vote and comment about what you think of the book so far, or a comment about anything. Love y'all 💜💕💗

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