Being The Hosts' Maid (An Our...

By FangirlAndFeels

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Hitomi Takenaka is the daughter of someone very important to the music industry and because of this, she gets... More

Chapter 1 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 2 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 2]
Chapter 3 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 4 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 2]
Chapter 5 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 1]
Chapter 6 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 2]
Chapter 7 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 1]
Chapter 8 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 2]
Chapter 9 - The Twins Fight! [Part 1]
Chapter 10 - The Twins Fight! [Part 2]
Chapter 11 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 1]
Chapter 12 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 2]
Chapter 13 - Jungle Pool SOS!
Chapter 14 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 1]
Chapter 15 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 2]
Chapter 17 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 2]
Chapter 18 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 1]
Chapter 19 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 2]
Chapter 20 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 2]
Chapter 22 - Honey's Three Bitter Days! [Part 1]

Chapter 16 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 1]

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By FangirlAndFeels

Episode 9: A Challenge From Lobelia Girls’ Academy!

        Hitomi couldn’t believe this, “You mean all of the afternoon classes have been canceled?” Haruhi confirmed with the girls that surrounded her. Hitomi sat in her seat and stared out of the window.

        “You mean you don’t know?” One of the girls questioned in disbelief.

        “It’s going to be crazy around here for the next two days.” Another girl didn’t do a very good job in elaborating.

        “Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs.” The first girl explained a little further into detail, “Drama and choir clubs for a bunch of other schools have been invited.”

        “It’s a big event the school hosts annually.” The second girl added in there.

        “Is that so?” Haruhi said, sounding confused.

        “What?! You mean you’ve never tried it?!” The twins voices overtook Haruhi’s and Hitomi’s attention was drawn to the twins talking to Renge.

        “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s the preferred drink of the Host Club?” Hikaru said, almost is shock. Renge looked nervous.

“And you are our manager, so you should drink it too.” Kaoru added.

        “Well, I-I think I’ve heard of instant coffee before.” She rubbed her face with a pink handkerchief, “Oh, that’s right! Isn’t it when the coffee beans have already been grounded for you?” The twins put their hands in an X position and made a buzzer noise.

        “That’s just ground coffee.” Hikaru said as if he were superior, “Instant is something completely different. I don’t think there are any coffee beans in instant coffee. You just mix this powder with hot water and drink it! You don’t have to brew it; it’s pretty awesome.”

        “So it’s just like coffee but not as robust.” Kaoru said.

        “And yet it’s strangely satisfying.” Hikaru said in wonder.

        “Now that you mention it, we just ran out of it, didn’t we?” Kaoru said as if he were deep in thought. That’s when the twins put their hands on Hitomi’s shoulder as she was getting up.

        “Go buy us some more, Hitomi.” They said in unison and Hitomi bowed her head down.

        “Why do I have to go get it?” Hitomi said in defeat.

        “Because you’re our maid and no one knows where to buy it.” A vein popped.

        “We’ve been serving it to our guests lately and besides, it’s part of your job.” Kaoru said.

        “But the cultural club exposition starts soon.” Haruhi said trying to save Hitomi as the picked her up like she was crowd surfing.

        “Yeah, but it’s no mandatory, so if you’re not interested you don’t have to go.” Hikaru said triumphantly.

        “That being said, be careful out there.” They dropped her by the door and waved blue handkerchiefs like she was on the Titanic or something.

        “Thanks for helping them out, Hitomi.” Two girls said as they passes.

        “No problem, I just wish they’d buy their own instant coffee.” Hitomi gave a girly giggle.

        “Well, I don’t know if that’ll ever happen, but I’m glad they seem to be having a good time.” The two girls stopped and looked at her.

        “And it’s all thanks to you.” The other girl said.

        “All thanks to me?” Hitomi inquired further.

        “We’ve been in the same class with the twins ever since middle school.” The girl explained, “They didn’t use to be this cheerful and friendly. They were always quiet and withdrawn. They didn’t have many friends. It’s like they didn’t want anyone to get too close. I don’t think they like school very much. They seem so bored. I guess thing started to change when the Host Club started.” Hitomi looked in to see the twins talking with other classmates, “Since then, they’ve come out of their shells, little by little.

        “But they’ve really opened up since you joined the Host Club.” She continued, “Now they talk and joke with everyone in class. That’s why we wanted to make sure you know how grateful we are to you. Because of you, the twins are having fun and enjoying each day to the fullest.”

        “Really?” After hearing that, Hitomi was the loser and went to go buy instant coffee. When she got back with the bag full of instant coffee in her arms, she was too busy thinking about her previous conversation that she slipped on a banana peel and fell with a scream but something caught her. It was woman with cropped brown hair, pale skin and gray eyes. She is a lot taller than Hitomi. She wore a maroon and white uniform. Hitomi recognized it as the school of Lobelia. The lady set her down so that Hitomi was kneeling on the ground.

        “It’d be a shame to let any harm come to a cute face like yours, young lady.” She said and Hitomi looked up.

        “I’m sorry, ma’am.” Hitomi got up and bowed but this lady was instant on bringing Hitomi back to where she was supposed to be. Unfortunately, that was the Host Club. When they walked by, she must’ve heard something of  Tamaki’s conversation because she busted in, holding Hitomi close to her side while she was gripping the bad tightly.

        The Host Club gave her wavering looks, “If we fight, it’ll be together.” She spun Hitomi around, “If we fail, we fail together.” She went on one knee and held Hitomi’s free hand, “Even if I were to die, I promise I will never leave your side, my love.” And she kissed Hitomi’s hand. She only raised an eyebrow.

        “Benibara, we thought you’d never show.” There were two girls. The one who didn’t speak was a girl with long, wavy, light, brown hair with dark brown eyes. She had pale skin and she was a little taller than Haruhi. The one who had just spoken was the shortest member with her short brown hair that had some volume and bounce to it.

        “What are we going to do with you? So tell us where you found this lovely young lady. There’s another inside as well.” The girl with the longer hair said. She must’ve meant Haruhi.

        “I met this one outside of the school.” Benibara said with flair, “And the one you found may be dressed as a boy, but the truth is so obvious. She has such pretty maiden eyes.” Benibara pointed at Haruhi.

        “Thanks, I guess.” Haruhi said and the two girls started stroking Hitomi’s arms.

        “Her skin is so soft!” They said.

        “Don’t go touching my Hitomi without my permission!” Tamaki charged by Benibara punched him in the face.

“Leave her alone!” She yelled.

        “She punched me! She’s so violent!” Tamaki cried.

        “Get a hold of yourself, Tama-chan!” Honey said.

        The three girls proceeded to gang up on them, “I guess the rumors were true.” Benibara said with vile in her voice, “You guys are just a bunch of weak little punks with no sense between you.”

        “Those uniforms,” Kyoya decided the mention, “I’m safe in assuming you ladies are from Lobelia Girls’ Academy.”

        “That’s correct.” Benibara looked up with a venomous look. They threw off their uniforms and they were wearing ridiculous outfits. The two posse girls wore dressed, but Benibara wore a male lead’s outfit.

        They sang Lobelia very off key that Hitomi wanted to cry, “Benio Amakusa, second year.” Benibara said with a rose in her mouth. Second YEAR?! 

        “Second year student, Chizuru Maihara.” The girl with the longer hair said.

        “First year student, Hinako Tswabuki.” The girl with the shorter hair said.

        “We are the members of…THE ZUKA CLUB!” They said in unison. The Host Club looked very boring compared to them. The twins bursted out laughing.

        “You shouldn’t underestimate the Zuka Club!” Renge’s voice filled the room and the pedestal appeared once again, “I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls schools.” She took a sip of the coffee and almost threw up, but drank it nonetheless, “St. Lobelia Academy! It is truly a woman’s world there! The Zuka Club is a group of strong young maidens who consider women superior in every way.

        “The Club prides itself on its thirty year history. It’s a society of maidens, by maidens, for maidens!” The Host Club members took off their solider getup and put on their regular uniforms.

        “You sure have a vast wealth of knowledge, Renge.” Kyoya noticed.

        “Well, I’ve always admired St. Lobelia’s. I just couldn’t go to school there though because what would I do without any boys?!” And with that, the pedestal was lowered.

        The Zuka Club described their Club just as Renge had put it, but the Host Club was bored and they were doing their own thing, “Why don’t you just scram?”

        “I’m surprised none of you boys had anything to say about our sublime female love.” Chizuru said, “I think it’s because their Host skills didn’t work on us so now they’re all flustered.” 

        “True, but I must say i’m glad we’ve decided to preform here.” Benio said as the twins switched the game on their game system, “It was fun to sneak a peak at the Ouran’s notorious Host Club.”

        “Hey guys!” Honey said, “Are we really notorious?”

        “And to think,” Benio put an arm by Hitomi, “they’re dragging down this sweet, young girl with them?”

        “Oh me, I’m just the maid.” All three girls screamed in horror.



        “That cannot be! Maidens aren’t meant to be maids, but to be queens! No, the Host Club’s leader might be a pretty little halfer, but he shouldn’t be using his looks to create a fake romance!” Hitomi raised an eyebrow, “Attempting to get to the pure heart of a maiden is demeaning! You’re so-called Club activities are nothing more than fake macho fantasies.

        “I promise that the Ouran High School Host Club will be abolished!” The said in unison, almost like the twins.

        “I see,” Kyoya spoke up, “I understand your concern, but do you think we could maybe finish this later?”

        “Are you saying you’re not going to face us?” Benio urged.

        “Not at all, it’s just that our President’s still bedridden from the original shock.” Kyoya waved over to a Tamaki in a bed.

        “You see, Tama-chan is having his nappy time right now.” Honey said.

        “Wake him up!” Benio said in anger.

        Hitomi turned around and went to go make some coffee and then came back, holding out her brass tray, “Excuse me, I made some coffee. Would you ladies like to have some?”

        “Why yes! Aren’t you the sweetest thing?” Benio said as they all took a cup.

        “How about the five of us have a little tea party?!” Chizuru said cheerfully and grabbed Haruhi by the arm.

        “There’s nothing to be gained in a romantic relationship between two women! If that were the case, why did God create Adam and Eve?!” Tamaki screamed out of no where and slipped, his finger dipping into some of the hot coffee.

        “You have to be more careful, Tamaki.” Hitomi sighed as she wrapped a bandage around his red finger.

        “Thanks, Hitomi.” He said, staring at his finger, “Do you always carry bandages around with you?”

        “Yes, actually, but today, the supermarket was giving them out for free when I went to get your coffee.” She smiled.

        “This little conversation doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.” Benio’s voice overlapped Hitomi’s. She grabbed Hitomi’s arm and pulled her up, “Now that we know what’s going on, we can’t allow these maidens to stay here, especially this one! We’ll have her paperwork finished and have her transferred to Lobelia’s immediately. And we’ll welcome her into the Zuka Club.” Hitomi’s eyes widened and so did the rest of the Hosts Club’s.

        “Um, excuse me,” Hitomi got out of Benio’s grip and took a step back, “there may have been misunderstandings. I mean, you called Tamaki a halfer.” she giggled.

        “He is a halfer,” Honey stated, “He’s half French and half Japanese!”

        “I mean, just because we don’t have the same history, doesn’t mean you have to pick on them, right?” Hitomi said, a smile still on her face.

        “We barely have any history,” Hikaru said, “We were created two years ago, when the boss started coming here.”

        “Be that as it may, saying our Club activities are held to satisfy their appetites is just wrong.” Hitomi moved some auburn hair out of her face.

        “I wouldn’t say we’re charging, but we do have a point system. Haruhi’s used mechanical pencil just sold for 30,000 yen!” Kyoya said.

        “What?!” Haruhi yelled, “But I’d thought I lost that pencil!” She gave Kyoya an evil glare, “Why didn’t you tell me this before, Kyoya-senpai?! I had no idea you were collecting money!”

        “So you just thought we were all volunteers? We actually get a small profit from each of these auctions.” Kyoya said calmly.

        “You can’t sell other people’s things, that’s stealing!” Haruhi yelled.

        “It wasn’t stealing, you’d dropped that pencil on the floor.” The twins said and before Haruhi could yell, they disappeared.

        “I’m sorry Hitomi, it’s not like we were keeping it from you. You can give Haruhi my pencil!” Tamaki cried.

        “Tamaki, I don’t want your pencil.” She said, disappointed.

        “How about this? I tell you all the secrets to my success and my fondest memories!” He said flamboyantly.

        “Not to be rude, Tamaki, but I’m not really interested in that information.” Hitomi said with a deadpan voice. Tamaki went to sulking.

        “Ah, you poor things,” the girls surrounded Hitomi, “I can’t believe they’d been deceiving you.”

        “Hey, why don’t you just dump these losers and come with us?” Hanako suggested.

        “Hold on, this young maiden’s had quite a day.” Benio said, “We’ll give you some time to think about it. We’ll be back tomorrow.” Benio patted Hitomi on the shoulder and left with the other two girls.

        Hitomi turned to face the Host Club and they all stood at attention, “I better be going, I have some thinking to do.” And with that, Hitomi left the room, but Haruhi didn’t follow. She knew this was her choice.


        I actually do like the Zuka Club's morals and reasons for existing. I believe we need more of what they have in our school systems today, but without being so falmnboyant because people, unfortunately, would never take them seriously. Such a shame.

        Anyway, enough of my complaints! I'm sorry I wasn't on as much. I had to started annotating the Odyssey for English! Fun, right?! :D (Correct answer: no)

        I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share and have a lovely Friday! ^.^

        Love always,


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