
De Cynaris

7.4K 746 3.1K

To those who don't get the point. Mais

Big Secret #1
Revelation, m*****f*ckers
Your chapter suggestion
Big Secret #2
Big Secret #3
Big Secret #4
Things I can do better than you
Things I can actually do better than you
How to scam Wattpad for reads
How to upgrade your book - a step by step guide
Wattpad debates
Politeness and Formality
How to successfully approach life, condensed in a single meme
Pro tip for when you're bored
Does pineapple go on pizza?
Big Secret #5
Unanswerable question
Is LGBT-and-so-on sin?
The "parental advisory - explicit content" moral code
True beauty comes from within
So today, I tried to report Wattpad for manslaughter
I found the Rick of our universe
This is how Lvl 1 conspiracy works
What if Rorschach didn't give himself the L for reasons that make me -.-?
Visits of relatives be like - by NoLuckManNoLuck (not me)
I am devastated.
Chapter to calm down
Proof that Wattpad tries to brainwash people
Request to all chickem out there
Mental lag (no words, just idiocy. interpret at your own leisure.)
In memory of George C.
Not a weird flex
This is how Lvl 15 hitman conspiracy works
How not to sarcasm
Sell-out Sick Bros Unite
So today, Jehova's Witnesses came over and I.exe malfunctioned a lot
Looks deep, is trivial
Looks trivial, is deep
Proof that Wattpad tries to brainwash people (part 2)
Life, when being told that first impressions count
2 am question, you know how this goes
Poetry except you actually want to read it
Splatoon 2: Endgame
Levels Of Understanding Reality *
Top 3 dumbest philosophy ideas
This is to you. You may understand someday.
Ok guys, I was wrong
The real reason you do not want to be famous
The ultimate edgelord cringe challenge
So today, I decided to showcase my ineptitude at poetry analysis
Writing stories
Unrelated sidenote
Ah yes
Some confessions for fun
The difference between creativity and intelligence
The relationship of creativity and intelligence
A meme-fueled rage
Top 5 reasons why it is wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon
Message from the deep space of internet
All reasons why Tai Lopez isnt best mem
What you think goes on in my head
What actually goes on in my head
How to recognise a quality meme - a cheap guide
What if I told you
Introducing StOrY nOteS - Proof that Wattpad tries to brainwash people (Part 3)
Explosion boi overrated
Baba is you
Why are people getting excited over what a calendar says
So today, I got co-co captain of a cult
Highly disjointed 3am talk about people cause why not
10 reasons why the alpha male nonsense is even more stupid than already known
Want to rewrite a world?
"Experience is the best teacher" yeah no
So today, I appointed myself as king of the furries
Cyberbullying for everyone!
Why relationships are pointless and you should just stay single forever
I'm annoyed of deep reposts so let's do a shallow one
A small assortment of my family's low-IQ plays
I did it!
Nights are for sleeping
Stronk femahle charaktrs
Top 10 best mayle chorcterz
Todd 10 mmeaöl chxtres paaart 2 for 1$
L A M B O R G H I N I (I forgot to spam that word last chapter)
When Shaggy was your battery all along
Top 10 materials to use as toilet paper in the post-apocalypse
Reminder that pugs exist

Revelation, m******f*ckers

219 22 29
De Cynaris

Mother is spelled with 6 letters, not 7.

Congrats. You're average. Pay some more attention to spelling.

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