Psychotic | OUAT

By Jade14x

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"It was magic, Darlings!" Once upon a time - {Season 2 - 3B} I don't not own anything except for my charac... More

Cast + Summary
Part 1
Chapter 1 - "You've pissed off the Devils Mistress!"
Chapter 2 - "Who do you fucking think?"
Chapter 3 - "I'll choke you with your own large intestine!"
Chapter 4 - "It was magic, Darlings!"
Chapter 5 - "Way ahead of ya!"
Chapter 6 - "Mother, inappropriate is one of your middle names!"
Chapter 7 - "The guy actually has a bloody hook!"
Chapter 8 - "You're no better than me!"
Chapter 10 - "Good luck with that, Darling!"
Chapter 11 - "Killian and Caring, there's no such thing!"
Chapter 12 - "Just watch, amateurs!"
Chapter 13 - "Darling, you know i know love is weakness!"
Chapter 14 - "Well, i'm suprised there's no apple in it!"
Chapter 15 - "I know what knots look like and their names?"
Chapter 16 - "What, she loved a one handed pirate with a drinking problem?"
Chapter 17 - "I'm not even here!"
Chapter 18 - "You couldn't have done anything to prevent it, Killian!"
Chapter 19 - "That's what i saying, just let him die!"
Chapter 20 - "The doctor was called Frankenstien, not the monster!"
Chapter 21 - "All this optimism is making me feel sick!"
Chapter 22 - "What? That man has ruined my life countless times!"
Chapter 23 - "You're lucky i'm even here to save your sorry ass!"
Chapter 24 - "Didn't you know, villains don't get happy endings!"
Chapter 25 - "Please come back home!"
Chapter 26 - "You talk too much!"
Chapter 27 - "May be redundent, but it'd be necessary!"
Chapter 28 - "I guess we're going to Neverland!"
Chapter 29 - "I will make sure you never find Henry!"
Part 2
Chapter 1 - "You want the truth, or a lie?"
Chapter 2 - "Like i'd listen to anything your father says!"
Chapter 3 - "We all run around holding hands, and make daisy chains together!"
Chapter 4 - "Demanding much?"
Chapter 5 - "Watch what comes out of your dirty mouth!"
Chapter 6 - "Yeah, handsomely ugly!"
Chapter 7 - "Hmmm, i wonder why that is!"
Chapter 8 - "Yes, because Rumplestiltskin is so terrifying!"
Chapter 9 - "You're an idiot!"
Chapter 10 - "I was ripped away, i didn't escape. Two very different things!"
Chapter 11 - "You're happiness will turn to ash in your mouth!"
Chapter 12 - "Regina would just make snide comments!"
Chapter 13 - "Well, Snow, if you must know."
Chapter 14 - "I...I can't drink rum!"
Chapter 15 - "It- why are you all looking at me like that?"
Chapter 16 - "She reveals secrets all the time!"
Chapter 17 - "Is that so?"
Chapter 18 - "You can trust Peter 100%, he's not lying to you!"
Chapter 19 - "Where are you pulling that from, Killian?"
Chapter 20 - Then there' it King, or Prince now?"
Chapter 21 - "It's pretty selfish!"
Chapter 22 - "What are you doing?"
Chapter 23 - "Trust me, you're not the only one."
Chapter 24 - "It's really not that easy, Ed!"
Chapter 25 - "A monkey, with wings?"

Chapter 9 - "We all are so far from ok!"

938 34 1
By Jade14x

Atarah was slowly waking up, when she was sucked into her another dream. This one had a strong pull upon her.

Atarah fell. She was falling and falling, until she hit a hard floor with a thump and banged her head off the floor. She groaned and stood rubbing the back of her head.

She took in her surrounding and saw that she was in some kind of forest. "Rumplestiltskin, I'm going to kill the fucking little double-crosser. Make one deal with the man that hates you and once he gets what he wants, he strands and maroons you on some fucking land! Dark One or not, I'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass that he'll taste my toes for weeks!" She muttered to herself angrily.

She was angry so she looked for something to punch, her eyes landed on a tree, she decided not to punch the tree, she could break it. So she looked at the floor and punched that, making a small fist hole in the floor. She felt like kicking his head in. "The scaly little coward. He is nothing without his magic, show him stranding me. How about I strand him on a land without magic? Cut his limbs off. Strangle him with his own leg." She angrily growled as she kept punching the floor.

Once she finally stopped punching the floor she looked to see a small crater on the floor with her blood over the floor. She looked to her hand and saw that her knuckles were bleeding. She looked to her other hand and started punching the floor again. "Blow up his castle with him inside? Turn him into, Oh, I don't know. A crocodile! Banish him into bad luck forever!" She growled with each punch using her other hand.

When her rage finally disappeared she looked up to see a boy sitting in a tree looking extremely amused. She narrowed her eyes at him and had a sense of familiarity. "May I help you, or do you prefer to just constantly stare at people like a creep?" She asked him with a raised brow.

He jumped off the tree and walked over to her. She recognised his amazing green eyes, she had seen him somewhere before. He looked to where the small crater was. "Someone's angry!" He smirked at her.

"Have we met before?" She asked him.

"I believe so, just not properly. I'm Peter. Peter Pan!" He told her.

"Atarah Jones!" She said with a look of suspicion written all over her face.

She awoke with a gasp and immediately sat up, alarmed. She wasn't so sure about this Peter Pan, But one thing she knew was that her brother had thrust a sword through her stomach.

She looked over and saw that Snow and Emma were hugging. She silently followed behind all the princesses, thinking about what she had just seen.


While at the beanstalk, a ebony haired sailor jumped off, attempting to regain his strength and energy. He leant forwards slightly, squinting as he tried to see clearly through the dark atmosphere that surrounded him. By the time he had been freed by the giant that was holding him captive, Emma and her friends were long gone. He would've hoped that maybe his little sister would've stuck around, but he guessed not.

"My dear captain," a voice rang out throughout the dark atmosphere. He leant his head back upon hearing this voice. "It seems you've been on quite an adventure. Now, the Compass, please!"

"Yes, That well, matters grew complicated," Hook trailed off as he faced Cora. "It's eluded me for the moment. The details of the affair are a bit of a bore!"

"Really?" Cora wondered suspiciously aloud with a bitterly fake smile on her face. "Stealing my Protection Spell and climbing the beanstalk without me may seem like a bore to you but to me, it's betrayal!"

Cora looked into Killian's eyes and noticed a hint of her old friend, Atarah, in him. It made her feel guilty for doing what she did to Atarah long ago, but she didn't let that show to him. "I was going to bring it to you!" Killian admitted. "Our agreement still remains. We are going to Storybrooke together. I'll get it back!"

Cora shook her head at him. "I don't have time for your games!" She told him sternly. "I've travelled through too many worlds to be brought short at the brink of success. Who was it that bested you? Don't tell me it was your little sister!"

"No, it wasn't her. It was the Swan girl. Emma. Rest assured, it won't happen again!" Killian told the woman before him.

Cora laughed. "No, it won't. You chose them and the consequence of that decision!"

"Ohh," Killian trailed off as his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you gonna kill me now? Go ahead. Try!"

"So brave," Cora sang softly. "No, I'm not going to kill you. I have something far more satisfying in mind. I'm going to leave you here with your thirst for revenge and forgiveness unquenched while I continue our journey alone!" Killian looked down to the floor.

Killian's lips stretched into a fake smile. "There's no reason to be rash. We can.." he took a few steps closer to her. "...discuss this!"

"Your pretty face buys you a lot, but not my time nor your sisters forgiveness!" Cora smirked knowing Atarah was a sore spot for him. "It's too valuable!"

"I can do this!" Killian declared, ignoring the comment she made about his sister. "I can get it back. You need me!"

Cora let out a laugh as she twirled the umbrella that sat on her shoulder. "No, I don't!" She told him. She turned round and began to walk. "You've had your chance. Now, it's my turn to do this- the right way!"

Killian Jones angrily let out a grunt and used his hook to slice through the air where Cora stood. Unfortunately, for him she had already disappeared.

While Killian found himself muttering some rather unkind words about the woman, Atarah found herself rolling her eyes a little as they all listened to The ditzy Princess, also known as Princess Aurora, explain her reoccurring dreams. She explained that this time there was a boy named Henry Mills.

Emma held a picture of her son out the Aurora, resulting in the latter nodding and saying that was indeed him. "That's impossible.." Emma trailed off. "It was a dream. How could you dream of my son?"

"I have no idea!" Aurora admitted as Snow stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Maybe it wasn't a dream!" Snow wondered causing everyone to face the Princess. "That room- I've been there before!"

"But, you said you knew nothing about it!" Aurora accused the other princess with a look of confusion in her face.

"You were terrified. I didn't want to make things worse by telling you I thought it might be real!" Snow told her. The Warrior, also know as Mulan, began to question Snow about this real dream, it made no sense. "The Sleeping Curse. It has to be. I went through it. Aurora went through it!"

"Henry's been through it because I wouldn't believe him!" Emma muttered guiltily. She looked to Atarah. "Did you go through it?"

"Me? I was in a coma caused by the curse. It's not the same as a Sleeping Curse. It's actually completely different!" She told the woman as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What else did you lie about?" Aurora asked them all.

"I was- I wasn't lying." Snow told her. "I wasn't lying to you. I was protecting you!"

"What was he saying, what was Henry saying in the dream?" Emma frantically asked Aurora.

"He just said his name!" Aurora revealed. "Then I woke up and it was over!"

Emma has a worried expression on her face. "Hey, it's going to be ok!" Snow told her daughter. "Right, Tara?"

"Well," She began but recived an angry glare off the Princess. "Snow, how many times must I tell you? You're glares are nothing, they can't scare or threaten me! We are all so far from ok!"

"No, we all have the compass now!" Snow pointed out as if that was definitely going to get them home.

"Snow, we're not ok, at all! The Red Queen still has the ashes. I mean, we could try to steal them back!" She shrugged. "However, I won't be the one to do it. Last time I went near that woman, she gave me a powerful memory potion!"

"Any attempt to steal from her would be suicide!" Mulan spoke up.

"Not anymore!" Snow smiled brightly. "We can stop her. I don't know how, but we all know someone who does.."

"No, we're not asking for his help. No way!" Atarah protested with a shake of her head.

"Who?" Emma asked.

"Rumplestiltskin!" Snow announced. "He'll know a way!"

"Henry!" Emma realised. "We can talk to him. We have a way to communicate!"

"Wait, Wait.." Aurora began.

"Princess, time for lights out!" Atarah smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Though the glint soon disappeared as she began to think about what her brother did and the green eyed boy, named Peter Pan. Only Snow noticed the glint disappeared almost instantly, she wanted to mention it, but guessed it'd be unwise to do so in front of everyone.

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