The Slytherin Princess Of Hog...

By QueenC_2709

586K 11.1K 6.5K

love /lʌv/Submit noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. 2. a great interest and pleasure in something... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two
Thank you!
Bonus Chapter: Merry Christmas Love
💛 Check in 💛
Bonus Chapter : A Winter Wedding
My loves!
Attention Please Read

Chapter 7

12.4K 251 132
By QueenC_2709

Defence against the dark arts had honestly become one of my most hated subjects although I got an 'O' but I completely give up. The professor makes it completely impossible to learn with his incessant stuttering I'm currently doodling with my quill something I would usually never do

I feel a nudge on my shoulder and I turn to face Draco


"Why are you mad at me?"

I shake my head at him "I'm not mad"

"Mel I've known you my whole life I know you're mad at me"

I huff "well I'm not"



"MELODY OPHELIA ROBINSON ANSWER ME" he whisper yells at me

I laugh at his out burst "Draco Lucius Malfoy do not use that tone with me"

His cheeks go rosey "sorry" he mutters

"I'm not mad dray I promise pug-pansy just annoys me"

He nods "it's okay she annoys the life out of me she's everyone and she follows me around the whole time I feel like I've got a stalker"

"You do have a stalker"

"M-Mister M-Malfoy and M-Mis-s Robinson-n Please-e stop t-talking"

I look up and see the whole class was staring "of course professor"

Draco snickers beside me while I merely roll my eyes at him


"Happy Birthday Mel!"

I jump at surprise at all of my friends and most of the Slytherin students where all standing there smiling at me

I thought Draco forgot

"you thought I forgot didn't you"

I nodded "well yea"

"I could never forget your birthday mel you're to important" My cheeks go red while all the student 'coo' at us

Sitting down I open my present which ranges from bracelets, sweets, chocolates, coloured pens and journals

When everyone left Draco pulled out a box and handed it to me wrapped, the wrapping was definitely not done by Cissa so I'm guessing he did it himself

"in case you're wondering yes I wrapped it myself I also picked it out myself I hope you like it"

Open the box I was completely 'awh' struck, it was a green quartz crystal with a dragon wrapped around it


I've always wanted one of these but mother always insisted I get the big fancy Jewellery this however was all I wanted, I jumped up and wrap myself around him

"Thank you dray I adore it"

"The green crystal turns negative energy into positive energy, and it attracts prosperity and success and enhance healing energy or something and I thought the dragon was cool plus my name means dragon so it will always remind you of me"

I blush hard "it's perfect dray help me put it on"

Turning around I remove my hair from my neck I feel the cold necklace hit my skin Draco's hand brushes my neck and I feel the tingle she clasped it close and the neck hung perfectly around my neck

Turning I face him "thank you again" I blush

His cheek go rosey and he nods, suddenly daphne and Amanda fall on the floor they were obviously listening in on the conversation suddenly nott and Blaise fall in too with crabbe and goyle staring at them laughing

"Our friends are rather odd"

I nod "I'd have to agree with you on that"

At dinner the "golden trio" as they were now known as were sitting down bickering back and forth to each other. Snape was eyeing the suspiciously and not to mention professor stutter nutter was looking rather pale

Dumbledore rose "tomorrow evening the house winner will be announced as we all part ways for our well deserved summers rest now dig in"

I turn to Draco and the boys "Slytherin definitely will win the house cup we're the only house with all our points"

"Yea mel's right no other house has the same about not even the precise griffindorks"

"I feel like there up to something"

"What do you mean?"

I discreetly point over to there table "Well they haven't stopped whispering to each other since this morning and I just find that odd"

"Well i hope they are up to something and they lose house points"

Everyone nods and agrees and we all digs into dinner

Waking up the next morning everyone was buzzing to go home and have a break from school, word got out around the school of how potter and Weasley where in the infirmary and also professor stutter was missing

No one knows what happened but Dumbledore gave everyone free classes so no one really questioned it after that Expect me and Draco and the entire Slytherin house

"What do you think saint potter did?"

"I heard he fought a beast!" "No he prevented a fire!" "No he saved Dumbledores life!"

I spoke up "I'm going to ask!"

I walk out of my seat and I bumped into granger "what happened last night?"

"What ever do you mean"

I raised and eyebrow "don't play dumb you know what I mean professor stutter is gone and potter and Weasley just happen to be in the infirmary?"

She nodded and bit her lip "ok the professor was working for someone and we need to stop him and he attacked Harry and Ron"

I stared at her I knew she was leaving information out but I decided not to question it instead I returned to the Slytherins and told them what I had found out

During dinner Dumbledore spoke "and the winner of the house cup is Slytherins" All the Slytherins screamed and shouted with glee but out celebrations were short lived as Dumbledore interrupted "but I have some last minute points to award"

Professor Snape rolled his eyes at the old man

"For Miss Hermione granger for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril I award, 50 points. Second to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chest Hogwarts has seen in these many years, I award 50 points. And third to Mr Harry Potter to pure nerve and outstanding courage I award gryffindor house 60 points and finally to Mr Neville Longbottom it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies and an even more bravery to stand up to your friends, I award you 10 points"

Gryffindors cheers and the banners change to red and gold "the winner of the house cup goes to Gryffindors!"

All Slytherins groaned "I'm telling you guys he favourites the gryffindorks"

"It's okay Draco we'll beat them next year" I say with determination evident in my voice I look up to see potter staring at me I give him a nod. Grabbing Draco's hand I give it a squeeze and he smiles up at me showing off his perfect smile

What a year

Word count:1135

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