Bughead One shots

By PopsChocklitShop67

119K 2.1K 356

Bughead One shots More

The tattoo
The Pep assembly
7 minutes
Truth or Dare
new girl
Movie Night
The Cinema
Mystery Roses
Morning Run
Visiting hours
My family is worth protecting
Serpents? Here?
Mistakes were made
Jail birds
Sweet bickering
Crazy little thing called love
Flowers Shop
Black Hoods
not an update
Laser tag
Friends wedding
Shower malfunction
Tol and Smol
Shopping trips
The Ending
New One-shots

Gym Class

2.1K 44 2
By PopsChocklitShop67

Song by: Falling In Reverse
Bad Girls Club
I'm going to start putting the song I'm listening to whilst writing the particular chapter it most likely not relate to the part.

Betty's POV

I walked in to school wearing this outfit

Ever since Juggie and I have started dating (secretly I might add) I have developed a much better style that "complements my shape" more as Veronica says.

I went to my locker and got my stuff and headed to my first period which I had with Juggie and V.

I sat down in my assigned seat which just so happens to be next to Veronica.

I set my phone on my desk and started to pull my notebook to start writing all my notes down.

Archie and Veronica came in about 5 minutes later followed by Jughead.

Jughead turned to me as i smiled at him and he returned the smile with a wink.

"Hey B" Veronica said as she sat down as Archie went to sit next to Jughead.

"Hi V" I said returning to my notes.

Maybe not even 5 minutes into my note taking my phone vibrates on to the table.

Veronica looked at it and turned to me with a shocked expression. "Betty who is "babe"?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Um my boyfriend" I said picking up my phone.

"B when did you tell me you had a boyfriend?" She asked in a questioning tone.

"I didn't" I replied in simple tone as she turned her head to the board in disgust.

I unlocked my phone and looked at the text that said...

Jughead is Babe and Betty is Baby

Babe: Hey Baby what's up?

Baby: nothing much how about you

Babe: nothing can't stop thinking about you though

Baby: awww that's sweet of you but you have to take your notes

Babe: But I don't WaaaaaaaaaaNNaaaaaaaaaa

Baby: I'm sorry but you have too also Vs mad at me for not telling her i had a boyfriend

Babe: oooofers welp she's gonna be even more pis$ed when she finds out who it is along with Archie

Baby: yeah we should tell them soon don't you think?

Babe: IDK if you want to we can

Baby: well even if we loose our best friends we'll still have each other 😀

Babe: yuppers 😀

The bell rang and we all packed up our stuff and headed to our second period. The 'core four' as some would call Arch V juggie and i all had gym so we headed to the locker rooms together.

We all got dressed and went into the gym to see volleyball nets.

"YESSSSSS!!!" V and i screamed grabbing the attention of the boys on the other side of the gym.

*time skip*

V and I were on the same team facing arch and Juggie.

I set the ball to v as she spiked on to jugheads head.

"What the hell V?" I yelled going under the net to jughead.

"Oh he'll be fine leave him be." She said laughing with the rest of the vixens minus Cheryl and Toni.

"Shut up you psycotic bitch that's my boyfriend" I yelled back at her.

"What you're dating that serpent scum?" She asked snickering.

"At least my boyfriend doesn't slut it up with at least half the schools female inhabitants." I said causing both teams to laugh, Juggie the hardest.

"C'mon jug let's get you to the nurse" i said helping him up.

"So i guess that means we're in the market for new friends." He said as we left.

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