The Slytherin Princess Of Hog...

By QueenC_2709

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love /lʌv/Submit noun 1. an intense feeling of deep affection. 2. a great interest and pleasure in something... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part Two
Thank you!
Bonus Chapter: Merry Christmas Love
💛 Check in 💛
Bonus Chapter : A Winter Wedding
My loves!
Attention Please Read

Chapter 3

19.5K 361 140
By QueenC_2709

After dinner the Slytherin prefects called all firsts to follow with professor Snape following behind to make sure no one tried to sneak off.

"Welcome first year Slytherins"

There was a brief silence before Snape coughed letting everyone know he was here instantly there was a choir of 'hey's' and 'Hello's'

"Slytherin dormitories our located in the dungeons of Hogwarts, girls and boys will all be in separated rooms no boys or girls are permitted to share a bed together.

The Slytherin password changes every night so each of you will have to check the password before and after entering the common room, The password today is 'pureblood'"

Draco smirked "rather fitting isn't it?" I giggled and nodded agreed with him, walking on the common room was breathtaking

The walls decorated with green and silver Slytherin banners a large open fire located on the right wall a series of sofas and tables and chairs along with a bookcase. Salazar Slytherins portrait was hanging above the fire place the common room screamed elegance and sophistication

Professor Snape entered and everyone turned to face him "The dorms have an enchantment on the to prevent girls and boys entering their dorms I expect all of my students to gain house points and not have them removed or there shall be consequence" we all nod "good I wish for you all to go to your dorms your time tables shall be supplied in each room along with your belongings good night"

"Goodnight professor"

Bidding Draco and the boys a goodnight I enter my room to see 3 beds one for myself , a girl named Amanda and another called daphne

We all chatted for a bit before I pulled out a quill and piece of paper and began to write to my parents

Dear mother and father

I am delighted to say that I have been sorted into Slytherin! I am so happy because Draco as to been sorted into the same house.

All the other students are rather pleasant along with the staff, I had a rather strange encounter to day I met Harry Potter he's a rather unusual character as he pliantly disregarded my name for some Weasley?

But I suppose he's been living with muggles

Other than that things are good, I'm rather looking forward to classes tomorrow, I do hope you and father and well.

I miss you both terribly

Much love

Your daughter


Giving my letter to midnight I give her a treat and she flies off. Blowing out my candle I climb into my bed I fall into a dreamless sleep

I wake up at 7:07 am I make my way to the showers I quickly wash myself before preforming a hair drying charm, Spraying perform in my uniform I leave my hair down and place my green and sliver head band in my hair before grabbing my satchel and wand.

Exiting my dorm I walk down the stairs to see Draco waiting for me with a smile

"Hey Mel"

"Hey dray how was your night?"

He nods "good I guess I wrote to mother"

I laughed "I did the exact same thing"

"Some of these people are rather dull"

"I'd have to agree but I find daphne and Amanda rather nice"

He shrugs before grabbing my hand and drag me to the hall

"Good morning students i would like to give a special good luck to the first years taking there class today" Dumbledore

"you'll need it" mutter Snape under his breath causing some the Slytherins to laugh, Breakfast was rather uneventful everyone went there separate ways

First class was potions with professor Snape

Making my way to class with Draco and my other new friends I enter the class and sit next to Draco obviously, Potter sits next to the Weasley kid

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class as such I wouldn't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle silence and art of potion making however for those select few who posses the previous disposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and insnare the senses, I can teach you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death" he froze and glanced around and locked his eyes on potter who was writing something down "then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in position with abilities so formidable and confident enough to not pay attention"

The girl nudge potter causing him to look up "Mr. Potter our new celebrity" Draco snickered at Potter "tell me potter What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

The girls hand shot up "I don't know sir"

Snape scoffed at potter before asking him a series of questions which Potter knew no answers to, the muggle born refused to put her hand down throughout the entire lesson which was rather irritating but I held my tongue, like mother used to say if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Exiting the class with Draco we make our way to our second class

"Well potters rather screwed"

I scolded Draco "there's no need for such rude words"

"Sorry Mel"

"You better be let's go"

Madam hooch a difficult professor to deal with especially with her believing she is the best of the best

"I want everyone to on the count of three to order there brooms up!"





Myself and Draco's broom shot up into are hands, glancing around the only other person who was able to achieve the same result was Potter

Draco sneered "of course perfect potter would get it"

I shrug "it's fine Draco you were still one of the first"

The granger girl seemed to be having extreme difficulty along with the Weasley boy

"Everyone mount there brooms and hover and land"

This is too easy

Longbottom hoovered but kept going up and up and up

"Mr longbottom please return to the floor"

"I can't professor help!"

He went higher and higher until he lost control of the broom and a load crack could be heard all over the field

"Yep definitely broke, no one is allowed to fly while I escort Neville to nurse or else there shall be consequences"

Everything was quite for a moment for I picked up something shiny and handed it to Draco confused

"Look longbottom got a rembrall" the Slytherins along with myself giggled Draco mounted his broom and hovered "how pathetic"

Potter was glaring at Draco "give it here Malfoy or I'll know you off your broom"

Draco snarled "Id like to see you try potter"

They began flying and chasing each other until professor Mcgonagall appeared and Draco swiftly got off the broom and hid beside me

"Mr.Potter please follow me"

"But pr-"

"No buts"

And with that they left and madam hooch resumed the class

"Miss Robinson" I look up to see none other than professor Snape standing next to me

"Yes professor?"

"I would like you to come to my office later on this evening before dinner if possible, I nod my head "of course professor"

He leaves as quickly as he arrives and I continue with my studying, Knocking on his door i hear a 'come in'

"You wanted to see me sir"

"Yes I wanted to congratulate you on receiving the highest score on the test today and I just wanted to ask if you do all your studying yourself without professional help?"

I nod "yes sir I learned everything I know about potions myself, father always taught me to be prepared for anything so once I received my books I did pre-study" I admitted

"That was rather smart, I may need you at a later date to tutor Mr.Potter"

I nod "yes sir is that all?"

He nodded "tell your mother and father I said hello but that is all"

Turning I exit the potions class and make my way to the hall where Draco and all were waiting. Making my way to the Slytherin table I take my usual spot next to Draco and I eat my dinner

Word count:1369

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