The Slytherin Princess Of Hog...

By QueenC_2709

586K 11.1K 6.5K

love /lʌv/Submit noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. 2. a great interest and pleasure in something... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two
Thank you!
Bonus Chapter: Merry Christmas Love
💛 Check in 💛
Bonus Chapter : A Winter Wedding
My loves!
Attention Please Read

Chapter 17

10.1K 213 170
By QueenC_2709

Lunch had just ended and pugface had decided to show her ugly face. We were currently listening to her go on about her life something I have seriously no interest in.

"And then father asked me did I want the pony and I thought what a ridiculous question of course i want the pony"

"Oh For merlins sake" I mutter under my breath

"Are you okay Melly?" Pugface chimes in

My head shots up and Draco bursts outs laughing "what did you just call me?"

She smiles like the satanic little shit she is "Melly of course? We're besties I get to give you a nickname"

I raise an eyebrow and lean back into the seat and Draco's arm subconsciously wraps around my shoulders. I cross my arms and stare at her

"Where did you get the notion we were even acquaintances?" She gasps before going a shade whiter while all the group laughs at her.

"B-but we're purebloods so it's only natural we would be besties" I laughed for the first time in ages

"Pug- pansy I have no desire to be you're friend" Her face goes red and she stomps her foot rather childishly

"My parents will here about this"

I gasp and fake shock "oh no what will your father say couldn't make friends with a Robinson they'd be so disappointed"

"You evil foul bitch" the room went silent when pansy called me that name I merely smiled I probably looks like a psycho but I didn't care "Satanic"

Pugface pulls her eyebrows together, She clearly looked confused "what?"

"I said satanic"

"Yes I'm aware what you said but what do you mean?"

"I prefer the term evil foul satanic bitch has a better ring to it" she stares at me in a daze "you are completely mad Robinson you've lost a good Alliance"

I giggled "no I lost a pugface snob who's wearing last years shoes with a tacky dress, who has the personality of a wall"

Her eyes get glassy "evil" was the last thing she said before she began to leave.

"I try"  and the door slammed

Everyone was staring at me and I started listening "guys if you want autographs please form an orderly line if not beat it" and the room began to empty leaving Draco and the other 4.

"Blimey Melody remind me not to mess with you" Blaise said whole scratching the back of his neck. "Agreed" said Theo

"guys don't worry I won't be mean to you's I just couldn't deal with her any longer"

"I thought it was awesome mel"

"Draco you think everything Melody does is awesome" daphne pipes in

"I do not!"

"Lies Malfoy" Theo teases causing Draco to blush a deep red, I lean in close to him.

"I think it's cute" he goes redder

"For merlins sake just marry each other already" Amanda demands

Everyone laughs before exiting the common room. I grab Draco's hand and we all go out for a walk outside, we head to the lake.I sit down on the grass and take in the weather.

"Hey Mel come look at this" I look over at Draco and stand and walk over to him by the lake

"What is it?"

He points to the water "look in the water" I look forward and see nothing "there's nothing ther-"


I fell into the water head first.The water was cold and my uniform was now drenched, my supposed best friend had pushed me in. I emerged from the water gasping for air

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" He hides behind Theo who's laughing at my misfortune along with my other friends "y-yes mel?"

"Don't you Mel! You're going to address me as Robinson from now on! Now help me up" he leans down to grab my hand before I pull him into the water earning a girl like shout coming from him


I raise my eyebrows at him "I don't care mine were Italian and you ruined them and now look at my hair!"

"You're hair what about my hair!" I glared at him before leaving the pond and walked with the girls away from him.

"You screwed up now Malfoy" "lost the love of you're life" taunted the boys

"What do I do?" He panicked

"Apologies duh"

Draco races up to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a wet hug due to our clothes "I'm sorry mel please forgive me I'll buy you new shoes and-" he paused for a second "I'll get you're hair fixed!"

I laughed at him and returned the hug "I was only joking with you Draco"

"So I don't have to call you Robinson?"

"Well only if you want to?"

"No" he blurred out "I'll stick with Mel"

Grabbing my wand I give it a gentle wave and preform a clean and dry spell which worked wonders my clothes and Draco's were dry. Everything was back to normal except Draco's once gelled back hair was now soft and fluffy it fell down over his eyes.

He ran his hand through it in attempt to push it back up, lifting my hand up I run it through his hair causing him to sigh

"I've always told you you're hair looked better when it's not gelled dray"

He laughs "father likes it up I look less childish" he used air quotes

"Well you look cuter with it down"

He blushes red "hush Melody let's go"

"Of course Draco" linking hands we hand back to the common room, I see Goyle and Crabbe leaning outside. Goyle has glasses on his faces

"What are you to idiots doing here?"

"Eh Goyle and me forget the password" Crabbe said his voice different that usual

"Again" I question

"Eh yea" Goyle answered but it came out more like a question

"You two are the stupidest people I have ever met" I say

Percy emerges from the shadows "what are you four up too"

"What's it to you gryffindork" I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow

"Have some respect for prefects Robinson"

"Unless you're uniform magically becomes silver and green I doubt that will ever happen" I turn to the boys and nod "let's go boys"

We head enter the common room and I sit down throwing my feet on top of Draco, the two boys sit across from us

"Goyle why are you were glasses?"

"I was- reading"

"You can read?" Draco asks obviously impressed. He nods

"So draco do you have any idea who the Heir is?"

He shakes his head "I already told you Goyle I don't have a clue but I bet that waste of space Dumbledore does he's just refusing to act he's the worst thing that has ever happened to the school"

"You're Wrong" Goyle shouts

"What did you say" Draco questions Goyle who is shifting in his seat "there's someone worse?"

He nods "eh- yea Harry Potter"

Draco claps causing me to giggle "of course saint potter always has to be the hero. He's to stupid to be the heir it's probably the descent of Slytherin"

Goyle and crabbe started to whisper shout before racing out the door

"Where are you too going?" I question

"Stomach bug" was the last thing i heard before the entranced closed over leaving me and Draco staring at each other wondering what on earth had just happened.

"They were acting weirder than usual"

"Somethings definitely up"


Word count:1251

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