In The Middle (Prinxiety)

By crystalwolf125

150K 4.7K 3.7K

No one really knows what Anxiety's deal is. But there seems to more than meets the eye. None of these images... More

Anxiety Strikes-One
Are there more?-Two
Is Anxiety Okay?-Three
Over Heard Singing-Seven
Valentine's Day (Part 2)-Ten
Horrible Memories-Eleven
Why him?-Twelve
Dream Walking-Fourteen
Losing My Motivation-Fifteen
Logan Knows-Sixteen
Why He Listens and Planning-Seventeen
Anxiety And Depression-Eighteen
Devils and Angels-Twenty One
Where's Virgil-Twenty Two
Anxiety!-Twenty Three
Alone Again-Twenty Four
Death?-Twenty Five
Singing-Twenty Six
Q&A-Twenty Seven
Blood and Poison-Twenty Eight
A Date?-Twenty Nine
Remy's Here!-Thirty One
Anxiety's Leaving-Thirty Two
Stop Please!-Thirty Three
Alright In the End- Thirty Four
Slow Recovery-Thirty Five
Looking Up-Thirty Six
Second Book!

Valentine's Day (Part 1)-Nine

4.8K 165 113
By crystalwolf125

Patton's POV

"Well... That was something interesting kiddo. I- uh... I hope you enjoyed tonight." I say awkwardly.

"It was indeed pleasurable." Logan concludes.

"Well! Don't forget everyone Valentine's Day is in two days!" I exclaim. Anxiety scoffs as I say this, but I shake it off and jump around like a puppy dog. Roman glares at the dark trait but soon goes back to scrolling on his phone.

"Oh yeah." Thomas shoots up, "I need to talk to Princey for a bit."

Princey nods and gets up, as does Thomas. They both leave saying their good-byes.

"See Anxiety, that wasn't that bad was it?"

"I find weird fascination in things. Such as my song. I also took a liking to your reactions." Anxiety tells me flatly, getting up to head upstairs.

Virgil's POV

I stop on the first step when I hear Patton, "Would you guys like to watch a movie?"

"Like what movie?" I ask curiously, turning around to face them.

"Can we watch a Valentine's movie?!" Patton gushes. Logan agrees and I hold back a gag as I return back to my room. I let my wings free and the tips run into a few things and knock a few things down, but I don't mind much. Once my wings are outstretched and my fangs are showing I collapse onto one of my beanbags and allow myself to sleep.

I wake and hide my wings and fangs. Then I go apply my makeup as I know that Thomas will be making a video today instead of tomorrow.

"Approaching people is difficult." Thomas says to the camera. That's my cue and I hop straight in.

"That's an understatement."

"Oh Anxiety! Perfect. That settles it, I'm not going to approach anyone this year."

The dad persona pops up at that, "Now don't say that! It's still possible."

"Morality! Don't lie to him." I snark.

"Yeah, meeting people is hard!" Thomas than complains facing to look at Patton.

"Doesn't have to be." Logan says disapprovingly.

"Logic is right!" Roman declares. Just what I need, a royal figure to call me names today.

Everyone bickers for a few moments and I'm shocked when I see Valerie appear. That's when I tune in majorly.

"So explain to me how you would go about securing a date with Valerie for Valentine's Day." Thomas says to everyone.

"I've got an idea," I butt in, "Don't! Don't even try." 

"Now Anxiety if you don't want to participate you can just sit this one out." Patton tells me proudly.

"That's not exactly how I work."

Logan then starts with his attempt, which is ridiculous! Everyone adds input and Logan tries again.

"And then you continue to... talk, talk, talk until marriage and or copulation. That's the process." Logan defends himself.

"Yeah, if your life is a Sims game." I add. Logan tries to further prove his point by adding some more examples to the ridiculousness. 

I prove MY point further by saying how it would truly work. 

Than Roman proceeds to make his attempt, which turns out bad as he recites something from Shakespeare about an older man and a lying girl.

Next Patton does something weird. He reads off a letter than he wrote and it was interesting. Everyone makes there input and Patton beings to hug her. 

Roman then claims to have slain the dragon-witch controlling Valerie's life. It was pleasing yet disturbing. And then starts to speak SPANISH. 

I finally add some snarky input, offend Roman and Patton, and then quiet down.

"This whole thing is pointless!" I finally shout out, telling everyone my true feelings about this.

"Yes, we all already know you're point of view." Thomas snarks.

"Look, all I'm saying is this is just a waste of time. Psyching yourself out over cheap tactics that have never been useful to you before. I mean seriously Thomas, in any past relationships you've ever been in, haven't they always been best developed when you least expected them to?" Everyone looks surprised at my reasoning and I take a few unnoticed deep breaths.

"Huh," Thomas begins, "You actually have a... point."

"You were never actively searching for someone." Logan adds on.

Patton then joins in, "You met someone, got to know them casually, and then the feelings started there."

"Romance came about naturally." Roman finally added. This made me feel... special and understood, the way they were all actually considering my words.

I mutter something under my breath. I mean I wasn't truly trying to help, just add in my input. Just like the other sides could. Thomas overall agrees with me and everyone gets happy with his conclusion. Then we go through all the different types of love.

"I love you all so much!" Patton exclaims

Logan struggles to say it.

"You all are very handsome."

"Well that makes sense." Logan says.

"Just not as handsome as me." Roman concludes.

"That does not make sense."

"Well, it's just that you guys have glasses. Like nerds."

I stifle a small chuckle at that. This attracts Roman's attention, "What are you laughing about hot topic?"

"Awe, you think I'm hot." I tease deliberately. Roman blushes.

"Princey, tell us you love us. Now." Patton says slightly agitated and fatherly like.

"I love you." Roman mutters. Soon everyone turns to look at me.

"I don't know how you expect me to say it." I say, "You all took turns. Now you're all looking at me."

"Come on!" Patton says happily.

"Can it just be like, an understood thing?" I ask.

Patton gasps, "You're implying that you love us!"

"No." I protest.

"Look! His face is so red under that white foundation."

"I hate everything about this." I say and finally sink down. Once I reappear in my I let out a grunt of frustration.

"ANOTHER PLAN FOILED." I shout collapsing onto my bed. I soon look over to my name painted on the wall. No one has bothered me so I've let it be. I then look around at all of my other paintings. My first ever painting is easy to tell, as it doesn't look the most clean and the colors and designs I used clash and it makes it look bad. It's also the only crow painting I have on my walls, plus it's in a really bright purple for my taste so it stands out.

Then I get up and walk over to my desk. I open one of the drawers and grab a key out of the very back and head over to my closet. I next use to key to unlock the lock as I usually lock it when my friends aren't around. When the lock clicks open and falls to the floor, I open the one of the doors and walk inside.

When I get to the canvases in the back corner I shuffle through them. Crow, Bloody Crown, Wolf, Serial Killer I think to myself as I go through my already painted paintings to find a blank one. Once I do, I grab it and walk out of my closet. Only to lock the closet doors and hide the key away once again.

I then place my canvas in place and stare at it for a while. 

"What to paint?" I ask myself. Then a few minutes later I come up with an idea. Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I might aswell paint a heart. Just with my own spin.

I being to paint the basic outline of a cartoon heart in a saturated blood red. I then take a pencil and lightly sketch how I want to ruin it. Once I'm satisfied I start on my project.


I look at my wonderfully wicked painting.

(This is not my art. But this is what Virgil drew.)

I must have been painting all night as I can hear Patton calling my name.

"Heya kiddo. If you're awake would you like to come down for some good ol' Valentine's breakfast?" He asks me through the door.

I walk to the door and open it up, "Uh, yeah I guess so. Give me a minute."

"Alright. I'll be down stairs." I nod and he strides away. I quickly rush to get my usual black jacket on and head out the door.

By the time I make it downstairs, everyone is sitting at the table. Even Thomas. There are red and pink decorations everywhere and it makes me want to puke. I take my seat and I see that Patton has made us all heart-shaped pancakes with our choice of toppings. I got berries and banana slices on top of mine. Roman got bacon and eggs. Logan got syrup. Patton put chocolate chips on his. And Thomas eats his with butter and syrup.

I notice that Patton and Logan are sitting right next to each other instead of across from each other and they are giving one another a lot of useless attention. I honestly don't see the use in Valentine's Day.

"So!" Patton shouts, "Thomas you wanna tell them?" He asks cheekily poking at Thomas' side.

"Oh uhm yeah. I am going on a date today." Thomas admits.

Roman cheers, "I wonder if the lucky guy likes Disney! What if he loves preforming on stage aswell!"

"Well. He is one of the people I used to act with in high school. So there's that." Thomas explains.

"I just anticipate that he has an intellectual side. I will not put up with some incoherent bafoon."

"Now Logic. Don't be so condescending." Patton says shamefully.

"Yeah that's my job." I say casually getting a very stern and angry looks.

"Anxiety." Thomas says calmly, "Can you try to..."

"Yes, I can try my hardest to not bother you on this date. So I shall stay away." I say to answer Thomas then I go to eat a few of the berries on the side of my food. 

"Thank you. I really like this person."

"No problem." I clench my teeth and silently mutter, "I'm not always the bad guy." I glare at Roman and he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What happened between you two?" Patton asks noticing the discomfort.

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