Not Giving Up

By BlueDemon1999

5.4K 195 166

Kidge fanfic, don't own anything. Love Keith and Pidge together! More

Part 1
Not a cute Meet-Made some changes
Part 3 the talk
Filtering the Information
Minds Are Made Up
Ch 8- I suck at titles!
Going on Faith
Why This Guy?/Definitely This Girl
Chapter 12-
Love and Fate
The Talk and Letdown
Guy Time
Chapter 16-Siblings Talk
Keith Makes His Move
Pidge's Response
Now What?!?
The Plan
It's Never Easy
The Game is Afoot!
The Aftermath
Everyone is Upset!
I hate titles lol
Ch 29

Chapter 7

209 9 9
By BlueDemon1999

Pidge and Hunk were working at a furious pace. What started as a few tugs, after some hard pulling transformed into more and more. In fact it was looking the whole situation was being manipulated from outside of the ship. In addition, they were analyzing the picture that had Acxa and Keith hugging. Hunk took that one on because he didn't want Pidge to have to constantly stare at the picture. But as he started to analyze he noticed many inconsistencies, blurring around the edges of the images, halos around certain elements but the big clue was in the picture Keith was missing the sheath that Pidge made for him. He never took that off. These all added up to making him think that they picture was photoshopped. Once he was sure he brought it to Pidge's attention and held his breath.                                                                                                

Pidge turned and stared. She tried to be unemotional and rational. Turning over the new information and matching it with what she knew as well as the timeline. She stared, analyzed and slowly let her breath out. She looked at Hunk, tears filling her eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, Hunk" she said softly.

"No, no, no thanks necessary." Hunk replied. "Honestly, I wish we thought to look deeper before this. But, everything just snowballed so fast. We didn't have time to take it in much less question. We saw the picture, you got hurt and, I was just so scared. I couldn't lose you!"

Pidge looks over to Hunk. He is such a sweetie. I knew I was having a hard time dealing with my feelings of hurt and then the ramifications of the accident. The team was wonderful with supporting me. But I don't think I realized how much it affected them as well. Especially someone like Hunk, who feels things deeply and isn't afraid of being speaking his truth.

"Hey, how are you doing, ya know with everything? Sorry I haven't been as good as a friend lately."

Hunk looked torn, "No, please don't worry! And definitely don't apologize, you've had a lot on your plate. I don't know. You know that I always have your back, right? But Keith just looked so damn sad. I don't want to take sides, really, and I know that James has been great. I'll be forever grateful that he found you and that he helped you out. Believe me! And don't get all Pidge angry, but Keith really loves you, ya know? I know he has a hard time letting down his guard but he does. Please don't doubt it. And while, I hate to take sides, but if Keith truly didn't know what was happening that's really shady. But"

Pidge sighs, " I know Hunk, I know. I feel like there is more going on here than what is apparent but I also don't know how much is influenced by my emotions versus fact. I'm trying to look at this from an analytical perspective. I'm torn."

Hunk looks sad, but agrees. "How did the girls night go? What do they think?"

Pidge smiles softly, "Dude, they have no clue. We did eat and drink a lot! It felt nice to be surrounded by girls who have my back. You know that I never really had girlfriends. I'm more of a loner, a read in her bed and tinker at home kinds of girl. Now I find myself surrounded by girls who don't get mad when I'm sarcastic or moody...or even sad. They aren't friends with me because I'm smart and can help them....but anyways did you know that Lance's bedtime routine takes approximately an hour!!! That's why he liked to push us off to bed!!! Ummmm, but honestly, how has this affected Shiro and Matt? They are best buds and I know Matt was ummm, upset."

Hunk laughed, "Yeah, well, Keith knows the way to your heart. Sooooo, he asked Matt over when he explained his side. Honestly we just want the best for you." At this point, Hunk is almost crying and he lunges for Pidge and holds her, squeezing her tight.

Pidge knows he loves her and for now, that is enough.


Griffin looks to his team. "What do you think I should do?"

Kincade looks uncomfortable and says "I honestly have no clue. Keith is her teammate turned love interest. I don't know how you can compete? Don't take it personally."

Veronica replies, "Do you love her?"


"I could"

Veronica slaps her hand on the table, "NO! Not good enough, not for Pidge. I get it, you like her, she's smart, wicked smart, brave, cute, sarcastic, sweet and surprisingly innocent etc. But if you don't love her, it's not enough. Shit I love her!!! And I know Keith loves her. So if you don't love her, you gotta let her go."

"But I could love her! It wouldn't be a far jump, honestly I'm almost there. If he came back a few months later, who knows where we would have been. And Keith is not a stable guy, she should have someone who is there for her. I'm that guy!"

Veronica sighs, "yeah, yeah, yeah, you could be. But right now you aren't there. And know who is? Keith! Right now, shit, he'd do anything, fight anyone,  kill anyone to be at her side. And that's what SHE deserves."

Kincade blurts out, "Dude she a scary woman. Smart but scary. Plus, I think Keith has her family on his side...and you don't mess with the Holt family."

Griffin shakes his head, "NO, it's not like Chief Engineer Holt would tamper with me because of Pidge. I don't give up, and she's worth more than just throwing in the towel. So maybe I don't love her right now, but I'm not just bowing out. We are more than just friends and I really care about her. Why should I just give up? Step aside for Keith? I don't see him stepping aside. Veronica, you're right, maybe I'm not in love but I feel something very real."

Ina chimes in, "Statistically, men fall in love faster than women so I doubt that Pidge loves you yet. "

Nadia interrupts, "Ok Ina, I think we all know that love is not a perfect science. Look James, we all love how things have been with you and Pidge. It seemed very natural and easy. But with Keith back and in direct competition with you, the game has changed. Just be prepared because Pidge cannot control her emotions in this, as much as she would like to."

James nodded and with a determined gleam says, "I know."

James is sitting alone, all of his team has drifted off, his head down on his arms. Veronica is right, Katie is something special. She deserves everything, love, affection, and commitment. Can I promise her forever? Do I love her? I don't know. But I know that I have deep feelings for her, this wasn't something I was looking for. We started out as friends. She hung out with the team and I found myself amazed at her ingenuity and her genuineness. I've never met someone who was so unaware of their attractiveness or didn't chase him like he was a prize. She didn't dismiss him because he wasn't as smart as her and she didn't like him because he was the top guy. He wasn't looking for this, but damn if he was going to turn away.

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