Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dan...

By Vicky16Glossy

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three Pt.1
Chapter Three Pt.2
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (Janet Chapter)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Six

68 2 0
By Vicky16Glossy

Ariana Grande as Bianca

(Vicky's POV)

Bianca and I assisted Nadia through the crowd of people towards her new crush. Ever since the day we went to the mall, she wouldn't stop talking about him. His eyes, his hair, the way his muscles pop out from under his shirt, and let's not forget his sexy "mocha latte" skin.

I for one think that it's great that she's starting to trust guys again. Ever since her huge breakup drama with her last boyfriend ended, she had sworn off boys for a while. Have you ever had a girl say that she would cut boys out of her life and focus on the important stuff? Then a second later they turn around and see "the love of their life" walk by? Yeah, that is definitely not Nadia. Many boys have asked her out and she has turned all of them down.

"I want a moment where I look up and he's there looking right back at me," she's told me once. "I want it to be like every cheesy chick flick that has ever been in the theatre"

We were drawn to a crowd of kids circling around a certain spot in the living room. We walked in and pushed our way through the sweaty bodies. Tristan was on a stool with a guitar in his hand.

"Okay everyone I'll sing," he said trying to quiet everyone down. "But I need someone to sing with me"

Bianca and I looked over at each other and thought the exact same thing. So we both nudged Nadia to the front so that Tristan could see her. And turned our heads when she glared back at us.

Tristan looked up at Nadia and had a huge smile on his face, "You know Don't by--"

"Ed Sheeran?" Nadia interrupted him. "By heart"


He strummed the first few chords of the song and began singing. Their voices blended in perfect harmonization. It was like they were meant to sing together.

Everyone started to cheer, while Nadia turned bright red. The crowd of kids separated and Bianca and I left the two lovebirds to talk.

Bianca and Dejan had gone off somewhere thirty minutes after and Dominic was nowhere to be found. And he wasn't answering his phone. It isn't like him to not answer. I don't want to turn into those crazy, stoker girlfriend types. He's probably having fun for once, maybe I should too.

"You look lost," a male voice said.

"Oh Nicholas, how are you?"

Be cool, he's just a guy. A really hot guy with beautiful blonde hair, perfect features and a body to match. And why do I get the sudden urge to rip off his clothes and feel every inch of his body? Why am I thinking this way? I never think this way. 

"Where's Dominic?" he asked. "Becky tells me that you two are inseparable"

"Well, I guess he had other plans tonight. By the way, where is Becky?"

"Her and Dominic went upstairs half an hour ago," he pointed towards the spiral staircase. "I guess they never came down since then"

I cocked my head and stared at the stairs, "I thought he hated Becky, he even complained how much he didn't want to go to the studio this morning to teach her class"

"Then why did he go?" Nicholas asked sitting on a couch. "If I hate someone, I do everything I can to avoid them"

I looked down at my hands and sat down next to him on the couch. I was thinking of every horrible thing that could be happening up there. The thought of them in the same room together doing God knows what.

"So what class are you hoping to get into?" he asked me. 

I turned my head back to him, "Excuse me?"

"Wait let me guess. Your arms are strong but not big enough to be a hip-hop dancer, you're wearing closed-toed heels so that means that your feet have bruises all over them, and you're sitting upright instead of're either ballet or contemporary"

"Both," I slightly smiled. "I do a little hip hop on the side"

"Let me guess again," he moved closer. " You know for sure that Dominic will be in that class and you want to be with him"

"I'm not the best hip-hop dancer in the world, but he's my partner. In dance and in life"

"You shouldn't live your life connected to a guy," he said leaning closer to me. "Besides contemporary won't be all bad. I'll be there if that helps anything"

''Well it would be an honor to work with you," we both laughed.

I spent the whole night talking to him. It was nice to hear about something other than what's happening in my life. I completely forgot that I was at a party. I even forgot about Dominic for a second. Or even why I was worried about him being alone with another girl upstairs.

I knew that it was wrong to think of these deep thoughts about Nicholas, but he had a certain persuasion to him. Like he was seducing me without even trying. And it was working.

His eyes were different from Dominic's. Dominic's eyes were blue and filled with light, but Nicholas' was this light brown that can hypnotize you. 

"We're being watched," he said still looking at me.

"By who?"

"Your friends with the matching jackets," he smiled and placed a hand on his chin. "I can feel them burning a hole in the side of my head"

"The Rangers don't like that I'm talking to another guy," I said. "They're just being protective"

"They're good friends," he stood up and offered me a hand. "I have to leave anyway, got to get ready for auditions on Tuesday"

"Oh my God, I completely forgot about that!" I was too busy with moving to California and everything else to even start any choreography.

"If you want, I can help you with a few moves...maybe give you some ideas"

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Meet me at the park next to the university at eleven"

He walked out of the room before I could even give him an answer. The minute he stepped out, I turned over to look at the Rangers. They all pretended that they were doing something else and separated into other parts of the house.

I checked the time on my phone and it read that it was two-thirty in the morning.

When the party was over, we all said our goodbyes and headed towards our cars. The Rangers walked behind Dominic and me so that we could talk. But sadly our awkward silence had continued. We held hands but that was the only contact that we made until we got to his Mustang.

"So how was your night?" he started.

"It was about you?"


This felt like we haven't seen each other in months and we're meeting again for the first time. It's only been a couple of hours. How can we no longer have anything to say to each other? The car ride home, the walk to the house, and us laying next to each other in the same bed that night. Just staring at one another was awkward.

What has happened all of a sudden to our relationship? Where has the spark gone?

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